44 resultados para Gauge Symmetry
We analyze the constraints on the mass and mixing of a superstring-inspired E6 Z' neutral gauge boson that follow from the recent precise Z mass measurements and show that they depend very sensitively on the assumed value of the W mass and also, to a lesser extent, on the top-quark mass.
The renormalization properties of gauge-invariant composite operators that vanish when the classical equations of motion are used (class II^a operators) and which lead to diagrams where the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly occurs are discussed. It is shown that gauge-invariant operators of this kind do need, in general, nonvanishing gauge-invariant (class I) counterterms.
Dirac's constraint Hamiltonian formalism is used to construct a gauge-invariant action for the massive spin-one and -two fields.
A geometrical treatment of the path integral for gauge theories with first-class constraints linear in the momenta is performed. The equivalence of reduced, Polyakov, Faddeev-Popov, and Faddeev path-integral quantization of gauge theories is established. In the process of carrying this out we find a modified version of the original Faddeev-Popov formula which is derived under much more general conditions than the usual one. Throughout this paper we emphasize the fact that we only make use of the information contained in the action for the system, and of the natural geometrical structures derived from it.
We show that the symmetries of effective D-string actions in constant dilaton backgrounds are directly related to homothetic motions of the background metric. In the presence of such motions, there are infinitely many nonlinearly realized rigid symmetries forming a loop (or looplike) algebra. Near horizon (antideSitter) D3 and D1+D5 backgrounds are discussed in detail and shown to provide 2D interacting field theories with infinite conformal symmetry.
We study charmed baryon resonances that are generated dynamically within a unitary meson-baryon coupled-channel model that treats the heavy pseudoscalar and vector mesons on equal footing as required by heavy-quark symmetry. It is an extension of recent SU(4) models with t-channel vector-meson exchanges to an SU(8) spin-flavor scheme, but differs considerably from the SU(4) approach in how the strong breaking of the flavor symmetry is implemented. Some of our dynamically generated states can be readily assigned to recently observed baryon resonances, while others do not have a straightforward identification and require the compilation of more data as well as an extension of the model to d-wave meson-baryon interactions and p-wave coupling in the neglected s- and u-channel diagrams. Of several novelties, we find that the Delta c(2595), which emerged as a ND quasibound state within the SU(4) approaches, becomes predominantly a ND* quasibound state in the present SU(8) scheme.
For a dynamical system defined by a singular Lagrangian, canonical Noether symmetries are characterized in terms of their commutation relations with the evolution operators of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms. Separate characterizations are given in phase space, in velocity space, and through an evolution operator that links both spaces. 2000 American Institute of Physics.
We analyze the influence of the density dependence of the symmetry energy on the average excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance (GMR) in stable and exotic neutron-rich nuclei by applying the relativistic extended Thomas-Fermi method in scaling and constrained calculations. For the effective nuclear interaction, we employ the relativistic mean field model supplemented by an isoscalar-isovector meson coupling that allows one to modify the density dependence of the symmetry energy without compromising the success of the model for binding energies and charge radii. The semiclassical estimates of the average energy of the GMR are known to be in good agreement with the results obtained in full RPA calculations. The present analysis is performed along the Pb and Zr isotopic chains. In the scaling calculations, the excitation energy is larger when the symmetry energy is softer. The same happens in the constrained calculations for nuclei with small and moderate neutron excess. However, for nuclei of large isospin the constrained excitation energy becomes smaller in models having a soft symmetry energy. This effect is mainly due to the presence of loosely-bound outer neutrons in these isotopes. A sharp increase of the estimated width of the resonance is found in largely neutron-rich isotopes, even for heavy nuclei, which is enhanced when the symmetry energy of the model is soft. The results indicate that at large neutron numbers the structure of the low-energy region of the GMR strength distribution changes considerably with the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy, which may be worthy of further characterization in RPA calculations of the response function.
The formation of a hollow cellular sphere is often one of the first steps of multicellular embryonic development. In the case of Hydra, the sphere breaks its initial symmetry to form a foot-head axis. During this process a gene, ks1, is increasingly expressed in localized cell domains whose size distribution becomes scale-free at the axis-locking moment. We show that a physical model based solely on the production and exchange of ks1-promoting factors among neighboring cells robustly reproduces the scaling behavior as well as the experimentally observed spontaneous and temperature-directed symmetry breaking.
We introduce a new parameter to investigate replica symmetry breaking transitions using finite-size scaling methods. Based on exact equalities initially derived by F. Guerra this parameter is a direct check of the self-averaging character of the spin-glass order parameter. This new parameter can be used to study models with time reversal symmetry but its greatest interest lies in models where this symmetry is absent. We apply the method to long-range and short-range Ising spin-glasses with and without a magnetic field as well as short-range multispin interaction spin-glasses.
Onsager's symmetry theorem for transport near equilibrium is extended in two directions. A corresponding symmetry is obtained for linear transport near nonequilibrium stationary states, and the class of transport laws is extended to include nonlocality in both space and time. The results are formally exact and independent of any specific model for the nonequilibrium state.
We investigate the phase transition in a strongly disordered short-range three-spin interaction model characterized by the absence of time-reversal symmetry in the Hamiltonian. In the mean-field limit the model is well described by the Adam-Gibbs-DiMarzio scenario for the glass transition; however, in the short-range case this picture turns out to be modified. The model presents a finite temperature continuous phase transition characterized by a divergent spin-glass susceptibility and a negative specific-heat exponent. We expect the nature of the transition in this three-spin model to be the same as the transition in the Edwards-Anderson model in a magnetic field, with the advantage that the strong crossover effects present in the latter case are absent.