49 resultados para Conciencia histórica de los jóvenes
La desafección aparente de los votantes hacia los procesos electorales parece ir en aumento. Algunos estudios proponen una doble vía para enderezar ese proceso: el cambio de las normas del juego democrático y la profundización en la formación política de los jóvenes. En este texto se apuesta decididamente por lo segundo y, para ello, se presentan los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en el marco de una de las actividades educativas que se realizan en el Parlamento de Cataluña con jóvenes de bachillerato. En él se exponen algunos datos que vienen a superar el estereotipo de que esa población joven, a las puertas de la mayoría de edad, tiene un conocimiento escaso de la política e incluso una desafección absoluta hacia ella. No sólo se demuestra que tienen interés por temas socialmente relevantes, sino que expresan su voluntad de acudir a las urnas en cuanto tengan oportunidad. Por supuesto, la discusión final del texto sugiere que el marco de obtención de los datos, un taller formativo con parlamentarios, facilita claramente esos resultados, y que esa corriente de inquietud que expresan los jóvenes debería ser adecuadamente canalizada en los centros escolares para redundar en su formación política y reforzar esa aparente expectación. En este sentido, el presente trabajo termina con un mapa de valores para desarrollar programas de formación política en educación secundaria
Se presentan los resultados de una investigación desarrollada mediante la administración de un cuestionario sobre usos y evaluaciones que hacen chicos y chicas de diversos medios audiovisuales (televisión, ordenador, consola, CD-Roms educativos, Internet y juegos para ordenador y para consola). Los resultados nos muestran cómo los progenitores sobreestiman sistemáticamente las informaciones que sus hijos e hijas tienen acerca de cualquier medio audiovisual. En términos generales, los videojuegos son el medio con más concordancias negativas, el ordenador el que tiene más concordancias positivas y la televisión el que acumula más discrepancias entre generaciones.
En la actualidad, la universidad europea está inmersa en un profundo proceso de cambio y transformación que viene dado por la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Es por ello que los docentes, noveles o experimentados, nos hemos visto inmersos en un sinfín de cambios que han ido necesitando toda una serie de mecanismos de adaptación a este nuevo sistema. El propósito de este trabajo es dar a conocer la opinión y la percepción que tienen algunos profesores noveles de la Universidad de Barcelona sobre la problemática de lo que significa ser docente novel en el contexto actual de la enseñanza universitaria. Asimismo, pretende indagar sobre la temática de la práctica docente y la gestión de la calidad en la docencia universitaria. El enfoque de la investigación usado ha sido cualitativo y como estrategia metodológica hemos recurrido al estudio de casos múltiple dado que la muestra del estudio está constituida por diez profesores y profesoras universitarios noveles.
This article is part of a research focusing on the process of transition to adulthood of young people with intellectual disabilities. Specifically, this study analyses transition partnership programs, as the professionals involved in them see them. The information is obtained in two stages: in the first stage 45 interviews to professionals working in this field are conducted. In the second stage we develop a study applying the Delphi method in which two panels of experts, the first one with educational professionals and the second one with professionals working with afters chool services, were asked about several topics. The results show a lack of continuity underlying the actions taken in support of young people with ID during the transition process. Insufficient information and collaboration among services and professionals and a lack of leadership are the main problems perceived by professionals. The study helps to identify problems in the transition partnership programs and establishes actions in order to enhance the transition process
The transition to adult life from the standpoint of inclusion is a complex process, especially for young people with intellectual disabilities. This article analyzes the context of transition processes showing the main relationships and differences of the different scenarios where young people with disabilities develop personal pathways that lead to adulthood. Among these scenarios, the school -the period of compulsory secondary education- plays a key role. Therefore, a specific section is devoted to developing an approach to the role of the school in the construction of bridges that facilitate social and work inclusion. Finally, it presents some major challenges that need to be faced to improve the processes of transition from an inclusive perspective
La presente investigación analiza la influencia del territorio (el barrio) sobre la configuración y desarrollo de lostrayectos juveniles -especialmente en las dimensiones formativas, laborales y uso del tiempo libre-, al mismotiempo que tiene en cuenta la ciudad y el impacto de las instituciones sociales ubicadas en el barrio. La preguntade investigación entorno a la cual gira el presente trabajo es si vivir en un barrio desfavorecido influye en eldesarrollo personal, laboral y social de los jóvenes (de entre 16 y 24 años) que residen en él. Se pretendecomprender el efecto barrio haciendo hincapié en: cómo influye el barrio, sobre qué aspectos de la configuraciónde los trayectos juveniles lo hace, y qué relación mantiene con la vulnerabilidad a la exclusión social juvenil. Paraabordar estos objetivos, hemos desarrollado una metodología variada, la cual combina el análisis cuantitativo–mediante el uso de datos censales y del padrón municipal -, el análisis cualitativo –a partir de la recogida deinformación (sentimientos, percepciones….) a través de instrumentos cualitativos como de la entrevista semiestructuradatemática y oral, la entrevista estructurada temática y escrita –y, el análisis comparativo entreciudades (Barcelona y Milán), barrios (Trinitat Nova, Ciutat Meridiana, Comasina y Sant’Ambrogio) y jóvenes.
Traffic accidents are one of the causes of death for people between 1 and 45 years old. Many studies verify that the road accidents are related with the consumption of alcohol. This problem, is especially important in the young people and it is increased during dawns of the weekends. Some studies underline the lack of information and knowledge of many young people concerning law on alcohol consummation when driving and the effects of this drug on consumers. Another problem is the amount of mistaken beliefs on what to do neutralize the alcohol’s effect before drive. The objective of our study is to evaluate, in university students, the knowledge of the rules of driving behavior included in the circulation code and the personal beliefs about the effects of the alcohol in driving, and to find the frequency and the circumstances in which young people drive after alcohol consummation. The results suggest many actions that may be considered in the design of preventive campaigns that promotes safety road behavior in order to increase their effectivity
Uno de los retos actuales de la intervención psicomotriz es tener en cuenta el contexto social y cultural del momento y percibir qué lo caracteriza y de que manera va a condicionar nuestra intervención. La experiencia nos muestra que una de las manifestaciones de nuestro contexto se encuentra en lo que podemos llamar individualismo entendido como la actitud que nos lleva a pensar y a actuar de modo independiente y que pone énfasis en los derechos individuales o en el propio interés. A partir de esta situación nos planteamos favorecer en niños y niñas, a partir de la intervención psicomotriz, el desarrollo de actitudes de sensibilidad, respeto y reciprocidad hacia el otro ayudándoles a aprender a: mirar y a tocar al otro, a pensar en el otro y a escuchar, hablar, estar y jugar con el otro.
This paper reports on collaborative research on and with young people. In this study five groups of students in the final year of their Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) from five different schools developed five ethnographic studies about how they communicate, express themselves and learn inside and outside school, with the support and collaboration of teachers and members of our research group. The paper begins by discussing the dimensions of collaboration in education, taking into account the contribution of collaborative and ooperative learning, and the potential of digital resources, situating earlier influences and characterizing the work realised. Then there is a description of the research carried out on and with the young people we invited to perform as investigators. The results focus on the description and conceptualization of the different types of collaboration that have emerged while carrying out the ethnographic studies in each of the schools using digital technologies. Finally, we discuss the implications and limitations of the work as a contribution to anyone interested in researching on and with young people, collaborating, educating and using digital resources.
The objective of this study is to gather information regarding the adaptation of the range of socio educational projects and services aimed at the transition to an adult life of young persons with intellectual disabilities in Spain. The research of the study has been done in three stages. During each stage, a specific tool has been used. One to one in-depth interviews have been undertaken with 45 professionals and 20 individuals with intellectual disabilities. The Delphi method has been applied to two panels consisting of 20 experts each. Firstly, results focus on the approach to different issues related to the devices. Secondly, the training opportunities that these individuals receive to ease the transition period is addressed. And finally, the study refers to the participation of the individuals themselves and their families in the process. The developed analysis allows us to propose strategies to improve the transition to adult life
The results presented in this paper are from a research using a questionnaire about activities and evaluations of boys and girls in relation to different audio-visual media (television, computer, videoconsole, educative CD-Roms, Internet and computer and console games). Results show us that children information about any audio-visual media is systematically overestimated by parents. Generally, the media with more negative concordances is video-games, the one with more positive concordances is the computer and the one with more discrepancies between generations is TV
Educational system and equal opportunities for young people in care: Recent studies in the UK. Publications on research about formal educational itineraries of people who were cared for by the social protection public systems when they were children are scarce, and restricted to a few countries. In recent years, statistics from some European countries have been published, showing that the young people who were cared for are overrepresented in practically all the clusters of people that accumulate indicators of social disadvantage, and it has therefore been argued that they can be considered one of the groups of population with the highest risk for social exclusion. In the present review, the emergence of new data and research results in some European countries —particularly in the United Kingdom, where the fact that less than 5% of this population reaches university studies has been underlined— is tentatively contextualised. Although the extent to which current available data can be extrapolated to other contexts and countries is yet unclear, such results raise important challenges for social intervention and social policies, as well as for psychosocial research, in all countries of the European space
Monogamy and sex without penetration are behaviors recommended by the WHO to avoid AIDS virus sexual transmission. Seven hundred and fifty university students from 18 to 25 years (67.7% women) were surveyed and they were asked to give a maximum of three free definitions of the words monogamy and sex without penetration to prevent AIDS virus sexual transmission. Their participation was voluntary and anonymous. Although the majority of the answers was correct, there was a considerable percentage of wrong answers, either for monogamy (3.7% masturbation; 2.1% to have many partners; 0.9% homosexual relations), or for sex without penetration (20.5% oral sex; 1.1% anal coitus; 0.8% coitus without orgasm; 0.4% coitus interruptus). Some definitions or examples differ by gender. The amount of wrongs or incomplete answers put researchers on the alert about insufficient preventive knowledge in a population with a high educational level
Setenta y un años de administración priísta consolidada por medio de acciones fraudulentas y doce años de mal gobierno panista produjeron en los ciudadanos (sobre todo los jóvenes) una actitud de descrédito y apatía hacia su democracia. Con las elecciones de 2012, donde se apuntaba al candidato del PRI como potencial ganador; surge el movimiento estudiantil #Yo Soy 132 tomando fuerza en la escena política, logrando sumar a otros sectores; y que ante la escasez de espacios de participación ciudadana, se perfila como una opción