136 resultados para Proper
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En aquest informe, fem una primera avaluació d'un sistema basat en un mini-UAV, operat per l'empresa CATUAV (www.catuav.com), sobre una zona a l'est del Parc Natural del Montseny (PNM) tot comparant amb imatges adquirides l'any anterior sobre la mateixa zona, amb sistemes i plataformes aèries de primer nivell per l'Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya i que utilitzem com a referent de qualitat. Tot assumint que les imatges produïdes pels UAV són d'una qualitat inferior als sistemes convencionals de teledetecció aerotransportada, si la qualitat i operativitat són encara suficients, aquests sistemes, donat el seu cost, poden constituir una eina important per adquirir informació d'alta resolució pel control de l'evolució de camps abandonats, de l'estat de la vegetació de ribera, de l'estat fitosanitari de cobertes forestals i plagues, de la distribució d'espècies invasores, de les conseqüències d'actuacions de restauració o aclariment del bosc, de l'impacte dels visitants etc. En concret, en aquest informe avaluem el sistema de CATUAV pel que fa a: 1) Operativitat del vol i adquisició de les imatges sobre una zona prèviament assenyalada com objectiu; 2) Operativitat del producte en quant a la localització i orientació de les imatges sobre el terreny; i 3) Qualitat radiomètrica i geomètrica de les imatges.
Kuranishi's fundamental result (1962) associates to any compact complex manifold X&sub&0&/sub& a finite-dimensional analytic space which has to be thought of as a local moduli space of complex structures close to X&sub&0&/sub&. In this paper, we give an analogous statement for Levi-flat CR manifolds fibering properly over the circle by describing explicitely an infinite-dimensional Kuranishi type local moduli space of Levi-flat CR structures. We interpret this result in terms of Kodaira-Spencer deformation theory making clear the likenesses as well as the differences with the classical case. The article ends with applications and examples.
UBVRI photoelectric photometry is presented for 269 late spectral type, high proper motion stars belonging to the 'Lowell Proper Motion Survey' and included in the present version of the Hipparcos Input Catalogue. The observations and data reduction are described. The external errors obtained by comparison of the results with those obtained in other studies are presented.
In an analysis of proper motions of O and B stars contained the Input Catalogue for Hipparcos, we have found a clear deviation from the expected pattern of systematic motions which can be readily identified with the associations Cygnus OB1 and Cygnus OB9, located near de the edge of the Cygnus Superbubble. Teha anomalous motions are directed outwards from the center of the Superbubble, which is coincident with tha association Cygnus OB2. This seems to support the hypothesis of a strong stellar and supernova activity in Cygnus 0B2 giving rise to the Superbubble and, by means of gravitational instabilities in its boundaries, to Cygnus 0B1 and Cygnus OB9. New uvby-beta aperture photometry of selected O and B stars in the area of Cygnus OB1 and Cygnus OB9 is also presented and analyzed in this paper.
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a mòbils Android que permeti conèixer les parades de bus més properes i el temps que falta perquè arribi cada línia de bus, mitjançant la geolocalització de l'usuari, un mapa de parades o un codi QR. Obtenció i tractament de les dades de parades i línies, així com obtenció en temps real de les properes arribades mitjançant "web scraping" (simulació de navegació d'un usuari per extreure dades dels webs) de les pàgines dels operadors.
La pregunta inicial d’aquesta investigació rau en si el patrimoni proper és un recurs que facilita l’aprenentatge de les ciències socials als nens i nenes. Per tal de donar resposta a aquesta qüestió, s’ha estudiat la relació entre el patrimoni local i l’interès que genera. Per realitzar-ho, es van concretar uns ítems que han estat analitzats a partir d’un estudi de casos. Els participants d’aquesta investigació han estat un grup d’alumnes d’Educació Primària, els quals van realitzar una proposta didàctica on s’utilitzava el patrimoni proper com a eix vertebrador. També, han participat en aquesta investigació mestres d’escoles de Sant Celoni, els quals han expressat les vivències viscudes amb els seus alumnes en activitats que impliquen el patrimoni local. Finalment, s’ha analitzat la informació aportada per tots els participants i s’ha arribat a unes conclusions.
Actualment moltes fonts d'informació ens descriuen i argumenten com han de ser les activitats científiques a l'escola per garantir l'aprenentatge significatiu de l'alumnat, i d'altres estudis ens mostren com han de ser les activitats escolars en l'entorn; però no hi ha estudis que ens descriguin i argumentin com han de ser les activitats científiques escolars basades en l'experimentació i l'estudi de l'entorn proper. Així doncs, aquesta investigació s'endinsa per solucionar un problema actual que és: com ha de ser una bona activitat científica escolar basada en l'experimentació i l'estudi de l'entorn proper? En resposta a això, aquest treball es basa en una investigació avaluativa que analitza diversos projectes de ciències basats en l'entorn a partir de l'observació d'uns criteris específics elaborats, per una banda a partir de les idees d'experts sobre com ha de ser una bona activitat científica i com ha de ser una activitat escolar d'entorn efectiva; i per altra banda a partir de les idees extretes de les entrevistes fetes a mestres promotores de projectes científics escolars innovadors centrats i duts a terme en l'entorn proper.
The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is mainly known for being the precursor of the ß-amyloid peptide, which accumulates in plaques found in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients. Expression in different tissues and the degree of sequence identity among mammals indicate an essential and non-tissue specific physiological function. APP is anchored to the membrane and displays a single C-terminal intracellular domain and a longer N-terminal extracellular domain. The basic biochemical properties and the scattered data on research, not related to production of beta-amyloid peptide, suggest that the protein and the molecules resulting from APP proteolytic cleavage may act as adhesion factors, enzymes, hormones/neurotransmitters and/or protease inhibitors. APP deserves to be known for its quite notable properties and its physiological role(s).
It is known that, in a locally presentable category, localization exists with respect to every set of morphisms, while the statement that localization with respect to every (possibly proper) class of morphisms exists in locally presentable categories is equivalent to a large-cardinal axiom from set theory. One proves similarly, on one hand, that homotopy localization exists with respect to sets of maps in every cofibrantly generated, left proper, simplicial model category M whose underlying category is locally presentable. On the other hand, as we show in this article, the existence of localization with respect to possibly proper classes of maps in a model category M satisfying the above assumptions is implied by a large-cardinal axiom called Vopënka's principle, although we do not know if the reverse implication holds. We also show that, under the same assumptions on M, every endofunctor of M that is idempotent up to homotopy is equivalent to localization with respect to some class S of maps, and if Vopënka's principle holds then S can be chosen to be a set. There are examples showing that the latter need not be true if M is not cofibrantly generated. The above assumptions on M are satisfied by simplicial sets and symmetric spectra over simplicial sets, among many other model categories.
This paper analyzes the role of traders' priors (proper versus improper) on the implications of market transparency by comparing a pre-trade transparent market with an opaque market in a set-up based on Madhavan (1996). We show that prices may be more informative in the opaque market, regardless of how priors are modelled. In contrast, the comparison of market liquidity and volatility in the two market structures are affected by prior specification. Key words: Market microstructure, Transparency, Prior information
We show that a particular free-by-cyclic group has CAT(0) dimension equal to 2, but CAT(-1) dimension equal to 3. We also classify the minimal proper 2-dimensional CAT(0) actions of this group; they correspond, up to scaling, to a 1-parameter family of locally CAT(0) piecewise Euclidean metrics on a fixed presentation complex for the group. This information is used to produce an infinite family of 2-dimensional hyperbolic groups, which do not act properly by isometries on any proper CAT(0) metric space of dimension 2. This family includes a free-by-cyclic group with free kernel of rank 6.
We construct the Chow motive modelling intersection co-homology of a proper surface. We then study its functoriality properties. Using Murre's decompositions of the motive of a desingularization into KÄunneth components [Mr1], we show that such decompositions exist also for the intersection motive.
This study displays and analyzes the contents of the Mathematics subject in ESO’s second cycle from a constructivist perspective. This analysis has been carried out by contrasting two groups of participants (control group and experimental group). These groups were formed by a sample of 240 students between the ages of 14 and 16 from four different educational centres of the Osona area. Research – Action methodology has been employed, combining quantitative techniques (statistical study with the SPSS package) with qualitative analysis (transcriptions of interviews and discussion group). This study has been carried out after years of classroom observation, reflection and action. The theoretical framework employed is a cognitive one, based on Ausubel’s Significative Learning Theory. Quantitative analysis shows how the researcher’s design improves, on the one hand, the students’ academic motivation and, on the other hand, their comprehensive memory, enabling them to achieve a more significant learning of the subjects’ contents. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the proposed method is more comprehensive than those employed by teachers collaborating with control groups. The main aim of the qualitative analysis is that of identifying the elements which configure the programme and contribute to an improvement of the aspects mentioned above. The key elements here are: co-operation as the basis of group dynamics; the employment, in some cases, of easily handled materials; the type of interaction between teacher and students, where, through open discussion, students are lead by teaching staff towards the course objectives; induction, that is, deducing formulae by initially using examples which are close to the students’ knowledge and experience or taken from everyday life (what we could call “down-top” mathematics). We should add here that the qualitative analysis does not only corroborate the results obtained by quantitative techniques, but also displays an increase of motivation in teaching staff. Teachers did show a positive attitude and welcomed the use and development of these materials in the next academic year. Finally, we discuss possible directions for further research.