28 resultados para Malignant Myoepithelioma
Introdução - Síndroma maligna dos neurolépticos (SMN) é um efeito secundário raro potencialmente fatal destes fármacos. Relato de caso - Sexo masculino, 18 anos, encefalopatia não progressiva, atraso global do desenvolvimento, epilepsia, perturbação do comportamento (medicada com haloperidol). Iniciou febre elevada, desidratação, hematemeses e hematúria. Apresentava hipertermia, taquicardia, polipneia, tensão arterial instável, hipertonia generalizada e deterioração da consciência. Laboratorialmente destacava-se neutrofilia, trom bocitopénia, proteína C reactiva ligeiramente aumentada, elevação da creatina-cinase, alterações hepáticas e renais. Sépsis e SMN foram hipóteses de diagnóstico. Apesar da suspensão do haloperidol e início da terapêutica de suporte, ocorreu agravamento progressivo e óbito. Conclusão – Os antipsicóticos são frequentemente utilizados no atraso do desenvolvimento com alterações do comportamento. Os efeitos adversos graves exigem elevado grau de suspeição e início rápido de terapêutica.
A neurofibromatose é uma doença que pode afectar todos os órgãos. As suas manifestações clínicas podem ser muito variáveis e associam-se-lhe, frequentemente, neoplasias. é o caso do feocromositoma, que na sua forma benigna, coexiste em 10 % dos casos; contudo, a descrição da associação com a forma maligna é uma raridade, o que justifica o interesse da divulgação da nossa experiência. Salientamos, no entanto, que o feocromocitoma não é a única causa de hipertensão na doença de Von Recklinghausen.
Adnexal skin tumours are rare conditions, and often clinically indistinguishable from other cutaneous neoplasms. Porocarcinoma, a sweat gland malignant tumour, is more commonly found on extremities. Few reports in other anatomic locations can be found in the literature, and those arising on the scalp are even scarcer. The authors report the case of an 84-year-old diabetic man, with a tumour on the left parietal region for 1 year, which histopathological features were consistent with porocarcinoma. The importance of histopathologic diagnosis is hereby emphasized by the more aggressive behaviour of this tumour, therefore requiring clinical actuation accordingly.
Despite the wide acceptance that glycans are centrally implicated in immunity, exactly how they contribute to the tilt immune response remains poorly defined. In this study, we sought to evaluate the impact of the malignant phenotype-associated glycan, sialyl-Tn (STn) in the function of the key orchestrators of the immune response, the dendritic cells (DCs). In high grade bladder cancer tissue, the STn antigen is significantly overexpressed and correlated with the increased expression of ST6GALNAC1 sialyltransferase. Bladder cancer tissue presenting elevated expression of ST6GALNAC1 showed a correlation with increased expression of CD1a, a marker for bladder immature DCs and showed concomitant low levels of Th1-inducing cytokines IL-12 and TNF-α. In vitro, human DCs co-incubated with STn+ bladder cancer cells, had an immature phenotype (MHC-IIlow, CD80low and CD86low) and were unresponsive to further maturation stimuli. When contacting with STn+ cancer cells, DCs expressed significantly less IL-12 and TNF-α. Consistent with a tolerogenic DC profile, T cells that were primed by DCs pulsed with antigens derived from STn+ cancer cells were not activated and showed a FoxP3high IFN-γlow phenotype. Blockade of STn antigens and of STn+ glycoprotein, CD44 and MUC1, in STn+ cancer cells was able to lower the induction of tolerance and DCs become more mature. Overall, our data suggest that STn-expressing cancer cells impair DC maturation and endow DCs with a tolerogenic function, limiting their capacity to trigger protective anti-tumour T cell responses. STn antigens and, in particular, STn+ glycoproteins are potential targets for circumventing tumour-induced tolerogenic mechanisms.
The authors present a case of atypical severe (malignant) Mediterranean spotted fever, with a brief review on the subject. Although not previously described in Brazil, the possibility of imported cases, especially from Portuguese tourists, is real. This case report highlights the severe form of the disease and the possibility of atypical presentation with confounding differential diagnosis. A brief review of classical presentation is also done. The authors believe it is a valid paper and a good contribution to your Journal of Infectious Diseases. The content of the manuscript represents the views of the coauthors, and neither the corresponding author nor the coauthors have submitted duplicate or overlapping manuscripts elsewhere.
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare malignant and primary neuroendocrine carcinoma with several known risk factors. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment are critical. We report the case of an 82-year old woman with a Merkel cell carcinoma on the face. Clinical and histopathological features are presented. In addition, dermoscopic features and the differential diagnosis of this rare tumor are discussed. Although nodules with atypical dermoscopic vascular pattern and milky-red areas will end up being excised, this report adds more clues to the rarely described dermoscopic morphologic presentation of MCC.
A propósito de 2 Casos Clínicos de malária maligna internados na U.C.I. do Hospital Curry Cabral(em 1983 e 1984), um dos quais de evolução letal, chama-se a atenção para a necessidade do seu diagnóstico precoce.
The colors that are seen in dermoscopy depend on the anatomic level of the skin at which the chromophores are seen. Blue color can be found in a variety of melanocytic and nonmelanocytic lesions. An 89-year-old man presented with a 3-year history of a slow-growing, hyperpigmented patch located on the distal third of the right arm. Dermoscopy showed an atypical network, irregularly distributed globules, pigmented internal streaks and a milky-red area. Based on these findings a diagnosis of slow-growing malignant melanoma was made. Simultaneously, a well-defined blue papule was seen on the proximal third of the same arm. Dermoscopy disclosed a homogeneous blue pattern. After clinical and dermoscopic correlation our differential diagnosis for this blue lesion included cutaneous melanoma metastasis, blue nevus and foreign body reaction. The patient recalled its onset 75 years ago after a grenade explosion. We also discuss the blue lesion appearance under reflectance confocal microscopy and high-definition optical coherence tomography. Histopathological examination after excision of the hyperpigmented patch and blue papule revealed a melanoma in situ and a foreign body reaction, respectively. The diagnostic evaluation of a blue lesion should always rely on the integration of all data, especially clinical and dermoscopic features. Other non-invasive techniques, like reflectance confocal microscopy and high-definition optical coherence tomography can also be important aids for its differential diagnosis.
Actinomycosis is a rare disorder caused by an anaerobic gram-positive bacillus (Actinomyces), predominantly by the Actinomyces israelii species. Only 20% of cases show an abdominal manifestation, the appendix and ileocecal valve being the most frequent locations. Definitive diagnosis is based on microbiological cultures, microscopy or macroscopy examination. Nevertheless, histological examination of the percutaneous biopsy and blood microbiological cultures are rarely positives. Preoperative diagnosis is hampered by the lack of specific clinical and imaging manifestations, which often mimic malignancy. The rate of preoperative diagnosis is less than 10%, however, the outcome is excellent, with a low mortality rate. The authors describe the case of a patient who was diagnosed with primary hepatic actinomycosis only by a histological examination of the surgical specimen of left hepatectomy extended to segments V and VIII, for suspected malignant lesion. This case demonstrates the difficulties in diagnosing hepatic actinomycosis.
BACKGROUND: High-grade gliomas are aggressive, incurable tumors characterized by extensive diffuse invasion of the normal brain parenchyma. Novel therapies at best prolong survival; their costs are formidable and benefit is marginal. Economic restrictions thus require knowledge of the cost-effectiveness of treatments. Here, we show the cost-effectiveness of enhanced resections in malignant glioma surgery using a well-characterized tool for intraoperative tumor visualization, 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of 5-ALA fluorescence-guided neurosurgery compared with white-light surgery in adult patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma, adopting the perspective of the Portuguese National Health Service. METHODS: We used a Markov model (cohort simulation). Transition probabilities were estimated with the use of data from 1 randomized clinical trial and 1 noninterventional prospective study. Utility values and resource use were obtained from published literature and expert opinion. Unit costs were taken from official Portuguese reimbursement lists (2012 values). The health outcomes considered were quality-adjusted life-years, lifeyears, and progression-free life-years. Extensive 1-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS: The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios are below €10 000 in all evaluated outcomes, being around €9100 per quality-adjusted life-year gained, €6700 per life-year gained, and €8800 per progression-free life-year gained. The probability of 5-ALA fluorescence-guided surgery cost-effectiveness at a threshold of €20000 is 96.0% for quality-adjusted life-year, 99.6% for life-year, and 98.8% for progression-free life-year. CONCLUSION: 5-ALA fluorescence-guided surgery appears to be cost-effective in newly diagnosed high-grade gliomas compared with white-light surgery. This example demonstrates cost-effectiveness analyses for malignant glioma surgery to be feasible on the basis of existing data.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate if the shading sign is an exclusive MRI feature of endometriomas or endometrioid tumors, and to analyze its different patterns. METHODS: Three hundred and fourty six women with adnexal masses who underwent 1.5/3-T MRI were included in this retrospective, board-approved study. The shading sign was found in 56 patients, but five cases were excluded due to lack of imaging follow-up or histological correlation. The final sample included 51 women. The type of tumor and the pattern of shading were recorded for each case. RESULTS: Thirty endometriomas and five endometrioid carcinomas were found. The remaining 16 cases corresponded to other benign and malignant tumors. The overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 73%, 93%, 59%, and 96%, respectively. Restricting the analysis to cystic lesions without solid or fat component, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 73%, 96%, 94%, and 80%. Five shading patterns were identified: layering (15.7%), liquid-liquid level (11.8%), homogenous (45.1%), heterogeneous (11.8%), and focal/multifocal shading within a complex mass (19.6%). No significant correlation was found between these patterns and the type of tumor. CONCLUSIONS: The shading sign is not exclusive of endometriomas or endometrioid tumors. Homogenous shading was the most prevalent pattern in endometriomas and half of the cases with focal/multifocal shading within a complex mass were endometrioid carcinomas.
The diagnosis of parathyroid carcinomas is often difficult. HRPT2 mutations have been identified in familial [hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor (HPT-JT) syndrome] and sporadic parathyroid carcinomas, supporting that HRPT2 mutations may confer a malignant potential to parathyroid tumors. In this study, we report the clinical, histopathological, and genetic investigation of two unrelated cases, whom had apparently sporadic malignant parathyroid tumors, initially diagnosed as adenomas. In one case, the differential diagnosis was complicated by cervical seeding of parathyroid tumor cells. Genetic studies identified de novo HRPT2 germline mutations in cases 1 (c.518_521delTGTC [p.Ser174LysfsX27]) and 2 (c.226 C > T [p.Arg76X]), unveiling the hereditary HPT-JT syndrome in both patients. Furthermore, the identification of somatic mutations in the patients‟ parathyroid tumors provided evidence for complete inactivation of the HRPT2 gene, which was consistent with the tumor malignant features. The sensitivity of parafibromin immunostaining to detect HRPT2 mutations was limited. The present data suggests that patients with apparently sporadic parathyroid carcinomas, or parathyroid tumors with atypical histological features, should undergo molecular genetic testing, as it may detect germline HRPT2 mutations. Establishing the diagnosis of hereditary HPT-JT syndrome is relevant for clinical counseling and management of the carriers and their relatives.
INTRODUCTION: Ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1) mutations have been associated with central core disease (CCD), multiminicore/minicore/multicore disease (MmD), and susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia (MH). METHODS: Patients with muscle symptoms in adulthood, who had features compatible with CCD/MmD, underwent clinical, histological, and genetic (RYR1 and SEPN1 genes) evaluations. Published cases of CCD and MmD with adult onset were also reviewed. RESULTS: Eight patients fulfilled the criteria for further analysis. Five RYR1 mutations, 4 of them unreported, were detected in 3 patients. Compound heterozygosity was proven in 1 case. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the only report of adult onset associated with recessive RYR1 mutations and central core/multiminicores on muscle biopsy. Although adult patients with CCD, MmD, and minimally symptomatic MH with abnormal muscle biopsy findings usually have a mild clinical course, differential diagnosis and carrier screening is crucial for prevention of potentially life-threatening reactions to general anesthesia.