311 resultados para Solares, Ignacio


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Background: The zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI) and the isthmus organizer (IsO) are two major secondary organizers of vertebrate brain development. These organizers are located at the interface of the expression domains of key patterning genes (Fezf-Irx and Otx-Gbx, respectively). To gain insights into the evolutionary origin of the ZLI, we studied Fezf in bilaterians. Results: In this paper, we identified a conserved sequence motif (Fezf box) in all bilaterians. We report the expression pattern of Fezf in amphioxus and Drosophila and compare it with those of Gbx, Otx and Irx. We found that the relative expression patterns of these genes in vertebrates are fully conserved in amphioxus and flies, indicating that the genetic subdivisions defining the location of both secondary organizers in early vertebrate brain development were probably present in the last common ancestor of extant bilaterians. However, in contrast to vertebrates, we found that Irx-defective flies do not show an affected Fezf expression pattern. Conclusions: The absence of expression of the corresponding morphogens from cells at these conserved genetic boundaries in invertebrates suggests that the organizing properties might have evolved specifically in the vertebrate lineage by the recruitment of key morphogens to these conserved genetic locations.


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In a previous paper [Hidalgo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 118001 (2009)] it was shown that square particles deposited in a silo tend to align with a diagonal parallel to the gravity, giving rise to a deposit with very particular properties. Here we explore, both experimentally and numerically, the effect on these properties of the filling mechanism. In particular, we modify the volume fraction of the initial configuration from which the grains are deposited. Starting from a very dilute case, increasing the volume fraction results in an enhancement of the disorder in the final deposit characterized by a decrease of the final packing fraction and a reduction of the number of particles oriented with their diagonal in the direction of gravity. However, for very high initial volume fractions, the final packing fraction increases again. This result implies that two deposits with the same final packing fraction can be obtained from very different initial conditions. The structural properties of such deposits are analyzed, revealing that, although the final volume fraction is the same, their micromechanical properties notably differ.


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A lo largo de la historia de la psico-oncología los conceptos de personalidad e identidad de los pacientes oncológicos se han utilizado frecuentemente tanto para explicar la aparición de la enfermedad como los cambios personales inducidos por la misma. Ya sea históricamente vinculado a los orígenes y causas en forma de personalidad que predispone al enfermar, o como transformación identitaria una vez el sujeto ha superado la enfermedad, las formas de ser constituyen también punto de arranque y destino de una parte importante del trabajo psicoterapéutico. Tras analizar las teorías socio-cognitivas de Janoff-Bulman y de Tedeschi y Calhoun sobre el fenómeno denominado crecimiento postraumático los autores se interrogan sobre el posible impacto de los modelos identarios y de crecimiento personal aplicados al ámbito del cáncer hereditario y el consejo genético.


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We derive a one dimensional formulation of the Planck-Nernst-Poisson equation to describe the dynamics of of a symmetric binary electrolyte in channels whose section is of nanometric section and varies along the axial direction. The approach is in the spirit of the Fick-Jacobs di fusion equation and leads to a system of coupled equations for the partial densities which depends on the charge sitting at the walls in a non trivial fashion. We consider two kinds of non uniformities, those due to the spatial variation of charge distribution and those due to the shape variation of the pore and report one and three-dimensional solutions of the electrokinetic equations.


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During the fieldwork in the medieval fortification of Ausa (Gipuzkoa), a vast amount of sherds from several pottery artifacts featured by a cylindrical body has been found out. They presumably had the same function in contexts dated from the first half of xiv century. Although it has not been possible to reconstruct any of these artefacts, the study of the sherds allows us to think that they would have formed some sort of big-sized horn. This high-sounding instrument, which has been frequently reproduced in iconographic references, does not have at this moment any direct parallelism in Hispanic contexts, despite being plentiful of references to similar objects in medieval ranges from Provence and Languedoc. By introducing these artefacts from different approaches, we aim to go over the scarce knowledge of these instruments, whose evidence lets us to believe in their widespread distribution all over the landscape in several material contexts from Medieval Ages.


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During the fieldwork in the medieval fortification of Ausa (Gipuzkoa), a vast amount of sherds from several pottery artifacts featured by a cylindrical body has been found out. They presumably had the same function in contexts dated from the first half of xiv century. Although it has not been possible to reconstruct any of these artefacts, the study of the sherds allows us to think that they would have formed some sort of big-sized horn. This high-sounding instrument, which has been frequently reproduced in iconographic references, does not have at this moment any direct parallelism in Hispanic contexts, despite being plentiful of references to similar objects in medieval ranges from Provence and Languedoc. By introducing these artefacts from different approaches, we aim to go over the scarce knowledge of these instruments, whose evidence lets us to believe in their widespread distribution all over the landscape in several material contexts from Medieval Ages.


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Brucellosis is a highly contagious zoonosis affecting livestock and human beings. The human disease lacks pathognomonic symptoms and laboratory tests are essential for its diagnosis. However, most tests are difficult to implement in the areas and countries were brucellosis is endemic. Here, we compared the simple and cheap Rose Bengal Test (RBT) with serum agglutination, Coombs, competitive ELISA, Brucellacapt, lateral flow immunochromatography for IgM and IgG detection and immunoprecipitation with Brucella proteins. We tested 208 sera from patients with brucellosis proved by bacteriological isolation, 20 contacts with no brucellosis, and 1559 sera of persons with no recent contact or brucellosis symptoms. RBT was highly sensitive in acute and long evolution brucellosis cases and this related to its ability to detect IgM, IgG and IgA, to the absence of prozones, and to the agglutinating activity of blocking IgA at the pH of the test. RBT was also highly specific in the sera of persons with no contact with Brucella. No test in this study outperformed RBT, and none was fully satisfactory in distinguishing contacts from infected patients. When modified to test serum dilutions, a diagnostic titer >4 in RBT resulted in 87.4% sensitivity (infected patients) and 100% specificity (contacts). We discuss the limitations of serological tests in the diagnosis of human brucellosis, particularly in the more chronic forms, and conclude that simplicity and affordability of RBT make it close to the ideal test for small and understaffed hospitals and laboratories.


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Optical trapping is an attractive and multidisciplinary topic that has become the center of attention to a large number of researchers. Moreover, it is a suitable subject for advanced students that requires a knowledge of a wide range of topics. As a result, it has been incorporated into some syllabuses of both undergraduate and graduate programs. In this paper, basic concepts in laser trapping theory are reviewed. To provide a better understanding of the underlying concepts for students, a Java application for simulating the behavior of a dielectric particle trapped in a highly focused beam has been developed. The program illustrates a wide range of theoretical results and features, such as the calculation of the force exerted by a beam in the Mie and Rayleigh regimes or the calibration of the trap stiffness. Some examples that are ready to be used in the classroom or in the computer lab are also supplied.


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We develop a method for generating focused vector beams with circular polarization at any transverse plane. Based on the Richards-Wolf vector model, we derive analytical expressions to describe the propagation of these set of beams near the focal area. Since the polarization and the amplitude of the input beam are not uniform, an interferometric system capable of generating spatially-variant polarized beams has to be used. In particular, this wavefront is manipulated by means of spatial light modulators displaying computer generated holograms and subsequently focused using a high numerical aperture objective lens. Experimental results using a NA=0.85 system are provided: irradiance and Stokes images of the focused field at different planes near the focal plane are presented and compared with those obtained by numerical simulation.


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We examine the phenomenon of hydrodynamic-induced cooperativity for pairs of flagellated micro-organism swimmers, of which spermatozoa cells are an example. We consider semiflexible swimmers, where inextensible filaments are driven by an internal intrinsic force and torque-free mechanism (intrinsic swimmers). The velocity gain for swimming cooperatively, which depends on both the geometry and the driving, develops as a result of the near-field coupling of bending and hydrodynamic stresses. We identify the regimes where hydrodynamic cooperativity is advantageous and quantify the change in efficiency. When the filaments' axes are parallel, hydrodynamic interaction induces a directional instability that causes semiflexible swimmers that profit from swimming together to move apart from each other. Biologically, this implies that flagella need to select different synchronized collective states and to compensate for directional instabilities (e.g., by binding) in order to profit from swimming together. By analyzing the cooperative motion of pairs of externally actuated filaments, we assess the impact that stress distribution along the filaments has on their collective displacements.


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The origin and evolution of the complex regulatory landscapes of some vertebrate developmental genes, often spanning hundreds of Kbp and including neighboring genes, remain poorly understood. The Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) genomic regulatory block (GRB) is one of the best functionally characterized examples, with several discrete enhancers reported within its introns, vast upstream gene-free region and neighboring genes (Lmbr1 and Rnf32). To investigate the origin and evolution of this GRB, we sequenced and characterized the Hedgehog (Hh) loci from three invertebrate chordate amphioxus species, which share several early expression domains with Shh. Using phylogenetic footprinting within and between chordate lineages, and reporter assays in zebrafish probing >30 Kbp of amphioxus Hh, we report large sequence and functional divergence between both groups. In addition, we show that the linkage of Shh to Lmbr1 and Rnf32, necessary for the unique gnatostomate-specific Shh limb expression, is a vertebrate novelty occurred between the two whole-genome duplications.


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Objetivo: Las enfermedades graves como el cáncer pueden vivirse como experiencias traumáticas y/o como impulso para realizar cambios vitales positivos (ej. crecimiento postraumático). El programa de psicoterapia positiva grupal para supervivientes de cáncer que realizamos integra ambos elementos, trauma y crecimiento. Los objetivos del programa no son sólo la reducción de emociones negativas (malestar emocional o sintomatología postraumática) sino el trabajo con emociones positivas y la facilitación de crecimiento postraumático. Método: Los elementos de trabajo psicoterapéutico que han mostrado evidencia en la consecución de estos objetivos y que componen los módulos de este programa son: favorecer la expresión y procesamiento emocional, entrenar habilidades de regulación emocional y estrategias de afrontamiento, trabajo con elementos facilitadores del crecimiento postraumático y confrontación con los aspectos existenciales y espirituales que surgen tras el diagnóstico y tratamiento oncológico. Además de estos aspectos psicoterapéuticos, complementamos el programa con otros factores relevantes en la adaptación psicosocial tras la enfermedad como: el fomento de estilos de vida saludables, la adherencia a los tratamientos oncológicos, la reinserción laboral y los comportamientos solidarios. Resultados: Los resultados preliminares del programa muestran mayor reducción de sintomatología postraumática y mayor crecimiento postraumático en el programa de psicoterapia positiva en el seguimiento a 3 meses al compararlo con un programa anterior centrado únicamente en la reducción de malestar emocional.


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Objetivo: Analizar los efectos que provoca la primera visita de consejo genético para cáncer hereditario sobre la percepción de riesgo, y el malestar emocional en pacientes que acuden por primera vez a la Unidad de Consejo Genético (UCG) por historia familiar de cáncer de mama, ovario o colon hereditario. Método: Se evaluó la percepción de riesgo de padecer cáncer (al año, a 10 años, y a lo largo de toda la vida), y la intensidad del malestar emocional (evaluada como la ansiedad, tristeza y preocupación por la salud experimentadas durante la última semana) en tres ocasiones: inmediatamente antes de la primera visita de consejo genético (CG), inmediatamente después de la misma, y al cabo de 2-3 semanas. Resultados: El malestar emocional previo a la visita se producía en aproximadamente un 30% de los pacientes, siendo mayor en las personas que no realizaban actividad laboral. Si bien la visita de CG reducía el malestar emocional en muchos casos, ocurría lo contrario en algunos pacientes inmediatamente después de la misma (un 34% se sentía más ansioso, un 32% se sentía más triste, y un 23% se sentía más preocupado), y ello guardaba relación con la preocupación por los hijos (tanto si se tenían como si se pretendía tenerlos en el futuro). No obstante, este malestar se reducía en las 2-3 semanas posteriores. La visita de CG reducía la percepción de riesgo de padecer cáncer a lo largo de toda la vida (p< .01), no existiendo diferencias en función del tipo de cáncer. Conclusiones: Esta primera visita reduce la sobreestimación del riesgo de padecer cáncer que los pacientes tienen antes de la misma, pero, en aproximadamente un tercio de los mismos, no reduce los niveles de malestar emocional, observándose, incluso, un incremento de éste que va disminuyendo durante las semanas posteriores a la visita. Son necesarios más estudios que permitan determinar si este incremento es una consecuencia inevitable del inicio del proceso de CG, o si puede reducirse modificando algún aspecto del protocolo que se aplica en la primera visita.


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La serie sísmica de Tivissa tuvo lugar durante la lluviosa década de 1840-1850, 21 días después de los aguaceros que ocasionaron graves inundaciones. La serie empezó el 30 de septiembre y finalizó el 14 de octubre. Los terremotos de mayor intensidad ocurrieron el 3 (IEMS-98=VI) y el 7 de octubre (IEMS-98=VI-VII). De acuerdo con la distribución de la información macrosísmica se propone un área epicentral para ambos terremotos entre Tivissa y Vandellòs. El sismo del 7 de octubre indujodeslizamientos de masa al Sur de Tivissa. La estratigrafía, la disposición estructural y la orografía facilitaron estos deslizamientos: tuvieron lugar en una secuencia de capas calcáreas, decimétricas, con interestratos centimétricos de margas que buzan en el mismo sentido que la pendiente de la vertiente del valle, pero menos que ésta, y que está afectada por diaclasas perpendiculares a la estratificación. Ello implica la existencia de masas rocosas aisladas por la estratificación y las diaclasas, susceptibles de deslizarse hacia el valle. El agua de los aguaceros que precedieron a los sismos infiltrada por las diaclasas podría haber facilitado el despegue a nivel de los interestratos margosos. Teniendo en cuenta los datos geológicos y sismológicos se discuten las posibles fuentes de estos terremotos.


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SAMP8 is a strain of mice with accelerated senescence. These mice have recently been the focus of attention as they show several alterations that have also been described in Alzheimer"s disease (AD) patients. The number of dendritic spines, spine plasticity, and morphology are basic to memory formation. In AD, the density of dendritic spines is severely decreased. We studied memory alterations using the object recognition test. We measured levels of synaptophysin as a marker of neurotransmission and used Golgi staining to quantify and characterize the number and morphology of dendritic spines in SAMP8 mice and in SAMR1 as control animals. While there were no memory differences at 3 months of age, the memory of both 6- and 9-month-old SAMP8 mice was impaired in comparison with age-matched SAMR1 mice or young SAMP8 mice. In addition, synaptophysin levels were not altered in young SAMP8 animals, but SAMP8 aged 6 and 9 months had less synaptophysin than SAMR1 controls and also less than 3-month-old SAMP8 mice. Moreover, while spine density remained stable with age in SAMR1 mice, the number of spines started to decrease in SAMP8 animals at 6 months, only to get worse at 9 months. Our results show that from 6 months onwards SAMP8 mice show impaired memory. This age coincides with that at which the levels of synaptophysin and spine density decrease. Thus, we conclude that together with other studies that describe several alterations at similar ages, SAMP8 mice are a very suitable model for studying AD.