245 resultados para teoria quântica da medida
The properties of a proposed model of N point particles in direct interaction are considered in the limit of small velocities. It is shown that, in this limit, time correlations cancel out and that Newtonian dynamics is recovered for the system in a natural way.
The equivalence between the covariant and the noncovariant versions of a constrained system is shown to hold after quantization in the framework of the field-antifield formalism. Our study covers the cases of electromagnetism and Yang-Mills fields and sheds light on some aspects of the Faddeev-Popov method, for both the covariant and noncovariant approaches, which have not been fully clarified in the literature.
We use the method of Bogolubov transformations to compute the rate of pair production by an electric field in (1+1)-dimensional de Sitter space. The results are in agreement with those obtained previously using the instanton methods. This is true even when the size of the instanton is comparable to the size of the de Sitter horizon.
Recent results in the literature concerning holography indicate that the thermodynamics of quantum gravity (at least with a negative cosmological constant) can be modeled by the large N thermodynamics of quantum field theory. We emphasize that this suggests a completely unitary evolution of processes in quantum gravity, including black hole formation and decay, and even more extreme examples involving topology change. As concrete examples which show that this correspondence holds even when the space-time is only locally asymptotically AdS, we compute the thermodynamical phase structure of the AdS-Taub-NUT and AdS-Taub-bolt spacetimes, and compare them to a (2+1)-dimensional conformal field theory (at large N) compactified on a squashed three-sphere and on the twisted plane.
We obtain a solution describing a gravitational shock wave propagating along a Randall-Sundrum brane. The interest of such a solution is twofold: on the one hand, it is the first exact solution for a localized source on a Randall-Sundrum three-brane. On the other hand, one can use it to study forward scattering at Planckian energies, including the effects of the continuum of Kaluza-Klein modes. We map out the different regimes for the scattering obtained by varying the center-of-mass energy and the impact parameter. We also discuss exact shock waves in ADD scenarios with compact extra dimensions.
The holographic dual of a finite-temperature gauge theory with a small number of flavors typically contains D-brane probes in a black hole background. At low temperature, the branes sit outside the black hole and the meson spectrum is discrete and possesses a mass gap. As the temperature increases, the branes approach a critical solution. Eventually, they fall into the horizon and a phase transition occurs. In the new phase, the meson spectrum is continuous and gapless. At large Nc and large't Hooft coupling, we show that this phase transition is always first order. In confining theories with heavy quarks, it occurs above the deconfinement transition for the glue.
We argue that low-temperature effects in QED can, if anywhere, only be quantitatively interesting for bound electrons. Unluckily the dominant thermal contribution turns out to be level independent, so that it does not affect the frequency of the transition radiation.
L. S. Shapley, in his paper 'Cores of Convex Games', introduces Convex Measure Games, those that are induced by a convex function on R, acting over a measure on the coalitions. But in a note he states that if this function is a function of several variables, then convexity for the function does not imply convexity of the game or even superadditivity. We prove that if the function is directionally convex, the game is convex, and conversely, any convex game can be induced by a directionally convex function acting over measures on the coalitions, with as many measures as players
Si analitzem, tant históricament com actualment, els processos d'investigació en la formació del professorat, trobem diverses concepcions sobre qué és investigar en aquest camp, basades fonamentalment en la distinció entre una investigació sobre la formació del professorat i la investigació en la formació del professorat.
A partir del análisis metrológico realizado en 4 asentamientos ibéricos del tramo final del Ebro, en la región ilercavona planteamos la utilización de una unidad de medida basada en un pie de 0,32 m. Su primera aplicación probable se identifica en la torre bipartita del Castellot de la Roca Roja de Benifallet (final del siglo v a.C.), pero será entre los siglos iii y ii a.C. cuando tendrá una mayor adaptación, como se puede apreciar en su uso en la trama urbana de El Castellet de Banyoles de Tivissa, el sistema defensivo de Sant Miquel de Vinebre y probablemente en el edificio singular del Perengil de Vinaròs. Su mayor difusión durante el siglo iii a.C. se relaciona con el momento de concentración de poblamiento en el territorio ilercavón en grandes núcleos, como El Castellet de Banyoles, dentro de un fenómeno de jerarquización del territorio que muestra un sistema económico centralizado de tipo protoestatal.
Much has been written about the Semantic Web, on the theory, its possible applications, how to implement it, how to make it effective and commercially attractive ... However, this work aims to be more specific. It is attempted to address a detailed analysis of the technologies that use concepts and tools of the Semantic Web, verifying their actual usefulness, quantifying as far as possible the impact and trying to extrapolate data about its future.It will be an analysis of what the Semantic Web is, how it is defined, which languages are the most appropriate for their development, the commercial applications that can be developed with Semantic Web technology, the applications that are currently running with this technology what kind of deployment of the Semantic Web currently exists, the real use of the Semantic Web technology...
L'Univers cultural humà és extremamwnt complex i inclou des de creences dogmàtiques fins a explicacions científiques, que coexisteixen en la societat i fins i tot en la ment de l'individu.
Xerrada de cloenda de la Setmana internacional d'accés obert 2011 a la UOC, a càrrec de l'advocat Josep Jover. Per què les estratègies altruistes guanyen les egoistes en el programari lliure i en el #15m? El moviment #15m, igual que el programari, a diferència dels béns materials, no es pot posseir, ja que en pot gaudir (formant-ne part) un nombre indeterminat de persones sense que per això hagi de privar ningú de tenir-lo al seu torn. I això porta a girar com un mitjó la manera com manegen la informació les universitats, i quina és la missió de la universitat en la nova societat. En el futur immediat, valorarem les universitats no per la informació que guarden, que fora sempre serà millor i més extensa, sinó per la capacitat de crear masses crítiques, sia de recerca de coneixement, de capacitació humana, d'enllaç entre iguals... Les universitats hauran d'implantar el model o quedaran relegades.
A regularization method based on the non-extensive maximum entropy principle is devised. Special emphasis is given to the q=1/2 case. We show that, when the residual principle is considered as constraint, the q=1/2 generalized distribution of Tsallis yields a regularized solution for bad-conditioned problems. The so devised regularized distribution is endowed with a component which corresponds to the well known regularized solution of Tikhonov (1977).