51 resultados para 60 degrees dislocation lines


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Two-sided flux decoration experiments indicate that threading dislocation lines (TDLs), which cross the entire film, are sometimes trapped in metastable states. We calculate the elastic energy associated with the meanderings of a TDL. The TDL behaves as an anisotropic and dispersive string with thermal fluctuations largely along its Burgers vector. These fluctuations also modify the structure factor of the vortex solid. Both effects can, in principle, be used to estimate the elastic moduli of the material.


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We investigate the depinning transition occurring in dislocation assemblies. In particular, we consider the cases of regularly spaced pileups and low-angle grain boundaries interacting with a disordered stress landscape provided by solute atoms, or by other immobile dislocations present in nonactive slip systems. Using linear elasticity, we compute the stress originated by small deformations of these assemblies and the corresponding energy cost in two and three dimensions. Contrary to the case of isolated dislocation lines, which are usually approximated as elastic strings with an effective line tension, the deformations of a dislocation assembly cannot be described by local elastic interactions with a constant tension or stiffness. A nonlocal elastic kernel results as a consequence of long-range interactions between dislocations. In light of this result, we revise statistical depinning theories of dislocation assemblies and compare the theoretical results with numerical simulations and experimental data.


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In this paper we use micro data from the Spanish Family Expenditure Survey for 1990 to estimate, for the first time, the private and social rates of return of different university degrees in Spain. We compute internal rates of return and include investment on higher education financed by the public purse to estimate social rates of return. Our main finding is that, as presumed, there is large heterogeneity in rates of return amongst different university


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The aim of the project has been to demonstrate how the farm animal breeding industry can utilise gene mapping technology to accelerate genetic improvement. Previous theoretical studies had suggested that the use of marker assisted selection could potentially increase the annual improvement for quantitative traits like backfat with about 10% and for more difficult traits such as meat quality and reproduction by as much as 40-60% compared with existing technology. The work has comprised two major tasks: 1. Commercially relevant populations have been screened for segregation at QTLs identified in experimental populations. The aim has been to establish optimal strategies for QTL detection in commercial pig populations and the extent to which QTLs explaining major phenotypic differences between divergent lines used in experimental studies also explain quantitative variation within commercial lines. The results are important for specifying future strategies for finding economically valuable QTLs. 2. Marker assisted backcrossing has been used to demonstrate how a QTL allele can be introgressed from one breed to another. The work has focused on the major fatness QTL on pig chromosome 4 previously identified in a wild pig/Large White intercross. The end result was not designed to be a commercially viable product in its own right, but the process has validated a number of points of major importance for the exploitation of QTLs in livestock.


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Aquest estudi consisteix en l’augment de la resolució en la reconstrucció de la temperatura de l’aigua i l’aire del llac Baikal durant els últims 60.000 anys mitjançant l’ús de les proxies de reconstrucció de la temperatura TEX86 i MAAT, i la d’aportació de matèria orgànica d’origen terrestre, el BIT. L’objectiu general d’aquesta investigació és incrementar la resolució temporal en el mostreig del testimoni CON-01-603-02 per tal de millorar el registre de dades obtingudes i d’aquesta manera poder contrastar la hipòtesi de la interconnexió climàtica global, així com identificar esdeveniments climàtics sobtats, tals com els Heinrich events i els esdeveniments D-O. Un cop obtinguts els resultats s’ha realitzat l’anàlisi de la qualitat i fiabilitat de les dades a les resolucions de 5, 10 i 20 Kanys, i es conclou que existeixen diferències globals estadísticament significatives amb els resultats realitzats per Escala et al., (r.n.p [resultats no publicats]), la resolució dels quals es volia augmentar. S’han tractat d’anular aquestes diferències restant o bé sumant la diferència mitjana obtinguda entre les dues mostres en cada un dels intervals de 5 Kanys en què s’han donat aquestes. Els resultats integrats d’Escala et al.,(r.n.p) i els d’aquest estudi, aporten dades que recolzen l’hipòtesi de la interconnexió climàtica global, ja que al comparar-los amb els registres climàtics de Grenlàndia (GRIP2) i l’Antàrtica (Vostok) mostren respostes similars tant per les forces de Milankovitch com per les de subMilankovitch.


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Durante la década de los ’60 España vivió su particular “edad de oro” y uno de los periodos de transformaciones más radicales de toda su historia en su economía y su sociedad. La década que empezó con el Plan de Estabilización acabó con una país ya plenamente industrial, atravesado por el movimiento interior y exterior más grande de personas de su historia, con un campo que se fue vaciando rápidamente y, consecuentemente, se fueron imponiendo transformaciones de su agricultura que la alejaron definitivamente del modelo de la agricultura tradicional; fue esta la década de mayor crecimiento económico del siglo XX (y por extensión de la historia). Lo único que se mantenía intacto era el sistema político, que hacía del tardo-fascismo y del nacional-catolicismo español la gran anomalía del concierto europeo, junto a su vecino ibérico. De manera que en España los años gloriosos del capitalismo keynesiano, amén de empezar con notable retraso respecto al resto del mundo capitalista avanzado, se caracterizaron por una particular cojera en la aplicación del modelo occidental de la época; una cojera consolidada de la mano de los intereses militares y geopolíticos estadounidenses y acentuada por las transformaciones a que obligaba una desastrosa crisis de balanza de pagos. Es decir, se asistió a una inédita aceleración del crecimiento pero sin paralela construcción del Estado de Bienestar. ¿Cómo influyó esta circunstancia sobre los niveles de bienestar de los españoles y las españolas? ¿De qué magnitud eran durante este período las desigualdades y cómo evolucionaron? Responder a estas preguntas desde la perspectiva de los ingresos y de la alimentación es el objetivo de esta investigación.


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La mayoría de las democracias latinoamericanas se caracterizaban por un esquema de competencia partidaria bipartidista. Se observó, no obstante, en los años ochenta-noventa un re-ordenamiento concomitante a toda la región de los sistemas de partidos, cuya principal consecuencia fue la deconstrucción de los bipartidismos. Esta situación nos lleva a preguntarnos si es posible identificar causas comunes que den cuenta de este fenómeno. Demostramos en este trabajo, a través del estudio de Colombia, la Argentina y Uruguay, que aquello consistió más bien en un realineamiento de los patrones de representación dentro de los sistemas de partido. Los procesos de cada uno de estos países, cuyos bipartidismos suelen considerarse como “tradicionales”, se caracterizaron por dinámicas específicas y diferenciadas no extrapolables a toda la región. Presentaremos asimismo las lógicas de realineamiento partidario y destacaremos los “eventos críticos” más propensos a la transformación política en la región.


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INTRODUCCIÓ La vacuna pneumocòccica polisacàrida polivalent (VPP-23) es recomana en ancians i persones d'alt risc. No obstant això, la seva efectivitat en la prevenció d'infeccions per pneumococ és controvertida. Aquest estudi avalua l'efectivitat de la vacunació en la prevenció de malaltia pneumocòccica invasiva (MPI) en persones majors de 60 anys. METODOLOGIA Estudi poblacional de casos i controls en el qual es van incloure 88 pacients majors de 60 anys amb MPI (Pneumònia bacteriana, meningitis o sepsis) confirmada per laboratori, i 176 controls que van ser assignats segons Centre d'Atenció Primària, edat, sexe i nivell de risc. La regressió logística condicional va ser usada per a estimar la odds ràtio (OR) segons cada condició clínica. L'efectivitat de la vacuna va ser estimada segons (1-OR) x100. RESULTATS L'efectivitat de la vacunació pneumocòccica va ser significativament mes baixa en casos que en controls (38.6% vs 59.1%; p=0.002). L'efectivitat ajustada va anar de 72% (OR: 0.28; 95% CI: 0.15-0.54) per a MPI i 77% (OR: 0.23; 95% CI: 0.08-0.60) per als serotips vacunals inclosos en la VPP-23. La vacunació va ser efectiva per a l'MPI tant en el grup d'edat de 60-79 anys (OR 0.32; 95% CI: 0.14-0.74) com en el grup de 80 anys o mes (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.09-0.91). L'efectivitat vacunal va ser estadísticament significativa en persones d'alt risc inmunocompetents (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.11-0.79) així com en persones inmunocompromeses (OR: 0.12; 95% CI: 0.03- 0.53). CONCLUSIÓ Aquestes troballes confirmen l'efectivitat de la vacuna pneumocòccia polisacàrida polivalent (VPP-23) en l'MPI, i el benefici en la prevenció d'infecció invasiva en persones de risc i en ancians.


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Through the history of Electrical Engineering education, vectorial and phasorial diagrams have been used as a fundamental learning tool. At present, computational power has replaced them by long data lists, the result of solving equation systems by means of numerical methods. In this sense, diagrams have been shifted to an academic background and although theoretically explained, they are not used in a practical way within specific examples. This fact may be against the understanding of the complex behavior of the electrical power systems by students. This article proposes a modification of the classical Perrine-Baum diagram construction to allowing both a more practical representation and a better understanding of the behavior of a high-voltage electric line under different levels of load. This modification allows, at the same time, the forecast of the obsolescence of this behavior and line’s loading capacity. Complementary, we evaluate the impact of this tool in the learning process showing comparative undergraduate results during three academic years


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Human embryonic stem (hES) cells represent a potential source for cell replacement therapy of many degenerative diseases. Most frequently, hES cell lines are derived from surplus embryos from assisted reproduction cycles, independent of their quality or morphology. Here, we show that hES cell lines can be obtained from poor-quality blastocysts with the same efficiency as that obtained from good- or intermediate-quality blastocysts. Furthermore, we show that the self-renewal, pluripotency, and differentiation ability of hES cell lines derived from either source are comparable. Finally, we present a simple and reproducible embryoid body-based protocol for the differentiation of hES cells into functional cardiomyocytes. The five new hES cell lines derived here should widen the spectrum of available resources for investigating the biology of hES cells and advancing toward efficient strategies of regenerative medicine.


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We propose an edge detector based on the selection of wellcontrasted pieces of level lines, following the proposal ofDesolneux-Moisan-Morel (DMM) [1]. The DMM edge detectorhas the problem of over-representation, that is, everyedge is detected several times in slightly different positions.In this paper we propose two modifications of the originalDMM edge detector in order to solve this problem. The firstmodification is a post-processing of the output using a generalmethod to select the best representative of a bundle of curves.The second modification is the use of Canny’s edge detectorinstead of the norm of the gradient to build the statistics. Thetwo modifications are independent and can be applied separately.Elementary reasoning and some experiments showthat the best results are obtained when both modifications areapplied together.


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In this paper we offer the first large sample evidence on the availability and usage ofcredit lines in U.S. public corporations and use it to re-examine the existing findings oncorporate liquidity. We show that the availability of credit lines is widespread and thataverage undrawn credit is of the same order of magnitude as cash holdings. We test thetrade-off theory of liquidity according to which firms target an optimum level of liquidity,computed as the sum of cash and undrawn credit lines. We provide support for the existenceof a liquidity target, but also show that the reasons why firms hold cash and credit linesare very different. While the precautionary motive explains well cash holdings, the optimumlevel of credit lines appears to be driven by the restrictions imposed by the credit line itself,in terms of stated purpose and covenants. In support to these findings, credit line drawdownsare associated with capital expenditures, acquisitions, and working capital.


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Work Internship Placements (WIP) is a new and transversal enterprise internships programme, which is focused on quality improvement, academic control and satisfaction of collaborating enterprises. This programme is addressed to the engineering students of the PolytechnicSchool at the University of Girona (UdG) in Spain. The fundamental WIP infrastructure combines a web-based intranet platform, that provides a complete set of WIP tools, with a protocol of procedures and tasks that are observed and followed at all internship stages by every participating agent, i.e. enterprises, students, coaching professors and administrative staff. Our new programme is centered on a broader, more holistic internship placement procedure than the traditional “career and academic goals” approach. The WIP programme has been found to be a valuable asset in addressing enterprise and student needs in the experiential project


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The purpose of this paper is two fold. First, we give an upper bound on the orderof a multisecant line to an integral arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay subscheme in Pn of codimension two in terms of the Hilbert function. Secondly, we givean explicit description of the singular locus of the blow up of an arbitrary local ring at a complete intersection ideal. This description is used to refine standardlinking theorem. These results are tied together by the construction of sharp examples for the bound, which uses the linking theorems.