22 resultados para Ariès, Philippe


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En el següent estudi s’analitza en profunditat el cinema de Philippe Garrel a través dels paràmetres fotogràfics de la seva obra. Centrat fonamentalment en les primeres pel∙lícules de la seva trajectòria underground –de Le Révélateur (1968) a L’Enfant secret (1979)‐ aquesta recerca s’articula al voltant de la repercussió simbòlica, plàstica i narrativa dels usos lumínics, definits com la gramàtica de la llum i de l’ombra. La memòria presenta, en primer lloc, la llum com a essència reveladora, abordant el paradigma solar, les fonts de llum artificials –els canelobres i les làmpades‐ i la plasticitat blanca derivada d’una sobreexposició lluminosa. En segon lloc, s’introdueix el rol de la ombra com a contrapunt fotogràfic de natura englotidora per, finalment, exposar la dualitat visual interactiva del blanc i negre així com la dimensió física de la matèria pel∙licular.


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En Discurso,Figura, Jean François Lyotard acuña un término: “figural”, que teóricos como Nicole Brenez y Philippe Dubois han llevado al terreno del análisis de la imagen cinematográfica. El pensamiento figural hace de la materialidad de la imagen, de su plasticidad, su objeto de estudio privilegiado. Los cineastas Jean Epstein, Philippe Grandrieux o Stephen Dwoskin en sus figuraciones fílmicas del cuerpo y del rostro, pero también en sus reflexiones teóricas sobre el cine en forma de artículos o, incluso, documentos directamente asociados al rodaje como su registro filmado, han erigido un espacio privilegiado en que este concepto de lo figural se despliega en múltiples variaciones.


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Análisis de las traducciones de Felipe Vitrián (1936) y de Juan Vitrián (1643) de la obra de Philippe de Commynes “Mémoires”


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We prove that any subanalytic locally Lipschitz function has the Sard property. Such functions are typically nonsmooth and their lack of regularity necessitates the choice of some generalized notion of gradient and of critical point. In our framework these notions are defined in terms of the Clarke and of the convex-stable subdifferentials. The main result of this note asserts that for any subanalytic locally Lipschitz function the set of its Clarke critical values is locally finite. The proof relies on Pawlucki's extension of the Puiseuxlemma. In the last section we give an example of a continuous subanalytic function which is not constant on a segment of "broadly critical" points, that is, points for which we can find arbitrarily short convex combinations of gradients at nearby points.


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We present a computer-assisted analysis of combinatorial properties of the Cayley graphs of certain finitely generated groups: Given a group with a finite set of generators, we study the density of the corresponding Cayley graph, that is, the least upper bound for the average vertex degree (= number of adjacent edges) of any finite subgraph. It is known that an m-generated group is amenable if and only if the density of the corresponding Cayley graph equals to 2m. We test amenable and non-amenable groups, and also groups for which amenability is unknown. In the latter class we focus on Richard Thompson’s group F.


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This paper develops the link between poverty and inequality by focussing on a class of poverty indices (some of them well-known) which aggregate normative concerns for absolute and relative deprivation. The indices are distinguished by a parameter that captures the ethical sensitivity of poverty measurement to ``exclusion'' or ``relative-deprivation'' aversion. We also show how the indices can be readily used to predict the impact of growth on poverty. An illustration using LIS data finds that he United States show more relative deprivation than Denmark and Belgium whatever the percentiles considered, but that overall deprivation comparisons of the four countries considered will generally necessarily depend on the intensity of the ethical concern for relative deprivation. The impact of growth on poverty is also seen to depend on the presence of and on the attention granted to concerns over relative deprivation. }


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The experience of the European Union is the most significant and far-reaching among all attempts at regional integration. It is, therefore, the most likely to provide some lessons for those world regions that are just beginning this complex process. In turn, the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) and the Andean Community (CAN) are among the regional integration projects that have reached the greatest level of formal accomplishment after the EU. MERCOSUR is a customs union that aspires to become a common market, while avowing the commitment to advance towards political integration. For its part, CAN is a customs union that has already developed supranational institutions such as a Commission, a Parliament and a Court of Justice. In both cases, however, words have progressively tended to wander far from deeds. One reason underlying this phenomenon may be a misunderstanding of the European experience with integration. In this article, we discuss the theories that have been developed to account for integration in Europe and may prove useful to understand integration elsewhere and put forward a set of lessons that could be drawn from the European experience. Subsequently, we introduce a description of the experience of integration in South America and reflect (critically) on how the theories and lessons drawn from the EU could be applied to this region –and beyond.


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In the light of first-hand data from a Beninese urban household survey in Cotonou, we investigate several motives aiming to explain participation in Rotating Savings and Credit Associations. We provide anecdotal pieces of evidence, descriptive statistics, FIML regressions and matching estimates which tend to indicate that most individuals use their participation in a rosca as a device to commit themselves to save money and to deal with self-control problems.


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The classical Lojasiewicz inequality and its extensions for partial differential equation problems (Simon) and to o-minimal structures (Kurdyka) have a considerable impact on the analysis of gradient-like methods and related problems: minimization methods, complexity theory, asymptotic analysis of dissipative partial differential equations, tame geometry. This paper provides alternative characterizations of this type of inequalities for nonsmooth lower semicontinuous functions defined on a metric or a real Hilbert space. In a metric context, we show that a generalized form of the Lojasiewicz inequality (hereby called the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality) relates to metric regularity and to the Lipschitz continuity of the sublevel mapping, yielding applications to discrete methods (strong convergence of the proximal algorithm). In a Hilbert setting we further establish that asymptotic properties of the semiflow generated by -∂f are strongly linked to this inequality. This is done by introducing the notion of a piecewise subgradient curve: such curves have uniformly bounded lengths if and only if the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality is satisfied. Further characterizations in terms of talweg lines -a concept linked to the location of the less steepest points at the level sets of f- and integrability conditions are given. In the convex case these results are significantly reinforced, allowing in particular to establish the asymptotic equivalence of discrete gradient methods and continuous gradient curves. On the other hand, a counterexample of a convex C2 function in R2 is constructed to illustrate the fact that, contrary to our intuition, and unless a specific growth condition is satisfied, convex functions may fail to fulfill the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality.