141 resultados para HSJ ORL
In cases of extensive damage to the foot, with significant bone loss, it is generally accepted that reconstruction must include bone flaps or grafts either in the emergency setting or subsequently. In this report, we describe the case of an 18-year-old student with an avulsion injury of the dorsum of his right foot. Consequently, he lost most of the soft tissue over the dorsum of the foot and the cuboid, navicular, and cuneiform bones. A latissimus dorsi free flap was used to reconstruct the defect. A functional pseudoarthrosis developed between the remaining bones of the foot, and the patient experienced satisfactory foot function after rehabilitation. For this reason, no additional reconstructive procedure was undertaken. This case suggests that it might be adequate to use the latissimus dorsi muscle flap more liberally than previously reported in the reconstruction of extensive defects of the dorsum of the foot, including cases with significant bone loss. This option could avoid the morbidity and inconvenience of a second surgery and the need to harvest a bone flap or graft.
A imunoterapia com o Bacilo Calmette-Guérin é amplamente usada no tratamento e profilaxia da neoplasia urotelial superficial. As complicações associadas ao tratamento são comuns. Os autores relatam um caso de inflamação granulomatosa do pênis, associada à terapia intravesical com Bacilo Calmette-Guérin, com múltiplos nódulos eritematosos indolores localizados na glande. É também efetuada uma revisão da literatura. A balanopostite granulomatosa é uma complicação rara associada à imunoterapia com Bacilo Calmette-Guérin, com uma apresentação clinicamente heterogênea que pode dificultar o diagnóstico. O seu reconhecimento clínico é essencial para o início precoce de tuberculostáticos e interrupção de Bacilo Calmette-Guérin.
A Mitomicina C está entre uma variedade de agentes quimioterapêuticos intravesicais actualmente disponíveis para o tratamento do carcinoma superficial da bexiga. Cerca de9% destes doentes desenvolve reacções adversas cutâneas, geralmente dermites de contacto, localizadas nas mãos, pés, genitais, ou erupções mais disseminadas. Descrevem-se 6 casos de dermite de contacto alérgica à Mitomicina C, observados entre Junho/2004 e Março/2005,emcinco doentes do sexo masculino e umdo sexo feminino, com uma idade média de 70 anos.
Procedemos à revisão retrospetiva dos processos clínico e radiológico de todas as crianças submetidas a artrografia ou cirurgia por displasia de desenvolvimento da anca nos últimos 5 anos, na nossa instituição. Foram excluídos todos os casos teratológicos ou com seguimento inferior a 2 anos, para melhor avaliação da incidência de necrose avascular ou outras complicações do tratamento instituído. Descrevemos em pormenor o tratamento invasivo realizado em 84 ancas, consoante a idade de tratamento (0-6 meses, 7-18 meses, 19 meses a 4 anos), do grau de displasia (segundo Tonnis), a aplicação do protocolo do Serviço e a incidência de necrose avascular. Apurámos necrose avascular em 13% das crianças submetidas a artrografia ou cirurgia até ao 6º mês de vida, em 9% das crianças entre os 7 e os 18 meses e em 19% das crianças tratadas invasivamente entre os 19 meses e os 4 anos.
Durante os últimos anos a Internet continua a expandir-se e novos websites de interesse são acrescentados diariamente. A nova era da informação fez com que a informação médica disponível na World Wide Web (WWW) crescesse a uma taxa e a um ritmo consideráveis, o que exige um alto nível de literacia da informação aos médicos que desejam manter-se atualizados na sua especialidade sem terem de investir muito tempo. A aptidão para pesquisar e filtrar informação de forma eficaz e eficiente (consumindo pouco tempo) representa uma parte crítica importante da prática clínica, podendo ser uma experiência frustrante e demorada, a menos que se saiba quais são os recursos que oferecem melhor informação e como estruturar o método de pesquisa.
To evaluate the short and mid-term results of prostatic artery embolization in patients with benign prostatic embolization. Retrospective study between March 2009 and June 2011 with 103 patients (mean age 66.8 years, 50-85) that met our inclusion criteria with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. The clinical outcome was evaluated by the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), quality of life (QoL), International Index of Erectile Function, prostate volume (PV), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), peak urinary flow (Q(max)), and post-void residual volume (PVR) measurements at 3 and 6 months, 1 year, 18 months, and 2 years after PAE and comparison with baseline values was made. Technical and clinical successes, as well as poor clinical outcome definitions, were previously defined. In this review, we evaluate the short and mid-term clinical outcomes and morbidity of patients treated only with non-spherical polyvinyl alcohol. Six months after the procedure, the PV decreased about 23%, IPSS changed to a mean value of 11.95 (almost 50% reduction), the QoL improved slightly more than 2 points, the Q(max) changed to a mean value of 12.63mL/s, the PVR underwent a change of almost half of the baseline value, and the PSA decreased about 2.3ng/mL. In the mid-term follow-up and comparing to the baseline values, we still assisted to a reduction in PV, IPSS, QoL, PVR, and PSA, and an increase in Q(max). Prostatic Artery Embolization is a safe procedure with low morbidity that shows good short- and mid-term clinical outcome in our institution.
INTRODUCTION: Synovial sarcoma is a high-grade, soft-tissue sarcoma that most frequently is located in the vicinity of joints, tendons or bursae, although it can also be found in extra-articular locations. Most patients with synovial sarcoma of the hand are young and have a poor prognosis, as these tumors are locally aggressive and are associated with a relatively high metastasis rate. According to the literature, local recurrence and/or metastatic disease is found in nearly 80% of patients. Current therapy comprises surgery, systemic and limb perfusion chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. However, the 5-year survival rate is estimated to be only around 27% to 55%. Moreover, most authors agree that synovial sarcoma is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed malignancies of soft tissues because of their slow growing pattern, benign radiographic appearance, ability to change size, and the fact that they may elicit pain similar to that caused by common trauma. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe an unusual case of a large synovial sarcoma of the hand in a 63-year-old Caucasian woman followed for 12 years by a multidisciplinary team. In addition, a literature review of the most pertinent aspects of the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of these patients is presented. CONCLUSION: Awareness of this rare tumor by anyone dealing with hand pathology can hasten diagnosis, and this, in turn, can potentially increase survival. Therefore, a high index of suspicion for this disease should be kept in mind, particularly when evaluating young people, as they are the most commonly affected group.
Clinical history - A 4-year-old boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks (twin pregnancy), with periventricular leukomalacia and epilepsy underwent brain MRI. Neurological examination showed severe developmental retardation with axial hypotonia, spastic tetraparesis and convergent strabismus. Imaging findings - Cranial MRI revealed typical aspects of partial rhombencephalosynapsis with vermian hypoplasia, midline fusion of the cerebellar hemispheres and transversely oriented folia and fissures. There was also mild dilatation and dysmorphism of the ventricular system, the septum pellucidum was absent, the hippocampi were malrotated and had vertical orientation and additional finding of associated periventricular cystic leukomalacia. Discussion - Rhombencephalosynapsis (RS) is a rare congenital defect of the cerebellum classically characterised by vermian agenesis or hypogenesis, fusion of the hemispheres, and closely apposed or fused dentate nuclei. It is now considered to result from an absence of division of the cerebellar hemispheres, following an insult between the 28th and 44th day of gestation (i.e., before the formation of the vermis). Other features have also been described such as fusion of the thalami and cerebral peduncles, malrotated hippocampi, corpus callosum agenesis, hypoplastic chiasm, absence of the septum pellucidum, ventriculomegaly, agenesis of the posterior lobe of the pituitary and cortical malformations. Musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, urinary tract, and respiratory abnormalities have been reported. Typical symptoms consist of swallowing difficulties, delayed motor acquisitions, muscular hypotonia, spastic quadriparesis, cerebellar signs including dysarthria, gait ataxia, abnormal eye movements, and seizures and hydrocephalus. The major MRI signs consist of fused cerebellar hemispheres, with absent or hypoplastic vermis, narrow diamond-shaped fourth ventricle and fused dentate nuclei. In a minority of cases, partial RS has been identified by MRI, demonstrating the presence of the nodulus and the anterior vermis and absence of part of the posterior vermis with only partial fusion of the hemispheres in the inferior part. Other cerebellar malformations involving vermian agenesis or hypoplasia include the Dandy–Walker continuum, Joubert syndrome, tectocerebellar dysraphy or pontocerebellar hypoplasias, and are now easily distinguished from RS by both brain MRI and morphology.
Introduction: Rhinoscleroma is a rare, chronic, granulomatous disease that most frequently affects the upper respiratory tract, especially the nasal cavity and sometimes extends through the lower respiratory tract. Is associated with Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, which is endemic in certain geographic regions namely Central America. The pathogenesis and risk factors remain unclear. Clinical case: We report a five years Old Portuguese boy, previously healthy, brought to the Emergency Department with epistaxis, without other accompanying signs or symptoms. The Otorhinolaryngologist (ORL) performed rhinoscopy and identified an intranasal bleeding mass. The MRI revealed an intranasal mass with extension to the ethmoid bone sinus, and performed biopsy. The histopathology was vital, making the diagnosis of Rhinoscleroma. The child had traveled abroad for the first time on vacations a year before to Dominican Republic. The bacteriologic exam identified a Klebsiella spp. sensible to the association of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Blood test performed excluded association of immunodeficiency. Since it’s a rare disease genetic study are under course. Monthly evaluation by ORL and pediatrician was performed which documented progressive reduction until total disappearing of the macro and microscopic lesion, and negative bacteriologic exam. Six months of antibiotic therapy were completed without any known secondary effects. The child remained asymptomatic up to the last visit, 3 months following treatment and has shown no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion: Globalization and free transit of people to areas far from origin countries here some rare diseases are endemic brings a new challenge to modern medicine. Sometimes vacations bring more than memories.
A associação entre aneurismas intracranianos e viscerais é extremamente rara, com mau prognóstico. A situação de rotura surge habitualmente no contexto de urgência e implica um tratamento imediato. Relata-se o caso de uma doente com rotura de aneurisma da artéria comunicante anterior e da artéria pancreaticoduodenal anterior. A actuação concertada das várias especialidades permitiu a abordagem cirúrgica dirigida ao aneurisma visceral, sem o agravamento da hemorragia cerebral que a eventual clampagem da Artéria Aorta poderia provocar. A manutenção da estabilidade hemodinâmica foi essencial para a posterior realização de embolização do aneurisma intracraniano.
Os autores apresentam o caso de uma criança com Afibrinogenémia Congénita. A propósito desta entidade revêm a literatura referindo e comentando alguns aspectos e particularidades desta rara doença da coagulação.
A prevalência de reacções adversas a medicamentos (RAM) em doentes hospitalizados é estimada em 10 -20% e estas podem ser potencialmente fatais. A necrólise epidérmica tóxica (NET) é uma das apresentações de RAM mais severa, com baixa incidência mas mortalidade elevada. Os autores apresentam o caso de uma mulher de 79 anos, com doença cerebrovascular hemorrágica grave, pós -traumática, com necessidade de internamento em cuidados intensivos que, sob terapêutica com meropenem, vancomicina e valproato de sódio, desenvolveu um quadro de NET. Para identificação do fármaco responsável realizou -se teste de transformação linfoblástica (TTL). Os índices de estimulação obtidos foram < 2,0 para o meropenem, 7,4 para vancomicina e 6,4 para o valproato de sódio; a sua valorização foi efectuada com cut -off >3. Apesar de ser ainda um instrumento de investigação, o TTL foi decisivo na confirmação da base imunológica da reacção. Vancomicina e valproato de sódio estão totalmente contraindicados nesta doente.