28 resultados para Funcionamento familiar - Family functioning


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En les diferents recerques sobre la socialitzaci familiar sn cada vegada ms habituals les referncies dels progenitors catalans de classes mitjanes i altes a la complexitat, a les dificultats i a la tensi creixent que implica educar els fills i les filles. Sobre aix, i amb la teoria de la civilitzaci de Norbert Elias com a fil conductor, larticle es pregunta pels malestars que actualment travessa la socialitzaci familiar i els posa en relaci amb quin s lobjectiu del mateix procs en la nostra societat immersa en un capitalisme financer i flexible. Aix, si la finalitat s la socialitzaci terciria (Mead, 1964; Bateson, 1984), dins les famlies emergeixen un seguit de neguits i malestars lligats a lautoritat, lautonomia, els hbits, els conflictes i els cstigs, les normes, les convencions i les prohibicions, etc. que, segons el parer de lautor, cal comprendre dins del nou context social i econmic i en relaci amb els nous objectius de leducaci familiar de les famlies benestants catalanes.


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The 1982 Agrarian Census is used as the basis of a study of the role of farm wives in family farms in the province of Girona. In spite of the shortcomings of the Agrarian Census, outlined in the first part of the article, this census is the most reliable and detailed source available to identify and evaluate the specific role and share of work of the different members on a family farm. The study clearly demonstrates, on the one hand, the deep-rooted cultural pattern of professional discrimination of farm wives, and, on the other hand, t6eir important role in agriculture, especially in the most dynamic farm units in Girona


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El trabajo intenta evaluar la dimensin mnima de la tierra que debiera poseer la unidad familiar campesina para garantizar su reproduccin en el marco histrico de la etapa final de la Edad Moderna. Geogrficamente, el trabajo se refiere a las tierras del interior llano cataln, que experimentaron durante el siglo XVIII un notable proceso de colonizacin agraria para atender los dficits cerealsticos del litoral cataln. Dado que la mayor parte del campesinado no disfruta de explotaciones viables econmicamente, se analizan las estrategias campesinas encaminadas a la obtencin de ingresos complementarios. Estas, lejos de situarse en actividades no agrarias, tienen una estrecha relacin con la agricultura y con el aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales.


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Background: Providing support for research is one of the key issues in the ongoing attempts to improve Primary Care. However, when patient care takes up a significant part of a GP's time, conducting research is difficult. In this study we examine the working conditions and profile of GPs who publish in three leading medical journals and propose possible remedial policy actions. Findings: The authors of all articles published in 2006 and 2007 in three international Family Medicine journals - Annals of Family Medicine, Family Practice, and Journal of Family Practice - were contacted by E-mail. They were asked to complete a questionnaire investigating the following variables: availability of specific time for research, time devoted to research, number of patients attended, and university affiliation. Only GPs were included in the study. Three hundred and ten relevant articles published between 2006 and 2007 were identified and the authors contacted using a survey tool. 124 researchers responded to our questionnaire; 45% of respondents who were not GPs were excluded. On average GPs spent 2.52 days per week and 6.9 hours per day on patient care, seeing 45 patients per week. Seventy-five per cent of GPs had specific time assigned to research, on average 13 hours per week; 79% were affiliated to a university and 69% held teaching positions. Conclusions: Most GPs who publish original articles in leading journals have time specifically assigned to research as part of their normal working schedule. They see a relatively small number of patients. Improving the working conditions of family physicians who intend to investigate is likely to lead to better research results.


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Espaa se ha convertido en los ltimos aos en el mayor receptor de inmigrantes de la Unin Europea. Consecuentemente, sus hijos e hijas se han incorporado a nuestras escuelas planteando unos retos hasta hace poco desconocidos. Uno de ellos, y tal vez el que ms preocupa al profesorado, se refiere al desarrollo de niveles de competencia lingstica suficientes para poder seguir una escolaridad vehiculada a travs de una lengua que en muchas ocasiones tiene poco en comn con la suya propia (L1). En este contexto, a partir de una muestra de 49 nios y nias inmigrantes que fueron comparados con un grupo de 44 escolares autctonos de su misma edad y nivel escolar, nuestro trabajo analiza el progreso en el conocimiento de la lengua castellana y la incidencia que en ello tienen factores como el tiempo de estancia en el pas de acogida y la lengua familiar. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a un proceso lento y complejo del que no queda excluido incluso aquel alumnado cuya lengua L1 coincide con variantes hispanoamericanas del castellano.


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Background: Previous studies emphasise the importance of the biological family to the welfare of fostered adolescents. However, the majority of these studies only take into consideration the viewpoints of the professionals, foster parents and biological parents not those of the adolescents themselves. For this reason little is known about the perceptions the adolescents have and the needs they express. Method: This study has gathered data from 57 adolescents in kinship family fostering in Spain (AFE). The study applied qualitative reseach, using focus groups to gather data and the Atlas.ti programme to analyse the data. The qualitative data give us a more profound understanding of how the fostered adolescents relate to their biological families. Results: The results highlight the specific needs of these adolescents a) an understanding of their family history b) the impact of visits from and relationship with their biological family and c) the relationship between the biological family and the foster family. Conclusions: These findings reveal implications to consider when creating support programmes aimed at this group.


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The aim of this paper is to present cDVF-E scales for families with children of 0-18 years, on one hand, and over 18 years, on the other, that researchers from five spanish universities have recently validated and standardized to the spanish population. To this end, first, the importance of the construct of quality of family life and its implications for research and practice should be emphasized. Afterwards, we introduce the first international initiatives measuring the quality of family life developed in the first decade of this century. Then the features, dimensions and psychometric properties of the scales are synthetically presented. Finally, the authors encourage practitioners and organizations to use these tools in the context of family-centered model and provides, as a conclusions, some considerations


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Perception of social support and functioning of patients with schizophrenia and their primary caregivers and its relationship to quality of life are described. Forty-five patients and their 45 relatives, treated at the Mental Health Services in Arica, Chile, participated. Both patients and caregivers in the study have a poor perception of social support with regard to extra-family people, as well as a low social integration. However, patients showed adequate capacity to function within their immediate family. Unlike what was found in developed countries, these patients showed moderate levels of quality of life, with a strong relationship with perceptions of the social support they receive from family and significant others and the ability to establish and maintain social contacts. Quality of life of primary caregivers is linked to patients ability to establish and maintain social contacts within the family group, as in other social instances, such as keeping a job. The results of the study suggest the need to consider the design and application of programs of support for these patients and their caregivers, with the central aim of the social functioning of the above-mentioned patients and their familiar and community integration.


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Introduction: in the present study several collectives with knowledge of the reality of family care of the elderly assessed several socia and healthcare resources and suggested several possibilities for improvement. Method: four discussion groups were used as a data collection technique. The groups were composed of caregivers, representatives-users of associations for the elderly, experts in geriatrics, and social services professionals. Results: the various discussion groups positively evaluated the Home Help Service, the Support Teams of the Home Service Programs, Interdisciplinary Community Health Workers Units, Daytime Care Centres, and the Family Rest Programme but suggested some changes to all of them. The discussion groups also indicated the need to improve the material, economic and emotional assistance given to caregivers and asked for training, institutional coordination, anddissemination of information about available resources and assistance. Conclusions: some changes are required to improve the current social and health resources available to families caring for the elderly within the family unit. Among the suggestions for improvement proposed by the participants, many are useful and could easily be applied, whereas others provide an interesting starting point for debate and reflection. Knowledge and understanding of the situation of caregiving families, based on their own experiences and those of the people who know them, is in itself sufficient to initiate and implement changes to provide resources appropriate to their needs


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El treball aqu exposat t com a objectiu conixer i comprendre lexperincia dels excuidadors i excuidadores principals informals que han tingut cura dun familiar vell amb demncia desprs de la seva mort. Es plantegen les hiptesis i els objectius generals i especfics. Shi exposa tamb, la justificaci del tema, linters, la rellevncia a nivell social i professional, i la seva aportaci en el mn de la salut. En lapartat de lestat de la qesti i la fonamentaci conceptual, desprs duna revisi bibliogrfica sobre el tema, es descriuen els diferents apartats que formen part del marc teric: perfil de la persona gran dement que rep cures informals , el perfil dels cuidadors/es, les conseqncies de tenir cura duna persona dement, lestat dels excuidadors/es desprs de la mort del familiar vell amb demncia i el procs de dol. El segon apartat inclou la metodologia, i el mtode dinvestigaci. A ms, inclou les matrius danlisi del contingut i del discurs, i es plantegen els resultats en funci dels objectius marcats. En la discussi, a partir de les dades obtingudes, es realitza la seva anlisi, sinterpreta el resultat i es contraposa amb altres estudis consultats. Finalment sexposen les conclusions per resumir la informaci obtinguda i la metodologia utilitzada. Es realitza una reflexi sobre els aprenentatges adquirits i les aportacions del treball i sapunten noves vies de recerca. En les referncies bibliogrfiques sespecifiquen les fonts consultades i en els annexos hi consten els models dentrevista i de matriu per a lanlisi de dades, el full de consentiment informat i tamb el buidatge i lanlisi de les entrevistes.


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In the last few years, Economic Theory has revised two basic ideas around the economics of the household: that family income is the result of the individual income of each of its members (income pooling), and that all family members living in the household have equal access to its resources. Unequal access to family resources (among women and men, on the one hand, and among the elderly, adults and children, on the other), is now understood as an input (for instance, that women eat less food and of worst quality than men), and as an output (for instance that women have poorer health, higher epidemic mortality, or are less tall than men as a result, among other things, of having received less food and poorer medical care, and/or of a heavier workload). Despite the fact that inequality in intrafamily consumption has become the center of attention in academic and international agencies, it can still not be found in the agenda of Economic History. In this paper we look at some of the resources consumed by Spanish families in the 19th century: food, alcoholic beverages, clothes and shoes. Medical topographies, our main source, suggest that unequal access to family resources among household members had a strong impact on their health and wellbeing.


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To assess the psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in preadolescent children, we studied a sample of 361 students, average age 9 years old. Twogroups were formed, on the basis of the presence (n = 34) or absence (n = 44) of suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation was assessed with the Childrens Depression Inventory and the Childrens Depression Rating Scale-Revised. Depression, hopelessness, self-esteem, and perceived family environment were compared in both the suicidal ideation and the control groups. Students with suicidal ideation generally presented greater depressive symptoms and hopelessness, and lower self-esteem and family expressiveness, although there weredifferences both between sexes, and when the variable depression was controlled. Identifying these risk factors in pre-adolescents may have an impact on prevention of suicidal behavior at higher risk ages


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Ja fa temps que es parla del futur de la famlia tradicional, per sembla que darrerament aquest tema ha adquirit una especial rellevncia, i fins i tot un partit poltic ha proposat la creaci d'un ministeri de la famlia i afers socials. La famlia s la instituci social ms antiga de la humanitat, anterior a la nostra prpia espcie, i la seva estructura ha anat canviant al llarg del temps adaptant-se a les diverses situacions. Segons l'antropologia cultural, una famlia s una unitat social i econmica formada com a mnim per un o ms progenitors i els seus fills [...].