29 resultados para Nasal tumours


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A congestão nasal é o sintoma mais referido nas doenças inflamatórias e/ou infecciosas da mucosa nasal, sendo a rinite alérgica a sua causa mais frequente. Existindo deficiente informação epidemiológica sobre a problemática em discussão, o presente estudo avalia e caracteriza a prevalência da obstrução nasal na população adulta e a situação actual quanto à etiologia e tratamento deste sintoma tão frequente na prática c1ínica. Metodologia: 0 estudo foi realizado durante o primeiro trimestre de 2007, com base numa amostra representativa da população de Portugal, de idade igual ou superior a 15 anos. Foi aplicado um questionário para identificação de sete sintomas ocorridos nas duas últimas semannas e ainda a identificação de três sintomas ocorridos na última semana, sendo feitas avaliações funcionais, com medições do fluxo inspiratório máximo nasal (peak-flow nasal) numa sub-amostra da população. Foi criado um "índice de congestão nasal global", com base nas sete perguntas do questionário, através da transformação do indicador das respostas num índice. Resultados: Dos 1037 inquiridos, cerca de 9,5% afirmaram ter dificuldades em trabalhar, aprender na escola ou fazer as suas actividades por causa dos sintomas nasais. Cerca de 2/3 da população não apresentou congestão nasal (grupo A, 65,6%), 16,4% revelou queixas pouco significativas (grupo B), 13,3% apresentou congestão nasal ligeira a moderada e cerca de 4,6% apresentou congestão nasal grave. Cerca de 17,9% da população estudada tem queixas significativas de congestão nasal. Os indices de congestão nasal foram significativamente mais elevados nas mulheres e nos indivíduos que referiram dificuldades em trabalhar/estudar/fazer alguma actividade devido aos sintomas nasais. Na análise dos três sintomas ocorridos durante a última semana, os doentes com índices de congestão mais elevados apresentavam significativamente mais queixas de "acordar de manhã com nariz tapado ou obstruido" (p <0,0001) "acordar de manhã com boca seca ou com sede" (p <0,0001) e de ressonar (pnasal inspiratório (n=473) foram superiores no sexo masculino e diminuem a medida que aumenta o indice de congestão. Conclusões: A prevalência de queixas de congestão nasal na população portuguesa e significativa, com implicações frequentes e relevantes nos sintomas de orgãos adjacentes e na redução da produtividade laboral e escolar. A partir de um questionário validado de 7 perguntas, é possível construir índices de congestão nasal que permitem a avaliação do grau de congestão nasal, definindo a necessidade de iniciativas terapêuticas e passando também pela consciencialização da comunidade, dos doentes e dos médicos da dimensão deste problema e suas implicações psico-sociais.


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BACKGROUND: Both primary and secondary gynaecological neuroendocrine (NE) tumours are uncommon, and the literature is scarce concerning their imaging features. METHODS: This article reviews the epidemiological, clinical and imaging features with pathological correlation of gynaecological NE tumours. RESULTS: The clinical features of gynaecological NE tumours are non-specific and depend on the organ of origin and on the extension and aggressiveness of the disease. The imaging approach to these tumours is similar to that for other histological types and the Revised International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Staging System also applies to NE tumours. Neuroendocrine tumours were recently divided into two groups: poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) and well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumours (NETs). NECs include small cell carcinoma and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, while NETs account for typical and atypical carcinoids. Cervical small cell carcinoma and ovarian carcinoid are the most common gynaecological NE tumours. The former typically behaves aggressively; the latter usually behaves in a benign fashion and tends to be confined to the organ. CONCLUSION: While dealing with ovarian carcinoids, extra-ovarian extension, bilaterality and multinodularity raise the suspicion of metastatic disease. NE tumours of the endometrium and other gynaecological locations are very rare. TEACHING POINTS: • Primary or secondary neurondocrine (NE) tumours of the female genital tract are rare. • Cervical small cell carcinoma and ovarian carcinoids are the most common gynaecological NE tumours. • Cervical small cell carcinomas usually behave aggressively. • Ovarian carcinoids tend to behave in a benign fashion. • The imaging approach to gynaecological NE tumours and other histological types is similar.


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A Granulomatose de Wegener é uma doença sistémica de etiologia desconhecida, caracterizada pela tríade clínica: envolvimento da mucosa nasal e dos seios perinasais, infiltração e cavitação pulmonar e doença renal com hematúria. A Granulomatose de Wegener afecta normalmente adultos jovens e de meia idade e embora seja incomum nas crianças, pode surgir em qualquer estrato etário. Apresentamos o caso clínico de uma adolescente de 14 anos, com sintomas de epistaxis, cuja investigação posterior mostrou insuficiência renal e múltiplos nódulos pulmonares. O teste positivo para o anticorpo antineutrofílico citoplasmático suportou o diagnóstico de Granulomatose de Wegener, necessitando de terapêutica com hemodiálise e imunossupressão.


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Primary cardiac tumours are rare in children. Of these, papillary fibroelastomas are unusual but benign, usually being found in adults. There are only sporadic cases reported in children. We diagnosed such a papillary fibroelastoma involving the tricuspid valve in an asymptomatic child during a routine cardiac investigation.


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INTRODUCTION: Carotid body tumours (CBT) are neoplasms that develop from paragangionic cells of this structure. They are rare, with an estimated incidence of 1:30000 and can be associated with other neuro-endocrine neoplasia. The authors report their experience in the management of the disease, in the last 10 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eight patients (with eight tumours) were treated, all submitted to tumour resection. 75% were female and the mean age was 56 years. We report a 12,5% incidence of neurological sequelae from surgery, and no mortality. In the follow-up (which varied between 1 and 10 years), no local or contralateral recurrence or metastasis were registered. Also, we did not found family cases of this disease. CONCLUSIONS: The authors noticed an unusually high proportion of female patients. The tumour resection was curative in all patients, with a rate of neurological complications inferior to that reported in other published series. These neurological sequelae were reported in patients with large tumours, thus reinforcing the outmost importance of an early diagnosis. Pre-operative selective embolization of these tumours can be helpful in the resection of large tumours, allowing a potential reduction in neurological complications.


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Primary cardiac tumours are rare entities and angiosarcoma is the most frequent primary cardiac malignant tumour. Mean survival is six months and the tumour responds poorly to chemotherapy. We present the case of a 50 year-old patient with localised pericardial angiosarcoma who survived 23 months after diagnosis with a combined approach of chemotherapy and surgery.


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Primary tumours of the heart are uncommon entities, cardiac myxomas being the most frequent. However, mitral valve myxomas are exceptionally rare. In the last 12 years, there have been 25 myxomas diagnosed at our institution, with only two of them originating from the mitral valve. Both patients were female, the first, 25, and the second, 72 years old. The younger patient was very symptomatic with a large mass, 4 cm long, which involved both leaflets causing significant obstruction to the left ventricular inflow. The second one had a smaller mass located at the atrial side of the posterior leaflet that only produced some flow divergence. Neither of them had constitutional nor embolic symptoms. Both patients were submitted to emergent surgical resection that in the first case involved the mitral valve and replacement with mechanical prosthesis. The macroscopic appearance of these tumours suggested a malignant aetiology which may represent somewhat different features of the myxomas when originating from the cardiac valves. Both patients are well reflecting the good prognosis of this illness after resection, although the younger patient was re-operated because of prosthetic valve obstruction and suspicion of recurrence that was not confirmed. Because of the illustrative images and different presentations, we found it interesting to report and discuss them together.


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Upper eyelid tumours, particularly basal cell carcinomas, are relatively frequent. Surgical ablation of these lesions creates defects of variable complexity. Although several options are available for lower eyelid reconstruction, fewer surgical alternatives exist for upper eyelid reconstruction. Large defects of this region are usually reconstructed with two-step procedures. In 1997, Okada et al. described a horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap for reconstruction of a large upper eyelid defect in a single operative time. However, no further studies were published regarding the use of this particular flap in upper eyelid reconstruction. In addition, this flap is not described in most plastic surgery textbooks. The authors report here their experience of 16 cases of horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flaps used to reconstruct full-thickness defects of the upper eyelid after tumour excision. The tumour histological types were as follows: 12 basal cell carcinomas, 2 cases of squamous cell carcinomas, 1 case of sebaceous cell carcinoma and 1 of malignant melanoma. This technique allowed closure of defects of up to 60% of the eyelid width. None of the flaps suffered necrosis. The mean operative time was 30 min. No additional procedures were necessary as good functional and cosmetic results were achieved in all cases. No recurrences were noted. In this series, the horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap proved to be a technically simple, reliable and expeditious option for reconstruction of full-thickness upper eyelid defects (as wide as 60% of the eyelid width) in a single operative procedure. In the future this technique may become the preferential option for such defects.


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As pericardites bacterianas, apesar da sua baixa incidência e das terapêuticas actuais, apresentam um prognóstico desfavorável, sobretudo quando causadas por Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (MRSA). O Tamponamento cardíaco é uma complicação potencialmente letal nos doentes com pericardites por este agente. Numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos, para além da imunossupressão, constituem factores predisponentes para este tipo de infecção, a elevada taxa de colonização nasal e cutânea, assim como a utilização de técnicas invasivas (1) entre as quais a simples colocação de catéteres intravenosos. Relatam-se dois casos clínicos de tamponamento cardíaco em doentes jovens, no contexto de imunossupressão de diferentes etiologias (infecção HIV e pós transplante hepático). Os internamentos foram complicados de quadros sépticos importantes com isolamento de MRSA nos líquidos biológicos e desenvolvimento de pericardite bacteriana e subsequente tamponamento cardíaco. Os autores salientam a importância dos quadros clínicos infecciosos em doentes imunodeprimidos, que constituem uma população cada vez mais numerosa, e a importância da monitorização ecocardiográfica na evolução prognóstica das pericardites bacterianas no contexto de sépsis.


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1.Pre-assessment data of the patient A 2-year-old boy, weighing 15 kg was admitted with a history of limited mouth opening(inter-incisor distance of 6 mm), hypoplastic and retrognathic mandible (bird face deformity) and facial asymmetry from left temporomandibular joint ankylosis (TMJA). He was born at term, after an uneventful pregnancy, and there was no report of trauma during caesarean section. No other possible aetiologies were identified. He was scheduled for mandibular osteotomy. Preoperative ENT examination revealed adenotonsillar hypertrophy. 2. Anaesthetic Plan A fiberoptic nasal intubation was performed under deep inhalation anaesthesia with sevoflurane, with the patient breathing spontaneously. Midazolam (0.05 mg.kg-1) and alfentanil (0.03 mg.kg-1) were given and anaesthesia was maintained with O2/air and sevoflurane. No neuromuscular blocking agent was administered since the surgical team needed facial nerve monitoring. 3. Description of incident During surgery an accidental extubation occurred and an attempt was made to reintubate the trachea by direct laryngoscopy. Although the osteotomy was nearly completed, the vocal cords could not be visualized (Cormack-Lehane grade IV laryngoscopic view). 4. Solving the problem Re-intubation was finally accomplished with the flexible fiberscope and the procedure was concluded without any more incidents. Extubation was performed 24 hours postoperatively with the patient fully awake. After surgery mouth opening improved to inter-incisor gap of 15 mm. 5. Lessons learned and take home message Two airways issues present in this case can lead to difficultventilation and intubation: TMJA and adenotonsillar hypertrophy. These difficulties were anticipated and managed accordingly. The accidental extubation brought to our attention the fact that, even after surgical correction, this airway remains challenging. Even with intensive jaw stretchingexercises there is a high incidence of re-ankylosis, especially in younger patients. One should bear that in mind when anaesthetizing patients with TMJA.


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Introduction: Rhinoscleroma is a rare, chronic, granulomatous disease that most frequently affects the upper respiratory tract, especially the nasal cavity and sometimes extends through the lower respiratory tract. Is associated with Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, which is endemic in certain geographic regions namely Central America. The pathogenesis and risk factors remain unclear. Clinical case: We report a five years Old Portuguese boy, previously healthy, brought to the Emergency Department with epistaxis, without other accompanying signs or symptoms. The Otorhinolaryngologist (ORL) performed rhinoscopy and identified an intranasal bleeding mass. The MRI revealed an intranasal mass with extension to the ethmoid bone sinus, and performed biopsy. The histopathology was vital, making the diagnosis of Rhinoscleroma. The child had traveled abroad for the first time on vacations a year before to Dominican Republic. The bacteriologic exam identified a Klebsiella spp. sensible to the association of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Blood test performed excluded association of immunodeficiency. Since it’s a rare disease genetic study are under course. Monthly evaluation by ORL and pediatrician was performed which documented progressive reduction until total disappearing of the macro and microscopic lesion, and negative bacteriologic exam. Six months of antibiotic therapy were completed without any known secondary effects. The child remained asymptomatic up to the last visit, 3 months following treatment and has shown no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion: Globalization and free transit of people to areas far from origin countries here some rare diseases are endemic brings a new challenge to modern medicine. Sometimes vacations bring more than memories.


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We report a case of a woman, aged 53 years, presenting with a right atrial mass due to idiopathic fibrosing mediastinitis with periaortic involvement. This challenging diagnosis was confirmed by different imaging modalities and histopathologic analysis. The diagnosis of cardiac tumours is often difficult. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an intracavitary cardiac mass due to fibrosing mediastinitis. This rare disorder, which is characterized by invasive proliferation of fibrous tissue within the mediastinum, should be included in the differential diagnosis of intracardiac tumours.


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Background: This is the first prospective, randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled study showing statistical improvement of an H1-antihistamine in children with seasonal allergic rhinitis in all symptoms throughout the entire treatment period. Objective: This randomized, placebo-controlled, parallelgroup,double-blind study was performed to assess the efficacy and safety of fexofenadine in children with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Methods: This study was conducted at 148 centers in 15 countries. Nine hundred thirty-five children (aged 6-11 years) were randomized and treated with either fexofenadine HCl 30 mg (n = 464) or placebo (n = 471) tablets twice a day for 14 days. Individual symptoms (sneezing; rhinorrhea; itchy nose, mouth, throat, and/or ears; itchy, watery, and/or red eyes; and nasal congestion) were assessed at baseline and then daily at 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM (±1 hour) during the double-blind treatment period. Each total symptom score was the sum of all symptoms, excluding nasal congestion. The primary efficacy variable was the change from baseline in the average of the daily 12-hour evening reflective total symptom scores throughout the double-blind treatment. Safety was evaluated from adverse-event reporting, vital signs, physical examinations, and clinical laboratory data at screening and study end point.