33 resultados para steelwork residue
The aim of this study was to develop and validate an analytical method to simultaneously determine European Union-regulated beta-lactams (penicillins and cephalosporins) and quinolones in cow milk. The procedure involves a new solid phase extraction (SPE) to clean-up and pre-concentrate the three series of antibiotics before analysis by liquid chromatography¿tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography¿tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). LC-MS/MS and UPLC-MS/MS techniques were also compared. The method was validated according to the Directive 2002/657/EC and subsequently applied to 56 samples of raw cow milk supplied by the Laboratori Interprofessional Lleter de Catalunya (ALLIC) (Laboratori Interprofessional Lleter de Catalunya, Control Laboratory Interprofessional of Milk of Catalunya).
Els dominis d’activació (ADs) de les procarboxipeptidases de la subfamília A/B sempre han sorprès ja que representen una quarta part del proenzim. S’han realitzat alguns estudis per intentar descobrir-ne alguna possible funció alternativa, però no han estat fructífers. El descobriment de l’elevada velocitat de plegament del domini d’activació de la procarboxipeptidasa A2 humana, (ADA2h), emperò, va portar a proposar la possibilitat de que realitzessin una funció d’assistència al plegament del domini enzimàtic. Posteriorment, l’anàlisi del plegament d’ADA2h a pH baix va revelar la capacitat d’aquest domini per formar fibres amiloides, a més de demostrar que un increment de l’estabilitat proteica podia prevenir la formació d’aquests agregats. La profunda caracterització del plegament d’ADA2h va fer que aquesta proteïna fos un bon model amiloidogènic, de manera que es van proposar un seguit d’experiments que s’han desenvolupat en el present treball per tal de conèixer millor aquest procés. S’han dut a terme estudis cinètics d’agregació per tal de valorar la contribució dels diferents aminoàcids de la seqüència polipeptídica, utilitzant 29 variants puntuals d’ADA2h. Es va eliminar la contribució de l’estabilitat mitjançant la utilització d’urea, i per dicroïsme circular conjuntament amb un aparell de flux detingut, es van obtenir dues velocitats diferents, v1 i v2, que corresponen a la formació d’un intermediari i a la seva reorganització, respectivament. Experiments complementaris utilitzant espectroscòpia d’infraroig (IR) revelaren la reorganització de l’estat natiu (en aquest cas) per a donar la forma agregada. Les cinètiques d’IR van mostrar que ADA2h forma l’estructura _ típica de les fibres amiloides, previ desplegament les seves hèlixs-_. Finalment, s’han realitzat estudis de biocomputació per tal d’esbrinar possibles funcions alternatives dels ADs. Les superposicions estructurals semblen mostrar similaritat dels ADs amb dominis de reconeixement d’RNA (RRM). Aquesta hipòtesi s’ha comprovat experimentalment amb ADA4h, mostrant una dèbil, però existent, unió a RNA.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’University of Pennsylvania, EUA, entre els mesos d’agosta a desembre del 2006. Les hemo-catalases són enzims que protegeixen les cèl•lules dels efectes tòxics del peròxid d'hidrogen. Aquesta reacció té lloc en dues etapes, via l'intermediari Compost I (Cpd I). Tanmateix, el Compost I pot seguir una reacció secundària, a través de l'intermediari Compost II. Hi ha dos tipus d'hemo-catalases: les hemo-b (com la d'Helicobacter pylori, HPC) i les hemo-d catalases (com la de Penicillium vitale, PVC). Experimentalment s'observa que les hemo-b catalases formen Cpd II més fàcilment que les hemo-d. La formació del Cpd II consta de dos processos: la reducció del catió radical porfirínic i la protonació del grup oxoferril. Durant l'estada, es va estudiar el procès de transferència electrònica a la porfirina utilitzant una metodologia desenvolupada recentment. Els resultats mostren que per PVC la reducció és més fàcil que per HPC. Posteriorment hem realitzat una sèrie de optimitzacions de geometria CPMD QM/MM al llarg del camí per la transferència de protó (PT) de la histidina distal a l'oxoferril. Mentre que per HPC aquesta PT és espontània, per PVC l'isòmer hidroxoferrílic és menys estable que el catió imidazoli.
L’explosió del sector turístic experimentat en les costes catalanes des de principis dels anys 60 ha provocat un important impacte sobre el medi litoral català i el seu principal atractiu turístic, les platges. Sitges és un municipi annex a una important zona urbana (Barcelona), i s'ofereix com a indret de segona residència i ciutat de vacances, sobretot a l’estiu, incrementant fortament la pressió sobre el medi. L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte ha estat estudiar les pertorbacions sobre alguns aspectes del sistema litoral Sitgetà: el perfil litoral i la dinàmica sedimentària, la qualitat microbiològica de les aigües i la sorra, els cabals d'aigües residuals tractades i els residus de les platges. A partir dels registres de neteja en platges, proposem el rebuig i envasos en sorra (concentració de residus, kg/m2) com a nou indicador de presència d’usuaris a les platges (usuaris/m2). La diagnosi realitzada indica que l'estat físic de les platges de Sitges respon a les actuacions en matèria d'obres marítimes en interacció amb les dinàmiques sedimentaries. Pel que fa als anàlisis microbiològics de l'aigua i la sorra trobem una situació regulada a excepció de pics provocats per pluges puntuals. Malauradament hem vist com es podrien potenciar el valors ambientals de totes les parts treballades si es fomentessin figures de protecció del medi, la regeneració d’espècies vegetals tan fora com dins de l'aigua i es garantís una gestió de l’aigua 100% eficient i sense causar intromissions en el desenvolupament dels ecosistemes.
En aquest treball s’ha analitzat la relació estructura-funció dels enzims CPT1, o Carnitina palmitoïltransferasa 1, que catalitza la reacció de transesterificació dels àcids grassos de cadena llarga a acil-carnitines, per tal que puguin accedir a la matriu mitocondrial i ser oxidats. Aquest enzim es troba estrictament regulat per malonil-CoA, primer intermediari de la síntesi d’àcids grassos, establint-se així una regulació coordinada entre la formació i la degradació de grasses. S’han estudiat els tres isotips de CPT1 descrits fins al moment: CPT1A, CPT1B i CPT1C. Mitjançant l’expressió heteròloga de mutants de CPT1A de rata i CPT1B de porc en el llevat P. pastoris, s’ha estudiat l’efecte sobre la inhibició per malonil-CoA de petits canvis en la seva estructura, per tal de trobar una relació entre la seva funció enzimàtica i la disposició conformacional de la proteïna. Segons els resultats obtinguts, el residu Glu590 de CPT1A de rata estaria impedint la unió de l’inhibidor, mentre que el residu Met593 estaria afavorint aquesta unió. Els estudis amb l’enzim CPT1B de porc demostraren l’existència d’un determinant positiu per la sensibilitat al malonil-CoA en els primers 18 residus de la proteïna, i definiren la posició Glu17 com la responsable de l’alta afinitat a la carnitina i la baixa sensibilitat a la inhibició per malonil-CoA (8). Es clonà i caracteritzà la regió promotora del gen de CPT1C humana, amb la intenció d’analitzar la funcionalitat de putatius elements de resposta identificats in silico. Cap dels elements estudiats resultà ser funcional in vivo. A més, es demostrà que la manca d’activitat catalítica de la proteïna no és deguda a l’extensió C-terminal que presenta respecte els isotips A i B, tot i presentar un alt percentatge d’identitat de seqüència. S’ha amplificat una isoforma humana de CPT1C (Pubmed Acc. Num. AK299866), corresponent a la regió carboxiterminal de la proteïna, que es pretén utilitzar per obtenir el primer cristall de la part soluble d’una proteïna CPT1.
Background: Cancer is a major medical problem in modern societies. However, the incidence of this disease in non-human primates is very low. To study whether genetic differences between human and chimpanzee could contribute to their distinct cancer susceptibility, we have examined in the chimpanzee genome the orthologous genes of a set of 333 human cancer genes. Results: This analysis has revealed that all examined human cancer genes are present in chimpanzee, contain intact open reading frames and show a high degree of conservation between both species. However, detailed analysis of this set of genes has shown some differences in genes of special relevance for human cancer. Thus, the chimpanzee gene encoding p53 contains a Pro residue at codon 72, while this codon is polymorphic in humans and can code for Arg or Pro, generating isoforms with different ability to induce apoptosis or interact with p73. Moreover, sequencing of the BRCA1 gene has shown an 8 Kb deletion in the chimpanzee sequence that prematurely truncates the co-regulated NBR2 gene. Conclusion: These data suggest that small differences in cancer genes, as those found in tumor suppressor genes, might influence the differences in cancer susceptibility between human and chimpanzee. Nevertheless, further analysis will be required to determine the exact contribution of the genetic changes identified in this study to the different cancer incidence in non-human primates.
Consider the density of the solution $X(t,x)$ of a stochastic heat equation with small noise at a fixed $t\in [0,T]$, $x \in [0,1]$.In the paper we study the asymptotics of this density as the noise is vanishing. A kind of Taylor expansion in powers of the noiseparameter is obtained. The coefficients and the residue of the expansion are explicitly calculated.In order to obtain this result some type of exponential estimates of tail probabilities of the difference between the approximatingprocess and the limit one is proved. Also a suitable local integration by parts formula is developped.
Cyclin dependent kinases (cdks) regulate cell cycle progression and transcription. We report here that the transcriptional co-activator PCAF directly interacts with cdk2. This interaction is mainly produced during S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. As a consequence of this association, PCAF inhibits the activity of cyclin/cdk2 complexes. This effect is specific for cdk2 because PCAF does not inhibit either cyclin D3/cdk6 or cyclin B/cdk1 activities. The inhibition is neither competitive with ATP, nor with the substrate histone H1 suggesting that somehow PCAF disturbs cyclin/cdk2 complexes. We also demonstrate that overexpression of PCAF in the cells inhibits cdk2 activity and arrests cell cycle progression at S and G2/M. This blockade is dependent on cdk2 because it is rescued by the simultaneous overexpression of this kinase. Moreover, we also observed that PCAF acetylates cdk2 at lysine 33. As this lysine is essential for the interaction with ATP, acetylation of this residue inhibits cdk2 activity. Thus, we report here that PCAF inhibits cyclin/cdk2 activity by two different mechanisms: (i) by somehow affecting cyclin/cdk2 interaction and (ii) by acetylating K33 at the catalytic pocket of cdk2. These findings identify a previously unknown mechanism that regulates cdk2 activity.
Substantial collective flow is observed in collisions between lead nuclei at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as evidenced by the azimuthal correlations in the transverse momentum distributions of the produced particles. Our calculations indicate that the global v1-flow, which at RHIC peaked at negative rapidities (named third flow component or antiflow), now at LHC is going to turn toward forward rapidities (to the same side and direction as the projectile residue). Potentially this can provide a sensitive barometer to estimate the pressure and transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. Our calculations also take into account the initial state center-of-mass rapidity fluctuations, and demonstrate that these are crucial for v1 simulations. In order to better study the transverse momentum flow dependence we suggest a new "symmetrized" v1S(pt) function, and we also propose a new method to disentangle global v1 flow from the contribution generated by the random fluctuations in the initial state. This will enhance the possibilities of studying the collective Global v1 flow both at the STAR Beam Energy Scan program and at LHC.
The amino acid composition of the protein from three strains of rat (Wistar, Zucker lean and Zucker obese), subjected to reference and high-fat diets has been used to determine the mean empirical formula, molecular weight and N content of whole-rat protein. The combined whole protein of the rat was uniform for the six experimental groups, containing an estimate of 17.3% N and a mean aminoacyl residue molecular weight of 103.7. This suggests that the appropriate protein factor for the calculation of rat protein from its N content should be 5.77 instead of the classical 6.25. In addition, an estimate of the size of the non-protein N mass in the whole rat gave a figure in the range of 5.5 % of all N. The combination of the two calculations gives a protein factor of 5.5 for the conversion of total N into rat protein.
Proteins of the Hha/YmoA family co-regulate with H-NS the expression of horizontally acquired genes in Enterobacteria. Systematic mutations of conserved acidic residues in Hha have allowed the identification of D48 as an essential residue for H-NS binding and the involvement of E25. Mutations of these residues resulted in deregulation of sensitive genes in vivo. D48 is only partially solvent accessible, yet it defines the functional binding interface between Hha and H-NS confirming that Hha has to undergo a conformational change to bind H-NS. Exposed acidic residues, such as E25, may electrostatically facilitate and direct the approach of Hha to the positively charged region of H-NS enabling the formation of the final complex when D48 becomes accessible by a conformational change of Hha.
Lettuce greenhouse experiments were carried out from March to June 2011 in order to analyze how pesticides behave from the time of application until their intake via human consumption taking into account the primary distribution of pesticides, field dissipation, and post-harvest processing. In addition, experimental conditions were used to evaluate a new dynamic plant uptake model comparing its results with the experimentally derived residues. One application of imidacloprid and two of azoxystrobin were conducted. For evaluating primary pesticide distribution, two approaches based on leaf area index and vegetation cover were used and results were compared with those obtained from a tracer test. High influence of lettuce density, growth stage and type of sprayer was observed in primary distribution showing that low densities or early growth stages implied high losses of pesticides on soil. Washed and unwashed samples of lettuce were taken and analyzed from application to harvest to evaluate removal of pesticides by food processing. Results show that residues found on the Spanish preharvest interval days were in all cases below officially set maximum residue limits, although it was observed that time between application and harvest is as important for residues as application amounts. An overall reduction of 40–60% of pesticides residues was obtained from washing lettuce. Experimentally derived residues were compared with modeled residues and deviate from 1.2 to 1.4 for imidacloprid and azoxystrobin, respectively, presenting good model predictions. Resulting human intake fractions range from... for imidacloprid to ... for azoxystrobin.
Abstract Background: The CWxP motif of transmembrane helix 6 (x: any residue) is highly conserved in class A GPCRs. Within this motif, W6.48 is a big star in the theory of the global “toggle switch” because of its key role in the activation mechanism of GPCRs upon ligand binding. With all footlights focused on W6.48, the reason why the preceding residue, C6.47, is largely conserved is still unknown. The present study is aimed to fill up this lack of knowledge by characterizing the role of C6.47 of the CWxP motif. Results: A complete analysis of available crystal structures has been made alongside with molecular dynamics simulations of model peptides to explore a possible structural role for C6.47. Conclusions: We conclude that C6.47 does not modulate the conformation of the TM6 proline kink and propose that C6.47 participates in the rearrangement of the TM6 and TM7 interface accompanying activation.
Substantial collective flow is observed in collisions between lead nuclei at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as evidenced by the azimuthal correlations in the transverse momentum distributions of the produced particles. Our calculations indicate that the global v1-flow, which at RHIC peaked at negative rapidities (named third flow component or antiflow), now at LHC is going to turn toward forward rapidities (to the same side and direction as the projectile residue). Potentially this can provide a sensitive barometer to estimate the pressure and transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. Our calculations also take into account the initial state center-of-mass rapidity fluctuations, and demonstrate that these are crucial for v1 simulations. In order to better study the transverse momentum flow dependence we suggest a new"symmetrized" vS1(pt) function, and we also propose a new method to disentangle global v1 flow from the contribution generated by the random fluctuations in the initial state. This will enhance the possibilities of studying the collective Global v1 flow both at the STAR Beam Energy Scan program and at LHC.
The development of nuclear hormone receptor antagonists that directly inhibit the association of the receptor with its essential coactivators would allow useful manipulation of nuclear hormone receptor signaling. We previously identified 3-(dibutylamino)-1-(4-hexylphenyl)-propan-1-one (DHPPA), an aromatic β-amino ketone that inhibits coactivator recruitment to thyroid hormone receptor β (TRβ), in a high-throughput screen. Initial evidence suggested that the aromatic β-enone 1-(4-hexylphenyl)-prop-2-en-1-one (HPPE), which alkylates a specific cysteine residue on the TRβ surface, is liberated from DHPPA. Nevertheless, aspects of the mechanism and specificity of action of DHPPA remained unclear. Here, we report an x-ray structure of TRβ with the inhibitor HPPE at 2.3-Å resolution. Unreacted HPPE is located at the interface that normally mediates binding between TRβ and its coactivator. Several lines of evidence, including experiments with TRβ mutants and mass spectroscopic analysis, showed that HPPE specifically alkylates cysteine residue 298 of TRβ, which is located near the activation function-2 pocket. We propose that this covalent adduct formation proceeds through a two-step mechanism: 1) β-elimination to form HPPE; and 2) a covalent bond slowly forms between HPPE and TRβ. DHPPA represents a novel class of potent TRβ antagonist, and its crystal structure suggests new ways to design antagonists that target the assembly of nuclear hormone receptor gene-regulatory complexes and block transcription.