3 resultados para Apoptose placentária


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There is a body of evidence that supports the important role of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in atherosclerotic disease and in the cardiovascular disease continuum: from endothelial dysfunction to vascular occlusion. In the earlier stages of vascular disease, the RAS promotes functional changes, of which endothelial dysfunction is the best example. The deposition of atherogenic lipoproteins in the intima, their oxidative modification and the onset and amplification of the inflammatory response strengthens the atherogenic role of the RAS. Inflammatory cells are one of the main sources of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensin II (Ang II) in the vascular wall, in a process that leads to structural changes in the artery and progression of atherosclerotic disease. Ang II promotes the migration of vascular smooth muscle cells and their phenotypic differentiation in synthesis that accelerates vascular disease. By modulating the inflammatory response and, in general, all the elements of the plaque, Ang II plays a part in its instability, in the onset of acute events and in the promotion of the local prothrombotic state that leads to infarction.


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Overview and aims: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) affects 15% of pregnancies and is associated with both increased perinatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and long-term effects in adult life. Our aim was to describe cases and outcomes of FGR from a tertiary perinatal care centre and identify the predictors of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Study design: retrospective cohort. Population: pregnancies with early or late FGR caused by placental factors followed from 2006 to 2009 in a tertiary perinatal care centre. Methods: we collected data from clinical records on demographics, clinical history and fetal ultrasound parameters. Perinatal and neonatal outcomes were stratiied according to gestational age (above or below 28 weeks) and we used bivariate analysis to identify any associations with clinical and imaging indings. Results: we included 246 pregnancies; hypertension was the most prevalent maternal risk factor (16%). There were 15 cases of early FGR, 11 of which had cesarean delivery due to deterioration of fetal Doppler parameters. Outcomes in this group included one fetal and three neonatal deaths. Of 231 cases of late FGR, 64% were delivered early given a non-reassuring fetal status i.e. due to changes in Doppler evaluation or altered Manning biophysical proile. There were four cases of perinatal death in this group, three of which delivered at 28 weeks. Neonatal morbidity was associated with lower gestational age, lower birthweight and progressive placental dysfunction (p<0.01). Conclusion: there was an association between neonatal morbidity and gestational age, birthweight and Doppler deterioration, particularly for deliveries below 28 weeks. The assessment of vascular changes through Doppler analysis allows anticipation of fetal deterioration and is a helpful tool in deciding the optimum timing of delivery.


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Apesar do conhecimento do envolvimento dos estrogénios na fisiopatologia das doenças auto-imunes, continuamos a utilizar os contraceptivos orais (CO) estroprogestativos nestas doenças como se ainda tivessem as formulações iniciais de alta dosagem. Do conhecimento do mecanismo de intervenção dos estrogénios no sistema imunitário destacam-se a detecção de receptores estrogénicos nas células imunitárias, influência estrogénica na produção de citocinas e expressão de proto-oncogenes envolvidos na apoptose. Na artrite reumatóide, os CO poderão ter um papel protector no desenvolvimento da doença, apesar desta ter uma incidência maior no sexo feminino. No Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES) estudou-se o papel dos CO com estrogénios na exacerbação da doença e no agravamento do risco trombótico existente. Assim, os CO estroprogestativos de baixa dosagem estão permitidos nas mulheres com LES em remissão ou com actividade moderada, sem anticorpos anti-fosfolípidos, sem antecedentes pessoais de tromboembolismo, sem atingimento renal grave, não fumadoras e normotensas. Existem outras alternativas contraceptivas aconselhadas para os restantes casos, nomeadamente a contracepção injectável, progestativos orais ou em implantes, dispositivo intra-uterino, laqueação tubária e vasectomia.