541 resultados para Investigació en ciències socials
El projecte iSustainable conjuga el desenvolupament i investigació en la tecnologia iPhone d'Apple amb un projecte ja existent dins de l'empresa Solvay anomenat Solvay Sustainable. Està enfocat a càrrecs directius de la companyia, els quals necessiten consultar les dades proporcionades per l'aplicació en tot moment.
En el període 2006-2008, l'equip investigador de l'Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS) s'ha concentrat en la innovació i la investigació en el camp de la didàctica aplicada als estudis universitaris de les arts. Des del punt de vista propi de la investigació-acció, la finalitat ha estat la de plantejar i explorar una revisió integral de l'organització del treball a peu d'aula que fos extensible a d'altres assignatures i matèries. Així, prenent com a eix l'aprenentatge dels estudiants, les accions escomeses es fonamentaren en sis premisses: integració —de sessions de treball i activitats d'aprenentatge—, diversitat —d'escenaris, recursos i materials didàctics—, equilibri —entre coneixements i habilitats específiques i transversals—, modularitat —de les parts constitutives de la innovació proposada—, aplicabilitat —a d'altres assignatures i matèries— i progressió en la seva posada en marxa. I sobre aquestes bases, hom va establir cinc línies de treball: l'organització del treball a l'aula i del treball guiat de l'estudiant en diferents tipus de sessions, l'organització del treball autònom de l'alumne des dels pressupòsits d'una avaluació continuada, la incorporació de les TIC com autèntics recursos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge, la col·laboració amb d'altres unitats de la Universitat de Barcelona que tinguessin entre els seus objectius l'impuls de l'aprenentatge, i el seguiment del procés d'implantació de la iniciativa didàctica i l'anàlisi regular dels seus resultats. Pel que fa a aquest darrer punt, en aquest primer període, hom ha prioritzat l'estudi de les dades quantitatives i quasi-quantitatives derivades del judici dels alumnes que participaren en la nova proposta didàctica. En conseqüència, la investigació va acomplir una primera funció diagnòstica de la innovació docent duta a terme, i es va enquadrar en la categoria dels estudis descriptius transversals a través d'enquestes amb mostres probabilístiques.
What allows an armed group in a civil war to prevent desertion? This paper addresses this question with a focus on control in the rearguard. Most past studies focus on motivations for desertion. They explain desertion in terms of where soldiers stand in relation to the macro themes of the war, or in terms of an inability to provide positive incentives to overcome the collective action problem. However, since individuals decide whether and how to participate in civil wars for multiple reasons, responding to a variety of local conditions in an environment of threat and violence, a focus only on macro-level motivations is incomplete. The opportunities side of the ledger deserves more attention. I therefore turn my attention to how control by an armed group eliminates soldiers’ opportunities to desert. In particular, I consider the control that an armed group maintains over soldiers’ hometowns, treating geographic terrain as an important exogenous indicator of the ease of control. Rough terrain at home affords soldiers and their families and friends advantages in ease of hiding, the difficulty of using force, and local knowledge. Based on an original dataset of soldiers from Santander Province in the Spanish Civil War, gathered from archival sources, I find statistical evidence that the rougher the terrain in a soldier’s home municipality, the more likely he is to desert. I find complementary qualitative evidence indicating that soldiers from rough-terrain communities took active advantage of their greater opportunities for evasion. This finding has important implications for the way observers interpret different soldiers’ decisions to desert or remain fighting, for the prospect that structural factors may shape the cohesion of armed groups, and for the possibility that local knowledge may be a double-edged sword, making soldiers simultaneously good at fighting and good at deserting.
The gradual implementation of new, more participatory and thus, more democratic mechanisms of intra-party decision-making has been pointed out by several party politics scholars. This phenomenon has been studied as the party elite’s reactions to a widespread trend in Western countries: the party membership decline. Spain is still a deviant case in both the party membership decline trend, and with regards to the introduction of more participatory and democratic decision-making mechanisms. However, the paper point out that support for intra-party democracy is quite widespread within Spanish party middle elites (party delegates). That is why the aim of this paper is to explain which factors are underpinning the supports for intra-party democracy amongst Spanish party delegates. After conducting a multivariate analysis, the results show that ideology, the involvement in intra-party experiences and the degree of pragmatism, amongst others, are factors strongly associated with the support for intraparty democracy in Spanish party middle elites.
This paper studies cooperation in a political system dominated by two opportunistic parties competing in a resource-based economy. Since a binding agreement as an external solution might be difficult to enforce due to the close association between the incumbent party and the government, the paper explores the extent to which co-operation between political parties that alternate in office can rely on self-enforcing strategies to provide an internal solution. We show that, for appropriate values of the probability of re-election and the discount factor cooperation in maintaining the value of a state variable is possible, but fragile. Another result is that, in such political framework, debt decisions contain an externality element linked to electoral incentives that creates a bias towards excessive borrowing.
In this article we compare regression models obtained to predict PhD students’ academic performance in the universities of Girona (Spain) and Slovenia. Explanatory variables are characteristics of PhD student’s research group understood as an egocentered social network, background and attitudinal characteristics of the PhD students and some characteristics of the supervisors. Academic performance was measured by the weighted number of publications. Two web questionnaires were designed, one for PhD students and one for their supervisors and other research group members. Most of the variables were easily comparable across universities due to the careful translation procedure and pre-tests. When direct comparison was notpossible we created comparable indicators. We used a regression model in which the country was introduced as a dummy coded variable including all possible interaction effects. The optimal transformations of the main and interaction variables are discussed. Some differences between Slovenian and Girona universities emerge. Some variables like supervisor’s performance and motivation for autonomy prior to starting the PhD have the same positive effect on the PhD student’s performance in both countries. On the other hand, variables like too close supervision by the supervisor and having children have a negative influence in both countries. However, we find differences between countries when we observe the motivation for research prior to starting the PhD which increases performance in Slovenia but not in Girona. As regards network variables, frequency of supervisor advice increases performance in Slovenia and decreases it in Girona. The negative effect in Girona could be explained by the fact that additional contacts of the PhD student with his/her supervisor might indicate a higher workload in addition to or instead of a better advice about the dissertation. The number of external student’s advice relationships and social support mean contact intensity are not significant in Girona, but they have a negative effect in Slovenia. We might explain the negative effect of external advice relationships in Slovenia by saying that a lot of external advice may actually result from a lack of the more relevant internal advice
Las personas con síndrome de Asperger presentan dificultades para la comprensión del otro, para ponerse en su lugar, para saber distinguir entre engaño, mentira y verdad. Tienen serias dificultades en habilidades sociales, sobre todo en saber escuchar, guardar los turnos de palabra, interesarse y entender los estados emocionales. Por este motivo, utilizando la Teoría de la mente y el Paradigma cognitivo, a través de historias sociales, conversaciones en forma de historietas, modelaje... intentaremos ayudar a estas personas a vivir sin estrés sus relaciones sociales para que éstas sean más ajustadas y gratificantes.
This book is concerned with the diversity debate in the context of Europe.It is about diversity both as a concept and as a policy. Indeed, the epicentreof the analysis is the link between the spheres of diversity-concepts anddiversity-policies. The book explores how the concept of diversity orientatespolicies and management, and also how public/private managementfacilitates new policy orientations. As such, the book enhances conceptualthinking on diversity, but also facilitates policy thinking on the conceptinvolved in novel policy orientations towards diversity.
La producció d'animació audiovisual a Catalunya: diagnòstic de la situació empresarial de l’animació