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As lesões metastáticas extradurais são o tipo de tumor mais frequente a nível dos diferentes segmentos da coluna. Entre Janeiro de 1989 e Junho de 1996, foram observados a nível hospitalar 209 doentes com metástases da coluna. Com base num protocolo de avaliação individual, foi efectuado um estudo retrospectivo destes doentes, incidindo primordialmente sobre o respectivo quadro clínico e alterações neuro-imagiológicas encontradas, bem como sobre o tipo de neoplasia primária e a resposta à terapêutica instituída. Tivemos como objectivo fundamental o de tentar caracterizar a semiologia e evolução mais habituais deste tipo de lesões, no sentido da obtenção dum diagnóstico rápido e da instituição duma terapêutica em tempo útil, permitindo um índice de sobrevida com o mínimo de qualidade.
Introduction: The 2D:4D digit ratio is sexually-dimorphic, probably due to testosterone action through the perinatal period. We characterize the 2D:4D ratio in newborn (NB) infants, in between the pre- and postnatal surges of testosterone, and relate it to the mother's 2D:4D and to testosterone levels in the amniotic fluid (AF). Subjects and methods: Testosterone was assayed in samples of maternal plasma and AF collected at amniocentesis. Shortly after birth, 106 NBs and their mothers were measured for 2D:4D ratio. Results: NB males had lower mean 2D:4D ratios than females but this dimorphism was significant only for the left hand (males: 0.927; females: 0.950; p=0.004). Mothers who had sons had lower 2D:4D ratios than those who had daughters and the mother's 2D:4D were higher than those of NBs regardless of sex. Both hands of NB females were negatively correlated with AF testosterone and positively correlated with the mother's 2D:4D, but males showed no significant associations. Maternal plasma testosterone also showed a negative weak correlation with NB's digit ratio in both sexes. Conclusions: Sexual dimorphism at birth was only significant for the left hand, in contrast with reports of greater right hand dimorphism, suggesting that postnatal testosterone is determinant for 2D:4D stabilization. The lower 2D:4D ratios in mothers who had sons support claims that hormone levels in parents are influential for determining their children's sex. NB female's digit ratio, but not males', was associated to the level of AF testosterone. The mother's 2D:4D ratios were positively correlated with their daughters' 2D:4D, but the same was not observed for male NBs, suggesting that prenatal testosterone levels in male fetus lead their 2D:4D ratios to stray from their mothers' with high individual variability.
Anogenital lichen sclerosus is a chronic, inflammatory, mucocutaneous disorder of significant morbidity. Common symptoms include pruritus, pain, dysuria, and dyspareunia, frequently of difficult control. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) may be an effective therapeutic option in selected cases refractory to first--‐line treatment options. However, procedure--‐related pain is a limiting factor in patient adherence to treatment. Conscious sedation and analgesia with a ready--‐to--‐use gas mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen is useful in short--‐term procedures. It provides a rapid, effective, and short--‐lived effect, without the need for anesthesiology support. A 75--‐year--‐old woman presented with a highly symptomatic, histologically confirmed vulvar lichen sclerosus, with at least 15 years of evolution. Pain, pruritus, and dysuria were intense and disabling. Treatment with ultrapotent topical corticosteroids proved to be ineffective despite patient compliance. She was then referred for PDT. A total of 3 sessions were performed, held at a mean interval of 9 weeks, and under the analgesic and sedative effect of nitrous oxide/oxygen gas. Response to treatment was evaluated through a daily, self--‐reported pain rating scale. Dysuria remitted completely after the first PDT session. An 80% reduction in pruritus and pain was observed after the third session, and has been sustained for the past six months without further need for topical corticotherapy. Treatment sessions were well tolerated and pain-- free, with no side effects to report. PDT appears to be effective in the symptomatic treatment of vulvar lichen sclerosus. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first case reporting the use of inhaled nitrous oxide/oxygen gas mixture during PDT performed in the genital area. Its analgesic and sedative effects may increase patients’ adherence to this painful procedure. Furthermore, given its safety, it can be easily managed in outpatient clinics by trained dermatologists.
A segurança e a qualidade num sistema de saúde têm uma expressão individual e sistémica: o doente submete-se a cuidados progressivamente mais tecnológicos, invasivos e fragmentados numa organização que pretende garantir que o ganho em complexidade não se traduza simultaneamente em maior risco e lesão. Qualidade e segurança são habitualmente difíceis de quantificar. Que definições usar? Quais as medidas adequadas para avaliar lesão, erro ou fiabilidade? São necessárias medidas objetivas e úteis que permitam a monitorização, pelas equipas de saúde, dos ganhos obtidos na implementação de planos de melhoria da prática clínica. Nas equipas de saúde é frequente a incompreensão dos conceitos de qualidade e segurança. Com base na experiência de 12 anos da implementação de um programa de Qualidade e Gestão de Risco num Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa, tentamos aqui responder a algumas das questões que são habitualmente levantadas sobre o tema.
Photodynamic therapy has been described as an effective therapeutic option in selected cases of anogenital lichen sclerosus that are refractory to first-line treatments. However, procedure-related pain is a limiting factor in patient adherence to treatment. The authors report the case of a 75-year-old woman with highly symptomatic vulvar lichen sclerosus, successfully treated with photodynamic therapy. An inhaled 50% nitrous oxide/oxygen premix was administered during sessions, producing a pain-relieving, anxiolytic, and sedative effect without loss of consciousness. This ready-to-use gas mixture may be a well-tolerated and accepted alternative to classical anesthetics in Photodynamic therapy, facilitating patients' adherence to illumination of pain-prone areas.