47 resultados para Autoridad secular


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We show how, in general equilibrium models featuring increasing returns, imperfectcompetition and endogenous markups, changes in the scale of economic activity affectincome distribution across factors. Whenever final goods are gross-substitutes (gross-complements), a scale expansion raises (lowers) the relative reward of the scarce factoror the factor used intensively in the sector characterized by a higher degree of product differentiation and higher fixed costs. Under very reasonable hypothesis, our theory suggests that scale is skill-biased. This result provides a microfoundation for the secular increase in the relative demand for skilled labor. Moreover, it constitutes an important link among major explanations for the rise in wage inequality: skill-biased technical change, capital-skill complementarities and international trade. We provide new evidence on the mechanism underlying the skill bias of scale.


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El paisatge de les comarques gironines destaca per la seva varietat. Aquest fet és el resultat de la combinació d'un medi biofísic molt divers amb una activitat humana secular. Cal tenir present que a les terres gironines hi estan representades totes les grans unitats de relleu de Catalunya, des dels Pirineus fins a les planes i serralades costaneres


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The US labor market witnessed two apparently unrelated secular movements in thelast 30 years: a decline in unemployment between the early 1980s and the early 2000s,and a decline in participation since the early 2000s. Using CPS micro data and a stock-flow accounting framework, we show that a substantial, and hitherto unnoticed, factorbehind both trends is a decline in the share of nonparticipants who are at the margin ofparticipation. A lower share of marginal nonparticipants implies a lower unemploymentrate, because marginal nonparticipants enter the labor force mostly through unemployment,while other nonparticipants enter the labor force mostly through employment.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar la secular tradició misògina occidental des dels seus orígens a Grècia tot analitzant un text de l'intèrpret al·legoric de la Bíblia Filó d'Alexandria, el De opificio mundi, al qual aplica una lectura fortament platonitzant. L'anàlisi acurada dels capítols dedicats a la creació divina de la dona i les seves conseqüències mostra fins a quin punt no és possible entendre aquest text sense tenir en compte una tradició filosòfica grega ja aleshores secular.


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El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar la secular tradición misógina occidental desde sus orígenes en Grecia, analizando un texto del intérprete alegórico de la Biblia Filón de Alejandría, el De opifico mundi, al cual aplica una lectura claramente platonizante. El análisis minucioso de los capítulos dedicados a la creación divina de la mujer muestra hasta qué punto no es posible entender este texto sin tener en cuenta una tradición filosófica griega ya entonces secular.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar com els trets fonamentals de la misogínia grega, que és a la base de la secular misoginia occidental -i que no és només un llegat judeucristià- perviu en un text medieval del segle XIII com ara el De amore d'Andreas Capellanus. L'autor assenyala igualment les vies de transmissió més versemblants des de la Grècia Antiga fins al món medieval.


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El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo los rasgos esenciales de la misoginia griega, que está en la base de la secular misoginia occidental -y que no es sólo un legado judeocristiano- pervive en un texto medieval del siglo XIII como el De amore de Andreas Capellanus. El autor señala igualmente las vías de transmisión más verosímiles des de la Grecia Antigua hasta el mundo medieval


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A partir de la propuesta acerca de los componentes de la sociedad civil de Pérez Díaz, se analizan los migrantes extranjeros como partícipes en la sociedad española. El estudio de las formas de participación que se ha elegido es la inscripción administrativa y la relación con el estado. Se busca detectar y analizar las formas de respuesta de los inmigrantes internacionales en este ámbito. Constituye una forma de relación con las instituciones, independientemente de su situación con la autoridad y de la disposición o no de permisos de residencia. La distribución de los extranjeros es por continente de nacionalidad y se destaca netamente la participación de las personas de América. Las fuentes de datos son: el Censo de 2001, las Amnistías de 2000 y 2001 y los registros de Residentes. Especial mención merecen los resultados en Catalunya, además del análisis a nivel de España. Los latinoamericanos presentarían la mayor cantidad de personas pendientes de regularización, que, sin embargo, han realizado la inscripción voluntaria en el padrón. Las personas de otros continentes no realizan esta inscripción si su situación no es regular o, al menos, en la proporción que lo hacen las personas provenientes de América. En su caso, la forma de relacionarse con las autoridades es independiente de su situación administrativa (poseer o no el permiso de residencia).


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The text of Lucifer Calaritanus' Moriundurn esse shows numerous quotations borrowed from other christian writers, specially Luctance, the anonymous De laude martyrii and Cyprian. The author adapts and orderly inserts those texts in his writing without indicating its source. Some passages borrowed from Cicero's Catil. IV 18 and 20 allow to increase the scarse number of secular quotations indicated in this writing and ut same time they prove that here Lucifer also follows the orderly method of quotation auulied to the christian writers.


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A very accurate archaeological dating of a Roman site in NE Spain (El Vila-sec) was made based on the typology of pottery artifacts. Three different phases were identifi ed with activity ranging from the mid- 1st century BC to the early-3rd century AD. Analyses of bricks from kilns at El Vila-sec produced data on their stored archaeomagnetic vector. These data were compared with the secular variation curve for the Iberian Peninsula and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional archaeomagnetic model. Both, the reference curve and the model, produced probability distributions for the final period of use for two kilns from the second archaeological phase that were not used during the third phase. At a 95% con fidence level, both time distributions cover a wide chronological range including the presumed archaeological age. Both the Iberian secular variation curve and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional model proved to be suitable models for dating the site, although on their own they do not produce a single unambiguous solution. This archaeomagnetic approach could also be applied to neighbouring archaeological sites that have an imprecise archaeological age.


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Breu assaig de caràcter hermenèutic on l'autor es proposa una lectura d'un esdeveniment històric particular. L'autor pren com a excusa per a la seva interpretació dels esdeveniments els fets que tingueren lloc el 750 al bell mig del regne franc quan els merovingis reconeixen explícitament la figura d'autoritat del papa en la comunitat cristiana occidental i com el papa l'assumeix pròpiament.


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The determination of gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural waters is useful in a wide range of environmental studies. Furthermore, gross alpha and gross beta parameters are included in international legislation on the quality of drinking water [Council Directive 98/83/EC].1 In this work, a low-background liquid scintillation counter (Wallac, Quantulus 1220) was used to simultaneously determine gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural water samples. Sample preparation involved evaporation to remove 222Rn and its short-lived decay daughters. The evaporation process concentrated the sample ten-fold. Afterwards, a sample aliquot of 8 mL was mixed with 12 mL of Ultima Gold AB scintillation cocktail in low-diffusion vials. In this study, a theoretical mathematical model based on secular equilibrium conditions between 226Ra and its short-lived decay daughters is presented. The proposed model makes it possible to determine 226Ra activity from two measurements. These measurements also allow determining gross alpha and gross beta simultaneously. To validate the proposed model, spiked samples with different activity levels for each parameter were analysed. Additionally, to evaluate the model's applicability in natural water, eight natural water samples from different parts of Spain were analysed. The eight natural water samples were also characterised by alpha spectrometry for the naturally occurring isotopes of uranium (234U, 235U and 238U), radium (224Ra and 226Ra), 210Po and 232Th. The results for gross alpha and 226Ra activity were compared with alpha spectrometry characterization, and an acceptable concordance was obtained.


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La utopía anarquista, es decir la aspiración a una sociedad liberada de todo elemento coactivo, de toda autoridad, sea la del Estado, la de la Iglesia o la del Capital, generó muy pronto, a finales del siglo XIX, un actividad terrorista que, si bien fue protagonizada por una pequeña minoría, encontró un respaldo muy amplio, aunque no unánime, en las filas del movimiento. Puesto que la violencia ha de ser considerada la forma más extrema de coacción, lo ocurrido no deja de ser contradictorio. ¿Cómo se pasó del ideal libertario a la práctica terrorista? Explicarlo es el objetivo de este ensayo.


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Academic advising is a key element for learning success in virtual environments that has received little attention from researchers. This paper focuses on the organizational arrangements needed for the delivery of academic advising in online higher education. We present the general dimensions of organizational structures (division of labor, hierarchy of authority and formalization) and their possible forms when applied to academic advising. The specific solution adopted at the Open University of Catalonia is described and assessed in order to draw general conclusions of interest for other institutions.