Encerramento Percutâneo de Shunts Interauriculares: Experiência de uma Década de um Centro Terciário
INTRODUCTION: Atrial septal defects (ASD) are among the most common congenital anomalies and account for 10% of congenital heart disease in the pediatric age-group and 30% in adults. Closure is indicated when there is evidence of hemodynamic significance or after a paradoxical embolic event. Ten years ago, percutaneous closure became the treatment of choice in our center for all patients with a clear indication and favorable anatomy. In this paper we report the experience of this first decade. OBJECTIVE: To assess the short- and long-term results of our ten-year experience with percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects. METHODS: We studied retrospectively all patients with ASD treated with a percutaneous approach between November 1998 and December 2008. The pediatric age-group consisted of patients younger than 19 years old. Demographic data, clinical indications, minor and major complication rates, success rate and long-term outcome were assessed. RESULTS: In the first ten years of experience 510 patients, of whom 166 were in the pediatric group, were treated in our center by a team of adult and pediatric cardiologists. The overall success rate of the procedure was 98% (97.5% in ASD and 99.5% in patent foramen ovale (PFO). The minor complication rate was 3% (3.4% in ASD and 2% in PFO). The most frequent complication was supraventricular tachycardia. The major complication rate was 1.2% (0.6% in ASD and 2% in PFO). Two patients developed cardiac tamponade due to hemopericardium that was resolved by pericardiocentesis, without need for surgery. One patient had an arterial pseudoaneurysm corrected by vascular surgery. There was no device embolization and no need for urgent surgery in this population. During follow-up two patients had recurrence of ischemic stroke, one had a transient ischemic attack and another had a hemorrhagic stroke. Mortality was 0.6% (0.6% in ASD and 0.5% in PFO). There were no in-hospital deaths. During follow-up there were two deaths, both in the adult group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this population the success rate was high and most of the complications were minor. The results of this collaboration between adult and pediatric cardiologists in the first ten years of activity confirm the safety and efficacy of percutaneous closure of septal defects, when there is careful patient selection and a standardized technique.
INTRODUCTION: Vagal activity is thought to influence atrial electrophysiological properties and play a role in the initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation (AF). In this study, we assessed the effects of acute vagal stimulation (vagus_stim) on atrial conduction times, atrial and pulmonary vein (PV) refractoriness, and vulnerability to induction of AF in the rabbit heart with intact autonomic innervation. METHODS: An open-chest epicardial approach was performed in 11 rabbits (New Zealand; 3.9-5.0 kg), anesthetized and artificially ventilated after neuromuscular blockade. A 3-lead ECG was obtained. Atrial electrograms were recorded along the atria, from right to left (four monopolar electrodes), together with a circular electrode adapted for proximal left PV assessment. Acute vagus nerve stimulation was obtained with bipolar electrodes (20 Hz). Epicardial activation was recorded in sinus rhythm, and the conduction time from right (RA) to left atrium (LA), and from RA to PVs, was measured in basal conditions and during vagus_stim. The atrial effective refractory period (ERP) and dispersion of refractoriness (Disp_A) were analyzed. Vulnerability to AF induction was assessed at the right (RAA) and left (LAA) atrial appendages and the PVs. Atrial stimulation (50 Hz) was performed alone or combined with vagus_stim. Heart rate and blood pressure were monitored. RESULTS: In basal conditions, there was a significant delay in conduction from RA to PVs, not influenced by vagus_stim, and the PV ERPs were shorter than those measured in LA and LAA, but without significant differences compared to RA and RAA. During vagus_stim, conduction times between RA and LA increased from 16+8 ms to 27+6 ms (p < 0.05) and ERPs shortened significantly in RA, LAA and LA (p < 0.05), but not in RAA. There were no significant differences in Disp_A. AF induction was reproducible in 45% of cases at 50 Hz and in 100% at 50 Hz+vagus_stim (p < 0.05). The duration of inducible AF increased from 1.0 +/- 0.2 s to 12.0 +/- 4.5 s with 50 Hz+vagus_stim (p < 0.01). AF lasted >10 s in 45.4% of rabbits during vagus_stim, and ceased after vagus_stim in 4 out of these 5 cases. In 3 animals, PV tachycardia, with fibrillatory conduction, induced with 50 Hz PV pacing during vagus_stim. CONCLUSIONS: Vagus_stim reduces interatrial conduction velocity and significantly shortens atrial ERP, contributing to the induction and duration of AF episodes in the in vivo rabbit heart. This model may be useful for the assessment of autonomic influence on the pathophysiology of AF.
INTRODUCTION: Adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) may be at risk for progressive right ventricular (RV) dilatation and dysfunction, which is commonly associated with arrhythmic events. In frequently volume-overloaded patients with congenital heart disease, tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) is particularly useful for assessing RV function. However, it is not known whether RV TDI can predict outcome in this population. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether RV TDI parameters are associated with supraventricular arrhythmic events in adults with repaired TOF. METHODS: We studied 40 consecutive patients with repaired TOF (mean age 35 +/- 11 years, 62% male) referred for routine echocardiographic exam between 2007 and 2008. The following echocardiographic measurements were obtained: left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction, LV end-systolic volume, LV end-diastolic volume, RV fractional area change, RV end-systolic area, RV end-diastolic area, left and right atrial volumes, mitral E and A velocities, RV myocardial performance index (Tei index), tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), myocardial isovolumic acceleration (IVA), pulmonary regurgitation color flow area, TDI basal lateral, septal and RV lateral peak diastolic and systolic annular velocities (E' 1, A' 1, S' 1, E' s, A' s, S' s, E' rv, A' rv, S' rv), strain, strain rate and tissue tracking of the same segments. QRS duration on resting ECG, total duration of Bruce treadmill exercise stress test and presence of exercise-induced arrhythmias were also analyzed. The patients were subsequently divided into two groups: Group 1--12 patients with previous documented supraventricular arrhythmias (atrial tachycardia, fibrillation or flutter) and Group 2 (control group)--28 patients with no previous arrhythmic events. Univariate and multivariate analysis was used to assess the statistical association between the studied parameters and arrhythmic events. RESULTS: Patients with previous events were older (41 +/- 14 vs. 31 +/- 6 years, p = 0.005), had wider QRS (173 +/- 20 vs. 140 +/- 32 ms, p = 0.01) and lower maximum heart rate on treadmill stress testing (69 +/- 35 vs. 92 +/- 9%, p = 0.03). All patients were in NYHA class I or II. Clinical characteristics including age at corrective surgery, previous palliative surgery and residual defects did not differ significantly between the two groups. Left and right cardiac chamber dimensions and ventricular and valvular function as evaluated by conventional Doppler parameters were also not significantly different. Right ventricular strain and strain rate were similar between the groups. However, right ventricular myocardial TDI systolic (Sa: 5.4+2 vs. 8.5 +/- 3, p = 0.004) and diastolic indices and velocities (Ea, Aa, septal E/Ea, and RV free wall tissue tracking) were significantly reduced in patients with arrhythmias compared to the control group. Multivariate linear regression analysis identified RV early diastolic velocity as the sole variable independently associated with arrhythmic history (RV Ea: 4.5 +/- 1 vs. 6.7 +/- 2 cm/s, p = 0.01). A cut-off for RV Ea of < 6.1 cm/s identified patients in the arrhythmic group with 86% sensitivity and 59% specificity (AUC = 0.8). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that TDI may detect RV dysfunction in patients with apparently normal function as assessed by conventional echocardiographic parameters. Reduction in RV early diastolic velocity appears to be an early abnormality and is associated with occurrence of arrhythmic events. TDI may be useful in risk stratification of patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot.
Atrial electrical remodeling plays a part in recurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF). It has been related to an increase in heterogeneity of atrial refractoriness that facilitates the occurrence of multiple reentry wavelets and vulnerability to AF. AIM: To examine the relationship between dispersion of atrial refractoriness (Disp_A) and vulnerability to AF induction (A_Vuln) in patients with clinical paroxysmal AF (PAF). METHODS: Thirty-six patients (22 male; age 55+/-13 years) with > or =1 year of history of PAF (no underlying structural heart disease--n=20, systemic hypertension--n=14, mitral valve prolapse--n=1, surgically corrected pulmonary stenosis--n=1), underwent electrophysiological study (EPS) while off medication. The atrial effective refractory period (AERP) was assessed at five different sites--high (HRA) and low (LRA) lateral right atrium, high interatrial septum (IAS), proximal (pCS) and distal (dCS) coronary sinus--during a cycle length of 600 ms. AERP was taken as the longest S1-S2 interval that failed to initiate a propagation response. Disp_A was calculated as the difference between the longest and shortest AERP. A_Vuln was defined as the ability to induce AF with 1-2 extrastimuli or with incremental atrial pacing (600-300 ms) from the HRA or dCS. The EPS included analysis of focal electrical activity based on the presence of supraventricular ectopic beats (spontaneous or with provocative maneuvers). The patients were divided into group A--AF inducible (n=25) and group B--AF not inducible (n=11). Disp_A was analyzed to determine any association with A_Vuln. Disp_A and A_Vuln were also examined in those patients with documented repetitive focal activity. Logistic regression was used to determine any association of the following variables with A_Vuln: age, systemic hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, left atrial size, left ventricular function, duration of PAF, documented atrial flutter/tachycardia and Disp_A. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the groups with regard to clinical characteristics and echocardiographic data. AF was inducible in 71% of the patients and noninducible in 29%. Group A had greater Disp_A compared to group B (105+/-78 ms vs. 49+/-20 ms; p=0.01). Disp_A was >40 ms in 50% of the patients without A_Vuln and in 91% of those with A_Vuln (p=0.05). Focal activity was demonstrated in 14 cases (39%), 57% of them with A_Vuln. Disp_A was 56+/-23 ms in this group and 92+/-78 ms in the others (p=0.07). Using logistic regression, the only predictor of A_Vuln was Disp_A (p=0.05). CONCLUSION: In patients with paroxysmal AF, Disp_A is a major determinant of A_Vuln. Nevertheless, the degree of nonuniformity of AERP appears to be less important as an electrophysiological substrate for AF due to focal activation.
Slowed atrial conduction may contribute to reentry circuits and vulnerability for atrial fibrillation (AF). The autonomic nervous system (ANS) has modulating effects on electrophysiological properties. However, complex interactions of the ANS with the arrhythmogenic substrate make it difficult to understand the mechanisms underlying induction and maintenance of AF. AIM: To determine the effect of acute ANS modulation in atrial activation times in patients (P) with paroxysmal AF (PAF). METHODS AND RESULTS: 16P (9 men; 59±14years) with PAF, who underwent electrophysiological study before AF ablation, and 15P (7 men; 58±11years) with atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia, without documentation or induction of AF (control group). Each group included 7P with arterial hypertension but without underlying structural heart disease. The study was performed while off drugs. Multipolar catheters were placed at the high right atrium (HRA), right atrial appendage (RAA), coronary sinus (CS) and His bundle area (His). At baseline and with HRA pacing (600ms, shortest propagated S2) we measured: i) intra-atrial conduction time (IACT, between RAA and atrial deflection in the distal His), ii) inter-atrial conduction time (interACT, between RAA and distal CS), iii) left atrial activation time (LAAT, between atrial deflection in the distal His and distal CS), iv) bipolar electrogram duration at four atrial sites (RAA, His, proximal and distal CS). In the PAF group, measurements were also determined during handgrip and carotid sinus massage (CSM), and after pharmacological blockade of the ANS (ANSB). AF was induced by HRA programmed stimulation in 56% (self-limited - 6; sustained - 3), 68.8% (self-limited - 6; sustained - 5), and 50% (self-limited - 5; sustained - 3) of the P, in basal, during ANS maneuvers, and after ANSB, respectively (p=NS). IACT, interACT and LAAT significantly lengthened during HRA pacing in both groups (600ms, S2). P with PAF have longer IACT (p<0.05), a higher increase in both IACT, interACT (p<0.01) and electrograms duration (p<0.05) with S2, and more fragmented activity, compared with the control group. Atrial conduction times and electrograms duration were not significantly changed during ANS stimulation. Nevertheless, ANS maneuvers increased heterogeneity of the local electrograms duration. Also, P with sustained AF showed longer interACT and LAAT during CSM. CONCLUSION: Atrial conduction times, electrograms duration and fractionated activity are increased in PAF, suggesting a role for conduction delays in the arrhythmogenic substrate. Acute vagal stimulation is associated with prolonged interACT and LAAT in P with inducible sustained AF and ANS modulation may influence the heterogeneity of atrial electrograms duration.
The impact of atrial dispersion of refractoriness (Disp_A) in the inducibility and maintenance of atrial fibrillation (AF) has not been fully resolved. AIM: To study the Disp_A and the vulnerability (A_Vuln) for the induction of self-limited (<60 s) and sustained episodes of AF. METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty-seven patients with paroxysmal AF (PAF): 29 patients without structural heart disease and 18 with hypertensive heart disease. Atrial effective refractory period (ERP) was assessed at five sites--right atrial appendage and low lateral right atrium, high interatrial septum, proximal and distal coronary sinus. We compared three groups: group A - AF not inducible (n=13); group B - AF inducible, self-limited (n=18); group C - AF inducible, sustained (n=16). Age, lone AF, hypertension, left atrial and left ventricular (LV) dimensions, LV systolic function, duration of AF history, atrial flutter/tachycardia, previous antiarrhythmics, and Disp_A were analysed with logistic regression to determine association with A_Vuln for AF inducibility. The ERP at different sites showed no differences among the groups. Group A had a lower Disp_A compared to group B (47+/-20 ms vs 82+/-65 ms; p=0.002), and when compared to group C (47+/-20 ms vs 80+/-55 ms; p=0.008). There was no significant difference in Disp_A between groups B and C. By means of multivariate regression analysis, the only predictor of A_Vuln was Disp_A (p=0.04). Conclusion: In patients with PAF, increased Disp_A represents an electrophysiological marker of A_Vuln. Inducibility of both self-limited and sustained episodes of AF is associated with similar values of Disp_A. These findings suggest that the maintenance of AF is influenced by additional factors.
A taquicardia juncional recíproca permanente é uma forma de taquicardia supraventricular de reentrada pouco comum, embora constitua a causa mais frequente de taquicardia incessante em crianças. O seu carácter permanente causa disfunção ventricular esquerda e miocardiopatia dilatada e é de difícil controlo terapêutico. Objectivo: Rever as características clínicas mais significativas desta arritmia, a sua evolução e as opções terapêuticas actuais. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo, analisando a forma de apresentação e evolução, com particular relevo para a resposta à terapêutica farmacológica e alternativas terapêuticas. Doentes: Grupo de 5 doentes com o diagnóstico de taquicardia juncional recíproca permanente. Resultados: As crianças estudadas tinham idades compreendidas entre os 14 dias e os 12 anos. Três encontravam-se assintomáticas. O primeiro ecocardiograma demonstrou dilatação do ventrículo esquerdo e diminuição da fracção de encurtamento em uma das crianças. A terapêutica farmacológica foi inicialmente eficaz em todos os casos. Ao longo do seguimento (0,2-4,5 anos) a arritmia tornou-se refractária em um dos casos, pelo que se procedeu a ablação da via anómala por radiofrequência. Conclusões: A taquicardia juncional recíproca permanente tem diversas formas de apresentação. A terapêutica farmacológica é recomendada, mas tem carácter transitório. A ablação por radiofrequência é o tratamento definitivo, estando condicionada pela idade dos doentes.
Pheochromocytoma crisis typically presents as paroxysmal episodes of headache, tachycardia, diaphoresis or hypertension. We describe an uncommon case of recurrent non-hypertensive heart failure with systolic dysfunction in a young female due to pheochromocytoma compression. It presented as acute pulmonary oedema while straining during pregnancy and later on as cardiogenic shock after a recreational body massage. Such crisis occurring during pregnancy is rare. Moreover, of the few reported cases of pheochromocytoma-induced cardiogenic shock, recreational body massage has not yet been reported as a trigger for this condition.
Based on a survey sent to Portuguese centers that perform diagnostic and interventional electrophysiology and/or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantations, the authors analyze the number and type of procedures performed during 2012 and compare these data with previous years. In 2012, a total of 2561 diagnostic electrophysiologic studies were performed, which were followed by ablation in 2017 cases, representing a steady situation compared with the previous year. There was a 12% increase in the number of ablation procedures for atrial fibrillation, making it for the first time the most frequent indication for ablation, overtaking atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. The total number of first ICD implantations was 1048 (around 100 per million population), of which 375 were cardiac resynchronization devices (BiV ICDs). This represents a slight decrease (3.3%) in the total number of new implants, with an increase of 10% in the number of BiV ICDs compared to the previous year. However, there was a considerable increase in the number of ICD generator replacements, resulting in an overall increase of 3.5% in implantations performed in 2012. Some comments are made regarding developments in this activity and its current status, and on some factors that may influence the dynamics of this area of interventional cardiology.
We report the case of a 52-year-old man who presented to our emergency department (ED) after three episodes of syncope in the seven hours before admission. During his stay in the ED he had recurrent ventricular tachycardia (VT) requiring external electrical cardioversion. A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) showed a short QT (SQT) interval (270 ms, QTc 327 ms), with frequent R-on-T extrasystoles triggering sustained polymorphic VT. After exclusion of other precipitating causes, the patient was diagnosed as having SQT syndrome (SQTS) according to the Gollob criteria. To our knowledge, this is the first known documentation of an SQT-caused arrhythmic episode on a 12-lead ECG, as well as the first reported case of SQTS in Portugal. The patient received an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and was discharged. At a follow-up assessment 14 months later he was symptom-free, interrogation of the device showed no arrhythmic events, and the ECG showed a QT interval of 320 ms (QTc 347 ms).
The Proarrhythmic Effect of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: an Issue that Should Be Borne in Mind
The demonstrated benefits of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in reducing mortality and hospitalizations for heart failure, improving NYHA functional class and inducing reverse remodeling have led to its increasing use in clinical practice. However, its potential contribution to complex ventricular arrhythmias is controversial.We present the case of a female patient with valvular heart failure and severe systolic dysfunction, in NYHA class III and under optimal medical therapy, without previous documented ventricular arrhythmias. After implantation of a CRT defibrillator, she suffered an arrhythmic storm with multiple episodes of monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT), requiring 12 shocks. Subsequently, a pattern of ventricular bigeminy was observed, as well as reproducible VT runs induced by biventricular pacing. Since no other vein of the coronary sinus system was accessible, it was decided to implant an epicardial lead to stimulate the left ventricle, positioned in the left ventricular mid-lateral wall. No arrhythmias were detected in the following six months. This case highlights the possible proarrhythmic effect of biventricular pacing with a left ventricular lead positioned in the coronary sinus venous system.