217 resultados para Aliments altament greixosos


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Una experiència personal molt gratificadora és endinsar-se en altres cultures, per pensar i aprendre. Aquests dies,a recer d'una duna, uns tuaregs han compartit amb la meva família el seu te i la seva cultura,a la vora del foc.Per als humans,el foc, que fou domesticat fa 450.000 anys pels Homoerectus, no ha estat només un mitjà de coure aliments, sinó un nucli aglutinador de l'activitat social i cultural, cabdals per a la supervivència de la nostra espècie [...].


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Menjar és una necessitat per a tots els éssers vius. Cada espècie presenta un tipus d'alimentació determinant, que és el resultat de la seva història evolutiva, la qual ha permès l'adaptació dels seus òrgans i la seva fisiologia als aliments disponibles en el seu entorn. Els humans som omnívors. El nostre cos està adaptat a una dieta variada, amb predomini del gra, la fruita i la verdura, i amb ingestes més escadusseres de productes d'origen animal [...].


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Debido a la coyuntura actual y a la liberalización del comercio de alimentos, es necesariogarantizar la seguridad e inocuidad de los alimentos, las cuales se conseguirán aplicando lasprácticas y las normas apropiadas en materia de seguridad alimentaria. Los reglamentoscomunitarios en materia de seguridad alimentaria, y en particular el Reglamento (CE) nº852/2004 relativo a la higiene de los alimentos, obligan a las empresas alimentarias a aplicarun sistema de autocontrol basado en los principios del Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticosde Control (APPCC). En España, la legislación nacional ya contemplaba este requisito. En elámbito de las comidas preparadas, esta exigencia se recogía expresamente en el Real Decreto3484/200, de 29 de diciembre, por el que se establecen las normas de higiene para laelaboración, distribución y comercio de comidas preparadas.En el presente Proyecto/Trabajo Final de Carrera (PTFC), se ha elaborado un manual, queconsta de ocho capítulos, unos anexos y una memoria descriptiva, que servirá de guía para eldiseño de un sistema de APPCC, siguiendo los procedimientos definidos en el CodexAlimentarius, que permita su aplicación a las industrias elaboradoras de creps y a la vezproporcione las pautas necesarias para su implantación. Debido a la imposibilidad de aplicarel sistema de APPCC desarrollado a una industria concreta, se ha elaborado un manualgenérico que cada industria deberá adaptar a sus sistema productivo


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One experiment tested whether a specific context could elicit eating in rats as a result of Pavlovian conditioning and whether this effect depended on the caloric density of food. Thirty two deprived rats experienced two contexts. They had access to food in context A, but no food was available in context B. During conditioning, half of the animals received high density caloric food (HD groups) whereas the other half, low density caloric food (LD groups). Then, half of the rats in each type of food group was tested in context A and the other half in context B. The results demonstrated an effect of context conditioning only in HD groups. These findings suggest the relevance of both contextual conditioning and caloric density of food in eating behaviour. Implications for the aetiology of binge eating will be discussed.


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Bread is one of the most widely consumed foods. Its impact on human health is currently of special interest for researchers. We aimed to identify biomarkers of bread consumption by applying a nutrimetabolomic approach to a free-living population. An untargeted HPLC q-TOF-MS and multivariate analysis was applied to human urine from 155 subjects stratified by habitual bread consumption in three groups: non-consumers of bread (n = 56), white-bread consumers (n = 48) and whole-grain bread consumers (n = 51). The most differential metabolites (variable importance for projection ≥1.5) included compounds originating from cereal plant phytochemicals such as benzoxazinoids and alkylresorcinol metabolites, and compounds produced by gut microbiota (such as enterolactones, hydroxybenzoic and dihydroferulic acid metabolites). Pyrraline, riboflavin, 3-indolecarboxylic acid glucuronide, 2,8-dihydroxyquinoline glucuronide and N-α-acetylcitrulline were also tentatively identified. In order to combine multiple metabolites in a model to predict bread consumption, a stepwise logistic regression analysis was used. Receiver operating curves were constructed to evaluate the global performance of individual metabolites and their combination. The area under the curve values [AUC (95 % CI)] of combined models ranged from 77.8 % (69.1 86.4 %) to 93.7 % (89.4 98.1 %), whereas the AUC for the metabolites included in the models had weak values when they were evaluated individually: from 58.1 % (46.6 69.7 %) to 78.4 % (69.8 87.1 %). Our study showed that a daily bread intake significantly impacted on the urinary metabolome, despite being examined under uncontrolled free-living conditions. We further concluded that a combination of several biomarkers of exposure is better than a single biomarker for the predictive ability of discriminative analysis.


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Bread is one of the most widely consumed foods. Its impact on human health is currently of special interest for researchers. We aimed to identify biomarkers of bread consumption by applying a nutrimetabolomic approach to a free-living population. An untargeted HPLC q-TOF-MS and multivariate analysis was applied to human urine from 155 subjects stratified by habitual bread consumption in three groups: non-consumers of bread (n = 56), white-bread consumers (n = 48) and whole-grain bread consumers (n = 51). The most differential metabolites (variable importance for projection ≥1.5) included compounds originating from cereal plant phytochemicals such as benzoxazinoids and alkylresorcinol metabolites, and compounds produced by gut microbiota (such as enterolactones, hydroxybenzoic and dihydroferulic acid metabolites). Pyrraline, riboflavin, 3-indolecarboxylic acid glucuronide, 2,8-dihydroxyquinoline glucuronide and N-α-acetylcitrulline were also tentatively identified. In order to combine multiple metabolites in a model to predict bread consumption, a stepwise logistic regression analysis was used. Receiver operating curves were constructed to evaluate the global performance of individual metabolites and their combination. The area under the curve values [AUC (95 % CI)] of combined models ranged from 77.8 % (69.1 86.4 %) to 93.7 % (89.4 98.1 %), whereas the AUC for the metabolites included in the models had weak values when they were evaluated individually: from 58.1 % (46.6 69.7 %) to 78.4 % (69.8 87.1 %). Our study showed that a daily bread intake significantly impacted on the urinary metabolome, despite being examined under uncontrolled free-living conditions. We further concluded that a combination of several biomarkers of exposure is better than a single biomarker for the predictive ability of discriminative analysis.


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L'11 de març vaig participar en una jornada que el PSC va organitzar al Parlament per confrontar opinions sobre la iniciativa legislativa popular que proposa prohibir els conreus transgènics a Catalunya. Vull reflexionar sobre la principal diferència que vaig copsar entre les posicions enfrontades [...].