68 resultados para A. Nano-structures
Solving multi-stage oligopoly models by backward induction can easily become a com- plex task when rms are multi-product and demands are derived from a nested logit frame- work. This paper shows that under the assumption that within-segment rm shares are equal across segments, the analytical expression for equilibrium pro ts can be substantially simpli ed. The size of the error arising when this condition does not hold perfectly is also computed. Through numerical examples, it is shown that the error is rather small in general. Therefore, using this assumption allows to gain analytical tractability in a class of models that has been used to approach relevant policy questions, such as for example rm entry in an industry or the relation between competition and location. The simplifying approach proposed in this paper is aimed at helping improving these type of models for reaching more accurate recommendations.
The control of optical fields on the nanometre scale is becoming an increasingly important tool in many fields, ranging from channelling light delivery in photovoltaics and light emitting diodes to increasing the sensitivity of chemical sensors to single molecule levels. The ability to design and manipulate light fields with specific frequency and space characteristics is explored in this project. We present an alternative realisation of Extraordinary Optical Transmission (EOT) that requires only a single aperture and a coupled waveguide. We show how this waveguide-resonant EOT improves the transmissivity of single apertures. An important technique in imaging is Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM); we show how waveguide-resonant EOT and the novel probe design assist in improving the efficiency of NSOM probes by two orders of magnitude, and allow the imaging of single molecules with an optical resolution of as good as 50 nm. We show how optical antennas are fabricated into the apex of sharp tips and can be used in a near-field configuration.
Identification and Semiactive Control of Smart Structures Equipped with Magnetorheological Actuators
This paper deals with the problem of identification and semiactive control of smart structures subject to unknown external disturbances such as earthquake, wind, etc. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological actuators being installed in WUSCEEL. The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms
A decentralized model reference controller is designed to reduce the magnitude of the transversal vibration of a flexible cable-stayed beam structure induced by a seismic excitation. The controller design is made based on the principle of sliding mode such that a priori knowledge
Quantitative linguistics has provided us with a number of empirical laws that characterise the evolution of languages and competition amongst them. In terms of language usage, one of the most influential results is Zipf’s law of word frequencies. Zipf’s law appears to be universal, and may not even be unique to human language. However, there is ongoing controversy over whether Zipf’s law is a good indicator of complexity. Here we present an alternative approach that puts Zipf’s law in the context of critical phenomena (the cornerstone of complexity in physics) and establishes the presence of a large-scale “attraction” between successive repetitions of words. Moreover, this phenomenon is scale-invariant and universal – the pattern is independent of word frequency and is observed in texts by different authors and written in different languages. There is evidence, however, that the shape of the scaling relation changes for words that play a key role in the text, implying the existence of different “universality classes” in the repetition of words. These behaviours exhibit striking parallels with complex catastrophic phenomena.
This paper deals with the problem of semiactive vibration control of civil engineering structures subject to unknown external disturbances (for example, earthquakes, winds, etc.). Two kinds of semiactive controllers are proposed based on the backstepping control technique. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological dampers being installed in the Washington University Structural Control and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (WUSCEEL). The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms
In this paper, we address this problem through the design of a semiactive controller based on the mixed H2/H∞ control theory. The vibrations caused by the seismic motions are mitigated by a semiactive damper installed in the bottom of the structure. It is meant by semiactive damper, a device that absorbs but cannot inject energy into the system. Sufficient conditions for the design of a desired control are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). A controller that guarantees asymptotic stability and a mixed H2/H∞ performance is then developed. An algorithm is proposed to handle the semiactive nature of the actuator. The performance of the controller is experimentally evaluated in a real-time hybrid testing facility that consists of a physical specimen (a small-scale magnetorheological damper) and a numerical model (a large-scale three-story building)
This short paper addresses the problem of designing a QFT (quantitative feedback theory) based controllers for the vibration reduction in a 6-story building structure equipped with shear-mode magnetorheological dampers. A new methodology is proposed for characterizing the nonlinear hysteretic behavior of the MR damper through the uncertainty template in the Nichols chart. The design procedure for QFT control design is briefly presented
The objective the present research is try to find some control design strategies, which must be effective and closed to the real operation conditions. As a novel contribution to structural control strategies, the theories of Interval Modal Arithmetic, Backstepping Control and QFT (Qualitative Feedback Theory) will be studied. The steps to follow are to develop first new controllers based on the above theories and then to implement the proposed control strategies to different kind of structures. The report is organized as follows. The Chapter 2 presents the state-of-the-art on structural control systems. The chapter 3 presents the most important open problems found in field of structural control. The exploratory work made by the author, research proposal and working plan are given in the Chapter 4
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Alemanya, entre 2010 i 2012. El principal objectiu d’aquest projecte era estudiar en detall les estructures subcorticals, en concret, el rol dels ganglis basals en control cognitiu durant processament lingüístic i no-lingüístic. Per tal d’assolir una diferenciació minuciosa en els diferents nuclis dels ganglis basals s’utilitzà ressonància magnètica d’ultra-alt camp i alta resolució (7T-MRI). El còrtex prefrontal lateral i els ganglis basals treballant conjuntament per a mitjançar memòria de treball i la regulació “top-down” de la cognició. Aquest circuit regula l’equilibri entre respostes automàtiques i d’alt-ordre cognitiu. Es crearen tres condicions experimentals principals: frases/seqüències noambigües, no-gramatical i ambigües. Les frases/seqüències no-ambigües haurien de provocar una resposta automàtica, mentre les frases/seqüències ambigües i no-gramaticals produïren un conflicte amb la resposta automàtica, i per tant, requeririen una resposta de d’alt-ordre cognitiu. Dins del domini de la resposta de control, la ambigüitat i no-gramaticalitat representen dues dimensions diferents de la resolució de conflicte, mentre per una frase/seqüència temporalment ambigua existeix una interpretació correcte, aquest no és el cas per a les frases/seqüències no-gramaticals. A més, el disseny experimental incloïa una manipulació lingüística i nolingüística, la qual posà a prova la hipòtesi que els efectes són de domini-general; així com una manipulació semàntica i sintàctica que avaluà les diferències entre el processament d’ambigüitat/error “intrínseca vs. “estructural”. Els resultats del primer experiment (sintax-lingüístic) mostraren un gradient rostroventralcaudodorsal de control cognitiu dins del nucli caudat, això és, les regions més rostrals sostenint els nivells més alts de processament cognitiu
Background: Recent advances on high-throughput technologies have produced a vast amount of protein sequences, while the number of high-resolution structures has seen a limited increase. This has impelled the production of many strategies to built protein structures from its sequence, generating a considerable amount of alternative models. The selection of the closest model to the native conformation has thus become crucial for structure prediction. Several methods have been developed to score protein models by energies, knowledge-based potentials and combination of both.Results: Here, we present and demonstrate a theory to split the knowledge-based potentials in scoring terms biologically meaningful and to combine them in new scores to predict near-native structures. Our strategy allows circumventing the problem of defining the reference state. In this approach we give the proof for a simple and linear application that can be further improved by optimizing the combination of Zscores. Using the simplest composite score () we obtained predictions similar to state-of-the-art methods. Besides, our approach has the advantage of identifying the most relevant terms involved in the stability of the protein structure. Finally, we also use the composite Zscores to assess the conformation of models and to detect local errors.Conclusion: We have introduced a method to split knowledge-based potentials and to solve the problem of defining a reference state. The new scores have detected near-native structures as accurately as state-of-art methods and have been successful to identify wrongly modeled regions of many near-native conformations.
Aquest treball és una revisió d'alguns sistemes de Traducció Automàtica que segueixen l'estratègia de Transfer i fan servir estructures de trets com a eina de representació. El treball s'integra dins el projecte MLAP-9315, projecte que investiga la reutilització de les especificacions lingüístiques del projecte EUROTRA per estàndards industrials.
Using data for all the fixtures for the seasons from 1972-73 to 2002-03, we estimate a dynamic model of demand for football pools in Spain paying attention to whether their main economic explanatory variable is the effective price of a ticket or the jackpot. Additionally, we evaluate the importance of the composition of the list of games in terms of whether First Division matches are included or not. Results show that the jackpot model is preferred to the effective price model, having important implications in terms of how the structure of the game should be changed in order to increase demand.
Structural equation models are widely used in economic, socialand behavioral studies to analyze linear interrelationships amongvariables, some of which may be unobservable or subject to measurementerror. Alternative estimation methods that exploit different distributionalassumptions are now available. The present paper deals with issues ofasymptotic statistical inferences, such as the evaluation of standarderrors of estimates and chi--square goodness--of--fit statistics,in the general context of mean and covariance structures. The emphasisis on drawing correct statistical inferences regardless of thedistribution of the data and the method of estimation employed. A(distribution--free) consistent estimate of $\Gamma$, the matrix ofasymptotic variances of the vector of sample second--order moments,will be used to compute robust standard errors and a robust chi--squaregoodness--of--fit squares. Simple modifications of the usual estimateof $\Gamma$ will also permit correct inferences in the case of multi--stage complex samples. We will also discuss the conditions under which,regardless of the distribution of the data, one can rely on the usual(non--robust) inferential statistics. Finally, a multivariate regressionmodel with errors--in--variables will be used to illustrate, by meansof simulated data, various theoretical aspects of the paper.
In moment structure analysis with nonnormal data, asymptotic valid inferences require the computation of a consistent (under general distributional assumptions) estimate of the matrix $\Gamma$ of asymptotic variances of sample second--order moments. Such a consistent estimate involves the fourth--order sample moments of the data. In practice, the use of fourth--order moments leads to computational burden and lack of robustness against small samples. In this paper we show that, under certain assumptions, correct asymptotic inferences can be attained when $\Gamma$ is replaced by a matrix $\Omega$ that involves only the second--order moments of the data. The present paper extends to the context of multi--sample analysis of second--order moment structures, results derived in the context of (simple--sample) covariance structure analysis (Satorra and Bentler, 1990). The results apply to a variety of estimation methods and general type of statistics. An example involving a test of equality of means under covariance restrictions illustrates theoretical aspects of the paper.