14 resultados para futures of society
Portugal had only very few foresight exercises on the automobile sector, and the most recent one was a survey held in a project on work organisation systems in the automobile industry, its recent historical paths and the special strategies of location of companies (the WorTiS project). This involved several teams with different disciplinary backgrounds and from two Portuguese universities. The provisional main results of the first round of a Delphi survey held in Portugal on the automotive sector were already published, but a further analysis was not yet done. This foresight survey was done under the WorTiS project, developed in 2004 by IET – Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation (at FCT-UNL), and financed by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology. Some of this experience on foresight analysis is also been transferred to other projects, namely the WORKS project on work organisation restructuring in the knowledge society that received the support from EC and still is running. The majority of experts considered having an average of less knowledge in almost all the scenario topics presented. This means that information on the automotive industry is not spread enough among academics or experts in related fields (regional scientists, innovation economists, engineers, sociologists). Some have a good knowledge but in very specialised fields. Others have expertise on foresight, or macroeconomics, or management sciences, but feel insecure on issues related with futures of automobile sector. Nevertheless, we considered specially the topics where the experts considered themselves to have some knowledge. There were no “irrelevant” topics considered as such by the expert panel. There are also no topics that are not considered a need for co-operation. The lack of technological infrastructures was not considered as a hindered factor for the accomplishment of any scenario. The experts’ panel considered no other international competence besides US, Japan or Germany in these topics. Special focus will be made in this paper on the topic 2. Public policy and automobile industries, and more specifically on the technological and/or research policies issues, where one can specify the automobile’s role in transport policies with further implications like environment, safety, energy, mobility.
The Knowledge-based society brought a new way of living and working. The increasing decline of work in primary sector and traditional industries, related with the significant increase of employment in the service sector and in the knowledge work, changed the way companies and individuals establish their relations, the way work and life is organised. These changes are usual and fast and so the feeling of insecurity and unpredictability become more and more sharp. In this context, foresight exercises are necessary tools helping in the identification of the key variables and main trends of evolution. This report will present some foresight studies about work and skills in Europe and USA, in order to contribute to think about possible evolutions and trends.
All every day activities take place in space. And it is upon this that all information and knowledge revolve. The latter are the key elements in the organisation of territories. Their creation, use and distribution should therefore occur in a balanced way throughout the whole territory in order to allow all individuals to participate in an egalitarian society, in which the flow of knowledge can take precedence over the flow of interests. The information society depends, to a large extent, on the technological capacity to disseminate information and, consequently, the knowledge throughout territory, thereby creating conditions which allow a more balanced development, from the both the social and economic points of view thus avoiding the existence of info-exclusion territories. Internet should therefore be considered more than a mere technology, given that its importance goes well beyond the frontiers of culture and society. It is already a part of daily life and of the new forms of thinking and transmitting information, thus making it a basic necessity essential, for a full socio-economic development. Its role as a platform of creation and distribution of content is regarded as an indispensable element for education in today’s society, since it makes information a much more easily acquired benefit.”…in the same way that the new technologies of generation and distribution of energy allowed factories and large companies to establish themselves as the organisational bases of industrial society, so the internet today constitutes the technological base of the organisational form that characterises the Information Era: the network” (CASTELLS, 2004:15). The changes taking place today in regional and urban structures are increasingly more evident due to a combination of factors such as faster means of transport, more efficient telecommunications and other cheaper and more advanced technologies of information and knowledge. Although their impact on society is obvious, society itself also has a strong influence on the evolution of these technologies. And although physical distance has lost much of the responsibility it had towards explaining particular phenomena of the economy and of society, other aspects such as telecommunications, new forms of mobility, the networks of innovation, the internet, cyberspace, etc., have become more important, and are the subject of study and profound analysis. The science of geographical information, allows, in a much more rigorous way, the analysis of problems thus integrating in a much more balanced way, the concepts of place, of space and of time. Among the traditional disciplines that have already found their place in this process of research and analysis, we can give special attention to a geography of new spaces, which, while not being a geography of ‘innovation’, nor of the ‘Internet’, nor even ‘virtual’, which can be defined as one of the ‘Information Society’, encompassing not only the technological aspects but also including a socio-economic approach. According to the last European statistical data, Portugal shows a deficit in terms of information and knowledge dissemination among its European partners. Some of the causes are very well identified - low levels of scholarship, weak investments on innovation and R&D (both private and public sector) - but others seem to be hidden behind socio-economical and technological factors. So, the justification of Portugal as the case study appeared naturally, on a difficult quest to find the major causes to territorial asymmetries. The substantial amount of data needed for this work was very difficult to obtain and for the islands of Madeira and Azores was insufficient, so only Continental Portugal was considered for this study. In an effort to understand the various aspects of the Geography of the Information Society and bearing in mind the increasing generalised use of information technologies together with the range of technologies available for the dissemination of information, it is important to: (i) Reflect on the geography of the new socio-technological spaces. (ii) Evaluate the potential for the dissemination of information and knowledge through the selection of variables that allow us to determine the dynamic of a given territory or region; (iii) Define a Geography of the Information Society in Continental Portugal.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Master Erasmus Mundus Crossways in European Humanities
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
This paper studies the economic and social impact of Faz Música Lisboa on the segment of society that feels from any direct or indirect consequence due to its existence. A qualitative research based on surveys and interviews is made to retract a list of the benefits and costs that each stakeholder perceives. Relying on the quantifiable variables, it is performed a cost-benefit analysis to measure how much the event is “worth” for the community. I conclude this is a viable project, as it brings a positive net benefit to the society, value that could increase with a higher institutional support.
Dissertation presented for the PhD Degree in Education Science – Curricular Theory and Science Teaching, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
RESUMO - A migração transnacional de pessoas tem-se afirmado como um fenómeno global e crescente, provocando, nos diversos contextos nacionais implicados, mudança social e desafios adaptativos das sociedades e instituições. O universo da saúde poderá contudo constituir uma esfera privilegiada de interacção senão de inclusão e coesão social, requestionando os conceitos de cidadania. A sustentação de bons indicadores de saúde, nomeadamente materna e infantil, decorre de estratégias abrangentes de saúde pública e de políticas visionárias que contemplem sempre e também os mais necessitados. Procurando conhecer melhor os contextos em que ocorre o nascimento de recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso, este projecto corresponde a um estudo exploratório na maior maternidade do país, procurando entender a eventual associação de factores de índole social e familiar, nomeadamente ser de origem migrante. --------------------------- ABSTRACT - Transnational migration of people has clearly become a global and growing issue causing, on different national grounds, social change and adaptative challenges to society and its institutions. The health universe may, however, be a privileged scenery for integration and social cohesion making one re-think the concept of citizenship. Keeping up good health statistics, including maternal and child health results from wide public health strategies and fore seeking health policies not disregarding the underprivileged or the less visible fringes of society. Aiming to clarify on what context very low birth weight happens this project consists mainly in an explorative study on the biggest maternity in Portugal. Social and familiar factors are screened for possible association with migrant origin in ver
RESUMO - Contexto: A osteoporose é uma doença sistémica associada à diminuição da resistência óssea que condiciona o aparecimento de fracturas por traumatismos de baixa energia as quais reduzem em muitos casos a esperança e a qualidade de vida, implicando um elevado número de horas de dedicação dos cuidadores e conduzindo, em muitos casos, à necessidade de institucionalização dos doentes. Em Portugal, ocorrem cerca de 40.000 fracturas anualmente, das quais 8.500 do fémur proximal, que se estima consumirem mais de 50 milhões de euros só em cuidados hospitalares1. Objectivo: Avaliar o impacto económico da institucionalização na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados e Lares da 3ª idade por fractura de etiologia osteoporótica em mulheres no ano 2009, em Portugal. Métodos: O estudo começa por analisar sucintamente os aspectos clínicos, sociais e epidemiológicos da osteoporose, focando a perda de autonomia e qualidade de vida dos doentes vítimas deste episódio e a subsequente necessidade de institucionalização. Descrevem-se os custos associados à institucionalização na RNCCI, em Portugal, ano 2009, utilizando como fonte principal a base de dados da instituição “Gestcare CCI”, complementada com dados da literatura. Apuram-se os custos totais associados ao encaminhamento dos doentes para Lares de 3ª Idade em Portugal no ano 2009, utilizando-se informação proveniente de um painel de Delphi modificado e dados da literatura. A valorização dos recursos tem por base os preços em vigor no território nacional, expressos nos decretos-lei devidamente referenciados. Resultados: No ano 2009 em Portugal foram empregues cerca de 2,5 milhões de euros no internamento das mulheres na RNCCI, na perspectiva da sociedade, sendo cerca de 2,2 milhões atribuíveis à osteoporose (90%). Cerca de 91% dos custos totais são alocados à fractura osteoporótica da anca (2 milhões €). Para a fractura vertebral, úmero e punho os custos foram mais baixos - 7,1%, 1,3% e 1% dos custos totais da osteoporose, respectivamente. Nos Lares de 3ª idade, estimou-se a admissão de aproximadamente 14.372 doentes com fractura osteoporótica em diferentes localizações, em 2009, Portugal, com um custo que oscilou entre os 19 e os 21,6 milhões de euros. A fractura osteoporótica da anca foi a mais incidente e a que representou custos mais elevados para a Segurança Social – entre 17,5 e 19,7 milhões de euros. Considerando como referência os 52 milhões de euros gastos em 2006 no tratamento hospitalar da fractura da anca (DGS, 2006), o encaminhamento das mulheres para a RNCCI e Lares da 3ª Idade corresponde a 42% do bolo total. Assim, os resultados nacionais enquadram-se no que se encontra descrito na literatura internacional - os custos atribuíveis à hospitalização oscilaram entre 17%50 e 63%29 da despesa total da doença e das institucionalizações entre os 16%58 e os 59%51. Conclusões: Em Portugal o impacto económico da institucionalização por fractura osteoporótica, sobretudo por fractura da anca, não é desprezável e mostra que existiriam poupanças significativas se fosse possível reduzir a prevalência da doença em Portugal. Face às alterações demográficas associadas ao envelhecimento da população, é expectável que a incidência e custos com o tratamento das fracturas do colo do fémur, mais associadas à osteoporose, venham a subir nos próximos anos, pelo que o combate à doença deve ser considerada uma prioridade nacional. A decisão pela opção por determinados programas de prevenção da doença ou da comparticipação ou não de determinada terapêutica necessita contudo de ser complementada com a medição da dimensão dos benefícios terapêuticos. --- ABSTRACT - Background: Osteoporosis is a systemic disease associated with the loss off the bone strength and it is one of the major causes of low energy fractures, which in many cases reduce life hope and quality. This happens because it has associated extensive treatments and it usually carries loss of independence, implying many hours of caregivers dedication and leading, in many cases, to the institutionalization of the patients. In Portugal, about 40,000 fractures occur annually, which 8,500 are proximal femur, and that are estimated to consume over 50 million euros only in hospital care. Objective: Evaluate the economic impact of institutionalization on the Integrated Continued Care National Network (RNCCI) and Care Homes associated to osteoporotic fractures in women, in the year 2009 in Portugal. Methods: The study begins by reviewing briefly the clinical, social, and epidemiological studies of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures, focusing on the patient autonomy loss and life quality. The total and average costs per episode associated with the institutionalization in RNCCI are described, in Portugal, year 2009, using as main data source the application "Gestcare CCI", complemented with literature data. The total costs associated with the patients referral for the Care Homes in Portugal in 2009 is also calculated, using information from a modified Delphi panel and some literature data. The resources valuation is based on prices prevailing in Portugal. Results: In 2009, women relocation in RNCCI consumed approximately 2.5 million euros, which 2.2 million are attributable to osteoporosis (90%). About 91% of the total costs are allocated to osteoporotic hip fracture (€ 2 million). For vertebral, humerus, and wrist fracture, the associated costs were lower, 7.1%, 1.3%, and 1% of total costs of osteoporosis treatment, respectively. In Care Homes, an intake of approximately 14 372 patients with osteoporotic fracture was estimated, at a cost that is between 19 and 21.6 million euros. The osteoporotic hip fracture was the most frequent and represented higher costs for Social Security - between 17.5 and 19.7 million euros. Taking as reference the 52 million spent in 2006 with hospital treatment of hip fracture (DGS, 2006), referring women to RNCCI and Care Homes represents 42% of the total costs. The results are in accordance with the international literature - costs attributable to hospitalization ranged between 17% and 63% of total expenditure of illness and institutionalization between 16% and 59%. Conclusions: In Portugal, the economic impact of institutionalization for osteoporotic fracture, particularly for hip fracture, is not negligible. It was shown that there would be significant savings if it were possible to reduce the prevalence of the disease in Portugal. Femoral fractures were the second most frequent diagnosis in RNCCI in 2008 and 2009 (16% of all episodes recorded). The execution of RNCCI in 2008 was 75 million euros, and 2.7% consumed by hip fracture and 0.3% by wrist, humerus, and spine fractures. The average cost per episode in 2009, from the perspective of society, for hip fracture, vertebral, humerus, and wrist (or non-osteoporotic) was € 5,195, € 5,160, € 5,030, and € 4,854 respectively. Thus, considering an average cost per episode in RNCCI from January to March of 3230€, the expense related to the treatment of these patients in RNCCI in 2009 was higher. For the Care Homes, an intake of approximately 14 372 patients with osteoporotic fracture in 2009 was estimated, at a cost to Social Security that ranged from 19 to 21.6 million €. The osteoporotic hip fracture was the most frequent and it was shown to absorve higher resources from Social Security - between 17.5 and 19.7 million €. This was followed by the analysis of vertebral and humerus fracture and the results showed that these fractures have a low incidence and low proportion of institutionalization, with a significantly lower cost - only about 4.7% and 3.3% of total expenditure, respectively. With demographic changes associated to ageing, it is expected that the incidence and treatment cost of the femoral neck fractures, more commonly associated with osteoporosis, will climb in coming years, so the fight against the disease should be considered a national priority. The decision to choose a certain disease prevention program or to reimburse a certain drug not should only account about the costs, but also the benefits of it. In fact, the size and impact of this problem, makes it necessary to focus all interventions in the prevention of these episodes either by using an appropriate therapy, either through real programs for disease prevention. Once the problem is installed, we must measure the health gains associated with the patient institutionalization by conducting additional research.
With the emergence of a global division of labour, the internationalisation of markets and cultures, the growing power of supranational organisations and the spread of new information technologies to every field of life, it starts to appear a different kind of society, different from the industrial society, and called by many as ‘the knowledge-based economy’, emphasizing the importance of information and knowledge in many areas of work and organisation of societies. Despite the common trends of evolution, these transformations do not necessarily produce a convergence of national and regional social and economic structures, but a diversity of realities emerging from the relations between economic and political context on one hand and the companies and their strategies on the other. In this sense, which future can we expect to the knowledge economy? How can we measure it and why is it important? This paper will present some results from the European project WORKS – Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society (6th Framework Programme), focusing the future visions and possible future trends in different countries, sectors and industries, given empirical evidences of the case studies applied in several European countries, underling the importance of foresight exercises to design policies, prevent uncontrolled risks and anticipate alternatives, leading to different ‘knowledge economies’ and not to the ‘knowled
Portugal, having responsibilities at European level, needs to ensure compliance with European standards, particularly with regard to the European Security Plan for Critical Infrastructures. National critical infrastructures should be a focus of attention with regard to the management of public risks, since these represent "a set of services that are essential to the functioning of the country and the functioning of the forces that ensure national defense." (Soares, 2008) This contribution on national critical infrastructures (CI) has the essential objective of clarifying the development of the strategy adopted by Portugal in pursuit of the security of these fundamental infrastructures. The goal lies not only through producing a descriptive document, but also carry a brief confrontation between the legal framework related to these subjects and the reality in which the Critical Infrastructure Operators and the National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC) operate. It is intended, in this sense, to understand the development of the project for the national security program of critical infrastructures and what effects of its measures on operators. As for the methodology, we followed a methodological strategy, where we combine the literature with data obtained through semi-structured interviews. Portugal, being a geographically peripheral country and having no record of incidents capable of causing major contingencies in key services for the normal development of society, does not have a structured and regulator plan that substantiates the need for operators responsible for CI to invest in security. This same approach is expected at the State level, believing that even though this theme has be widely explored by international institutions, Portugal has not yet tried to give the attention it deserves. Without the existence of an institution and a regulatory system, CI operators can become less available to comply with the legal framework.
Currently, Portugal assumes itself as a democratic rule of substantive law State, sustained by a legal system seeking the right balance between the guarantee of fundamental rights and freedoms constitutional foreseen in Portugal’s Fundamental Law and criminal persecution. The architecture of the penal code lies with, roughly speaking, a accusatory basic structure, “deliberately attached to one of the most remarkable achievements of the civilizational democratic progress, and by obedience to the constitutional commandment”, in balance with the official investigation principle, valid both for the purpose of prosecution and trial. Regarding the principle of non self-incrimination - nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare, briefly defined as the defendant’s right of not being obliged to contribute to the self-incrimination, it should be stressed that there isn’t an explicit consecration in the Portuguese Constitution, being commonly accepted in an implicit constitutional prediction and deriving from other constitutional rights and principles, first and foremost, the meaning and scope of the concept of democratic rule of Law State, embedded in the Fundamental Law, and in the guidelines of the constitutional principles of human person dignity, freedom of action and the presumption of innocence. In any case, about the (in) applicability of the principle of the prohibition of self-incrimination to the Criminal Police Bodies in the trial hearing in Court, and sharing an idea of Guedes Valente, the truth is that the exercise of criminal action must tread a transparent path and non-compliant with methods to obtain evidence that violate the law, the public order or in violation of democratic principles and loyalty (Guedes Valente, 2013, p. 484). Within the framework of the penal process relating to the trial, which is assumed as the true phase of the process, the witness represents a relevant figure for the administration of criminal justice, for the testimonial proof is, in the idea of Othmar Jauernig, the worst proof of evidence, but also being the most frequent (Jauernig, 1998, p. 289). As coadjutant of the Public Prosecutor and, in specific cases, the investigating judge, the Criminal Police Bodies are invested with high responsibility, being "the arms and eyes of Judicial Authorities in pursuing the criminal investigation..." which has as ultimate goal the fulfillment of the Law pursuing the defense of society" (Guedes Valente, 2013, p. 485). It is in this context and as a witness that, throughout operational career, the Criminal Police Bodies are required to be at the trial hearing and clarify the Court with its view about the facts relating to occurrences of criminal context, thus contributing very significantly and, in some cases, decisively for the proper administration of the portuguese criminal justice. With regards to the intervention of Criminal Police Bodies in the trial hearing in Court, it’s important that they pay attention to a set of standards concerning the preparation of the testimony, the very provision of the testimony and, also, to its conclusion. Be emphasized that these guidelines may become crucial for the quality of the police testimony at the trial hearing, thus leading to an improvement of the enforcement of justice system. In this vein, while preparing the testimony, the Criminal Police Bodies must present itself in court with proper clothing, to read before and carefully the case files, to debate the facts being judged with other Criminal Police Bodies and prepare potential questions. Later, while giving his testimony during the trial, the Criminal Police Bodies must, summing up, to take the oath in a convincing manner, to feel comfortable, to start well by convincingly answering the first question, keep an attitude of serenity, to adopt an attitude of collaboration, to avoid the reading of documents, to demonstrate deference and seriousness before the judicial operators, to use simple and objective language, to adopt a fluent speech, to use nonverbal language correctly, to avoid spontaneity responding only to what is asked, to report only the truth, to avoid hesitations and contradictions, to be impartial and to maintain eye contact with the judge. Finally, at the conclusion of the testimony, the Criminal Police Bodies should rise in a smooth manner, avoiding to show relief, resentment or satisfaction, leaving a credible and professional image and, without much formality, requesting the judge permission to leave the courtroom. As final note, it’s important to stress that "The intervention of the Police Criminal Bodies in the trial hearing in Court” encloses itself on a theme of crucial importance not only for members of the Police and Security Forces, who must welcome this subject with the utmost seriousness and professionalism, but also for the proper administration of the criminal justice system in Portugal.
The challenge of this work is to assess the importance of the municipal police in improving the safety of citizens, if gauging from this reality through contributions from the Municipal Police Guimarães. The IV Constitutional Review in 1997, enabled the Portuguese municipalities creating administrative police bodies. These services, known as Municipal Police, have gradually come up in several municipalities. Currently the Municipal Police have their fundamental legal regulations of Law No. 19/2004 of 20 May, which, according to the Portuguese Constitution provides that these must be seen as municipal services, which act in a space territorially delimited, which corresponds to the municipality that each belongs. Under Article 237, paragraph 3, of the Constitution, the Municipal Police are municipal services, which shall cooperate in the maintenance of public order and protection of local communities, acting in cooperation with the security forces, public security functions. The safety concept has been taking an increasingly significant importance within the population. Is also no doubt say that, currently, insecurity affects all of society and is a major concern of law enforcement authorities. To find suitable answers we found that there are several studies on these subjects. In order to be able to make our contribution, text looks us on this subject, having had the support of the Municipal Police Guimarães, in the preparation of this work. Thus, based on a survey, they were sounded out, as privileged actors, agents of the Municipal Police Guimarães, in order to know their perceptions with regard to security issues faced in the context of security. We understand ask them to answer in particular the following questions: What are the most facilitators situations of crime? How important is the Municipal Police Guimarães in crime prevention? What are the strategies for prevention of incivilities? What other skills that can be conferred upon the Municipal Police? The results obtained allowed us to conclude that incivilities facilitate the occurrence of crimes and that the Municipal Police may have a more active role in the security of the population. If you were given other duties, in addition to that already have, the Municipal Police could reach another level of effectiveness. However we understand that any change to the tasks of this police need a serious and profound reflection, to find complementary alternatives with the security forces, which does not conflict with current assignments of any of the parties or with the interests of citizens.