26 resultados para Daley, Charles, 1890-1976
En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto para realizar el análisis de la reacción española aún durante el Franquismo ante la Revolución de los Claveles en Portugal. Esta Revolución terminó con el anterior régimen dictatorial. La reacción española será analizada a través de su propia prensa diaria, sobre todo a través de diarios publicados en Madrid y en Barcelona. Se buscará definir cual la relevancia concedida por la prensa a los hechos portugueses, y cual su postura frente el cambio portugués. Para eso se analizarán los diarios madrileños ABC, Informaciones, Arriba y Pueblo, y los diarios barceloneses La Vanguardia Española y Tele/eXpres.
Using a new dataset on capital account openness, we investigate why equity return correlations changed over the last century. Based on a new, long-run dataset on capital account regulations in a group of 16 countries over the period 1890-2001, we show that correlations increase as financial markets are liberalized. These findings are robust to controlling for both the Forbes-Rigobon bias and global averages in equity return correlations. We test the robustness of our conclusions, and show that greater synchronization of fundamentals is not the main cause of increasing correlations. These results imply that the home bias puzzle may be smaller than traditionally claimed.
In this paper, we assess the determinants of long-run persistence of localculture, and examine the success of policy interventions designed to change attitudes.We analyze anti-Semitic attitudes drawing on individual-level survey results fromGermany s social value survey in 1996 and 2006. On average, we find that historicalvoting patterns for anti-Semitic parties between 1890 and 1933 are powerfulpredictors of anti-Jewish attitudes today. There is evidence that transmission takesplace both vertically (parent to child) and horizontally (among peers). Policy modifiedGerman views on Jews in important ways: The cohort that grew up under the Naziregime shows significantly higher levels of anti-Semitism. After 1945, the victoriousAllies implemented denazification programs in their zones of occupation. We usedifferences in these policies between the occupying powers as a source of identifyingvariation. The US and French zones today still show high anti-Semitism, reflecting anambitious botched attempt at denazification. In contrast, the British and Soviet zones,register much lower levels of Jew-hatred.
Using historical data for all Swiss cantons from 1890 to 2000, we estimate the causal effect of direct democracy on government spending. The main innovation in this paper is that we use fixed effects to control for unobserved heterogeneity and instrumental variables to address the potential endogeneity of institutions. We find that the budget referendum and lower costs to launch a voter initiative are effective tools in reducing canton level spending. However, we find no evidence that the budget referendum results in more decentralized government or a larger local government. Our instrumental variable estimates suggest that a mandatory budget referendum reduces the size of canton spending between 13 and 19 percent. A 1 percent lower signature requirement for the initiative reduces canton spending by up to 2 percent.
In the absence of comparable macroeconomic indicators for most of the Latin Americaneconomies before the 1930s, the apparent consumption of energy is used in this paper as a proxyof the degree of modernisation of Latin America and the Caribbean. This paper presents anestimate of the apparent consumption per head of modern energies (coal, petroleum andhydroelectricity) for 30 countries of Latin American and the Caribbean for 1890 to 1925,multiplying the number of countries for which energy consumption estimates were previouslyavailable. As a result, the paper provides the basis for a quantitative comparative analysis ofmodernisation performance beyond the few countries for which historical national accounts areavailable in Latin America.
Investment in machinery is a key aspect in the analysis of long-term economic growth during the era of the spread of industrialisation. But, historiography has only revealed what the pace of capital accumulation was in a few Latin American economies. This article offers continuous (annual) and consistent series on the magnitude of this investment in all of the Latin American countries for the period at the height of the first globalisation, 1890-1930. The paper gives special attention to comparative analysis, showing the differences that exist at the heart of the Latin American community, in the levels of capital formation in machinery as well as in the national development of this over time. The differences in the levels appear very indicative of the unequal degree of development reached by these economies. This article puts to test the hypothesis of intraregional divergence, obtaining the tentative result that there was divergence until 1913, but that there was convergence from 1914-1930.
Objetivo del artículo es reflexionar sobre el llamado «escándalo del Putumayo» estallado en la primera década del siglo XX, en la región objeto de litigio fronterizo entre Perú y Colombia. La denuncia en la prensa internacional de la explotación de los indígenas amazónicos hecha por la empresa «Peruvian Amazon Company», de la que el principal accionista fue el cauchero Julio C. Arana, presentó la región como un nuevo «Congo peruano» y provocó la intervención de Gran Bretaña, Perú, el Vaticano, Colombia y el propio Arana. A partir de repositorios documentales de la cancillería peruana, de los archivos de la Santa Sede, de la folletística y bibliografía publicada por las partes involucradas se plantea una reflexión sobre el escándalo, incidiendo en los argumentos sostenidos por las partes, en particular la peruanización de la región, defendida por Arana y el gobierno peruano.
Analysis of information on the classification and indexing of the entire run of Biblioteconomía (1944-1976), the bulletin of the School of Librarians of Barcelona. Selection criteria included items directly related to the issue at hand, such as documental languages (classifications and subject heading lists) and subject catalogues (in both alphabetic and shelf order). Although the intention was to achieve a comprehensive analysis, priority was given to the importance and value of the information selected. Only those items considered to be significant within the chosen theme were chosen.
This paper aims to illustrate the dynamics of coal trade between Latin America and its main trade partners, i.e. the USA, Great Britain and Germany, before and after the enormous disruption caused by the First World War. The coal trade was used as an indicator of modernization for Latin American countries, given that oil was at that time of secondary importance. Energy imports have determined the possibilities of each Latin American country in its process of development. Here we address this question and place special emphasis on supply channels, concluding that the trade link with main suppliers was of key significance. Although this was very clear by the end of the period, the process had started well before the First World War, at least for the majority of LA&C countries. These points are developed through a gravity model applied to the bilateral coal trade. The importance of the market supplier share is addressed through cluster methodologies.
A systematic time-dependent perturbation scheme for classical canonical systems is developed based on a Wick's theorem for thermal averages of time-ordered products. The occurrence of the derivatives with respect to the canonical variables noted by Martin, Siggia, and Rose implies that two types of Green's functions have to be considered, the propagator and the response function. The diagrams resulting from Wick's theorem are "double graphs" analogous to those introduced by Dyson and also by Kawasaki, in which the response-function lines form a "tree structure" completed by propagator lines. The implication of a fluctuation-dissipation theorem on the self-energies is analyzed and compared with recent results by Deker and Haake.
This paper aims to illustrate the dynamics of coal trade between Latin America and its main trade partners, i.e. the USA, Great Britain and Germany, before and after the enormous disruption caused by the First World War. The coal trade was used as an indicator of modernization for Latin American countries, given that oil was at that time of secondary importance. Energy imports have determined the possibilities of each Latin American country in its process of development. Here we address this question and place special emphasis on supply channels, concluding that the trade link with main suppliers was of key significance. Although this was very clear by the end of the period, the process had started well before the First World War, at least for the majority of LA&C countries. These points are developed through a gravity model applied to the bilateral coal trade. The importance of the market supplier share is addressed through cluster methodologies.