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A propósito de 2 Casos Clínicos de malária maligna internados na U.C.I. do Hospital Curry Cabral(em 1983 e 1984), um dos quais de evolução letal, chama-se a atenção para a necessidade do seu diagnóstico precoce.


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Objectivo: Rever o perfil clínico e terapêutico dos doentes com malária grave admitidos numa unidade de cuidados intensivos (UCI). Tipo de estudo: Retrospectivo. População: Nove doentes com malária a Plasmodium falciparum admitidos entre Agosto de 1991 e Julho de 2001 na UCI do Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos (HSAC). Resultados: As complicações mais frequentes foram as manifestações neurológicas, a síndroma de dificuldade respiratória aguda (SDRA) e a insuficiência renal aguda. A ventilação mecânica foi utilizada em cinco doentes, a prótese renal em dois e as aminas vasopressoras em três doentes. Faleceram dois doentes (22.2%). Conclusões: A malária a Plasmodium falciparum é uma doença potencialmente fatal, pelo que os factores de risco e os critérios para admissão em UCI devem ser identificados. A presença de disfunção de órgão, nomeadamente de manifestações neurológicas, insuficiência renal e respiratória deverão ser consideradas como indicação para internamento em cuidados intensivos.


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Soft-tissue and bone necrosis, although rare in childhood, occasionally occur in the course of infectious diseases, either viral or bacterial, and seem to be the result of hypoperfusion on a background of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Treatment consists in correction of septic shock and control of necrosis. Necrosis, once started, shows extraordinarily rapid evolution, leading to soft-tissue and bone destruction and resulting in anatomic, functional, psychological, and social handicaps. Ten mutilated children were treated from January 1986 to January 1999 in Hospital de Dona Estefaˆ nia, Lisbon, Portugal. One was recovering from hemolytic-uremic syndrome with a severe combined immunodeficiency, another malnourished, anemic child had malaria, and three had chicken pox (in one case complicated by meningococcal septicemia). There were three cases of meningococcal and two of pyocyanic septicemia (one in a burned child and one in a patient with infectious mononucleosis). The lower limbs (knee,leg, foot) were involved in five cases, the face (ear, nose, lip) in four, the perineum in three, the pelvis (inguinal region, iliac crest) in two, the axilla in one, and the upper limb (radius, hand) in two. Primary prevention is based on early recognition of risk factors and timely correction. Secondary prevention consists of immediate etiologic and thrombolytic treatment to restrict the area of necrosis. Tertiary prevention relies on adequate rehabilitation with physiotherapy and secondary operations to obtain the best possible functional and esthetic result.


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INTRODUCTION: Clopidogrel is frequently associated with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, however this drug is rarely related to severe isolated thrombocytopenia. Pentoxifylline has previously been associated with thrombocytopenia only once. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of severe isolated thrombocytopenia after therapy with both clopidogrel and pentoxyfilline. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 79-year-old Caucasian man who presented to our facility with intermittent claudication. He had obliterative arterial disease and started therapy with clopidogrel and pentoxifylline. His basal platelet count was 194 × 109 cells/L. At three days after the start of treatment, our patient had lower limb petechia and stopped taking clopidogrel and pentoxifylline. His platelet count lowered to 4 × 109 cells/L and our patient was admitted to hospital. Our patient had purpura with no other hemorrhages or splenomegaly. Results of a blood smear were normal, and a bone marrow study showed dysmegakaryopoiesis. Antiplatelet antibody test results were negative, as were all viral serology tests. Imaging study results were normal. Our patient was given immunoglobulin but there was no sustained platelet increase, so corticotherapy was started as the next treatment step. At five months after clopidogrel and pentoxifylline were discontinued, his platelet count continued increasing even after prednisolone was tapered. CONCLUSIONS: Severe isolated thrombocytopenia may appear as a side effect when using clopidogrel and pentoxifylline. These drugs are widely used by general physicians, internists, cardiologists and vascular surgeons. We hope this report will raise awareness of the need to monitor the platelet count in patients taking these drugs.


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While haemolytic uraemic syndrome in children is predominantly associated with Shiga toxin -producing Escherichia coli (typically 0157:H7), some cases occur without associated diarrhoea, or as the manifestation of an underlying disorder other than infection. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome is characterised by microangiopathic anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and renal failure, on occasion accompanied by severe hypertension. Malignant hypertension is a syndrome that sometimes exhibits the same laboratory abnormalities as haemolytic uraemic syndrome as it may share the same pathological findings: thrombotic microangiopathy. As clinical features of both entities overlap, the distinction between them can be very difficult. However, differentiation is essential for the treatment decision, since early plasma exchange dramatically reduces mortality in haemolytic uraemic syndrome not associated with diarrhoea. An increasing number of genetic causes of this pathology have been described and may be very useful in differentiating it from thrombotic microangiopathy due to other aetiologies. Despite advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of haemolytic uraemic syndrome not associated with diarrhoea, the management often remains empirical. We describe a patient with simultaneous microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and severe hypertension managed in the acute period of illness with plasma exchange.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the short- and medium-term results of prostatic arterial embolisation (PAE) for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). METHODS: This was a prospective non-randomised study including 255 patients diagnosed with BPH and moderate to severe lower urinary tract symptoms after failure of medical treatment for at least 6 months. The patients underwent PAE between March 2009 and April 2012. Technical success is when selective prostatic arterial embolisation is completed in at least one pelvic side. Clinical success was defined as improving symptoms and quality of life. Evaluation was performed before PAE and at 1, 3, 6 and every 6 months thereafter with the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), quality of life (QoL), International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), uroflowmetry, prostatic specific antigen (PSA) and volume. Non-spherical polyvinyl alcohol particles were used. RESULTS: PAE was technically successful in 250 patients (97.9 %). Mean follow-up, in 238 patients, was 10 months (range 1-36). Cumulative rates of clinical success were 81.9 %, 80.7 %, 77.9 %, 75.2 %, 72.0 %, 72.0 %, 72.0 % and 72.0 % at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 months, respectively. There was one major complication. CONCLUSIONS: PAE is a procedure with good results for BPH patients with moderate to severe LUTS after failure of medical therapy. KEY POINTS: • Prostatic artery embolisation offers minimally invasive therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia. • Prostatic artery embolisation is a challenging procedure because of vascular anatomical variations. • PAE is a promising new technique that has shown good results.


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Introdução: Apesar de em Portugal não haver malária endógena,a crescente mobilidade das populações e os laços históricos com África possibilitam a importação de casos para o nosso país. O presente estudo pretende contribuir para melhorar o conhecimento epidemiológico e clínico da malária importada na região de Lisboa. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo das crianças com malária, internadas em dois hospitais da Grande Lisboa, durante um período de seis anos (1999-2004). Resultados: Foram identificados 134 casos, sendo a mediana das idades de sete anos. A maioria (93,3%) era de origem africana e referia estadia em região endémica (90%). O Plasmodium falciparum foi o agente etiológico mais frequente (73%). A febre foi a manifestação clínica mais frequente, seguida de manifestações gastrointestinais e cefaleias. Ocorreram complicações em 42% dos doentes, sendo a trombocitopenia (19,4%) e a anemia grave (9%) as mais frequentes. A halofantrina e o quinino foram os anti-maláricos mais usados. Conclusões: A malária importada é uma patologia relativamente comum na Grande Lisboa e, dada a inespecificidade do quadro clínico, todas as crianças febris ou doentes com estadia recente num país endémico devem ser rastreadas para esta entidade.


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Vitamin B 12 or cobalamin deficiency, a rare clinical entity in pediatric age, is found most exclusively in breastfed infants, whose mothers are strictly vegetarian non-supplemented or with pernicious anaemia. In this article, the authors describe a 10-month-old infant admitted for vomiting, refusal to eat and prostration. The infant was exclusively breastfed and diffi culties in introduction of new foods were reported. Failure to thrive since 5 months of age was also noticed. Laboratory evaluation revealed severe normocytic normochromic anaemia and cobalamin defi cit. A diagnosis of α-thalassemia trait was also made. Maternal investigation showed autoimmune pernicious anaemia. This case shows the severity of vitamin B 12 deficiency and the importance of adopting adequate and precocious measures in order to prevent potentially irreversible neurologic damage.


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In high-burden countries, Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is administered in newborn to prevent severe Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Because life-threatening disseminated BCG disease may occur in children with primary immunodeficiency, vaccination strategy against tuberculosis should be redefined in non-high-burden countries. We report the case of a patient with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) who developed disseminated BCG disease, highlighting the specific strategies adopted.


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Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) is an emerging public health problem worldwide. Severe invasive infections have been described, mostly associated with the presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). In Portugal limited information exists regarding CA-MRSA infections. In this study we describe the case of a previously healthy 12-year-old female, sport athlete, who presented to the hospital with acetabulofemoral septic arthritis, myositis, fasciitis, acetabulum osteomyelitis, and pneumonia.The MRSA isolated from blood and synovial fluid was PVL negative and staphylococcal enterotoxin type P (SEP) and type L (SEL) positive, with a vancomycin MIC of 1.0mg/L and resistant to clindamycin and ciprofloxacin. The patient was submitted to multiple surgical drainages and started on vancomycin, rifampicin, and gentamycin. Due to persistence of fever and no microbiological clearance, linezolid was started with improvement. This is one of the few reported cases of severe invasive infection caused by CA-MRSA in Portugal,which was successfully treated with linezolid. In spite of the severity of infection, the MRSA isolate did not produce PVL.


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Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS; MIM#260920) is a rare recessively-inherited autoinflammatory condition caused bymutations in the MVK gene, which encodes for mevalonate kinase, an essential enzyme in the isoprenoid pathway. HIDS is clinically characterized by recurrent episodes of fever and inflammation. Herewe report on the case of a 2 year-old Portuguese boy with recurrent episodes of fever, malaise, massive cervical lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly since the age of 12 months. Rash, arthralgia, abdominal pain and diarrhea were also seen occasionally. During attacks a vigorous acute-phase response was detected, including elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and leukocytosis. Clinical and laboratory improvement was seen between attacks. Despite normal serum IgD level, HIDS was clinically suspected. Mutational MVK analysis revealed the homozygous genotype with the novel p.Arg277Gly (p.R277G) mutation, while the healthy non consanguineous parents were heterozygous. Short nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroid courses were given during attacks with poor benefits, where as anakinra showed positive responses only at high doses. The p.R277Gmutation here described is a novel missense MVK mutation, and it has been detected in this casewith a severe HIDS phenotype. Further studies are needed to evaluate a co-relation genotype, enzyme activity and phenotype, and to define the best therapeutic strategies.