10 resultados para Hépatite auto-immune


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The simultaneous presence of infectious organisms within cutaneous lesions of Kaposi sarcoma in persons with AIDS has been demonstrated. We describe a patient with concurrent leprosy and Kaposi sarcoma presenting as an immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in the setting of AIDS.


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A anemia hemolitica é uma entidade caracterizada por destruição dos glóbulos vermelhos mediada por auto-anticorpos. Os mecanismos fisiopatológicos ainda nao estão completamente compreendidos e a terapêutica é controversa.Os autores apresentam este caso pela sua particular evolução/resposta terapêutica.


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As síndromes auto-inflamatórias são constituídas por um grupo heterogéneo de patologias isoladas e caracterizadas ao longo dos últimos 15 anos, graças aos avanços marcados no conhecimento do genoma humano e ao desenvolvimento de técnicas laboratoriais que permitiram identificar, de forma segura e reprodutível, os genes responsáveis pelas várias doenças incluídas sob esta designação comum. Em todas estas doenças e síndromes existem episódios recorrentes de febre e inflamação, localizada ou sistémica, sem o envolvimento de agentes infecciosos ou quaisquer tipo de mecanismos auto-imunes. Neste trabalho, além da elaboração de uma classificação possível das síndromes auto-inflamatórias, dedicaremos especial atenção às síndromes periódicas associadas à criopirina (CAPS), que podem constituir importante causa de diagnóstico diferencial com a forma sistémica de artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ), com a qual partilham numerosas características clínicas comuns.


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BACKGROUND: This study was designed to investigate, for the first time, the short-term molecular evolution of the HIV-2 C2, V3 and C3 envelope regions and its association with the immune response. Clonal sequences of the env C2V3C3 region were obtained from a cohort of eighteen HIV-2 chronically infected patients followed prospectively during 2-4 years. Genetic diversity, divergence, positive selection and glycosylation in the C2V3C3 region were analysed as a function of the number of CD4+ T cells and the anti-C2V3C3 IgG and IgA antibody reactivity RESULTS: The mean intra-host nucleotide diversity was 2.1% (SD, 1.1%), increasing along the course of infection in most patients. Diversity at the amino acid level was significantly lower for the V3 region and higher for the C2 region. The average divergence rate was 0.014 substitutions/site/year, which is similar to that reported in chronic HIV-1 infection. The number and position of positively selected sites was highly variable, except for codons 267 and 270 in C2 that were under strong and persistent positive selection in most patients. N-glycosylation sites located in C2 and V3 were conserved in all patients along the course of infection. Intra-host variation of C2V3C3-specific IgG response over time was inversely associated with the variation in nucleotide and amino acid diversity of the C2V3C3 region. Variation of the C2V3C3-specific IgA response was inversely associated with variation in the number of N-glycosylation sites. CONCLUSION: The evolutionary dynamics of HIV-2 envelope during chronic aviremic infection is similar to HIV-1 implying that the virus should be actively replicating in cellular compartments. Convergent evolution of N-glycosylation in C2 and V3, and the limited diversification of V3, indicates that there are important functional constraints to the potential diversity of the HIV-2 envelope. C2V3C3-specific IgG antibodies are effective at reducing viral population size limiting the number of virus escape mutants. The C3 region seems to be a target for IgA antibodies and increasing N-linked glycosylation may prevent HIV-2 envelope recognition by these antibodies. Our results provide new insights into the biology of HIV-2 and its relation with the human host and may have important implications for vaccine design.


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Despite the wide acceptance that glycans are centrally implicated in immunity, exactly how they contribute to the tilt immune response remains poorly defined. In this study, we sought to evaluate the impact of the malignant phenotype-associated glycan, sialyl-Tn (STn) in the function of the key orchestrators of the immune response, the dendritic cells (DCs). In high grade bladder cancer tissue, the STn antigen is significantly overexpressed and correlated with the increased expression of ST6GALNAC1 sialyltransferase. Bladder cancer tissue presenting elevated expression of ST6GALNAC1 showed a correlation with increased expression of CD1a, a marker for bladder immature DCs and showed concomitant low levels of Th1-inducing cytokines IL-12 and TNF-α. In vitro, human DCs co-incubated with STn+ bladder cancer cells, had an immature phenotype (MHC-IIlow, CD80low and CD86low) and were unresponsive to further maturation stimuli. When contacting with STn+ cancer cells, DCs expressed significantly less IL-12 and TNF-α. Consistent with a tolerogenic DC profile, T cells that were primed by DCs pulsed with antigens derived from STn+ cancer cells were not activated and showed a FoxP3high IFN-γlow phenotype. Blockade of STn antigens and of STn+ glycoprotein, CD44 and MUC1, in STn+ cancer cells was able to lower the induction of tolerance and DCs become more mature. Overall, our data suggest that STn-expressing cancer cells impair DC maturation and endow DCs with a tolerogenic function, limiting their capacity to trigger protective anti-tumour T cell responses. STn antigens and, in particular, STn+ glycoproteins are potential targets for circumventing tumour-induced tolerogenic mechanisms.


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Development of some immune-mediated disorders may depend on dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. To explore neuropsychologic mechanisms in relation to the abnormal endocrine reactivity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and chronic hepatitis C (CHC) we used the corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) test, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and the Edinburgh Inventory of Manual Preference Inventory (EIMP). Compared to controls, the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) response to CRH was reduced in CHC, while SLE presented reduced baseline dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels; higher neurotic scores were found in SLE and higher behavior deviant scores in CHC. Peak ACTH levels were a significant factor for the MMPI profile variability, while the manual preference score was a significant factor for the ACTH response. Personality and manual preference contribute to neuroendocrine abnormalities. Different behavioral and neuroimmunoendocrine models emerge for these disorders.


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Apesar do conhecimento do envolvimento dos estrogénios na fisiopatologia das doenças auto-imunes, continuamos a utilizar os contraceptivos orais (CO) estroprogestativos nestas doenças como se ainda tivessem as formulações iniciais de alta dosagem. Do conhecimento do mecanismo de intervenção dos estrogénios no sistema imunitário destacam-se a detecção de receptores estrogénicos nas células imunitárias, influência estrogénica na produção de citocinas e expressão de proto-oncogenes envolvidos na apoptose. Na artrite reumatóide, os CO poderão ter um papel protector no desenvolvimento da doença, apesar desta ter uma incidência maior no sexo feminino. No Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES) estudou-se o papel dos CO com estrogénios na exacerbação da doença e no agravamento do risco trombótico existente. Assim, os CO estroprogestativos de baixa dosagem estão permitidos nas mulheres com LES em remissão ou com actividade moderada, sem anticorpos anti-fosfolípidos, sem antecedentes pessoais de tromboembolismo, sem atingimento renal grave, não fumadoras e normotensas. Existem outras alternativas contraceptivas aconselhadas para os restantes casos, nomeadamente a contracepção injectável, progestativos orais ou em implantes, dispositivo intra-uterino, laqueação tubária e vasectomia.


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Cerca de 30% dos adultos com morfeia apresentam simultaneamente outras doenças auto-imunes, o que suporta a presença de mecanismos de auto-imunidade na patogénese desta doença fibrosante da pele e tecidos subjacentes. Os autores descrevem o caso de um doente do sexo masculino, 27 anos, que notou o aparecimento na região abdominal,cerca de 1 ano antes da observação, de placa eritematosa, ovalada, endurada,assintomática, com crescimento progressivo. Referiu vitiligo acro-facial desde os 12 anos de idade e antecedentes maternos de vitiligo e tiroidite de Hashimoto. A avaliação histopatológica evidenciou escasso infiltrado inflamatório perivascular e espessamento das fibras de colagénio, suportando o diagnóstico clínico de morfeia. Na avaliação laboratorial destacou-se a marcada elevação no título do auto-anticorpo anti-descarboxilase do ácido glutâmico, permitindo o diagnóstico de diabetes auto-imune latente do adulto (LADA), uma forma de diabetes tipo 1 de início tardio. A morfeia e o vitiligo são dermatoses raramente descritas em simultâneo, apesar da sua provável etiologia auto-imune. Neste doente, a investigação de outras doenças auto-imunes permitiu o diagnóstico de LADA. Esta associação, raramente descrita, favorece a hipótese auto-imune.