111 resultados para payment systems
This paper examines the incentive to adopt a new technology given by some popular reimbursement systems, namely cost reimbursement and DRG reimbursement. Adoption is based on a cost-benefit criterion. We find that retrospective payment systems require a large enough patient benefit to yield adoption, while under DRG, adoption may arise in the absence of patients benefits when the differential reimbursement for the old vs. new technology is large enough. Also, cost reimbursement leads to higher adoption under some conditions on the differential reimbursement levels and patient benefits. In policy terms, cost reimbursement system may be more effective than a DRG payment system. This gives a new dimension to the discussion of prospective vs. retrospective payment systems of the last decades centered on the debate of quality vs. cost containment.
RESUMO - Nas últimas décadas, a especialização dos cuidados médicos tem conduzido a uma fragmentação do sistema de prestação, que, associada a uma deficiente coordenação entre serviços, cuidados e prestadores, torna a navegabilidade dos utentes nos sistemas de saúde uma tarefa complexa. Um novo modelo de organização, assente na procura de valor para os cidadãos, deve adoptar uma abordagem sistémica, que tenha subjacente uma coordenação integrada de serviços, numa perspectiva de ciclo de cuidados. Reorientar a prestação de cuidados para a obtenção de resultados e valor em saúde, exige uma reengenharia em torno da estrutura, organização e avaliação1 dos cuidados, requerendo, nomeadamente: i) instrumentos e ferramentas que auxiliem e estruturem este novo modelo; ii) assumpção dos papéis definidos para cada um dos actores do sistema, nomeadamente ao nível da coordenação; iii) encorajamento à adopção de modelos de contratualização, pagamento e competição, que responsabilizem os actores envolvidos não só pela prática que desenvolvem, mas pelos resultados em saúde. Estes mecanismos constituem uma oportunidade para expandir e sustentar abordagens, programas e intervenções integradas. Investir num sistema de pagamento por valor em saúde — P4V — payment for value, traduz uma aposta na relação entre diagnóstico, tratamento, resultados clínicos e custos, enquanto estratégia para assegurar ganhos em qualidade dos cuidados, eficiência dos processos e valor em saúde para o cidadão. Neste contexto, a gestão da doença enquanto modelo direccionado para o reforço da perspectiva e participação activa do cidadão, e avaliação compreensiva de novas formas de organização e gestão do sistema de prestação, constitui um instrumento para informar e sustentar esse processo de reengenharia do sistema. Um modelo que procura assegurar o encontro entre o estado da arte na prestação de cuidados e um nível óptimo, garantindo a qualidade de vida expectável para a pessoa com doença crónica. ----------------- ---------ABSTRACT – In the last decades advanced medical sciences trend to specialized care and fragmented health systems, leaving patients with a challenge on navigating services and care, requiring them to see a sequence of specialists each delivering discrete interventions. To overcome these challenges, every health system must redefine health care delivery to use its resources more efficiently and improve quality of care through an organization of the system as a whole. A system currently organized around value for patients, entails a framework that comprises the entire set of activities needed to address a patient´s medical condition, over the full cycle of care. Value- based care delivery therefore requires an integrated practice, both across services and time, and implies a movement through new structures, organization models, evaluation efforts and payment systems that enables, catalyze and reinforces the extension and sustainability of the steps needed to the change required. A shift from a payment for performance to a payment for value focuses attention on maximizing the overall value of care, and encourages coordination and integration between components of care that extends from screening, diagnoses, all the way through treatment, outcomes and costs, and ensuring an incentive for potentially high value types of care as well as innovation. These leave the actors of the system with the task of best allocating and valuing components of care. Disease management as a model designed to structure patient engagement and involvement in their care, and assure a comprehensive evaluation and monitoring of new organization and care delivery strategies align an opportunity as a source of information and sustainability for the progress of a growing number of likeminded efforts now underway across care delivery for chronic diseases. This framework will allow the fulfillment of the gap between sta
ABSTRACT - It is the purpose of the present thesis to emphasize, through a series of examples, the need and value of appropriate pre-analysis of the impact of health care regulation. Specifically, the thesis presents three papers on the theme of regulation in different aspects of health care provision and financing. The first two consist of economic analyses of the impact of health care regulation and the third comprises the creation of an instrument for supporting economic analysis of health care regulation, namely in the field of evaluation of health care programs. The first paper develops a model of health plan competition and pricing in order to understand the dynamics of health plan entry and exit in the presence of switching costs and alternative health premium payment systems. We build an explicit model of death spirals, in which profitmaximizing competing health plans find it optimal to adopt a pattern of increasing relative prices culminating in health plan exit. We find the steady-state numerical solution for the price sequence and the plan’s optimal length of life through simulation and do some comparative statics. This allows us to show that using risk adjusted premiums and imposing price floors are effective at reducing death spirals and switching costs, while having employees pay a fixed share of the premium enhances death spirals and increases switching costs. Price regulation of pharmaceuticals is one of the cost control measures adopted by the Portuguese government, as in many European countries. When such regulation decreases the products’ real price over time, it may create an incentive for product turnover. Using panel data for the period of 1997 through 2003 on drug packages sold in Portuguese pharmacies, the second paper addresses the question of whether price control policies create an incentive for product withdrawal. Our work builds the product survival literature by accounting for unobservable product characteristics and heterogeneity among consumers when constructing quality, price control and competition indexes. These indexes are then used as covariates in a Cox proportional hazard model. We find that, indeed, price control measures increase the probability of exit, and that such effect is not verified in OTC market where no such price regulation measures exist. We also find quality to have a significant positive impact on product survival. In the third paper, we develop a microsimulation discrete events model (MSDEM) for costeffectiveness analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus treatment, simulating individual paths from antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation to death. Four driving forces determine the course of events: CD4+ cell count, viral load resistance and adherence. A novel feature of the model with respect to the previous MSDEMs is that distributions of time to event depend on individuals’ characteristics and past history. Time to event was modeled using parametric survival analysis. Events modeled include: viral suppression, regimen switch due virological failure, regimen switch due to other reasons, resistance development, hospitalization, AIDS events, and death. Disease progression is structured according to therapy lines and the model is parameterized with cohort Portuguese observational data. An application of the model is presented comparing the cost-effectiveness ART initiation with two nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) plus one non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor(NNRTI) to two NRTI plus boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r) in HIV- 1 infected individuals. We find 2NRTI+NNRTI to be a dominant strategy. Results predicted by the model reproduce those of the data used for parameterization and are in line with those published in the literature.
This paper addresses the impact of payment systems on the rate of technology adoption. We present a model where technological shift is driven by demand uncertainty, increased patients’ benefit, financial variables, and the reimbursement system to providers. Two payment systems are studied: cost reimbursement and (two variants of) DRG. According to the system considered, adoption occurs either when patients’ benefits are large enough or when the differential reimbursement across technologies offsets the cost of adoption. Cost reimbursement leads to higher adoption of the new technology if the rate of reimbursement is high relative to the margin of new vs. old technology reimbursement under DRG. Having larger patient benefits favors more adoption under the cost reimbursement payment system, provided that adoption occurs initially under both payment systems.
A brief introduction to the fractional continuous-time linear systems is presented. It will be done without needing a deep study of the fractional derivatives. We will show that the computation of the impulse and step responses is very similar to the classic. The main difference lies in the substitution of the exponential by the Mittag-Leffler function. We will present also the main formulae defining the fractional derivatives.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Thesis submitted to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Computer Science
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.33
Signal Processing, Vol. 83, nº 11
IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing, Vol. 147, nº 1
IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing, Vol. 147, nº 1
Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia