48 resultados para driver comprehension


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Aquest informe ha estat elaborat per encàrrec del Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC). El seu objectiu és comprovar si des del punt de vista tècnic, els repositoris cooperatius que el CBUC coordina juntament amb el Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA), es poden integrar dins la infrastructura DRIVER.


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The goal of the study is to determine whether the deficit is syntactic in nature and that aphasic individuals preserve their phonological abilities intact. This has important implications, since it contributes to achieve a more complete characterization of agrammatic comprehension and to report new data from the Romance languages. Here, an experimental task is designed and carried out with six catalan Broca's aphasics, in order to find out whether they preserve their phonological skills. The results establish that Catalan aphasics' comprehension does not result from a phonological impairment


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The Drivers Scheduling Problem (DSP) consists of selecting a set of duties for vehicle drivers, for example buses, trains, plane or boat drivers or pilots, for the transportation of passengers or goods. This is a complex problem because it involves several constraints related to labour and company rules and can also present different evaluation criteria and objectives. Being able to develop an adequate model for this problem that can represent the real problem as close as possible is an important research area.The main objective of this research work is to present new mathematical models to the DSP problem that represent all the complexity of the drivers scheduling problem, and also demonstrate that the solutions of these models can be easily implemented in real situations. This issue has been recognized by several authors and as important problem in Public Transportation. The most well-known and general formulation for the DSP is a Set Partition/Set Covering Model (SPP/SCP). However, to a large extend these models simplify some of the specific business aspects and issues of real problems. This makes it difficult to use these models as automatic planning systems because the schedules obtained must be modified manually to be implemented in real situations. Based on extensive passenger transportation experience in bus companies in Portugal, we propose new alternative models to formulate the DSP problem. These models are also based on Set Partitioning/Covering Models; however, they take into account the bus operator issues and the perspective opinions and environment of the user.We follow the steps of the Operations Research Methodology which consist of: Identify the Problem; Understand the System; Formulate a Mathematical Model; Verify the Model; Select the Best Alternative; Present the Results of theAnalysis and Implement and Evaluate. All the processes are done with close participation and involvement of the final users from different transportation companies. The planner s opinion and main criticisms are used to improve the proposed model in a continuous enrichment process. The final objective is to have a model that can be incorporated into an information system to be used as an automatic tool to produce driver schedules. Therefore, the criteria for evaluating the models is the capacity to generate real and useful schedules that can be implemented without many manual adjustments or modifications. We have considered the following as measures of the quality of the model: simplicity, solution quality and applicability. We tested the alternative models with a set of real data obtained from several different transportation companies and analyzed the optimal schedules obtained with respect to the applicability of the solution to the real situation. To do this, the schedules were analyzed by the planners to determine their quality and applicability. The main result of this work is the proposition of new mathematical models for the DSP that better represent the realities of the passenger transportation operators and lead to better schedules that can be implemented directly in real situations.


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We present new metaheuristics for solving real crew scheduling problemsin a public transportation bus company. Since the crews of thesecompanies are drivers, we will designate the problem by the bus-driverscheduling problem. Crew scheduling problems are well known and severalmathematical programming based techniques have been proposed to solvethem, in particular using the set-covering formulation. However, inpractice, there exists the need for improvement in terms of computationalefficiency and capacity of solving large-scale instances. Moreover, thereal bus-driver scheduling problems that we consider can present variantaspects of the set covering, as for example a different objectivefunction, implying that alternative solutions methods have to bedeveloped. We propose metaheuristics based on the following approaches:GRASP (greedy randomized adaptive search procedure), tabu search andgenetic algorithms. These metaheuristics also present some innovationfeatures based on and genetic algorithms. These metaheuristics alsopresent some innovation features based on the structure of the crewscheduling problem, that guide the search efficiently and able them tofind good solutions. Some of these new features can also be applied inthe development of heuristics to other combinatorial optimizationproblems. A summary of computational results with real-data problems ispresented.


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En el artículo se presenta la violencia doméstica como violencia política de género masculino. Se señalan el individualismo, la naturalización y el sexismo en el tratamiento de la violencia y la agresión así como de la identidad, por parte de la psicología tradicional, como factores que dificultan las intervenciones en la violencia doméstica. Los prejuicios, valores y estrategias de la sociedad patriarcal continúan influyendo en ellas. Desde la psicología crítica feminista se propone: a) una comprensión de la subjetividad, la diferencia sexo-género y la violencia como construcciones sociales; b) intervenciones menos autoritarias y que no participen en la reproducción del orden social; c) la incorporación de las resistencias desarrolladas; d) un análisis basado en las relaciones de poder y las prácticas discursivas


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The agricultural sector has always been characterized by a predominance of small firms. International competition and the consequent need for restraining costs are permanent challenges for farms. This paper performs an empirical investigation of cost behavior in agriculture using panel data analysis. Our results show that transactions caused by complexity influence farm costs with opposite effects for specific and indirect costs. While transactions allow economies of scale in specific costs, they significantly increase indirect costs. However, the main driver for farm costs is volume. In addition, important differences exist for small and big farms, since transactional variables significantly influence the former but not the latter. While sophisticated management tools, such ABC, could provide only limited complementary useful information but no essential allocation bases for farms, they seem inappropriate for small farms


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The agricultural sector has always been characterized by a predominance of small firms. International competition and the consequent need for restraining costs are permanent challenges for farms. This paper performs an empirical investigation of cost behavior in agriculture using panel data analysis. Our results show that transactions caused by complexity influence farm costs with opposite effects for specific and indirect costs. While transactions allow economies of scale in specific costs, they significantly increase indirect costs. However, the main driver for farm costs is volume. In addition, important differences exist for small and big farms, since transactional variables significantly influence the former but not the latter. While sophisticated management tools, such ABC, could provide only limited complementary useful information but no essential allocation bases for farms, they seem inappropriate for small farms


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Most research on the underlying causes of social and communicative impairment in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been devoted to pragmatic aspects of language. The present research is exploring the syntactic knowledge as a probable underlying mechanism of language deficit in ASD. Three groups comprising high-functioning ASD, low-functioning ASD, and typically developing 5-year-old Persian-speaking children were tested on comprehension of passive sentences. Results suggest that while low-functioning children with ASD might be impaired in the area of grammar, high-functioning children with ASD are not. The new results are compared to those of two recent studies on comprehension of passives in Greek-speaking and English-speaking subjects with ASD (Perovic et al., 2007; Terzi, et al., to appear).


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This work gets deeply into the comprehension of the aquatic medium as a significant space for the for a psychomotor intervention in the development of the children. Its starting point is a methodological pose of philosophical nature which uses phenomenology as the way for discovering. From this stand, the research sequence and process are justified. They both show an underlying attitude which has guided the whole process of turning the learning-by-experiencing the phenomena into experienced-knowledge of it. In this way the characteristic gnoseological reduction of the phenomenology has been used, while proceeding to the observation of children evolving in the water. Once the construction process of this work was established, the reduction of the amount of concepts and ideas began. This is its most characteristic process of the phenomenological research. First, an approach to the aquatic medium as a pluridimensional space has been made. Afterwards a study of the up to three years old child from a global perspective which includes the emotional, the social the cognitive and the psychomotor dimensions has been done. At last, the essence of the psychomotor as a model for the pedagogical action has been studied. From this three distinctive elements, and as a result of this research, a proposal of psychomotor intervention in the aquatic medium has been built.


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L'objectiu del projecte és poder configurar dues targetes que s'instal∙laran al Sincrotró ALBA. Per a això s'ha desenvolupat un driver per a Linux i una interfície gràfica (GUI). Com a introducció a les targetes, la memòria descriu el Sincrotró, i més específicament el sistema de sincronització (timing) on aquestes s'utilitzaran. També descriu el disseny dels drivers per a Linux2.6 i de la GUI, escrita utilitzant el llenguatge Python amb el framework Qt. Finalment, a la memòria s'exposen els problemes i solucions trobats durant la fase de validació del correcte funcionament de les plaques i dels diferents components del projecte.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2006. La construcció d'un microrobot autònom capaç de realitzar una funció per ell mateix, ha permès exposar una introducció en el món de l'electrònica i la mecànica pràctiques. Es tracta d’un microrobot rastrejador: capaç de seguir una línia pintada al terra, per mitjà d'unes entrades (sensors detectors de llum), una lògica (C.I. operacionals) i uns motors motrius comandats per mitjà d'un C.I. driver. S’adjunten imatges dels resultats.


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Two claims pervade the literature on the political economy of market reforms: that economic crises cause reforms; and that crises matter because they bring into question the validity of the economic model held to be responsible for them. Economic crises are said to spur a process of learning that is conducive to the abandonment of failing models and to the adoption of successful models. But although these claims have become the conventional wisdom, they have been hardly tested empirically due to the lack of agreement on what constitutes a crisis and to difficulties in measuring learning from them. I propose a model of rational learning from experience and apply it to the decision to open the economy. Using data from 1964 through 1990, I show that learning from the 1982 debt crisis was relevant to the first wave of adoption of an export promotion strategy, but learning was conditional on the high variability of economic outcomes in countries that opened up to trade. Learning was also symbolic in that the sheer number of other countries that liberalized was a more important driver of others’ decisions to follow suit.


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En aquest projecte es presenta el disseny i desenvolupament d'un conjunt d'interfícies per a un sistema de comunicació basat en l'estàndard Zigbee. El sistema està composat per una tarja que integra el mòdul Zigbee, un microcontrolador i una FPGA, que es vol controlar des d'un sistema Pocket PC a través del port SD. La implementació consta d’un driver SDIO per Windows CE 4.2, el controlador SDIO a la FPGA i l'enllaç de comunicació entre la FPGA i el microcontrolador.


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In automobile insurance, it is useful to achieve a priori ratemaking by resorting to gene- ralized linear models, and here the Poisson regression model constitutes the most widely accepted basis. However, insurance companies distinguish between claims with or without bodily injuries, or claims with full or partial liability of the insured driver. This paper exa- mines an a priori ratemaking procedure when including two di®erent types of claim. When assuming independence between claim types, the premium can be obtained by summing the premiums for each type of guarantee and is dependent on the rating factors chosen. If the independence assumption is relaxed, then it is unclear as to how the tari® system might be a®ected. In order to answer this question, bivariate Poisson regression models, suitable for paired count data exhibiting correlation, are introduced. It is shown that the usual independence assumption is unrealistic here. These models are applied to an automobile insurance claims database containing 80,994 contracts belonging to a Spanish insurance company. Finally, the consequences for pure and loaded premiums when the independence assumption is relaxed by using a bivariate Poisson regression model are analysed.


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L'objectiu del present treball de recerca va ser avaluar les dues teories predominants (BORER & WEXLER 1987, WEXLER 2004; FOX & GRODZINSKY 1997) que miren d'explicar el tardà desenvolupament de la forma passiva en la gramàtica dels nens. Es van seleccionar tres grups de nens de ambdós sexes d'edats compreses entre els 3,1 i els 5;9 i es va a dur a terme un experiment per verificar la competència dels nens en les frases actives, passives curtes i passives llargues (amb el complement agentiu per...) . Mentre la comprensió de les actives és com l'adulta des del principi, la comprensió de las passives curtes és significativament més dolenta que la de les actives i la comprensió de les passives llargues és molt deficient fins i tot per al grup més gran d'edat. Les diferencies significatives trobades afavoreixen la hipòtesi de la maduració. Es discuteixen els resultats en relació amb estudis similars i es suggereixen noves vies d'investigació més enllà de les passives agentives.