11 resultados para Receptor do fator de crescimento epidérmico. PTEN fosfo-hidrolase. Imunoistoquímica


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Overview and aims: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) affects 15% of pregnancies and is associated with both increased perinatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and long-term effects in adult life. Our aim was to describe cases and outcomes of FGR from a tertiary perinatal care centre and identify the predictors of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Study design: retrospective cohort. Population: pregnancies with early or late FGR caused by placental factors followed from 2006 to 2009 in a tertiary perinatal care centre. Methods: we collected data from clinical records on demographics, clinical history and fetal ultrasound parameters. Perinatal and neonatal outcomes were stratiied according to gestational age (above or below 28 weeks) and we used bivariate analysis to identify any associations with clinical and imaging indings. Results: we included 246 pregnancies; hypertension was the most prevalent maternal risk factor (16%). There were 15 cases of early FGR, 11 of which had cesarean delivery due to deterioration of fetal Doppler parameters. Outcomes in this group included one fetal and three neonatal deaths. Of 231 cases of late FGR, 64% were delivered early given a non-reassuring fetal status i.e. due to changes in Doppler evaluation or altered Manning biophysical proile. There were four cases of perinatal death in this group, three of which delivered at 28 weeks. Neonatal morbidity was associated with lower gestational age, lower birthweight and progressive placental dysfunction (p<0.01). Conclusion: there was an association between neonatal morbidity and gestational age, birthweight and Doppler deterioration, particularly for deliveries below 28 weeks. The assessment of vascular changes through Doppler analysis allows anticipation of fetal deterioration and is a helpful tool in deciding the optimum timing of delivery.


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The last Crypto-Jews (Marranos) are the survivors of Spanish Jews who were persecuted in the late fifteenth century, escaped to Portugal and were forced to convert to save their lives. Isolated groups still exist in mountainous areas such as Belmonte in the Beira-Baixa province of Portugal. We report here the genetic study of a highly consanguineous endogamic population of Crypto-Jews of Belmonte affected with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (RP). A genome-wide search for homozygosity allowed us to localize the disease gene to chromosome 15q22-q24 (Zmax=2.95 at θ=0 at the D15S131 locus). Interestingly, the photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor (PNR) gene, the expression of which is restricted to the outer nuclear layer of retinal photoreceptor cells, was found to map to the YAC contig encompassing the disease locus. A search for mutations allowed us to ascribe the RP of Crypto-Jews of Belmonte to a homozygous missense mutation in the PNR gene. Preliminary haplotype studies support the view that this mutation is relatively ancient but probably occurred after the population settled in Belmonte.


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The human immunodeficiency virus replication cycle begins by sequential interactions between viral envelope glycoproteins with CD4 molecule and a member of the seven-transmembrane, G-protein-coupled, receptors' family (coreceptor). In this report we focused on the contribution of CCR8 as alternative coreceptor for HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates. We found that this coreceptor was efficiently used not only by HIV-2 but particularly by HIV-1 isolates. We demonstrate that CXCR4 usage, either alone or together with CCR5 and/or CCR8, was more frequently observed in HIV-1 than in HIV-2 isolates. Directly related to this is the finding that the non-usage of CXCR4 is significantly more common in HIV-2 isolates; both features could be associated with the slower disease progression generally observed in HIV-2 infected patients. The ability of some viral isolates to use alternative coreceptors besides CCR5 and CXCR4 could further impact on the efficacy of entry inhibitor therapy and possibly also in HIV pathogenesis.


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Introdução: A colestase intra-hepática da gravidez está associada a complicações fetais e neonatais graves, incluindo síndrome de dificuldade respiratória. Tem sido recomendada terapêutica materna com ácido ursodesoxicólico e antecipação do parto para reduzir o risco de complicações. Os objetivos foram determinar a associação entre colestase intra-hepática da gravidez e síndrome de dificuldade respiratória neonatal e avaliar a relação com níveis maternos de ácidos biliares e procedimentos perinatais. Metodologia: Estudo caso-controlo incluindo grávidas com colestase intra-hepática da gravidez e respetivos recém-nascidos (grupo colestase), com parto numa maternidade portuguesa de nível III entre 2006 e 2010. Os controlos foram emparelhados para idade gestacional e peso ao nascimento (1 caso para 2 controlos). Resultados: Foram incluídas 42 grávidas com colestase intra-hepática da gravidez (incidência 0,15%) e 53 recém- -nascidos. Dez recém-nascidos do grupo colestase (19,2%) e 14 controlos (13,7%) tiveram dificuldade respiratória(p=0,375). A FiO2 máxima foi superior no grupo colestase (mediana 34,0% vs. 25,0%; p=0,294), mas sem diferença quanto à ventilação mecânica. A idade gestacional ao diagnóstico de colestase materna foi menor nos recém-nascidos com dificuldade respiratória (mediana 30,5 vs 33,5 semanas; p=0,024). A taxa de parto desencadeado iatrogenicamente(69,8% vs. 40,6%; p=0,001; OR=3,4), cesariana (66,0% vs 44,3%; p=0,01; OR=2,4) e corticoterapia pré-natal (43,4% vs. 25,5%; p=0,022) foi significativamente maior no grupo colestase. Não se encontrou relação entre dificuldade respiratória neonatal e níveis maternos de ácidos biliares nem terapêutica materna com ácido ursodesoxicólico. Conclusão: A colestase intra-hepática da gravidez, sobretudo de início precoce, está tendencialmente associada a síndrome de dificuldade respiratória neonatal. A antecipação do parto traz riscos adicionais para os recém-nascidos. A corticoterapia pré-natal neste contexto pode ter mascarado a verdadeira incidência de dificuldade respiratória neonatal.


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Neste trabalho os AA avaliam a sensibilidade, especificidade e valor predictivo do doseamen to dos anticorpos anti-receptor da TSH (TRAb) no diagnóstico da doença de Graves. A população estudada incluiu 80 doentes com doença de Graves recentemente diagnosticada e sem tratamento prévio (grupo 1), 63 doentes com outras patologias tiroideias (grupo II) e 60 indivíduos sem patologia tiroideia (grupo III). Utilizaram uma técnica de radioreceptor, o kit TRAK Henning, que considera positividade> 14 U TRAb L, negatividade 9 e zona cinzenta entre estes 2 valores. No grupo 1, 11 doentes tinham TRAb negativo e 7 situavam-se na zona cinzenta. No grupo II apenas 2 doentes tinham TRAb de 9 e todos os indivíduos do grupo controlo tinham TRAb negativo. Para efeito estatístico foram excluidos os doentes com valores na zona cinzenta. Os valores de sensibilidade e especificidade para o método ensaiado foram respectivamente de 84,5° o e 10000. O valor predictivo foi de 1000 o, o que permite afirmar com segurança que um doente com hipertiroidismo e TRAb positivo tem doença de Graves.


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Em 2013, a Secção de Neonatologia da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria, face à existência de várias curvas de avaliação de crescimento para crianças nascidas pré-termo e à falta de homogeneidade de critérios na sua escolha, nomeou um grupo de peritos que procedeu à revisão crítica das curvas disponíveis e recomenda as que considera mais adequadas para utilização na prática clínica em fases específicas da vida: ao nascimento (Fenton 2013), durante o internamento na unidade de Neonatologia (Fenton 2013 e Ehrenkranz 1999) e a longo prazo (OMS 2006). As decisões foram tomadas com base na classificação sistemática do nível de evidência e do grau de recomendação. A presente recomendação: é válida enquanto não forem publicados os resultados do estudo do consórcio multicêntrico INTERGROWTH-21st, recentemente incumbido da construção de valores de referência, mais próximos do padrão, de crianças nascidas pré-termo; tem o propósito de auxiliar os clínicos na decisão clínica, mas não ser o único instrumento de avaliação do crescimento das crianças nascidas pré-termo; pode não proporcionar elementos suficientes para orientação do crescimento de todas estas crianças.


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Circulating anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibodies (anti-PLA2R) have been described in 70% to 80% of the patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy (iMN), but not in patients with secondary membranous nephropathy or other glomerular diseases. The goal of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the assay for anti-PLA2R in the diagnosis of iMN. Anti-PLA2R IgG, Elisa and immunofluorescence tests were used to detect circulating anti-PLA2R. These tests were applied in 53 patients who had a kidney biopsy. Of these, 38 had histological diagnosis of membranous nephropathy (MN) and the remaining had other glomerular diseases. The MN was classified as idiopathic in 33 patients after clinical exclusion of secondary causes. Anti-PLA2R were positive in 57.6% of the patients with iMN. All patients with secondary membranous nephropathy or other glomerular diseases did not show circulating anti-PLA2R. The sensitivity was 57.6% (CI 39.2-74.5) and specificity 100% (CI 47.8-100), AUC 0.788; p < 0.0001 for the detection of iMN. 71.4% of the iMN patients that tested negative for anti-PLA2R were in partial or complete remission. The detection of anti-PLA2R in the studied population had a specificity of 100% for the iMN diagnosis. Prior treatments seem to make the test negative and contribute to a lower sensitivity.


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Severe chronic kidney disease may lead to disturbances, such as hyperphosphatemia, increased secretion of fibroblast growth factor -23 (FGF -23) and vitamin D deficiency. These may increase plasmatic levels of parathyroid hormone, and decrease plasmatic levels of calcium. Altogether, these may contribute to the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism, and to abnormalities in mineral metabolism. Kidney transplantation is the best option to improve longevity and quality of life in end -stage chronic kidney disease patients. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in chronic kidney disease. Therefore, diagnosing this deficiency may be pivotal for minimizing mortality in chronic kidney disease, because pharmacological treatments for this deficiency may be prescribed. Calcitriol is indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, both in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients. However, calcitriol may increase the plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous, which can lead to vascular calcifications, that have been associated with cardiovascular mortality. Selective vitamin D receptor activators are indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in chronic kidney disease. These have the advantage of being associated with lower increases of plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous. These drugs also seem to have additional effects that may minimise patient morbidity and mortality, especially due to potentially reducing cardiovascular events. Unfortunately, there are few studies about the use of these drugs in kidney transplanted patients. Here we present a review about the physiology of vitamin D, the consequences of its deficiency in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients, and about the diagnosis and treatment of this deficiency. Finally, we discuss the new line of research about the efficacy and safety of selective vitamin D receptor activators in kidney transplanted patients.


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Thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies normally causes hyperthyroidism. However, they might have blocking activity causing hypothyroidism. A 11-year-old girl followed due to type 1 diabetes mellitus, celiac disease and euthyroid lymphocytic thyroiditis at diagnosis. Two years after the initial evaluation, thyroid-stimulating hormone was suppressed with normal free T4; nine months later, a biochemical evolution to hypothyroidism with thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies elevation was seen; the patient remained always asymptomatic. Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected with the recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone -receptor, and then exposed to the patient's serum; it was estimated a 'moderate' blocking activity of these thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, and concomitantly excluded stimulating action. In this case, the acknowledgment of the blocking activity of the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, supported the hypothesis of a multifactorial aetiology of the hypothyroidism, which in the absence of the in vitro tests, we would consider only as a consequence of the destructive process associated to lymphocytic thyroiditis.


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Adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia remains a major therapeutic challenge, requiring a better characterization of the molecular determinants underlying disease progression and resistance to treatment. Here, using a phospho-flow cytometry approach we show that adult diagnostic B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia specimens display PI3K/Akt pathway hyperactivation, irrespective of their BCR-ABL status and despite paradoxically high basal expression of PTEN, the major negative regulator of the pathway. Protein kinase CK2 is known to phosphorylate PTEN thereby driving PTEN protein stabilization and concomitant PTEN functional inactivation. In agreement, we found that adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia samples show significantly higher CK2 kinase activity and lower PTEN lipid phosphatase activity than healthy controls. Moreover, the clinical-grade CK2 inhibitor CX-4945 (Silmitasertib) reversed PTEN levels in leukemia cells to those observed in healthy controls, and promoted leukemia cell death without significantly affecting normal bone marrow cells. Our studies indicate that CK2-mediated PTEN posttranslational inactivation, associated with PI3K/Akt pathway hyperactivation, are a common event in adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and suggest that CK2 inhibition may constitute a valid, novel therapeutic tool in this malignancy.