28 resultados para Neighbour disputes


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[spa] La política de Vecindad de la Unión Europea se acostumbra a interpretar como un instrumento de europeización forzada. Gracias a su fuerza de negociación, la Unión Europea impondría a sus vecinos su modelo económico y hasta político y social. Esta sin embargo no es la evidencia que se obtiene en el ámbito del comercio. En consonancia con el modelo teórico de relaciones exteriores desarrollado por varios investigadores bajo la dirección de Esther Barbé, observamos como, en el ámbito comercial, el modelo de relaciones entre la Unión Europea y cuatro países de la política de Vecindad puede ser tanto de europeización como también de internacionalización o de coordinación. El tipo de modelo aplicado viene condicionado, como asevera el marco teórico, por el cumplimiento de las condiciones necesarias que se requieren para que Europa imponga sus normas: legitimidad, incentivos y coherencia interna. Estas condiciones varían en función tanto del tema tratado como del país vecino.


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A l'educació, s'introdueixen uns processos d'investigació que duen a una diferent forma de veure-la. Aquesta pluralitat també genera disputes, visions diferents, corrents, tendències i fins a conflictes. En el camp del professorat existeix una distinció entre la investigació sobre el professorat i una investigació centrada en el professorat. Els dos tipus d'investigació (sobre i amb) han aportat diferents acostaments a l'àmbit educatiu que han suposat un coneixement més profund de l'acció del professorat. En aquesta pluralitat d'enfocaments teòrics i d'aproximacions metodològiques al cas del professorat, l'article agrupa en sis grans categories, cinc d'elles tenen com a centre, predominantment, la investigació sobre el professorat i una amb el professorat.


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Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is one of the most promising surveying techniques for rockslope characterization and monitoring. Landslide and rockfall movements can be detected by means of comparison of sequential scans. One of the most pressing challenges of natural hazards is combined temporal and spatial prediction of rockfall. An outdoor experiment was performed to ascertain whether the TLS instrumental error is small enough to enable detection of precursory displacements of millimetric magnitude. This consists of a known displacement of three objects relative to a stable surface. Results show that millimetric changes cannot be detected by the analysis of the unprocessed datasets. Displacement measurement are improved considerably by applying Nearest Neighbour (NN) averaging, which reduces the error (1¿) up to a factor of 6. This technique was applied to displacements prior to the April 2007 rockfall event at Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain. The maximum precursory displacement measured was 45 mm, approximately 2.5 times the standard deviation of the model comparison, hampering the distinction between actual displacement and instrumental error using conventional methodologies. Encouragingly, the precursory displacement was clearly detected by applying the NN averaging method. These results show that millimetric displacements prior to failure can be detected using TLS.


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Se dice que la huelga es un hecho natural en su fundamento que nace como reacción del ser humano ante determinados comportamientos que considera injustificados, perjudiciales para el o que simplemente no le gustan, y es por ello que la mayoría de doctos1 en la mate-ria concluyen que la huelga, no puede sin más, ser prohibida, pues las limitaciones legales no conseguirán eliminarlas de la vida laboral aunque se las podrá encauzar, condicionar a determinados requisitos, etc., pero cuantos más límites y frenos a su libre ejercicio se pon-gan, más vulneración existirá de la normativa reguladora.


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Como ya viene reconociendo la doctrina y los propios órganos del Estado desde hace bastantes años que la solución extrajudicial de los conflictos del trabajo tiene un papel trascendental y, por tanto, cada vez más decisiva para la paz social. Ello en buena parte es consecuencia de la crisis de los modelos clásicos de regulación laboral como sucede en otras disciplinas del dere-cho, sirviendo de ejemplo las crisis de la familia, las contiendas por arrendamientos urbanos y los de la propiedad horizontal, especialmente por la falta de agilidad y exceso de formalismo de los sistemas públicos basados únicamente en el poder que ostenta el Estado para solucionar las crisis sociales. La vía extrajudicial no excluye los mecanismos públicos de regulación laboral como son esencialmente los servicios de conciliación y arbitraje de la Administración y los tri-bunales, pero los complementa y alivia de su abultada carga. Es evidente que el mundo del tra-bajo en el aspecto social se ha vuelto muy complejo y ello requiere en la actualidad nuevas formas o métodos variados de solución de conflictos con procedimientos más flexibles, más rápidos y menos reglamentistas cuyo servicio se halle estructurado de forma autónoma y plu-ral sin la intervención directa de la Administración pública. La proximidad al individuo a los afectados resulta más efectiva, siendo los beneficiarios directos en este caso, los trabajado-res y los empresarios.


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L'any 385, Priscil·lià i la resta del grup priscil·lianista era condemnat a la ciutat de Trèveris i, fruit de la ingerència determinant de l'usurpador Magne Màxim, es convertia en el primer heretge ajusticiat pel poder secular en nom de l'Església. Els fets de Trèveris, per bé que van significar el final de la disputa entre dos grups amb posicions antagòniques vers les característiques del nou cristianisme institucionalitzat, no van aconseguir acabar amb el priscil·lianisme. El moviment perdurà, especialment a la província de la Gallaecia, i Priscil·lià va esdevenir venerat com màrtir. L'Església, mentrestant, es fracturava per culpa de la competència jurisdiccional entre la institució clerical i el poder imperial. Aquest treball intenta ser un estat de la qüestió respecte a la dimensió social d'un moviment que, més enllà de l'eterna discussió entre la seva possible catalogació com a ortodòxia o heterodòxia, intenta contextualitzar el priscil·lianisme en el seu marc històric i els convulsos anys de les transformacions de l'antiguitat tardana.


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Despite the progressive ageing of a worldwide population, negative attitudes towards old age have proliferated thanks to cultural constructs and myths that, for decades, have presented old age as a synonym of decay, deterioration and loss. Moreover, even though every human being knows he/she will age and that ageing is a process that cannot be stopped, it always seems distant, far off in the future and, therefore, remains invisible. In this paper, I aim to analyse the invisibility of old age and its spaces through two contemporary novels and their ageing females protagonists –Maudie Fowler in Doris Lessing ’s The Diary of a Good Neighbour and Erica March in Rose Tremain ’s The Cupboard. Although invisible to the rest of society, these elderly characters succeed in becoming significant in the lives of younger protagonists who, immersed in their active lives, become aware of the need to enlarge our vision of old age.


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Sembla evident que la qüestió socràtica -que en gran mesura depèn de la qüestió platònica des del moment que es fa difícil distingir entre el Sòcrates històric i el Sòcrates platònic- no està tancada del tot. De fet, sempre sorgiran hermenèutiques que reobriran el debat a l"entorn d"una figura com la de Sòcrates, mestre de la paraula que no va deixar res escrit, per la qual cosa només tenim fonts indirectes sobre la seva vida, pensament i acció pedagògica. Sobre Sòcrates no hi ha, doncs, documents sinó interpretacions de manera que la seva figura -certament simbòlica- romandrà oberta per sempre més. Al marge de disputes i controvèrsies, Sòcrates ha estat considerat un dels homes més savis d"Occident, per bé que del seu magisteri sempre oral només ens hagi quedat els records d"alguns dels seus deixebles -Plató, principalment- i les referències dels seus enemics -Aristòfanes, en primer terme- que inaugurava la línia antisocràtica.


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Conflicts are inherent to the human condition, as they are for all living beings. Disputes about resources or access to mating partners are among the most common causes of conflict. Conflict is herein defined as a struggle or contest between individuals or parties, and may involve a variety of aggressive behaviours. In humans, aggressiveness, violence and conflicts, including individual predisposal to conflict resolution, have traditionally been said to have deep cultural roots, but recent research in both neuroscience and genetics has shown the influence of genes on such complex behavioural traits. In this paper, recent data on the genetic aspects of these interrelated behaviours will be put together, including the effects of particular genes, the influence of stress and gender on gene regulation, and gene-environment interactions, all of which may influence biological predisposal to conflict resolution. Other genetically influenced behavioural aspects involved in conflicts and conflict resolution, such as sociability, will also be discussed. The importance of taking into account genetic and biological data to provide strategies for conflict resolution will be highlighted.


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Context. There are a number of very high energy sources in the Galaxy that remain unidentified. Multi-wavelength and variability studies, and catalogue searches, are powerful tools to identify the physical counterpart, given the uncertainty in the source location and extension. Aims. This work carries out a thorough multi-wavelength study of the unidentified, very high energy source HESS J1858+020 and its environs. Methods. We have performed Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations at 610 MHz and 1.4 GHz to obtain a deep, low-frequency radio image of the region surrounding HESS J1858+020. We analysed archival radio, infrared, and X-ray data as well. This observational information, combined with molecular data, catalogue sources, and a nearby Fermi gamma-ray detection of unidentified origin, are combined to explore possible counterparts to the very high energy source. Results. We provide with a deep radio image of a supernova remnant that might be related to the GeV and TeV emission in the region. We confirm the presence of an H ii region next to the supernova remnant and coincident with molecular emission. A potential region of star formation is also identified. We identify several radio and X-ray sources in the surroundings. Some of these sources are known planetary nebulae, whereas others may be non-thermal extended emitters and embedded young stellar objects. Three old, background Galactic pulsars also neighbour HESS J1858+020 along the line of sight. Conclusions. The region surrounding HESS J1858+020 is rich in molecular structures and non-thermal objects that may potentially be linked to this unidentified very high energy source. In particular, a supernova remnant interacting with nearby molecular clouds may be a good candidate, but a star forming region, or a non-thermal radio source of yet unclear nature, may also be behind the gamma-ray source. The neighbouring pulsars, despite being old and distant, cannot be discarded as candidates. Further observational studies are needed, however, to narrow the search for a counterpart to the HESS source.


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Changes in the angle of illumination incident upon a 3D surface texture can significantly alter its appearance, implying variations in the image texture. These texture variations produce displacements of class members in the feature space, increasing the failure rates of texture classifiers. To avoid this problem, a model-based texture recognition system which classifies textures seen from different distances and under different illumination directions is presented in this paper. The system works on the basis of a surface model obtained by means of 4-source colour photometric stereo, used to generate 2D image textures under different illumination directions. The recognition system combines coocurrence matrices for feature extraction with a Nearest Neighbour classifier. Moreover, the recognition allows one to guess the approximate direction of the illumination used to capture the test image


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Automobile bodily injury disputes represent one of the main causes of litigation faced by Spanish Courts. In this paper a multinomial model is implemented to analyse which factors determine the decision to appeal against the verdicts of trial courts. Use of a dataset of motor insurance claims revealed differences between the determinants of a claimant’s decision to appeal and those of insurers. Among other results it is shown that discrepancies regarding the permanent disability sustained affect the insurer’s decision to appeal. In contrast, the claimant pays more attention to differences in the stated temporary disability. Conclusions are drawn regarding which factors could reduce the percentage of appealed cases.