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Landscape classification tackles issues related to the representation and analysis of continuous and variable ecological data. In this study, a methodology is created in order to define topo-climatic landscapes (TCL) in the north-west of Catalonia (north-east of the Iberian Peninsula). TCLs relate the ecological behaviour of a landscape in terms of topography, physiognomy and climate, which compound the main drivers of an ecosystem. Selected variables are derived from different sources such as remote sensing and climatic atlas. The proposed methodology combines unsupervised interative cluster classification with a supervised fuzzy classification. As a result, 28 TCLs have been found for the study area which may be differentiated in terms of vegetation physiognomy and vegetation altitudinal range type. Furthermore a hierarchy among TCLs is set, enabling the merging of clusters and allowing for changes of scale. Through the topo-climatic landscape map, managers may identify patches with similar environmental conditions and asses at the same time the uncertainty involved.


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Entry regulations affecting professional services such as pharmacies are common practice in many European countries. We assess the impact of entry regulations on profits estimating a structural model of entry using the information provided by a policy experiment. We use the case of different regional policies governing the opening of new pharmacies in Spain to show that structural models of entry ought to be estimated with data from policy experiments to pin down how entry regulations change payoffs functions of the incumbents. Contrary to the public interest rationales, regulations are not boosting only small town pharmacies payoffs nor increasing all pharmacies payoffs alike. The gains from regulations are very unevenly distributed,suggesting that private interests are shaping the current mix of entry and markup regulations.


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The relationship between competition and performance-related pay has been analyzed in single-principal-single-agent models. While this approach yields good predictions for managerial pay schemes, the predictions fail to apply for employees at lower tiers of a firm's hierarchy. In this paper, a principal-multi-agent model of incentive pay is developed which makes it possible to analyze the effect of changes in the competitiveness of markets on lower tier incentive payment schemes. The results explain why the payment schemes of agents located at low and mid tiers are less sensitive to changes in competition when aggregated firm data is used. Journal of Economic Literature classiffication numbers: D82, J21, L13, L22. Keywords: Cournot Competition, Contract Delegation, Moral Hazard, Entry, Market Size, Wage Cost.


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En este proyecto se ha desarrollado estrategias de control avanzadas para plantas de depuración de aguas residuales urbanas que eliminan conjuntamente materia orgánica, nitrógeno y fósforo. Las estrategias se han basado en el estudio multivariable del comportamiento del sistema, que ha producido subsidios para la utilización de lazos de control feedforward, de control predictivo y de un control de costes que automáticamente enviaba las consignas más adecuadas para los controladores de proceso. Para el desarrollo de las estrategias, se ha creado un sistema virtual de simulación (simulador) de plantas de depuradoras, basado en datos de literatura. Para el caso de una planta real, se ha desarrollado un simulador de la planta de Manresa (Catalunya). Sin embargo, el sistema de Manresa se ha utilizado exclusivamente para auxiliar los ingenieros de la planta en la tomada de decisiones de cambio de configuración para que la eliminación de fósforo se dé por la ruta biológica y no por la ruta química. La implementación de los simuladores ha permitido hacer muchas pruebas que en una planta real demandarían mucho tiempo y consumirían muchos recursos energéticos y financieros. Las estrategias de control más elaboradas han podido ahorrar hasta 150.000,00 Euros por año en relación a la operación de la planta sin el control automático. Cuanto a los estudios del modelo de la planta real, se concluyó que la eliminación biológica de fósforo puede sustituir el actual proceso químico de eliminación de fósforo, bajando los costes operacionales (costes del agente precipitante).


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Motivated by the modelling of structured parasite populations in aquaculture we consider a class of physiologically structured population models, where individuals may be recruited into the population at different sizes in general. That is, we consider a size-structured population model with distributed states-at-birth. The mathematical model which describes the evolution of such a population is a first order nonlinear partial integro-differential equation of hyperbolic type. First, we use positive perturbation arguments and utilise results from the spectral theory of semigroups to establish conditions for the existence of a positive equilibrium solution of our model. Then we formulate conditions that guarantee that the linearised system is governed by a positive quasicontraction semigroup on the biologically relevant state space. We also show that the governing linear semigroup is eventually compact, hence growth properties of the semigroup are determined by the spectrum of its generator. In case of a separable fertility function we deduce a characteristic equation and investigate the stability of equilibrium solutions in the general case using positive perturbation arguments.


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the circumstances in which the process of competition between ports takes place in Spain − circumstances arising from the way the port system is currently set up and from the regulations governing it. The importance of this matter lies both in the fact that intensified competition between ports is the way to set about boosting the efficiency of the Spanish port sector and in the relevance of this business to the economies of the regions in which the ports are located. It is precisely for this reason that the reform instituted in 1992 aimed to combine balanced development of the national port system with the defence of the interests of autonomous regions. To this end the current regulatory framework provides for the possibility of port authorities drawing up their own competitive strategies, but makes their implementation conditional upon approval of their business plan by the Spanish state port authority. The latter body coordinates the national port system to ensure the guidelines set by the central government authorities are followed in the field of transport. However, the scale of the differences which exist among both the size of facilities and their relevant markets on the one hand, and the financial and economic circumstances of each of them on the other, suggest that each port authority's needs must be very different. Consequently, their competitive strategies must also be very different. It is therefore valid to ask whether coping with this diversity calls for different guidelines to regulate their freedom of action. Key words: Competition, regulation, port sector JEL classification numbers: L1, L5, L9


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En este trabajo se exploran los condicionantes sociológicos e institucionales del mercado del servicio doméstico en Europa. Para ello se trabajó, básicamente, en tres líneas de investigación que aun están en curso. La primera, consiste en una exploración filosófica republicana, histórica y jurídica de la familia y la empresa capitalistas como instituciones que tienen una raigambre histórica común –la antigua domus, donde se desarrollaban todas las actividades productivas y reproductivas y que se caracterizaba constitutivamente por relaciones de dominación entre el propietario de los medios de producción y todos aquéllos que dependían de éste para subsistir-. Bajo el capitalismo, la familia –entendida ya como el hombre, su mujer e hijos legítimos- se constituyó en una institución eminentemente privada y las actividades desarrolladas en su seno quedaron fuera de lo que se consideró trabajo susceptible de reconocimiento económico. En este sentido, la normativa que regula al servicio doméstico como una relación laboral de carácter “especial” es un reflejo de la desvalorización socioeconómica de que ha sido objeto el trabajo reproductivo y la asociación conceptual entre la “improductividad” del ama de casa y la empleada doméstica. En la segunda línea del trabajo se exploraron las variaciones cuantitativas del mercado del servicio doméstico en Europa, cuya trayectoria presenta una forma de U entre la década de 1880 y mediados de la década de 1990. También mediante el análisis de fuentes secundarias de datos se pudieron establecer las profundas diferencias regionales que ha comportado este resurgimiento del empleo en servicios domésticos y su peso dentro de la estructura de empleo de cada sociedad. Por último, en la tercera se indagó la fluctuación histórica y geográfica de la oferta de trabajadoras domésticas en Europa, que pasó de las migraciones internas a las internacionales, coincidiendo con periodos de fuerte desigualdad económica entre las zonas expulsoras y receptoras.


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General signaling results in dynamic Tullock contests have been missing for long. The reason is the tractability of the problems. In this paper, an uninformed contestant with valuation vx competes against an informed opponent with valuation, either high vh or low vl. We show that; (i) When the hierarchy of valuations is vh ≥ vx ≥ vl, there is no pooling. Sandbagging is too costly for the high type. (ii) When the order of valuations is vx ≥ vh ≥ vl, there is no separation if vh and vl are close. Sandbagging is cheap due to the proximity of valuations. However, if vh and vx are close, there is no pooling. First period cost of pooling is high. (iii) For valuations satisfying vh ≥ vl ≥ vx, there is no separation if vh and vl are close. Bluffing in the first period is cheap for the low valuation type. Conversely, if vx and vl are close there is no pooling. Bluffing in the first stage is too costly. JEL: C72, C73, D44, D82. KEYWORDS: Signaling, Dynamic Contests, Non-existence, Sandbag Pooling, Bluff Pooling, Separating


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This paper studies party discipline in a congress within a political agency framework with retrospective voting. Party discipline serves as an incentive device to induce office- motivated congress members to perform in line with the party leadership's objective of controlling both the executive and the legislative branches of government. I show fi…rst that the same party is more likely to control both branches of government (i.e., uni…ed government) the stronger the party discipline in the congress is. Second, the leader of the governing party imposes more party discipline under uni…ed government than does the opposition leader under divided government. Moreover, the incumbents' aggregate performance increases with party discipline, so a representative voter becomes better off. JEL classi…cation: D72. Keywords: Party discipline; Political agency; Retrospective voting; Office-motivated politicians.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Università degli studi di Siena, Italy , entre 2007 i 2009. El projecte ha consistit en un estudi de la formalització lògica del raonament en presència de vaguetat amb els mètodes de la Lògica Algebraica i de la Teoria de la Prova. S'ha treballat fonamental en quatre direccions complementàries. En primer lloc, s'ha proposat un nou plantejament, més abstracte que el paradigma dominant fins ara, per l'estudi dels sistemes de lògica borrosa. Fins ara en l'estudi d'aquests sistemes l'atenció havia recaigut essencialment en l'obtenció de semàntiques basades en tnormes contínues (o almenys contínues per l'esquerra). En primer nivell de major abstracció hem estudiat les propietats de completesa de les lògiques borroses (tant proposicionals com de primer ordre) respecte de semàntiques definides sobre qualsevol cadena de valors de veritat, no necessàriament només sobre l'interval unitat dels nombres reals. A continuació, en un nivell encara més abstracte, s’ha pres l'anomenada jerarquia de Leibniz de la Lògica Algebraica Abstracta que classifica tots els sistemes lògics amb un bon comportament algebraic i s'ha expandit a una nova jerarquia (que anomenem implicacional) que permet definir noves classes de lògiques borroses que contenen quasi totes les conegudes fins ara. En segon lloc, s’ha continuat una línia d'investigació iniciada els darrers anys consistent en l'estudi de la veritat parcial com a noció sintàctica (és a dir, com a constants de veritat explícites en els sistemes de prova de les lògiques borroses). Per primer cop, s’ha considerat la semàntica racional per les lògiques proposicionals i la semàntica real i racional per les lògiques de primer ordre expandides amb constants. En tercer lloc, s’ha tractat el problema més fonamental del significat i la utilitat de les lògiques borroses com a modelitzadores de (part de) els fenòmens de la vaguetat en un darrer article de caràcter més filosòfic i divulgatiu, i en un altre més tècnic en què defensem la necessitat i presentem l'estat de l'art de l'estudi de les estructures algèbriques associades a les lògiques borroses. Finalment, s’ha dedicat la darrera part del projecte a l'estudi de la complexitat aritmètica de les lògiques borroses de primer ordre.


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Actualmente existen muchas aplicaciones paralelas/distribuidas en las cuales SPMD es el paradigma más usado. Obtener un buen rendimiento en una aplicación paralela de este tipo es uno de los principales desafíos dada la gran cantidad de aplicaciones existentes. Este objetivo no es fácil de resolver ya que existe una gran variedad de configuraciones de hardware, y también la naturaleza de los problemas pueden ser variados así como la forma de implementarlos. En consecuencia, si no se considera adecuadamente la combinación "software/hardware" pueden aparecer problemas inherentes a una aplicación iterativa sin una jerarquía de control definida de acuerdo a este paradigma. En SPMD todos los procesos ejecutan el mismo código pero computan una sección diferente de los datos de entrada. Una solución a un posible problema del rendimiento es proponer una estrategia de balance de carga para homogeneizar el cómputo entre los diferentes procesos. En este trabajo analizamos el benchmark CG con cargas heterogéneas con la finalidad de detectar los posibles problemas de rendimiento en una aplicación real. Un factor que determina el rendimiento en esta aplicación es la cantidad de elementos nonzero contenida en la sección de matriz asignada a cada proceso. Determinamos que es posible definir una estrategia de balance de carga que puede ser implementada de forma dinámica y demostramos experimentalmente que el rendimiento de la aplicación puede mejorarse de forma significativa con dicha estrategia.


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A parts based model is a parametrization of an object class using a collection of landmarks following the object structure. The matching of parts based models is one of the problems where pairwise Conditional Random Fields have been successfully applied. The main reason of their effectiveness is tractable inference and learning due to the simplicity of involved graphs, usually trees. However, these models do not consider possible patterns of statistics among sets of landmarks, and thus they sufffer from using too myopic information. To overcome this limitation, we propoese a novel structure based on a hierarchical Conditional Random Fields, which we explain in the first part of this memory. We build a hierarchy of combinations of landmarks, where matching is performed taking into account the whole hierarchy. To preserve tractable inference we effectively sample the label set. We test our method on facial feature selection and human pose estimation on two challenging datasets: Buffy and MultiPIE. In the second part of this memory, we present a novel approach to multiple kernel combination that relies on stacked classification. This method can be used to evaluate the landmarks of the parts-based model approach. Our method is based on combining responses of a set of independent classifiers for each individual kernel. Unlike earlier approaches that linearly combine kernel responses, our approach uses them as inputs to another set of classifiers. We will show that we outperform state-of-the-art methods on most of the standard benchmark datasets.


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En este artículo se presenta la metodología y los resultados derivados de la aplicación de una adaptación del denominado modelo de evaluación de reducción de amenazas (Threat Reduction Assesment) en el Parque Natural de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa (PNZVG). Endefinitiva, se pretende valorar la efectividad de la gestión a partir del grado de reducción de amenazas en el PNZVG. El estudio se realizó a partir de la elaboración de una evaluación externa e independiente, que ha contado a la vez con una estrecha colaboración de los órganos gestores y rectores del Parque, así como con una activa participación de distintos agentes sociales clave. Se concluye que, después de veinticinco años de existencia del Parque, muchas de las amenazas iniciales sólo se han reducido de forma modesta e incluso a partir del índice adaptado, considerado un enfoque más realista; con lo cual se llega a la preocupante conclusión de que algunas de las amenazas más importantes se han incrementado


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This article offers a series of reflections and proposals concerning the visitors usage of Catalonia's Natural Parks. The basis of these affirmations is the analysis of the parks which exist at the present in Catalonia, as well as the study of the current legislation in Catalonia and in Spain. Although the article deals exclusively with protected natural areas, it must be remembered that people's recreational activities affect the entire natural environment. It is therefore necessary to extend planning to the impact of such activities in all natural areas. The author proposes as a possible solution a hierarchy of leisure zones in natural spaces, divided into three different levels: Municipal Parks, Regional Parks as well as Natural and National Parks


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This article examines the relationship between political parties and regional presidents in Italy and Spain, adopting a comparative case study approach based on extensive archival analysis and in-depth interviews with regional politicians. The findings confirm a strong pattern of growing presidentialism at regional level, regardless of whether there are formal mechanisms for direct election, and regardless of the partisan composition of regional government. Regional presidents tend to exert their growing power through a personalised control of regional party organisations, rather than governing past parties in a direct appeal to the electorate. Nevertheless, parties can still present a significant constraint on regional presidents, so successful regional presidents tend to maintain a mediating form of leadership and fully exploit the opportunities for party patronage to build up their support and smooth governing tensions. An autonomist drive helps presidents hold together disparate coalitions or loose parties at regional level, but their lack of internal coherence presents major problems when it comes to political succession.