287 resultados para HCC PAT CLIN
Transthyretin amyloidosis is a conformational pathology characterized by the extracellular formation of amyloid deposits and the progressive impairment of the peripheral nervous system. Point mutations in this tetrameric plasma protein decrease its stability and are linked to disease onset and progression. Since non-mutated transthyretin also forms amyloid in systemic senile amyloidosis and some mutation bearers are asymptomatic throughout their lives, non-genetic factors must also be involved in transthyretin amyloidosis. We discovered, using a differential proteomics approach, that extracellular chaperones such as fibrinogen, clusterin, haptoglobin, alpha-1-anti-trypsin and 2-macroglobulin are overrepresented in transthyretin amyloidosis. Our data shows that a complex network of extracellular chaperones are over represented in human plasma and we speculate that they act synergistically to cope with amyloid prone proteins. Proteostasis may thus be as important as point mutations in transthyretin amyloidosis.
Introduction. This study aims to compare the molecular gene expression during ischemia reperfusion injury. Several surgical times were considered: in the beginning of the harvesting (T0), at the end of the cold ischemia period (T1), and after reperfusion (T2) and compared with graft dysfunction after liver transplant (OLT). Methods. We studied 54 patients undergoing OLT. Clinical, laboratory data, and histologic data (Suzuki classification) as well as the Survival Outcomes Following Liver Transplantation (SOFT) score were used and compared with the molecular gene expression of the following genes: Interleukin (IL)-1b, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-a, perforin, E-selectin (SELE), Fas-ligand, granzyme B, heme oxygenase-1, and nitric oxide synthetase. Results. Fifteen patients presented with graft dysfunction according to SOFT criteria. No relevant data were obtained by comparing the variables graft dysfunction and histologic variables. We observed a statistically significant relation between SELE at T0 (P .013) and IL-1b at T0 (P .028) and early graft dysfunction. Conclusions. We conclude that several genetically determined proinflammatory expressions may play a critical role in the development of graft dysfunction after OLT.
In a liver transplant (LT) center, treatments with Prometheus were evaluated. The main outcome considered was 1 and 6 months survival. Methods. During the study period, 74 patients underwent treatment with Prometheus; 64 were enrolled,with a mean age of 51 13 years; 47men underwent 212 treatments (mean, 3.02 per patient). The parameters evaluated were age, sex, laboratorial (liver enzymes, ammonia) and clinical (model for end-stage liver disease and Child-Turcotte-Pugh score) data. Results. Death was verified in 23 patients (35.9%) during the hospitalization period, 20 patients (31.3%) were submitted to liver transplantation, and 21 were discharged. LT was performed in 4 patients with acute liver failure (ALF, 23.7%), in 7 patients with acute on chronic liver failure (AoCLF, 43.7%), and in 6 patients with liver disease after LT (30%). Seven patients who underwent LT died (35%). In the multivariate analysis, older age (P .015), higher international normalized ratio (INR) (P .019), and acute liver failure (P .039) were independently associated with an adverse 1-month clinical outcome. On the other hand, older age (P .011) and acute kidney injury (P .031) at presentation were both related to worse 6-month outcome. For patients with ALF and AoCLF we did not observe the same differences. Conclusions. In this cohort, older age was the most important parameter defining 1- and 6-month survival, although higher INR and presence of ALF were important for 1-month survival and AKI for 6-month survival. No difference was observed between patients who underwent LT or did not have LT.
Objective. To access the incidence of infectious problems after liver transplantation (LT). Design. A retrospective, single-center study. Materials and Methods. Patients undergoing LT from January 2008 to December 2011 were considered. Exclusion criterion was death occurring in the first 48 hours after LT. We determined the site of infection and the bacterial isolates and collected and compared recipients variables, graft variables, surgical data, post-LT clinical data. Results. Of the 492 patients who underwent LT and the 463 considered for this study, 190 (Group 1, 41%) developed at least 1 infection, with 298 infections detected. Of these, 189 microorganisms were isolated, 81 (51%) gram-positive bacteria (most frequently Staphylococcus spp). Biliary infections were more frequent (mean time of 160.4 167.7 days after LT); from 3 months after LT, gram-negative bacteria were observed (57%). Patients with infections after LT presented lower aminotransferase levels, but higher requirements in blood transfusions, intraoperative vasopressors, hemodialysis, and hospital stay. Operative and cold ischemia times were similar. Conclusion. We found a 41% incidence of all infections in a 2-year follow-up after LT. Gram-positive bacteria were more frequent isolated; however, negative bacteria were commonly isolated later. Clinical data after LT were more relevant for the development of infections. Donors variables should be considered in future analyses.
Propylthiouracil (PTU) is known to induce antineutrophil cytoplasmatic antibody (ANCA) seropositivity; however, small vessel vasculitis (SVV) with pulmonary and renal involvement is rare. We present the case of an 81-year-old woman on PTU treatment due to toxic nodular goitre who developed alveolar hemorrhage and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. The authors highlight the importance of early recognising drug-induced pulmonary-renal syndrome (PRS) in order to avoid unnecessary tests, a delay in the diagnosis and evolution to end-stage kidney disease or life-threatening conditions.
As verrugas anogenitais so tumores epiteliais benignos da pele e mucosas resultantes da infeo pelo papiloma vrus humano. Observa-se uma prevalncia crescente na populao peditrica, na qual ocorrem por transmisso vertical, auto ou hetero-inoculao. O diagnstico clnico e a biopsia reserva-se para casos duvidosos. Na maioria h uma regresso espontnea mas a taxa de recidiva elevada, mesmo sob teraputica, pelo que a vigilncia clnica uma opo vlida. A possvel associao entre verrugas anogenitais e abuso sexual na criana constitui um desafio na prtica clnica. A maioria dos autores considera que o diagnstico de abuso depende fundamentalmente da qualidade da anamnese, da experincia dos profissionais envolvidos na avaliao e do exame objetivo da criana. consensual que a probabilidade de abuso aumenta com a idade da criana, principalmente aps os 5 anos. Abaixo dos dois anos a transmisso no sexual do papiloma vrus humano deve ser fortemente considerada na ausncia de sinais traumticos, de outra doena sexualmente transmissvel ou de histria consistente de abuso. Contudo, em nenhuma idade a hiptese de abuso sexual poder ser excluda, requerendo um seguimento clnico com ponderao de todos os fatores mencionados.
Apresenta-se o caso de um doente de 46 anos, com coinfeco VIH-1/VHC e cirrose heptica, internado por febre, prostrao e astenia. Ao exame objetivo, observavam-se escassas pstulas necrticas em base eritematosa acantonadas aos dedos das mos e ps com edema, dor e limitao funcional dos mesmos e da articulao tbio-trsica esquerda. Analiticamente, apenas elevao ligeira da enzimologia heptica e da PCR. Admitiram-se as hipteses diagnsticas de endocardite, meningococcmia ou gonococcmia. Aps isolamento de Neisseria gonorrhoeae em hemocultura, iniciou-se ceftriaxone 1g/dia EV com melhoria clnica. A positividade da PCR para N.gonorrhoeae no exsudado orofarngeo confirmou o diagnstico de gonococcmia disseminada de ponto de partida orofarngeo. A gonorreia uma infeo sexualmente transmitida causada pelo diplococo Gram negativo Neisseria gonorrhoeae. A gonococcmia disseminada na forma da sndrome clssica dermatite-artrite acompanha apenas 1-2% das infees mucosas. A gonorreia orofarngea geralmente assintomtica em homens e mulheres, constituindo provavelmente um reservatrio importante do agente. O aumento da incidncia de gonorreia torna este caso pertinente na prtica clnica actual do dermatologista.
A mucinose cutnea focal um padro de reao histolgica descrita em vrias doenas no qual existe uma deposio focal anormal de mucinas na derme. Os autores apresentam um caso de um doente de 62 anos de idade, com placas infiltradas assintomticas no couro cabeludo frontal e occipital, com trs meses de evoluo. Bipsias seriadas demostraram um infiltrado linfocitrio moderado e deposio homognea de mucinas na derme, sem alteraes da epiderme, unidade pilossebcea, epidermotropismo ou granulomas. Investigaes posteriores revelaram um adenocarcinoma primrio do pulmo. A mucinose cutnea focal pode ter um amplo espectro de apresentaes clnicas. Relatamos este caso para ilustrar uma apresentao incomum de mucinose cutnea focal no couro cabeludo e realar a importncia de excluir uma doena secundria associada. No melhor conhecimento dos autores este o primeiro caso relatado de uma possvel associao entre o adenocarcinoma do pulmo e mucinose cutnea.
Ovarian pregnancy is one of the rarest types of extrauterine pregnancy. Its preoperative diagnosis remains a challenge since it presents quite similarly to tubal pregnancy and complicated ovarian cysts. Although in most cases, histology is necessary to confirm the diagnosis, we present an ovarian pregnancy in a teenager, correctly diagnosed during ultrasound examination.