25 resultados para Historians, Byzantine.


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La serie editada por la Universidad de Murcia, especializada en trabajos sobre la antigüedad tardía y cristianismo, publica este nuevo libro que aborda la presencia de Bizancio en Hispania. Se trata de un tema de larga trayectoria historiográfica en la investigación histórica en España, que desde el estudio de M. Vallejo Girvés en 1993 se ha visto renovado y enriquecido con nuevas líneas interpretativas que persiguen la contextualización de las referencias aportadas por las fuentes escritas y, al mismo tiempo, la ampliación de las perspectivas de estudio con diversos argumentos de análisis, como es la discusión abierta en torno al componente social del proceso.


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La primera part d’aquest treball està dedicada a la caracterització dels fons personals de científics, analitzant-los com a fons personals d’una banda i com a fons de ciència de l’altra. Des d’ambdues vessants identifiquem unes característiques pròpies que els singularitzen dins d’aquestes tipologies generals, posen de manifest la seva fragilitat i a la vegada justifiquen la necessitat d’un tractament arxivístic diferenciat. Advocant per una col•laboració activa entre arxivers i historiadors de la ciència, a la segona part es proposen unes pautes per al tractament integral d’aquests fons particulars, des de la primera gestió de l’ingrés fins a la seva difusió, tenint-ne en compte les especificitats, les peculiaritats del context de producció científica i les diverses casuístiques que es poden donar en un fons d’aquestes característiques. Paraules clau: fons personals de científics, tractament arxivístic, tractament integral de fons, arxius en història de la ciència


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Aquest treball és un recull de les principals aportacions que diferents autors realitzen en torn del crèdit durant l’alta edat moderna a Catalunya, en especial al món agrari. Aquests són dos segles d’endeutament creixent on diferents despeses que durant els segles anteriors estaven previstes per l’economia familiar esdevenen motiu de crisis. Una característica clau d’aquest període també és la creixent diferenciació social i els canvis en el model productiu pagès que aquest procés va comportar.


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A menudo se acusa a los libros de texto escolares de transmitir una imagen falsa, peyorativa, de la Edad Media. Aunque semejantes reproches puedan parecer nuevos, las protestas contra la hostilidad a la Edad Media, que rechazan el tópico del oscurantismo medieval, han estado a la orden del día durante los dos últimos siglos. Sin embargo, es muy difícil encontrar en los modernos libros de historia nada que justifique la acusación de haber exagerado las tinieblas medievales. En general, los historiadores modernos, tanto liberales como socialistas, han mantenido una opinión favorable de las instituciones y la cultura medievales, llegando incluso a encomiar la obra de la Iglesia como resguardo de la civilización, pero sin ocultar sus aspectos irracionales y reaccionarios. Las acusaciones que Jacques Heers y Jeffrey Burton Russell dirigen contra una presunta falsificación de la historia medieval apuntan explícitamente contra la influencia del darwinismo y el anticlericalismo, lo cual nos pone sobre la pista de sus verdaderas motivaciones ideológicas.


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La historiografía del siglo XX, ha establecido una frontera geográfica, política y comercial entre el reino visigodo y los territorios bizantinos de la Península Ibérica que creemos debe ser matizada a la luz del análisis proporcionado por las fuentes literarias y arqueológicas. Los enclaves bizantinos de Hispania fueron muy limitados y ceñidos a la zona costera, hecho que impide hablar de extensos territorios y de un limes bien organizado.


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Between the mid-nineteenth century and the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Spain undertook a sustained process of economic growth and structural change, but was unable to converge with the core European economies.1 The reasons behind Spain"s failure to converge have been a subject of debate among historians for decades. 2 This dissertation aims to analyze the role played by infrastructure in Spanish economic growth during that period, and tries to find out to what extent the potential shortage or inadequacy of the Spanish infrastructure endowment was one of the factors to blame for the country"s nonconvergence. The dissertation draws on recent research on the economic impact of infrastructure, and on the numerous attempts to measure that impact which have been undertaken in the wake of David Aschauer"s work on the United States.


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The origin of Spanish regional economic divergence can be traced back at least until the seventeenth century, although its full definition took place during industrialisation. Historians have often included uneven regional infrastructure endowments among the factors that explain divergence among Spanish regions, although no systematic analysis of the spatial distribution of Spanish infrastructure and its determinants has been carried out so far. This paper aims at filling that gap, by offering a description of the regional distribution of the main Spanish transport infrastructure between the middle of the nineteenth century and the Civil War. In addition, it estimates a panel data model to search into the main reasons that explain the differences among the Spanish regional endowments of railways and roads during that period. The outcomes of that analysis indicate that both institutional factors and the physical characteristics of each area had a strong influence on the distribution of transport infrastructure among the Spanish regions.


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The city of Tarragona houses an important architectural heritage mainly from its past as ‘Tarraco’, capital of the Roman province of Hispania Citerior, but also from its medieval and late 19th century history. The archaeological ensemble of Tarraco was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000, but although many efforts have been devoted by archaeologists and historians to unveil and understand the history and aspect of the Roman city, many aspects remain unknown. This is largely caused by the absence of a coherent body of historiographical material, which is todays cattered across several institutions and, specially, the lack of precise and useful graphical representations of the remains and of the existing city that allows in-depth analysis and interpretations of future findings. In recent years, researchers from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Architecture School of the URV (ETSA) have teamed up to produce comprehensive, detailed graphic materials, including a new set of plans and sections of the old city, of the grandiose areas of representation of the Provincial capital, and of the hidden structures beneath the city’s surface. These have been executed with the latest technologies (fotogrammetry, laser scanning) but also with traditional methods (measurement, topography), on t op of a mixture of existing materials (hand-drafted cartography from municipal master plans) and of historical and archaeological documentation.


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The need to decode landscape meanings, the society- landscape interaction (intra- and inter-personal communication) and, more recently, the uses of landscape as a territorial sight linked to advertising communication, citymarketing or place branding (mass communication) highlights the study of landscape persuasion, which includes clear emotional, symbolic and, therefore, communicative aspects. The landscape, as a territory image or face, gathers the essence of the implicit message in the space, thus working as a great metaphor for city communication. Regarding the foregoing, specific communication research with intangible landscapes —together with the recent emergence of emotional geographies— suggests a new territorial message theory based on the union of geographical, landscape, emotional and communicational variables. Landscape has historically been studied by geographers, architects, historians or sociologists, among others researchers, but it has not been analysed from communicational viewpoints. In this sense, the proliferation of analyses highlighting the role played by the territory as a communication mediator in the interaction process between society and its spaces (cognition and/or perception) is also remarkable. Current sales of territorial identities lead to increases in the production of territory brands, which have gathered a noticeable relevance within the last years.