40 resultados para Pig oocytes
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of vaccination against GnRH on performance traits, pig behaviour and acute phase proteins. A total of 120 pigs (36 non-castrated males, NCM; 36 males to be vaccinated, IM; 24 castratedmales, CM; and 24 females, FE)were controlled in groups of 12 in pens with feeding stations allowing the recording of individual feed intake. The two vaccinations (Improvac®) were applied at a mean age of 77 and 146 days. All pigswere individually weighed every 3 weeks from the mean ages of 74 to 176 days and backfat thickness (BT) and loinmuscle depth (LD) were also recorded ultrasonically. Twelve group-housed pigs for each treatment were video recorded during 2 consecutive days at weeks 9, 11, 20, 21, 23 and 25 of age to score the number of inactive or active pigs in each treatment group by scan sampling. Aggressive behaviour by the feeder and away from the feeder, and mounting behaviour was also scored by focal sampling. Blood samples from 12 NCM, 12 CM and 12 IM were taken to determine the concentration of circulating acute phase protein Pig-MAP atweeks 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 21 and 25 of age. After slaughter, the number of skin lesions on the left half carcasswas scored. IMpresented overall a higher growth rate and daily feed intake compared to NCM (Pb0.05),whereas their feed conversion ratios did not differ significantly. In comparison with CM, IM presented a better feed conversion ratio (Pb0.05), since their overall dailyweight gaindid not differ significantly, butIM ate less. Final leanmeat percentage of IM and CM was lower compared to that of NCM (Pb0.05). Activity, mounting and aggressive behaviour of NCM was higher than in IM, CM and FE after the second vaccination. Pig-MAP concentrationswere significantly elevated just after surgical castrationand after bothadministrations of the vaccine (Pb0.05), but concentrations subsequently decreased throughout time. Skin lesions of NCM were significantly higher compared to that of IM and FE (Pb0.05). The effects of vaccination were especially remarkable after the second dose, when the higher feed intake and lower activity of IM compared to NCMmight result in higher final body weight and more fat. Results from this study indicate that some welfare aspects such as a reduced aggression and mounting behaviour may be improved by vaccination against GnRH, together with productive benefits like adequate feed conversion ratio and daily weight gain.
La conciencia de los problemas asociados a la gestión de los residuos orgánicos y el interés por las oportunidades de su recuperación y valorización han ido tomando importancia en los últimos años, tanto en el campo de las deyecciones ganaderas como en el sector de las aguas residuales. Consecuentemente, las combinaciones tecnológicas que permitan cerrar los ciclos de los nutrientes y la recuperación energética han adquirido mayor importancia en la investigación así como en las nuevas normativas sectoriales. En este contexto se sitúa el trabajo realizado durante el periodo becado (octubre 2010 - noviembre 2011). En una primera etapa de estudio bibliográfico se identificaron i) el aumento de la eficiencia en el uso del nitrógeno en la agricultura y en la ganadería, ii) la reutilización del nitrógeno en los mismos ecosistemas agrícolas y iii) el tratamiento de las deyecciones para redistribuir el nitrógeno a zonas con poca disponibilidad, como las tres direcciones principales hacia las cuales se está focalizando el interés del sector agrícola. Se puso en marcha una planta piloto de stripping y absorción para estudiar la posibilidad de recuperar y valorizar el amoniaco presente en los purines en forma de solución amoniacal para la industria de fertilizantes. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron el rol fundamental de las características iníciales del substrato en el rendimiento global del proceso. En particular, elevados contenidos en materia orgánica resultaron en bajas eficiencias y en elevadas contaminaciones del producto obtenido. Finalmente, considerando sus potenciales ventajas tanto en la gestión de los residuos ganaderos como de las aguas residuales y focalizándose en las perdidas de nitrógeno se estudió un sistema descentralizado de separación de orina instalado en un centro de investigación. Los resultados preliminares permitieron caracterizar los principales procesos que ocurren en el sistema e identificar las posibles líneas futuras de investigación.
En aquest treball s’ha analitzat la relació estructura-funció dels enzims CPT1, o Carnitina palmitoïltransferasa 1, que catalitza la reacció de transesterificació dels àcids grassos de cadena llarga a acil-carnitines, per tal que puguin accedir a la matriu mitocondrial i ser oxidats. Aquest enzim es troba estrictament regulat per malonil-CoA, primer intermediari de la síntesi d’àcids grassos, establint-se així una regulació coordinada entre la formació i la degradació de grasses. S’han estudiat els tres isotips de CPT1 descrits fins al moment: CPT1A, CPT1B i CPT1C. Mitjançant l’expressió heteròloga de mutants de CPT1A de rata i CPT1B de porc en el llevat P. pastoris, s’ha estudiat l’efecte sobre la inhibició per malonil-CoA de petits canvis en la seva estructura, per tal de trobar una relació entre la seva funció enzimàtica i la disposició conformacional de la proteïna. Segons els resultats obtinguts, el residu Glu590 de CPT1A de rata estaria impedint la unió de l’inhibidor, mentre que el residu Met593 estaria afavorint aquesta unió. Els estudis amb l’enzim CPT1B de porc demostraren l’existència d’un determinant positiu per la sensibilitat al malonil-CoA en els primers 18 residus de la proteïna, i definiren la posició Glu17 com la responsable de l’alta afinitat a la carnitina i la baixa sensibilitat a la inhibició per malonil-CoA (8). Es clonà i caracteritzà la regió promotora del gen de CPT1C humana, amb la intenció d’analitzar la funcionalitat de putatius elements de resposta identificats in silico. Cap dels elements estudiats resultà ser funcional in vivo. A més, es demostrà que la manca d’activitat catalítica de la proteïna no és deguda a l’extensió C-terminal que presenta respecte els isotips A i B, tot i presentar un alt percentatge d’identitat de seqüència. S’ha amplificat una isoforma humana de CPT1C (Pubmed Acc. Num. AK299866), corresponent a la regió carboxiterminal de la proteïna, que es pretén utilitzar per obtenir el primer cristall de la part soluble d’una proteïna CPT1.
Background: Prolificacy is the most important trait influencing the reproductive efficiency of pig production systems. The low heritability and sex-limited expression of prolificacy have hindered to some extent the improvement of this trait through artificial selection. Moreover, the relative contributions of additive, dominant and epistatic QTL to the genetic variance of pig prolificacy remain to be defined. In this work, we have undertaken this issue by performing one-dimensional and bi-dimensional genome scans for number of piglets born alive (NBA) and total number of piglets born (TNB) in a three generation Iberian by Meishan F2 intercross. Results: The one-dimensional genome scan for NBA and TNB revealed the existence of two genome-wide highly significant QTL located on SSC13 (P < 0.001) and SSC17 (P < 0.01) with effects on both traits. This relative paucity of significant results contrasted very strongly with the wide array of highly significant epistatic QTL that emerged in the bi-dimensional genome-wide scan analysis. As much as 18 epistatic QTL were found for NBA (four at P < 0.01 and five at P < 0.05) and TNB (three at P < 0.01 and six at P < 0.05), respectively. These epistatic QTL were distributed in multiple genomic regions, which covered 13 of the 18 pig autosomes, and they had small individual effects that ranged between 3 to 4% of the phenotypic variance. Different patterns of interactions (a × a, a × d, d × a and d × d) were found amongst the epistatic QTL pairs identified in the current work.Conclusions: The complex inheritance of prolificacy traits in pigs has been evidenced by identifying multiple additive (SSC13 and SSC17), dominant and epistatic QTL in an Iberian × Meishan F2 intercross. Our results demonstrate that a significant fraction of the phenotypic variance of swine prolificacy traits can be attributed to first-order gene-by-gene interactions emphasizing that the phenotypic effects of alleles might be strongly modulated by the genetic background where they segregate.
Several studies over the last few years have shown that newly arising (de novo) mutations contribute to the genetics of schizophrenia (SZ), autism (ASD) and other developmental disorders. The strongest evidence comes from studies of de novo Copy Number Variation (CNV), where the rate of new mutations is shown to be increased in cases when compared to controls [23, 24]. Research on de novo point mutations and small insertion-deletions (indels) has been more limited, but with the development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, such studies are beginning to provide preliminary evidence that de novo single-nucleotide mutations (SNVs) might also increase risk of SZ and ASD [25, 26] Advanced paternal age is a major source of new mutations in human beings [27] and could thus be associated with increased risk for developing SZ, ASD or other developmental disorders. Indeed, advanced paternal age is found to be a risk factor for developing SZ and ASD in the offspring [28, 29] and new mutations related to advanced paternal age have been implicated as a cause of sporadic cases in several autosomal dominant diseases, some neurodevelopmental diseases, including SZ and ASD, and social functioning. New single-base substitutions occur at higher rates at males compared to females and this difference increases with paternal age. This is due to the fact that sperm cells go through a much higher number of cell divisions (~840 by the age of 50), which increases the risk for DNA copy errors in the male germ line [30] . By contrast, the female eggs (oocytes) undergo only 24 cell divisions and all but the last occur during foetal life. The aim of my project is to determine the parent-of-origin of de novo SNVs, using large samples of parent-offspring trios affected with schizophrenia (SZ). From whole exome sequencing of 618 Bulgarian proband-offspring trios affected, nearly 1000 de novo (SNVs or small indels) have been identified and from these, the parent-of-origin of at least 60% of the mutations (N=600) can be established. This project is contained in a main one that consists on the determination of the parental origin of different types of de novo mutations (SNVs, small indels and large CNVs).
Se llevó a cabo un experimento de 406 días en macetas para evaluar el nuevo inhibidor de la nitrificación, 3,4-dimetilpirazol fosfato (DMPP), añadido a purines de cerdo. Se utilizaron macetas que contenían tierra franca calcárea que fueron sujetas a los siguientes tratamientos: sin purín, 73,7; 147,3 y 221 cm3 de purín por maceta, todas con o sin tratamiento de DMPP. A los 18 días las macetas fueron sembradas con Lolium perenne L. El mayor rendimiento (36,3 g maceta-1) se obtuvo para el tratamiento con la dosis superior de purín y DMPP, siendo un 7,4% superior al mismo tratamiento sin inhibidor y un 46,1% superior al tratamiento control. Las plantas tratadas con dosis alta y mediana, más el DMPP, absorbieron el 70% del total del N durante la primera fase del experimento (104 días) mientras que sin inhibidor absorbieron el 55,3 y el 62% respectivamente. Se observó una reducción significativa del 17% en el N lixiviado en los tratamientos sin cultivo al aplicar DMPP. El inhibidor aumentó significativamente la eficiencia agronómica del purín (g materia seca g-1 N aplicado).
BACKGROUND: Selection for increasing intramuscular fat content would definitively improve the palatability and juiciness of pig meat as well as the sensorial and organoleptic properties of cured products. However, evidences obtained in human and model organisms suggest that high levels of intramuscular fat might alter muscle lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. We have analysed this issue by determining the transcriptomic profiles of Duroc pigs with divergent phenotypes for 13 fatness traits. The strong aptitude of Duroc pigs to have high levels of intramuscular fat makes them a valuable model to analyse the mechanisms that regulate muscle lipid metabolism, an issue with evident implications in the elucidation of the genetic basis of human metabolic diseases such as obesity and insulin resistance. RESULTS: Muscle gene expression profiles of 68 Duroc pigs belonging to two groups (HIGH and LOW) with extreme phenotypes for lipid deposition and composition traits have been analysed. Microarray and quantitative PCR analysis showed that genes related to fatty acid uptake, lipogenesis and triacylglycerol synthesis were upregulated in the muscle tissue of HIGH pigs, which are fatter and have higher amounts of intramuscular fat than their LOW counterparts. Paradoxically, lipolytic genes also showed increased mRNA levels in the HIGH group suggesting the existence of a cycle where triacylglycerols are continuously synthesized and degraded. Several genes related to the insulin-signalling pathway, that is usually impaired in obese humans, were also upregulated. Finally, genes related to antigen-processing and presentation were downregulated in the HIGH group. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that selection for increasing intramuscular fat content in pigs would lead to a shift but not a disruption of the metabolic homeostasis of muscle cells. Future studies on the post-translational changes affecting protein activity or expression as well as information about protein location within the cell would be needed to to elucidate the effects of lipid deposition on muscle metabolism in pigs.
En aquest treball s'avalua la rehabilitació dels talussos d'una explotació minera carbonífera utilitzant materials de rebuig de la pròpia explotació i provinents d'activitats ramaderes (purins de porc) o urbanes (llots de depuradora), en un ambient àrid del Baix Segre. Les variables analitzades foren el tipus i recobriment vegetals, la penetromia i la salinitat del substrat, i la salinitat, els nitrats i els sediments dels efluents. Els resultats indiquen que és possible rehabilitar els runams en aquests medis, assolint recobriments vegetals fins al 50 % sense que se'n derivin efectes ambientals negatius importants. Taxes altes puntuals d'erosió poden controlar-se amb un disseny adient dels talussos. L'aplicació superficial de purí no té efectes antiencrostants. La moderada salinitat dels substrats condiciona l'establiment de vegetació halòfila.
Background: Recent studies in pigs have detected copy number variants (CNVs) using the Comparative Genomic Hybridization technique in arrays designed to cover specific porcine chromosomes. The goal of this study was to identify CNV regions (CNVRs) in swine species based on whole genome SNP genotyping chips. Results: We used predictions from three different programs (cnvPartition, PennCNV and GADA) to analyze data from the Porcine SNP60 BeadChip. A total of 49 CNVRs were identified in 55 animals from an Iberian x Landrace cross (IBMAP) according to three criteria: detected in at least two animals, contained three or more consecutive SNPs and recalled by at least two programs. Mendelian inheritance of CNVRs was confirmed in animals belonging to several generations of the IBMAP cross. Subsequently, a segregation analysis of these CNVRs was performed in 372 additional animals from the IBMAP cross and its distribution was studied in 133 unrelated pig samples from different geographical origins. Five out of seven analyzed CNVRs were validated by real time quantitative PCR, some of which coincide with well known examples of CNVs conserved across mammalian species. Conclusions: Our results illustrate the usefulness of Porcine SNP60 BeadChip to detect CNVRs and show that structural variants can not be neglected when studying the genetic variability in this species.
The 3,4-dimethyilpyirazole phosphate (DMPP), commercialized as Entec, is a nitrification inhibitor developed by BASF (Germany) that may help to minimize N losses and to obtain a higher profit from N fertilizers. A two-year field trial was established in 2001 in the Northeast of Spain to assess the effects of DMPP on N use efficiency (NUE) and to determine the economic returns. Seven treatments have been carried out comparing the effect of DMPP on pig slurry and on mineral fertilizers. The application of DMPP resulted in better efficiency indexes on mineral fertilizers. An apparent nitrogen recovery of 0.465 kg kg-1, on average, was obtained for the Entec treatment. A net benefit of € 809 ha-1, on average, was obtained for the Entec treatment compared with € 607 ha-1 for the control treatment. The results of this study suggest that the nitrification inhibitor could improve farmer profit in irrigated wheat on a calcareous soil.
En este trabajo se analiza el efecto de la selección de datos sobre las estimaciones de heredabilidad. Se estimó el valor de heredabilidad del tamaño de camada en una población porcina en la que los datos correspondientes a las cerdas más viejas eran una muestra seleccionada. Las estimaciones se obtuvieron usando distintos conjuntos de datos derivados de toda la información disponible. Esos conjunto de datos se compararon evaluando su capacidad predictiva. Se vio que las estimaciones de heredabilidad obtenidas utilizando todos los datos disponibles correspondían a valores infraestimados. También se simuló un carácter materno y se generó un conjunto de datos seleccionados eliminando aquellos correspondientes a las hembras sin padres conocidos. Distintos modelos, habitualmente empleados cuando no existe selección de registros, se consideraron para estimar el valor de heredabilidad. Los resultados mostraron que ninguno de esos modelos ofrecía estimaciones insesgadas. Sólo los modelos que tenían en cuenta el efecto de la selección sobre la media residual y la media y varianza genéticas ofrecían estimaciones poco sesgadas. Sin embargo, para poder aplicarlos se debe conocer la selección realizada. El problema de la selección de datos es difícil de abordar cuando se desconoce cual es el proceso de selección que se ha realizado en una población.
Con datos procedentes de poblaciones de campo (37.920 partos porducidos en granjas de selección y 95.240 partos producidos en granjas de producción) se ha analizado la influencia de la edad al primer parto, de la duración de la lactación, de la duración del intervalo destete-cubrición fértil y del tipo de cubrición fértil sobre el número de lechones nacidos vivos por parto (NV). Además, utilizando datos simulados se ha evaluado el interés de considerar estos factores de manejo en el modelo de evaluación genética para NV. Los factores de manejo analizados influyen de forma significativa (P < 0,05) sobre NV, en magnitud y sentido similar en las poblaciones de selección y de producción. Mediante simulación se comprueba que omitir la influencia de los factores de manejo anteriores en el modelo de evaluación genética no interfiere en la respuesta a la selección, aunque puede conducir a la obtención de predictores sesgados del valor genético.
La evaluación de la sostenibilidad en modelos de producción porcina en Cataluña (España), mediante el análisis multicriterio, se estructura en dos partes. Una primera de establecimiento del marco de análisis donde, de forma participativa, se fijan los criterios de evaluación, sus indicadores y las escalas de evaluación. En la segunda se implementa la metología expuesta para evaluar la sostenibilidad de tres modelos productivos y detectar posibles conflictos entre los diferentes grupos de interés. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que desde el punto de vista de la sostenbilidad, en base a los criterios considerados y bajo distintas opciones de robustez, el modelo productivo más sostenible es el ecológico, seguido del familiar y, en último puesto, el del modelo denominado de integración. En cuanto a la formación de coaliciones se observa que hay un importante grupo de actores que apuestan, en primer lugar, por el modelo de integración. Los anteriores resultados avalan la necesidad de potenciar modelos intermedios entre el ecológico y el de integración. Una opción conciliadora, entre las existentes, podría ser el tipo familiar, aplicando algunas mejoras en el manejo si se quieren satisfacer plenamente los requerimientos de sostenibilidad.
There is growing public concern about reducing saturated fat intake. Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) is the lipogenic enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of oleic acid (18:1) by desaturating stearic acid (18:0). Here we describe a total of 18 mutations in the promoter and 3′ non-coding region of the pig SCD gene and provide evidence that allele T at AY487830:g.2228T>C in the promoter region enhances fat desaturation (the ratio 18:1/18:0 in muscle increases from 3.78 to 4.43 in opposite homozygotes) without affecting fat content (18:0+18:1, intramuscular fat content, and backfat thickness). No mutations that could affect the functionality of the protein were found in the coding region. First, we proved in a purebred Duroc line that the C-T-A haplotype of the 3 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (g.2108C>T; g.2228T>C; g.2281A>G) of the promoter region was additively associated to enhanced 18:1/18:0 both in muscle and subcutaneous fat, but not in liver. We show that this association was consistent over a 10-year period of overlapping generations and, in line with these results, that the C-T-A haplotype displayed greater SCD mRNA expression in muscle. The effect of this haplotype was validated both internally, by comparing opposite homozygote siblings, and externally, by using experimental Duroc-based crossbreds. Second, the g.2281A>G and the g.2108C>T SNPs were excluded as causative mutations using new and previously published data, restricting the causality to g.2228T>C SNP, the last source of genetic variation within the haplotype. This mutation is positioned in the core sequence of several putative transcription factor binding sites, so that there are several plausible mechanisms by which allele T enhances 18:1/18:0 and, consequently, the proportion of monounsaturated to saturated fat.
Reproductive traits play a key role in pig production in order to reduce costs and increase economic returns. Among others, gene expression analyses represent a useful approach to study genetic mechanisms underlying reproductive traits in pigs. The application of reverse-transcription quantitative PCR requires the selection of appropriate reference genes, whose expression levels should not be affected by the experimental conditions, especially when comparing gene expression across different physiological stages.