127 resultados para Random Stress


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We present an experimental and numerical study on the influence that particle aspect ratio has on the mechanical and structural properties of granular packings. For grains with maximal symmetry (squares), the stress propagation in the packing localizes forming chainlike forces analogous to the ones observed for spherical grains. This scenario can be understood in terms of stochastic models of aggregation and random multiplicative processes. As the grains elongate, the stress propagation is strongly affected. The interparticle normal force distribution tends toward a Gaussian, and, correspondingly, the force chains spread leading to a more uniform stress distribution reminiscent of the hydrostatic profiles known for standard liquids


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We analyze a model where firms chose a production technology which, together with some random event, determines the final emission level. We consider the coexistence of two alternative technologies: a "clean" technology, and a "dirty" technology. The environmental regulation is based on taxes over reported emissions, and on penalties over unreported emissions. We show that the optimal inspection policy is a cut-off strategy, for several scenarios concerning the observability of the adoption of the clean technology and the cost of adopting it. We also show that the optimal inspection policy induces the firm to adopt the clean technology if the adoption cost is not too high, but the cost levels for which the firm adopts it depend on the scenario.


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Counting labelled planar graphs, and typical properties of random labelled planar graphs, have received much attention recently. We start the process here of extending these investigations to graphs embeddable on any fixed surface S. In particular we show that the labelled graphs embeddable on S have the same growth constant as for planar graphs, and the same holds for unlabelled graphs. Also, if we pick a graph uniformly at random from the graphs embeddable on S which have vertex set {1, . . . , n}, then with probability tending to 1 as n → ∞, this random graph either is connected or consists of one giant component together with a few nodes in small planar components.


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We introduce and study a class of infinite-horizon nonzero-sum non-cooperative stochastic games with infinitely many interacting agents using ideas of statistical mechanics. First we show, in the general case of asymmetric interactions, the existence of a strategy that allows any player to eliminate losses after a finite random time. In the special case of symmetric interactions, we also prove that, as time goes to infinity, the game converges to a Nash equilibrium. Moreover, assuming that all agents adopt the same strategy, using arguments related to those leading to perfect simulation algorithms, spatial mixing and ergodicity are proved. In turn, ergodicity allows us to prove “fixation”, i.e. that players will adopt a constant strategy after a finite time. The resulting dynamics is related to zerotemperature Glauber dynamics on random graphs of possibly infinite volume.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Department of Biological Science a la University of Lincoln, a la Gran Bretanya, entre octubre i desembre del 2006. L'objectiu del present assaig va ser desciure les respostes antioxidants d'estrès en gossos sotmesos a cirurgia electiva, en condicions de pràctica clínica normals, durant les fases de preoperatori i postoperatori.Setze gossos van ser sotmesos a orquiectomia o ovariohisterectomia electives, utilitzant un protocol quirúrgic estàndard. Durant les fases preoperatoria i postoperatoria, cada animal va ser confinat a la Unitat de Cures Intensives, temps durant el qual es va estudiar la seva resposta antioxidant. Els valors obtinguts a diferents temps van ser comparats amb el valor basal, que s'havia obtingut del mateix animal estant aquest en el seu ambient habitual. No es van detectar variacions significants causades per l'estrès perioperatori. Els valors màxims es van observar durant la fase preoperatoria, just després que l'animal fós confinat a la Unitat de Cures Intensives, moment en el que l'estrès percebut era degut a les amenaces psicològiques de una àrea restringida i de la manipulació per persones desonegudes. L'abscència de variacions significants podrien ser degudes al sistema i el temps d'emmagatzement de les mostres. En humana s'han descrit les alteracions en l'activitat dels antioxidants sèrics després d'un mes d'emmagatzematent. Per definir l'estabilitat, després de la recollida de mostres, de l'activitat dels antioxidants en sèrum de gos és necessari realitzar més estudis.


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We study the concept of propagation connectivity on random 3-uniform hypergraphs. This concept is inspired by a simple linear time algorithm for solving instances of certain constraint satisfaction problems. We derive upper and lower bounds for the propagation connectivity threshold, and point out some algorithmic implications.


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En aquest projecte es presenta la realització d’un sistema d’assaig de la corrosió sota tensió (stress corrosion cracking, SCC) i un estudi de l’efecte de l’SCC sobre dos acers d’eina per matrius d’estampació en calent. L’SCC és la formació i propagació d’esquerdes en un material degut a la interacció de tres factors: un medi corrosiu, un material susceptible i una tensió estàtica aplicada. Aquestes esquerdes són difícils de detectar i poden provocar fallades catastròfiques inesperades i, en concret, s’ha detectat aquest fenomen en matrius refrigerades d’estampació en calent. Es pretén dissenyar i construir un dispositiu d’assaig SCC per tal d’utilitzar-lo per l’estudi dels materials 1.2367 i 1.2343 en condicions d’aigua de xarxa, aigua destil·lada i inhibidor. Aquests assaigs es realitzen a les temperatures de 40 i 80ºC ja que un estudi previ ha simulat les condicions de temperatura als canals de refrigeració de les matrius d’estampació en calent i s’ha vist que aquestes són les temperatures assolides. La raó d’estudiar aquests materials és perquè són dos acers d’eina per treball en calent convencionals, usats en l’àmbit de les matrius refrigerades d’estampació en calent i en general en processos de conformat en calent (forja, moldeig). S’estudia el comportament a tracció d’aquests materials en aquestes condicions comparant-lo amb el mateix assaig però en condicions en aire, i s’avaluen les diferències en la tensió màxima, la ductilitat, el mecanisme de fractura o l’esquerdament sofert. Es fa un estudi fractogràfic de les mostres mitjançant microscòpia electrònica de rastreig (SEM) i un estudi de les superfícies laterals i del secondary cracking mitjançant microscòpia òptica. Es comparen els diferents resultats obtinguts i es determina en quines condicions s’ha desenvolupat SCC i en quines no, en quina intensitat i quines opcions hi ha per evitar-lo.


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We examine whether and how main central banks responded to episodes of financial stress over the last three decades. We employ a new methodology for monetary policy rules estimation, which allows for time-varying response coefficients as well as corrects for endogeneity. This flexible framework applied to the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada and Sweden together with a new financial stress dataset developed by the International Monetary Fund allows not only testing whether the central banks responded to financial stress but also detects the periods and type of stress that were the most worrying for monetary authorities and to quantify the intensity of policy response. Our findings suggest that central banks often change policy


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I study large random assignment economies with a continuum of agents and a finite number of object types. I consider the existence of weak priorities discriminating among agents with respect to their rights concerning the final assignment. The respect for priorities ex ante (ex-ante stability) usually precludes ex-ante envy-freeness. Therefore I define a new concept of fairness, called no unjustified lower chances: priorities with respect to one object type cannot justify different achievable chances regarding another object type. This concept, which applies to the assignment mechanism rather than to the assignment itself, implies ex-ante envy-freeness among agents of the same priority type. I propose a variation of Hylland and Zeckhauser' (1979) pseudomarket that meets ex-ante stability, no unjustified lower chances and ex-ante efficiency among agents of the same priority type. Assuming enough richness in preferences and priorities, the converse is also true: any random assignment with these properties could be achieved through an equilibrium in a pseudomarket with priorities. If priorities are acyclical (the ordering of agents is the same for each object type), this pseudomarket achieves ex-ante efficient random assignments.


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Desarrollo de una aplicación para la empresa CCSAgresso, con el objetivo de evaluar el rendimiento en una máquina, mediante los datos aportados por pruebas de simulación. Cada prueba de simulación está contenida en un fichero de texto, cuya lectura y almacenamiento en la base de datos son la base de la aplicación. Los objetivos son poder introducir, actualizar, gestionar y mostrar esos valores de la base de datos con una aplicación sencilla, intuitiva y que realice todas las operaciones que necesita el usuario.


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This article analyzes empirically the main existing theories on income and population city growth: increasing returns to scale, locational fundamentals and random growth. To do this we implement a threshold nonlinearity test that extends standard linear growth regression models to a dataset on urban, climatological and macroeconomic variables on 1,175 U.S. cities. Our analysis reveals the existence of increasing returns when per-capita income levels are beyond $19; 264. Despite this, income growth is mostly explained by social and locational fundamentals. Population growth also exhibits two distinct equilibria determined by a threshold value of 116,300 inhabitants beyond which city population grows at a higher rate. Income and population growth do not go hand in hand, implying an optimal level of population beyond which income growth stagnates or deteriorates


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• Quercus ilex L., the dominant species in Mediterranean forests and one with a great capacity for resprouting after disturbances, is threatened by the expected increase in fire frequency and drought associated with climate change. • The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of photosynthesis limitants, especially mesophyll conductance (gmes ) during this species’ resprouting and under summer drought. • Resprouts showed 5.3-fold increased gmes and 3.8-fold increased stomatal conductance (gs) atmidday with respect to leaves of undisturbed individuals. With increased drought, structural changes (decreased density and increased thickness) in resprouts contributed to the observed higher photosynthesis and increased gmes. However, gmes only partially depended on leaf structure, and was also under physiological control. Resprouts also showed lower non-stomatal limitations (around 50% higher carboxylation velocity (Vc,max) and capacity for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration (Jmax)). A significant contribution of gmes to leaf carbon isotope discrimination values was observed. • gmes exhibits a dominant role in photosynthesis limitation in Q. ilex and is regulated by factors other than morphology. During resprouting after disturbances, greater capacity to withstand drought, as evidenced by higher gmes , gs and lower non-stomatal limitants, enables increased photosynthesis and rapid growth.