51 resultados para PAIR
We explore which types of finiteness properties are possible for intersections of geometrically finite groups of isometries in negatively curved symmetric rank one spaces. Our main tool is a twist construction which takes as input a geometrically finite group containing a normal subgroup of infinite index with given finiteness properties and infinite Abelian quotient, and produces a pair of geometrically finite groups whose intersection is isomorphic to the normal subgroup.
We describe a method for determining the minimal length of elements in the generalized Thompson's groups F(p). We compute the length of an element by constructing a tree pair diagram for the element, classifying the nodes of the tree and summing associated weights from the pairs of node classifications. We use this method to effectively find minimal length representatives of an element.
We consider collective choice problems where a set of agents have to choose an alternative from a finite set and agents may or may not become users of the chosen alternative. An allocation is a pair given by the chosen alternative and the set of its users. Agents have gregarious preferences over allocations: given an allocation, they prefer that the set of users becomes larger. We require that the final allocation be efficient and stable (no agent can be forced to be a user and no agent who wants to be a user can be excluded). We propose a two-stage sequential mechanism whose unique subgame perfect equilibrium outcome is an efficient and stable allocation which also satisfies a maximal participation property.
El present projecte de fi de carrera té com a objectiu principal el desenvolupament d’un servei criptogràfic per a la plataforma JADE, perquè es puguin implementar agents mòbils autoprotegits. Aquest objectiu s’ha aconseguit dotant les plataformes amb un parell de claus asimètriques i facilitant a l’agent funcions que utilitzen la clau privada de la plataforma entre un gran ventall de funcions criptogràfiques diferents.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte ha estat generalitzar i integrar la funcionalitat de dos projectes anteriors que ampliaven el tractament que oferia el Magma respecte a les matrius de Hadamard. Hem implementat funcions genèriques que permeten construir noves matrius Hadamard de qualsevol mida per a cada rang i dimensió de nucli, i així ampliar la seva base de dades. També hem optimitzat la funció que calcula el nucli, i hem desenvolupat funcions que calculen la invariant Symmetric Hamming Distance Enumerator (SH-DE) proposada per Kai-Tai Fang i Gennian Gei que és més sensible per a la detecció de la no equivalència de les matrius Hadamard.
El proyecto consiste en un entorno gráfico cuyo fin es el de visualizar, estudiar e interpretar la conservación de código genético existente entre los diferentes genomas. Una interface que permite cargar hasta ocho genomas para ser comparados en detalle, por pares o entre todos ellos a la vez. El gráfico que se muestra en la interfaz, representa los Maximal Unique Matchings entre cada par de genomas, lo que significa coincidencias de la mayor longitud posible no repetidas, en las secuencias de ADN de las especies comparadas. La finalidad es el estudio de las evoluciones que han ido apareciendo entre diferentes organismos o los genes que comparten unas especies con otras.
Este trabajo desarrolla el proceso de diseño e implementación de una interfaz web que permite la exploración en detalle de las relaciones entre genomas completos. La interfaz permite la comparación simultánea de nueve genomas, representando en cada gráfica las relaciones entre cada par de genomas junto los genes identificados de cada uno de ellos. Es capaz de trabajar con genomas del dominio Eukaryota y se adapta a la capacidad de cómputo de la máquina cliente. La información representada son MUMs (Maximal Unique Matching, secuencia máxima y única encontrada en ambos genomas) y SuperMUMs (agrupación de MUMs mediante Approximate String Matching). Los datos son previamente calculados y accesibles desde un servidor web.
This paper provides a natural way of reaching an agreement between two prominent proposals in a bankruptcy problem. Particularly, using the fact that such problems can be faced from two different points of views, awards and losses, we justify the average of any pair of dual bankruptcy rules through the definition a double recursive process. Finally, by considering three posible sets of equity principles that a particular society may agree on, we retrieve the average of old and well known bankruptcy rules, the Constrained Equal Awards and the Constrained Equal Losses rules, Piniles’ rule and its dual rule, and the Constrained Egalitarian rule and its dual rule. Keywords: Bankruptcy problems, Midpoint, Bounds, Duality, Recursivity. JEL classification: C71, D63, D71.
Construcció d’una aplicació amb un llenguatge de programació concurrent i distribuït anomenat Erlang. Erlang és un llenguatge de programació funcional amb avaluació estricta, és a dir, assignació única i que inclou una màquina virtual. L’aplicació desenvolupada ha estat la programació d’un xat multiprotocol, el qual s’ha realitzat una primera part que ha consistit en el construcció d’un servidor per la xarxa local i el seu corresponent client. Llavors per poder fer un client més funcional i útil s’ha implementat un altre protocol, IRC. Al tractar-se d’un llenguatge espacialment dissenyat per treballar en processos s’ha intentat dissenyar d’una manera la qual es pugés aprofitar aquesta qualitat
Partint de les definicions usuals de Mesures de Semblança Quàntica (MSQ), es considera la dependència d'aquestes mesures respecte de la superposició molecular. Pel cas particular en qnè els sistemes comparats siguin una molècula i un Àtom i que les mesures es calculin amb l'aproximació EASA, les MSQ esdevenen funcions de les tres coordenades de l'espai. Mantenint fixa una de les tres coordenades, es pot representar fàcilment la variació del valor de semblança en un pla determinat, i obtenir els anomenats mapes de semblança. En aquest article, es comparen els mapes de semblança obtinguts amb diferents MSQ per a sistemes senzills
A cultivation-independent approach based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified partial small subunit rRNA genes was used to characterize bacterial populations in the surface soil of a commercial pear orchard consisting of different pear cultivars during two consecutive growing seasons. Pyrus communis L. cvs Blanquilla, Conference, and Williams are among the most widely cultivated cultivars in Europe and account for the majority of pear production in Northeastern Spain. To assess the heterogeneity of the community structure in response to environmental variables and tree phenology, bacterial populations were examined using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) followed by cluster analysis of the 16S ribosomal DNA profiles by means of the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means. Similarity analysis of the band patterns failed to identify characteristic fingerprints associated with the pear cultivars. Both environmentally and biologically based principal-component analyses showed that the microbial communities changed significantly throughout the year depending on temperature and, to a lesser extent, on tree phenology and rainfall. Prominent DGGE bands were excised and sequenced to gain insight into the identities of the predominant bacterial populations. Most DGGE band sequences were related to bacterial phyla, such as Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria, Nitrospirae, and Gemmatimonadetes, previously associated with typical agronomic crop environments
The contributions of the correlated and uncorrelated components of the electron-pair density to atomic and molecular intracule I(r) and extracule E(R) densities and its Laplacian functions ∇2I(r) and ∇2E(R) are analyzed at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and configuration interaction (CI) levels of theory. The topologies of the uncorrelated components of these functions can be rationalized in terms of the corresponding one-electron densities. In contrast, by analyzing the correlated components of I(r) and E(R), namely, IC(r) and EC(R), the effect of electron Fermi and Coulomb correlation can be assessed at the HF and CI levels of theory. Moreover, the contribution of Coulomb correlation can be isolated by means of difference maps between IC(r) and EC(R) distributions calculated at the two levels of theory. As application examples, the He, Ne, and Ar atomic series, the C2-2, N2, O2+2 molecular series, and the C2H4 molecule have been investigated. For these atoms and molecules, it is found that Fermi correlation accounts for the main characteristics of IC(r) and EC(R), with Coulomb correlation increasing slightly the locality of these functions at the CI level of theory. Furthermore, IC(r), EC(R), and the associated Laplacian functions, reveal the short-ranged nature and high isotropy of Fermi and Coulomb correlation in atoms and molecules
A comparative systematic study of the CrO2F2 compound has been performed using different conventional ab initio methodologies and density functional procedures. Two points have been analyzed: first, the accuracy of results yielded by each method under study, and second, the computational cost required to reach such results. Weighing up both aspects, density functional theory has been found to be more appropriate than the Hartree-Fock (HF) and the analyzed post-HF methods. Hence, the structural characterization and spectroscopic elucidation of the full CrO2X2 series (X=F,Cl,Br,I) has been done at this level of theory. Emphasis has been given to the unknown CrO2I2 species, and specially to the UV/visible spectra of all four compounds. Furthermore, a topological analysis in terms of charge density distributions has revealed why the valence shell electron pair repulsion model fails in predicting the molecular shape of such CrO2X2 complexes
Charge transfer properties of DNA depend strongly on the π stack conformation. In the present paper, we identify conformations of homogeneous poly-{G}-poly-{C} stacks that should exhibit high charge mobility. Two different computational approaches were applied. First, we calculated the electronic coupling squared, V2, between adjacent base pairs for all 1 ps snapshots extracted from 15 ns molecular dynamics trajectory of the duplex G15. The average value of the coupling squared 〈 V2 〉 is found to be 0.0065 eV2. Then we analyze the base-pair and step parameters of the configurations in which V2 is at least an order of magnitude larger than 〈 V2 〉. To obtain more consistent data, ∼65 000 configurations of the (G:C)2 stack were built using systematic screening of the step parameters shift, slide, and twist. We show that undertwisted structures (twist<20°) are of special interest, because the π stack conformations with strong electronic couplings are found for a wide range of slide and shift. Although effective hole transfer can also occur in configurations with twist=30° and 35°, large mutual displacements of neighboring base pairs are required for that. Overtwisted conformation (twist38°) seems to be of limited interest in the context of effective hole transfer. The results may be helpful in the search for DNA based elements for nanoelectronics
We report experimental and numerical results showing how certain N-dimensional dynamical systems are able to exhibit complex time evolutions based on the nonlinear combination of N-1 oscillation modes. The experiments have been done with a family of thermo-optical systems of effective dynamical dimension varying from 1 to 6. The corresponding mathematical model is an N-dimensional vector field based on a scalar-valued nonlinear function of a single variable that is a linear combination of all the dynamic variables. We show how the complex evolutions appear associated with the occurrence of successive Hopf bifurcations in a saddle-node pair of fixed points up to exhaust their instability capabilities in N dimensions. For this reason the observed phenomenon is denoted as the full instability behavior of the dynamical system. The process through which the attractor responsible for the observed time evolution is formed may be rather complex and difficult to characterize. Nevertheless, the well-organized structure of the time signals suggests some generic mechanism of nonlinear mode mixing that we associate with the cluster of invariant sets emerging from the pair of fixed points and with the influence of the neighboring saddle sets on the flow nearby the attractor. The generation of invariant tori is likely during the full instability development and the global process may be considered as a generalized Landau scenario for the emergence of irregular and complex behavior through the nonlinear superposition of oscillatory motions