42 resultados para Allen, Aaron S
Nombrosos són ja els estudis que s'han centrat en l'anomenat "cinema seriós" de Woody Allen i, entre ells, paga la pena de mencionar el que Pau Gilabert Barberà, autor d'aquest article, va escriure (2006) sobre el que, en opinió seva, és el llegat sofístic subjacent en el guió de Crimes and Misdemeanors. En aquesta ocasió, el seu objectiu és analitzar la trajectòria fluctuant del director americà en relació a la tragèdia grega, des de la convicció que, només així, és possible revelar la seva empatia amb l'esperit tràgic dels grecs i comprendre la seva necessitat de presentar aquell gènere literari com un paradigma des del qual entendre les grandeses i misèries del món contemporani.
Many studies have already paid attention to what is called the "serious films" by Woody Allen and, among them, it is also worth mentioning the one written by the very Pau Gilabert Barberà (2006), which is devoted to the Sophistic legacy underlying in his opinion the screenplay of Crimes and Misdemeanors. On this occasion, his aim is to analyse the fluctuating sight of the American director with regard to the Greek tragedy. Indeed, Gilabert is convinced that, only in this way, it is possible to reveal the true Allen¿s sympathy with the tragic spirit of the Greeks, as well as to understand his urge to present that ancient literary genre as a paradigm with the help of which one can evaluate the greatness and misery of our contemporary world.
Numerosos son ya los estudios que se han centrado en el llamado "cine serio" de Woody Allen y, entre ellos, cabe mencionar el que Pau Gilabert Barberà, autor de este artículo, escribió (2006) sobre lo que, en su opinión, es el legado sofístico subyacente en el guión de Crimes and Misdemeanors. En esta ocasión, su objetivo es analizar la trayectoria fluctuante del director americano en relación con la tragedia griega, desde la convicción de que, sólo así, es posible revelar su empatía con el espíritu trágico de los griegos y comprender su necesidad de presentar aquel género literario como un paradigma desde el cual entender las grandezas y miserias del mundo contemporáneo.
Cassandra's Dream, de Woody Allen (2007), no tingué les crítiques excel·lents de pel·lícules anteriors com ara Crimes and Misdemeanors i Match Point, on s'abordaven temes semblants. Tanmateix, segons l'opinió de l'autor d'aquest article, analitzada des de la perspectiva del llegat de la tragèdia grega en la cultura occidental, els mèrits d¿aquest film no són pas menyspreables. Les nombroses referències a la tragèdia grega, ja siguin títols o personatges, demostren la voluntat del director americà d'il·lustrar la contemporaneïtat del gènere esmentat, com també de presentar els homes i les dones d¿avui com a víctimes d'una gairebé omnipotent i sorneguera ironia tràgica. L'autor es proposa també de mostrar-hi les relacions evidents d'aquest guió amb el de Match Point i, sobretot, amb el que considera guió matriu de totes tres: Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Más allá de la referencia explícita a la tragedia griega y Edipo, el objetivo de este artículo es presentar la estrecha relación, en opinión del autor, entre lo que mantienen los protagonistas en Crimes and Misdemeanors y las teorías de los sofistas griegos sobre Dios, la ley, etc. Una confrontación minuciosa de sus textos con el guión de la película revela claramente unas raíces sofísticas que no pueden ser atribuidas, en este caso, a la presencia constante del legado judío en la obra de W. Allen.
Beyond the explicit reference to the Greek tragedy and Oedipus, the aim of this article is to show the clear relationship, in the author's opinion, between what the protagonists of the film maintain and the theories of the Greek Sophists about God, the law, etc. An accurate analysis both of their texts and the screenplay of Crimes and Misdemeanors reveals different sophistic roots, which, in this case, cannot be attributed to the constant presence of the Jewish legacy in W. Allen's work.
Más allá de la referencia explícita a la tragedia griega y Edipo, el objetivo de este artículo es presentar la estrecha relación, en opinión del autor, entre lo que mantienen los protagonistas en Crimes and Misdemeanors y las teorías de los sofistas griegos sobre Dios, la ley, etc. Una confrontación minuciosa de sus textos con el guión de la película revela claramente unas raíces sofísticas que no pueden ser atribuidas, en este caso, a la presencia constante del legado judío en la obra de W. Allen.
Més enllà de la referència explícita a la tragèdia grega i Èdip, l'objectiu d'aquest article és presentar l'estreta relació, en opinió del autor, entre allò que mantenen els protagonistes a Crimes and Misdemanors i les teories del sofistes grecs sobre Déu, la llei, etc. Una confrontació acurada dels seus textos amb el guió de la pel·lícula revela clarament unes arrels sofístiques que no poden ser atribuïdes, en aquest cas, a la constant presència del llegat jueu en l'obra de W. Allen.
El objetivo del estudio fue analizar cómo el fenómeno de la infidelidad es tratado en las películas de Woody Allen. Las siguientes preguntas fueron el foco de nuestro estudio: ¿Cómo refleja Woody Allen la infidelidad en sus películas?, ¿Los datos de prevalencia y los factores de riesgo relacionados con la infidelidad por la literatura científica también se observan en las películas? Se analizaron las 106 parejas que aparecen en los 40 films producidos hasta el año 2009. La infidelidad apareció en 35 películas (87.5%) que registró un total de 79 parejas infieles y 106 infidelidades. La prevalencia de la infidelidad en las películas de Woody Allen es mucho mayor que la reportada en la literatura científica. Factores como una mala comunicación entre la pareja o la insatisfacción fueron relacionadas con la infidelidad tanto por parte de la literatura como en las películas. Sin embargo, las películas de Woody Allen parecen no mostrar relación entre la prevalencia de infidelidad y el sexo, la edad del infiel y el tipo de relación primaria que sí han encontrado otros investigadores en la población general.
Aquest estudi analitza el concepte de marca ciutat des d’un punt de vista cinematogràfic. Al llarg d’aquest, s’observarà com el cinema es converteix en una eina a l’hora de crear i desenvolupar una marca ciutat i posicionar-la a la ment del consumidor. Com es conclourà, la creació d’una marca ciutat potent està esdevenint una necessitat per a les grans ciutats, i el cinema és una eina amb un alt poder d’influència sobre el públic receptor.
Article describing the design standards and their use for Paralympic facilities. This article was published in the book entitled Olympic Villages: a hundred years of urban planning and shared experiences compiling the papers given at the 1997 International Symposium on International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB).
This research paper seeks to bring into view the present-day situation of Native-American narrative in English. It is divided into four chapters. The first deals with the emergence of what we might call a Native-American narrative style and its evolution from 1900 up until its particularly forceful expression in 1968 with the appearance of N. Scott Momaday’s novel House Made of Dawn. To trace this evolution, we follow the chronology set forth by Paula Gunn Allen in her anthology Voice of the Turtle: American Indian Literature 1900-1970. In the second chapter we hear various voices from contemporary Native-American literary production as we follow Simon J. Ortiz’s anthology Speaking for the Generations: Native Writers on Writing. Noteworthy among these are Leslie Marmon Silko and Gloria Bird, alongside new voices such as those of Esther G. Belin and Daniel David Moses, and closing with Guatemalan-Mayan Victor D. Montejo, exiled in the United States. These writers’ contributions gravitate around two fundamental notions: the interdependence between human beings and the surrounding landscape, and the struggle for survival, which of necessity involves the deconstruction of the (post-)colonial subject. The third chapter deals with an anthology of short stories and poems by present-day Native-American women writers, edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird and entitled Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writings of North America. It too exemplifies personal and cultural reaffirmation on a landscape rich in ancestral elements, but also where one’s own voice takes shape in the language which, historically, is that of the enemy. In the final chapter we see how translation studies provide a critical perspective and fruitful reflection on the literary production of Native-American translative cultures, where a wide range of writers struggle to bring about the affirmative deconstruction of the colonialised subject. Thus there comes a turnaround in the function of the “enemy’s language,” giving rise also to the question of cultural incommensurability.
The aim of this paper is to examine the pros and cons of book and fair value accounting from the perspective of the theory of banking. We consider the implications of the two accounting methods in an overlapping generations environment. As observed by Allen and Gale(1997), in an overlapping generation model, banks have a role as intergenerational connectors as they allow for intertemporal smoothing. Our main result is that when dividends depend on profits, book value ex ante dominates fair value, as it provides better intertemporal smoothing. This is in contrast with the standard view that states that, fair value yields a better allocation as it reflects the real opportunity cost of assets. Banking regulation play an important role by providing the right incentives for banks to smooth intertemporal consumption whereas market discipline improves intratemporal efficiency.
The aim of this paper is to examine the pros and cons of book and fair value accounting from the perspective of the theory of banking. We consider the implications of the two accounting methods in an overlapping generations environment. As observed by Allen and Gale(1997), in an overlapping generation model, banks have a role as intergenerational connectors as they allow for intertemporal smoothing. Our main result is that when dividends depend on profits, book value ex ante dominates fair value, as it provides better intertemporal smoothing. This is in contrast with the standard view that states that, fair value yields a better allocation as it reflects the real opportunity cost of assets. Banking regulation play an important role by providing the right incentives for banks to smooth intertemporal consumption whereas market discipline improves intratemporal efficiency.
We address the question of whether growth and welfare can be higher in crisis prone economies. First, we show that there is a robust empirical link between per-capita GDP growth and negative skewness of credit growth across countries with active financial markets. That is, countries that have experienced occasional crises have grown on average faster than countries with smooth credit conditions. We then present a two-sector endogenous growth model in which financial crises can occur, and analyze the relationship between financial fragility and growth. The underlying credit market imperfections generateborrowing constraints, bottlenecks and low growth. We show that under certain conditions endogenous real exchange rate risk arises and firms find it optimal to take on credit risk in the form of currency mismatch. Along such a risky path average growth is higher, but self-fulfilling crises occur occasionally. Furthermore, we establish conditions under which the adoption of credit risk is welfare improving and brings the allocation nearer to the Pareto optimal level. The design of the model is motivated by several features of recent crises: credit risk in the form of foreign currency denominated debt; costly crises that generate firesales and widespread bankruptcies; and asymmetric sectorial responses, wherethe nontradables sector falls more than the tradables sector in the wake of crises.