32 resultados para Animal locomotion.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la Institut J.W. Jenkinson Laboratory for Evolution and Development of the University of Oxford, Regne Unit, entre 2010 i 2012. He estat membre del laboratori del Professor Peter W.H. Holland com a becari post-doctoral Beatriu de Pinós des de setembre de 2010 al setembre de 2012. El nostre projecte de recerca se centra en l'anàlisi genòmic comparatiu del Regne Animal, tot explorant el contingut dels genomes a través de totes les branques de l'arbre dels animals. Totes les referències a les meves publicacions durant aquest post-doc es poden trobar a http://about.me/jordi_paps. Crec que el nombre i la qualitat dels resultats del meu post-doc, un total de 8 publicacions incloent dos articles a la prestigiosa revista Nature, són prova de l'èxit d'aquest post-doc. Prof Peter W. H. Holland (Departament de Zoologia de la Universitat d'Oxford) i jo som coautors de tres articles de genòmica comparativa, resultats directes d'aquest projecte: 1) comparació de families gèniques entre vertebrats invertebrats (Briefings in Functional Genomics), 2) el genoma de l'ostra (publicat a la revista Nature), i 3) els genomes de 6 platihelmints paràsits (acceptat també a Nature). A més, tenim altres 2 treballs en preparació. Un d'ells analitza l'evolució, expressió i funció dels gens Hox al a la tènia Hymenolepis. El perfil fi d'aquests gens clau del desenvolupament esclareix els canvis d'estil de vida dels organismes. A més, durant aquest últim post-doc he participat en diverses col•laboracions, incloent anàlisi de gens d'envelliment a cucs plans, un estudi sobre la filogènia del grup Gastrotricha, una revisió de l'evolució phylum Platyhelminthes, així com un capítol d'un llibre sobre l'evolució dels animals bilaterals. Finalment, gràcies a la beca Beatriu de Pinós, el Prof. Peter W.H. Holland m'ha convidat a formar part del seu equip com un investigador post-doctoral en el seu projecte ERC Advance actual sobre duplicacions genòmiques.
Selenocysteine (Sec) is co-translationally inserted into selenoproteins in response to codon UGA with the help of the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element. The number of selenoproteins in animals varies, with humans having 25 and mice having 24 selenoproteins. To date, however, only one selenoprotein, thioredoxin reductase, has been detected in Caenorhabditis elegans, and this enzyme contains only one Sec. Here, we characterize the selenoproteomes of C.elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae with three independent algorithms, one searching for pairs of homologous nematode SECIS elements, another searching for Cys- or Sec-containing homologs of potential nematode selenoprotein genes and the third identifying Sec-containing homologs of annotated nematode proteins. These methods suggest that thioredoxin reductase is the only Sec-containing protein in the C.elegans and C.briggsae genomes. In contrast, we identified additional selenoproteins in other nematodes. Assuming that Sec insertion mechanisms are conserved between nematodes and other eukaryotes, the data suggest that nematode selenoproteomes were reduced during evolution, and that in an extreme reduction case Sec insertion systems probably decode only a single UGA codon in C.elegans and C.briggsae genomes. In addition, all detected genes had a rare form of SECIS element containing a guanosine in place of a conserved adenosine present in most other SECIS structures, suggesting that in organisms with small selenoproteomes SECIS elements may change rapidly.
Purpose. The aim of this study was to identify new surfactants with low skin irritant properties for use in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations, employing cell culture as an alternative method to in vivo testing. In addition, we sought to establish whether potential cytotoxic properties were related to the size of the counterions bound to the surfactants. Methods. Cytotoxicity was assessed in the mouse fibroblast cell line 3T6, and the human keratinocyte cell line NCTC 2544, using the MTT assay and uptake of the vital dye neutral red 24 h after dosing (NRU). Results. Lysine-derivative surfactants showed higher IC50s than did commercial anionic irritant compounds such as sodium dodecyl sulphate, proving to be no more harmful than amphoteric betaines. The aggressiveness of the surfactants depended upon the size of their constituent counterions: surfactants associated with lighter counterions showed a proportionally higher aggressivity than those with heavier ones. Conclusions. Synthetic lysine-derivative anionic surfactants are less irritant than commercial surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulphate and Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide and are similar to Betaines. These surfactants may offer promising applications in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations, representing a potential alternative to commercial anionic surfactants as a result of their low irritancy potential.
Aquest treball proposa un estudi del recull de contes de Jordi Puntí, Animals tristos, des d'una directriu bàsica: el plantejament teòric sobre la fragilitat dels vincles humans de la postmodernitat postulat pel sociòleg Zygmunt Bauman en la seva obra Amor líquido. Acerca de la fragilidad de los vínculos humanos. Així, l'objectiu de l'estudi és demostrar que els personatges d'Animals tristos són un reflex de la societat urbana actual i de la naturalesa canviant en les relacions de parella de principis del s. XXI que descriu Bauman. D'aquesta forma, l'anàlisi de l'obra de Puntí, especialment dels seus personatges, és realitzada a través d'un marc teòric de naturalesa sociològica.
This paper presents a general expression to predict breeding values using animal models when the base population is selected, i.e. the means and variances of breeding values in the base generation differ among individuals. Rules for forming the mixed model equations are also presented. A numerical example illustrates the procedure.
Chemical reactions in living cells are under strict enzyme control and conform to a tightly regulated metabolic program. However, uncontrolled and potentially deleterious endogenous reactions occur, even under physiological conditions. Aging, in this chemical context, could be viewed as an entropic process, the result of chemical side reactions that chronically and cumulatively degrade the function of biological systems. Mitochondria are a main source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and chemical sidereactions in healthy aerobic tissues and are the only known extranuclear cellular organelles in animal cells that contain their own DNA (mtDNA). ROS can modify mtDNA directly at the sugar-phosphate backbone or at the bases, producing many different oxidatively modified purines and pyrimidines, as well as single and double strand breaks and DNA mutations. In this scenario, natural selection tends to decrease the mitochondrial ROS generation, the oxidative damage to mtDNA, and the mitochondrial mutation rate in long-lived species, in agreement with the mitochondrial oxidative stress theory of aging.
In recent years, there has been an increased attention towards the composition of feeding fats. In the aftermath of the BSE crisis all animal by-products utilised in animal nutrition have been subjected to close scrutiny. Regulation requires that the material belongs to the category of animal by-products fit for human consumption. This implies the use of reliable techniques in order to insure the safety of products. The feasibility of using rapid and non-destructive methods, to control the composition of feedstuffs on animal fats has been studied. Fourier Transform Raman spectroscopy has been chosen for its advantage to give detailed structural information. Data were treated using chemometric methods as PCA and PLS-DA which have permitted to separate well the different classes of animal fats. The same methodology was applied on fats from various types of feedstock and production technology processes. PLS-DA model for the discrimination of animal fats from the other categories presents a sensitivity and a specificity of 0.958 and 0.914, respectively. These results encourage the use of FT-Raman spectroscopy to discriminate animal fats.
In this work methods for the multiresidue determination of the series of quinolones include in the European regulation in food of animal origin are de veloped and validated in line with Commission Decision 2002/657/EC in terms of linearity, decision limit, capability detection, precision and stability. Mult iresidue methods were established to allow the determination of quinolones covered by EU legislation in 2377/90/EC in muscle of chicken, turkey, pig and cow, plasma of cow and pig, liver of pig and milk of cow. First an extraction step was optimized and a SPE step was applied to clean!up and preconcentrate quinolones prior to their separation by CE or LC and determination by CE!UV, LC!UV, LC!Fl, LC!MS with different ion sources (ESI ,ApCI) and different mass analyser (Q, ToF) and LC!E SI!QqQ tandem mass spectrometry. The limits of quantification obtained are always lower than Maxim um Residue Limit (MRL) established by EU for quinolones in animal products and they can be applied to the control of quinolones in foodstuffs of animal origin . Finally the proposed methods were applied to determine quinolones in samples of turkey and pig muscle, pig plasma and milk of cow. Excellent quality parameters and reduced time of analysis were obtained when LC!ESI!MS/MS is used, although the others techniques presented too satisfactory results.
Chemical perception is considered one of the first senses used as a communication system between living organisms. Such communication is based on the emission of signals between a sender and a receiver; if the communication is chemical, these signals are called pheromones. These signals have evolved via natural selection through a mechanism known as ritualization, which converts cues (which are not adapted to communication and which the receiver picks up regardless of the interests of the sender) into signals (information that the sender transmits as an adaptative response to its previously developed perception of the receiver). When communication has evolved between actors (sender and receiver) with common interests, the honesty of the signal is taken for granted, since both want the same thing (i.e., there is no reason to deceive). If the actors have conflicting interests, however, then the possibility of deception seeps into the possible array of adaptations. This can be observed in the case of communicative mimicry. However, in other situations natural selection imposes conditions that screen the possible signals, allowing only those that meet the requirement of honesty to stabilize. These include indices and added-cost signals. The emission of pheromones plays a variety of roles in the life processes of living beings. It facilitates encounters between individuals of the same species and is heavily involved in the mechanisms of recognition of relatives. It also fosters behaviours such as altruism (cooperation between individuals that share a percentage of their genetic inheritance). In many species, including humans, chemical communication works behind the scenes to guide the choice of a sexual partner.
This study analyzes the capillarity and fibre-type distribution of six locomotory muscles of gulls. The morphological basis and the oxygen supply characteristics of the skeletal muscle of a species with a marked pattern of gliding flight are established, thus contributing to a better understanding of the physiology of a kind of flight with low energetic requirements. The four wing muscles studied (scapulotriceps, pectoralis, scapulohumeralis, and extensor metacarpi) exhibited higher percentages of fast oxidative glycolytic fibres (>70%) and lower percentages of slow oxidative fibres (<16%) than the muscles involved in nonflight locomotion (gastrocnemius and iliotibialis). Capillary densities ranged from 816 to 1,233 capillaries mm(-2), having the highest value in the pectoralis. In this muscle, the fast oxidative glycolytic fibres had moderate staining for succinate dehydrogenase and relatively large fibre sizes, as deduced from the low fibre densities (589-665 fibres mm(-2)). All these findings are seen as an adaptive response for gliding, when the wing is held outstretched by isometric contractions. The leg muscles studied included a considerable population of slow oxidative fibres (>14% in many regions), which suggests that they are adapted to postural activities. Regional variations in the relative distributions of fibre types in muscle gastrocnemius may reflect different functional demands placed on this muscle during terrestrial and aquatic locomotion. The predominance of oxidative fibres and capillary densities under 1,000 capillaries mm(-2) in leg muscles is probably a consequence of an adaptation for slow swimming and maintenance of the posture on land rather than for other locomotory capabilities, such as endurance or sprint activities.
Fire is a major agent involved in landscape transformation and an indirect cause of changes in species composition. Responses to fire may vary greatly depending on life histories and functional traits of species. We have examined the taxonomic and functional responses to fire of eight taxonomic animal groups displaying a gradient of dietary and mobility patterns: Gastropoda, Heteroptera, Formicidae, Coleoptera, Araneae, Orthoptera, Reptilia and Aves. The fieldwork was conducted in a Mediterranean protected area on 3 sites (one unburnt and two burnt with different postfire management practices) with five replicates per site. We collected information from 4606 specimens from 274 animal species. Similarity in species composition and abundance between areas was measured by the Bray-Curtis index and ANOSIM, and comparisons between animal and plant responses by Mantel tests. We analyze whether groups with the highest percentage of omnivorous species, these species being more generalist in their dietary habits, show weak responses to fire (i.e. more similarity between burnt and unburnt areas), and independent responses to changes in vegetation. We also explore how mobility, i.e. dispersal ability, influences responses to fire. Our results demonstrate that differences in species composition and abundance between burnt and unburnt areas differed among groups. We found a tendency towards presenting lower differences between areas for groups with higher percentages of omnivorous species. Moreover, taxa with a higher percentage of omnivorous species had significantly more independent responses of changes in vegetation. High- (e.g. Aves) and low-mobility (e.g. Gastropoda) groups had the strongest responses to fire (higher R scores of the ANOSIM); however, we failed to find a significant general pattern with all the groups according to their mobility. Our results partially support the idea that functional traits underlie the response of organisms to environmental changes caused by fire.
Des de la publicació de la Llei de Benestar Animal RD 1135/ 2002, de 31 d’octubre que regula els tres aspectes clau de la producció porcina‐ sistemes d’estabulació i construccions permeses; formació obligatòria dels ramaders i maneig dels animals‐ totes les granges de nova construcció han estat projectades seguint els seus preceptes. Mentre que les granges existents han hagut d’adaptar‐hi les seves instal∙lacions sota amenaça de tancament si no es complien els requisits. L’objectiu d’aquest treball ha estat l’elaboració de l’estudi tècnic‐ econòmic per a l’adaptació a la Llei de Benestar Animal d’una explotació porcina de la comarca d’Osona. Després d’avaluar la situació inicial de les instal∙lacions, establir les línies de previsió de creixement i analitzar els avantatges i inconvenients de cada sistema i model, s’opta pel sistema d’alimentació electrònic model Nedap en grup dinàmic de truges sobre sòl amb jaç de palla. Una decisió no massa extesa en granges del sud d’Europa on se sol preferir l’slat de formigó i/o superfície pavimentada, però imprescindible perquè aquesta explotació pogués aconseguir una millor gestió de les dejeccions ramaderes i assegurar una millora agronòmica de les terres de conreu. El treball conclou amb el seguiment del desenvolupament de l’alternativa escollida i una valoració dels canvis derivats de l’adaptació al Benestar Animal després del primer any i mig en ús. Les millores obtingudes en termes de maneig, funcionament de la granja, salut dels animals i índex productius són remarcables. D’una banda, cal destacar el fet de tenir un nombre de coixeres molt menor respecte les granges amb superfície dura, així com la facilitat i rapidesa en els parts degut al benestar. De l’altra,la reducció del volum de purí, l’increment de la fracció sòlida i la disponibilitat de compost per al camp. Per això, no és exagerat observar el jaç amb palla com una de les solucions més adequades i equilibrades per aquesta explotació que combina boví, porcí i terra per a la producció de cultius.
Article sobre l'ètica animal i la situació general a nivell espanyol
In Europe, the safety evaluation of cosmetics is based on the safety evaluation of each individual ingredient. Article 3 of the Cosmetics Regulation specifies that a cosmetic product made available on the market is to be safe for human health when used normally or under reasonably foreseeable conditions. For substances that cause some concern with respect to human health (e.g. colorants, preservatives, UV-filters), safety is evaluated at the Commission level by a scientific committee, presently called the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS). According to the Cosmetics Regulations, in the EU, the marketing of cosmetics products and their ingredients that have been tested on animals for most of their human health effects, including acute toxicity, is prohibited. Nevertheless, any study dating from before this prohibition took effect is accepted for the safety assessment of cosmetics ingredients. The in vitro methods reported in the dossiers summited to the SCCS are here evaluated from the published reports issued by the scientific committee of the Directorate General of Health and Consumers (DG SANCO); responsible for the safety of cosmetics ingredients. The number of studies submitted to the SCCS that do not involve animals is still low and in general the safety of cosmetics ingredients is based on in vivo studies performed before the prohibition.