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Separata do Tomo XXXVIII das Memories da Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa (Classe de Ciencias)


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática


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The Setúbal and São Vicente canyons are two major modern submarine canyons located in the southwest Iberian margin of Portugal. Although recognised as Pliocene to Quaternary features, their development during the Tertiary has not been fully understood up to date. A grid of 2D seismic data has been used to characterise the sedimentary deposits of the adjacent flanks to the submarine canyons. The relationship between the geological structure of the margin and the canyon's present location has been investigated. The interpretation of the main seismic units allowed the recognition of three generations of ravinements probably originated after middle Oligocene. Six units grouped in two distinctive seismic sequences have been identified and correlated with offshore stratigraphic data. Seismic Sequence 2 (SS2), the oldest, overlies Mesozoic and upper Eocene deformed units. Seismic Sequence I (SS1) is composed of four different seismic packages separated from SS2 by an erosional surface. The base of the studied sediment ridges is marked by an extensive erosional surface derived from a early/middle Oligocene relative sea-level fall. Deposition in the adjacent area to the actual canyons was reinitiated in late Oligocene in the form of transgressive and channel-fill deposits. A new depositional hiatus is recorded onshore during the Burdigalian, coincident with the unconformity separating SS1 and SS2. This can be correlated with the Arrábida unconformity and with the paroxysmal Burdigalian phase of the Betic domain. Presently, the Setúbal and São Vicente submarine canyons locally cut SS1 and SS2, forming distinctive channels from those recognised on the seismic data. On the upper shelf both dissect highly deformed areas subject to important erosion.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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The post-graduation in the field of Technology Assessment (TA) is recent and that are several and different ways to be organised. Most experiences are related with the Masters diplom level (2nd cycle of graduation in high education). Just one in PhD level is explicit in the field of TA, and some other PhD courses include also TA topics in their programme structure. In this chapter we will analyse the problems related with the design of a post-graduation (MA, MSc or PhD) programme in the field of TA using as reference some international experiences. Hereby, the main conclusion seems to address labour market needs in the specialised knowledge of TA, of technology management or technology innovation. In this sense TA should be included as “minor” into post-graduation courses which may range from engineering disciplines to social sciences. As a graduation programme it can fill an expertise gap between technicians, engineers, scientists and the strategic decision makers or policy makers.


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A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Arts


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IET Working Papers Series No. WPS09/2010


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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RESUMO: A atividade física (AF) surge como uma estratégia constante no combate aos efeitos nefastos do envelhecimento e nesse sentido, surgem recomendações, mundialmente aceites, de que os idosos deverão realizar pelo menos 150 minutos de atividade moderada por semana, aumentar as atividades ligeiras e reduzir os comportamentos sedentários (ACSM, 2010). Contudo não sabemos se os idosos cumprem ou não estas recomendações e ao que corresponde objetivamente aumentar os níveis de atividade ligeira e diminuir os comportamentos sedentários: que proporção ocupam ou deverão ocupar na vida dos idosos? Os benefícios da AF são vastos e amplamente aceites, nomeadamente ao nível da melhoria da autoperceção de saúde (ApS) e redução da dor, no entanto, desconhece-se a relação existente entre o nível de AF e estas variáveis e o estudo desta relação revela-se de extrema importância tendo em conta o seu impacto na funcionalidade, bem-estar e qualidade de vida do idoso. Objetivo: Caracterizar os níveis de AF e os comportamentos sedentários de indivíduos com mais de 75 anos e analisar a sua relação com a auto-perceção de saúde e a dor. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de correlação, com uma amostra constituída por 66 participantes, com média de idade de 80.1 (±3.83) anos. As variáveis em estudo foram o nível de AF, os comportamentos sedentários, a ApS e a dor. Foi aplicado um protocolo de avaliação, constituído por um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e do nível de AF, o Yale Física Activity Survey (YPAS), o MOS Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12) e a Escala Numérica de Dor. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram que os participantes despendiam em média 50% do seu tempo semanal em comportamentos sedentários; 38.5% em atividades ligeiras e 480.23 minutos, ou seja, 11%, em atividades moderadas. Verificou-se uma relação positiva e estatisticamente significativa entre a ApS geral e a quantidade de AF moderada (Rs=0.490,p=0.000), o gasto total energético semanal (Rs=0.231, p=0.031), a pontuação de caminhada (Rs=0.422, p=0.000) e a pontuação de movimento (Rs=0.313, p=0.005); uma associação negativa, estatisticamente significativa, entre a dor e a pontuação de posição de pé (Rs=-0.305,p=0.006); e entre a pontuação de posição de sentado do YPAS e a ApS geral (Rs=-0.342,p=0.003). Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que os participantes ocupavam metade da sua semana em comportamentos sedentários, contudo em termos da quantidade de AF moderada vão de encontro aos mínimos propostos pelas guidelines internacionais para se obter benefícios de saúde. No entanto, a distribuição, quer em termos de intensidade como de frequência, destas atividades ao longo da semana poderá não ser a mais adequada. O presente estudo aponta ainda para a existência de uma relação positiva entre o nível de AF e a ApS, ou seja, na nossa amostra um maior nível de AF estava associado a uma melhor ApS; uma relação negativa entre o nível de AF e a dor, um maior nível de AF estava também associado a uma menor intensidade de dor; e uma relação negativa entre os comportamentos sedentários e a ApS, ou seja, na amostra de utentes, com mais de 75 anos, em estudo, um score mais elevado de comportamentos sedentários estava associado a uma pior ApS.---------ABSTRACT: Background: Physical activity (PA) has been widely pointed as an answer to overcome aging’s negative impact. In this sense, recommendations have arise supporting that older adults should perform, at least, 150 minutes of moderate intensity PA per week, increase their light intensity PA and decrease sedentary behaviours (ACSM, 2010). Nevertheless, it is unclear whether older adults reach these recommendations or not and, also, what exactly means to increase light intensity PA and to reduce sedentary behaviours: which proportion they fill or should fill in older adults life? PA’s benefits are extensive and widely accepted, namely improvements in self-related health (SRH) and pain reduction, however, the relation between these variables and PA level and sedentary behaviours is still unknown, and we find it extremely important to clarify the nature of this relation considering its impact on older adults functional level, wellbeing and quality of life. Purpose: Characterize older adults, over 75 years old, PA levels and sedentary behaviours and to investigate its relation to self-rated health and pain. Methods: We conducted a descriptive-correlational study, with a geographic convenience sample of 66 participants with a mean age of 80.1 (±3.83) years. Our study variables were PA level, sedentary behaviours, SRH and pain. We applied an assessment protocol, including a socio-demographic and PA level questionnaire, Yale Physical Activity Survey (YPAS), MOS Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12) and Numeric Pain Scale. Results: Revealed that participants spent an average of 50% of their total weekly time in sedentary behaviours; 38.5% in light intensity PA; and 480.23 minutes per week, meaning 11.04%, in moderate intensity PA. We encountered a positive relation, with statistical significance, between global SRH and moderate intensity PA amount (Rs=0.490, p=0.000), total energy expenditure (Rs=0.231, p=0.031), walking score (Rs=0.422, p=0.000) and movement score (Rs=0.313, p=0.005); a negative association, with statistical significance, between pain and standing score (Rs=-0.305, p=0.006); and between sitting score and global SRH (Rs=-0.342,p=0.003). Conclusions: Our results unveil that the subjects in our sample spent half of their week in sedentary behaviours, nonetheless they met moderate intensity PA recommendations to obtain health benefits. However, activities distribution, regarding both its intensity and frequency, throughout the week might not be the most appropriate. This study points towards the existence of a positive relation between PA level and SRH, meaning that, in our sample, a higher PA level was associated to a better SRH; a negative relation between PA level and pain, i.e. a higher PA level was associated to less pain; and a negative relation between sedentary behaviours and SRH, meaning that a higher sitting score was associated to a worse SRH, in the sample of older adults over 75 years in study.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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RESUMO: As Análises Clínicas são um precioso elemento entre os meios complementares de diagnóstico e terapêutica permitindo uma enorme panóplia de informações sobre o estado de saúde de determinado utente. O objetivo do laboratório é fornecer informação analítica sobre as amostras biológicas, sendo esta caracterizada pela sua fiabilidade, relevância e facultada em tempo útil. Assim, tratando-se de saúde, e mediante o propósito do laboratório, é notória a sua importância, bem como, a dos fatores associados para o cumprimento do mesmo. O bom desenrolar do ciclo laboratorial, compreendido pelas fases pré-analítica, analítica e pós-analítica é crucial para que o objetivo do laboratório seja cumprido com rigor e rapidez. O presente trabalho “O Erro na Fase Pré-Analítica: Amostras Não Conformes versus Procedimentos”, enquadrado no mestrado de Qualidade e Organização no Laboratório de Análises Clínicas, pretendeu enfatizar a importância da fase pré- analítica, sendo ela apontada como a primordial em erros que acabam por atrasar a saída de resultados ou por permitir que os mesmos não sejam fidedignos como se deseja, podendo acarretar falsos diagnósticos e decisões clínicas erradas. Esta fase, iniciada no pedido médico e finalizada com a chegada das amostras biológicas ao laboratório está entregue a uma diversidade de procedimentos que acarretam, por si só, uma grande diversidade de intervenientes, para além de uma variabilidade de factores que influenciam a amostra e seus resultados. Estes fatores, que podem alterar de algum modo a “veracidade” dos resultados analíticos, devem ser identificados e tidos em consideração para que estejamos convitos que os resultados auxiliam diagnósticos precisos e uma avaliação correta do estado do utente. As colheitas que por quaisquer divergências não originam amostras que cumpram o objectivo da sua recolha, não estando por isso em conformidade com o pretendido, constituem uma importante fonte de erro para esta fase pré-analítica. Neste estudo foram consultados os dados relativos a amostras de sangue e urina não conformes detetadas no laboratório, em estudo, durante o 1º trimestre de 2012, para permitir conhecer o tipo de falhas que acontecem e a sua frequência. Aos Técnicos de Análises Clínicas, colaboradores do laboratório, foi-lhes pedido que respondessem a um questionário sobre os seus procedimentos quotidianos e constituíssem, assim, a população desta 2ª parte do projeto. Preenchido e devolvido de forma anónima, este questionário pretendeu conhecer os procedimentos na tarefa de executar colheitas e, hipoteticamente, confrontá-los com as amostras não conformes verificadas. No 1ºsemestre de 2012 e num total de 25319 utentes registaram-se 146 colheitas que necessitaram de repetição por se verificarem não conformes. A “amostra não colhida” foi a não conformidade mais frequente (50%) versus a “má identificação” que registou somente 1 acontecimento. Houve ainda não conformidades que não se registaram como “preparação inadequada” e “amostra mal acondicionada”. Os técnicos revelaram-se profissionais competentes, conhecedores das tarefas a desempenhar e preocupados em executá-las com qualidade. Eliminar o erro não estará, seguramente, ao nosso alcance porém admitir a sua presença, detetá-lo e avaliar a sua frequência fará com que possamos diminuir a sua existência e melhorar a qualidade na fase pré-analítica, atribuindo-lhe a relevância que desempenha no processo laboratorial.-----------ABSTRACT:Clinical analyses are a precious element among diagnostic and therapeutic tests as they allow an enormous variety of information on the state of health of a user. The aim of the laboratory is to supply reliable, relevant and timely analytical information on biological samples. In health-related matters, in accordance with the objective of the laboratory, their importance is vital, as is the assurance that all the tools are in place for the fulfillment of its purpose. A good laboratory cycle, which includes the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases, is crucial in fulfilling the laboratory’s mission rapidly and efficiently. The present work - "Error in the pre-analytical phase: non-compliant samples versus procedures”, as part of the Master’s in Quality and Organization in the Clinical Analyses Laboratory, wishes to emphasize the importance of the pre-analytical phase, as the phase containing most errors which eventually lead to delays in the issue of results, or the one which enables those results not to be as reliable as desired, which can lead to false diagnosis and wrong clinical decisions. This phase, which starts with the medical request and ends with the arrival of the biological samples to the laboratory, entails a variety of procedures, which require the intervention of different players, not to mention a great number of factors, which influence the sample and the results. These factors, capable of somehow altering the “truth” of the analytical results, must be identified and taken into consideration so that we may ensure that the results help to make precise diagnoses and a correct evaluation of the user’s condition. Those collections which, due to any type of differences, do not originate samples capable of fulfilling their purpose, and are therefore not compliant with the objective, constitute an important source of error in this pre-analytical phase. In the present study, we consulted data from non-compliant blood and urine samples, detected at the laboratory during the 1st quarter of 2012, to find out the type of faults that happen and their frequency. The clinical analysis technicians working at the laboratory were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their daily procedures, forming in this way the population for this second part of the project. Completed and returned anonymously, this questionnaire intended to investigate the procedures for collections and, hypothetically, confront them with the verified non-compliant samples. In the first semester of 2012, and out of a total of 25319 users, 146 collections had to be repeated due to non-compliance. The “uncollected sample” was the most frequent non-compliance (>50%) versus “incorrect identification” which had only one occurrence. There were also unregistered non-compliance issues such as “inadequate preparation” and “inappropriately packaged sample”. The technicians proved to be competent professionals, with knowledge of the tasks they have to perform and eager to carry them out efficiently. We will certainly not be able to eliminate error, but recognizing its presence, detecting it and evaluating its frequency will help to decrease its occurrence and improve quality in the pre-analytical phase, giving it the relevance it has within the laboratory process.


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This thesis focused on the study and treatment of a 19th century female portrait in oil from ECOMUSEU Municipal do Seixal, Portugal. The portrait, which depicts Isabel Maria Lourenço Affonso was in poor condition and a large strip of paint and canvas was missing (approximately 9cm by 66cm, almost 11% of the total surface area). The portrait is a companion piece to a male portrait (the relationship was established as part of this study), therefore a technical study of both paintings was considered essential to support the choices made during the treatment. The project involved three main areas: - The study of the history, condition, materials and techniques of both paintings. This allowed their comparison and understanding of their relationship; - The treatment of Isabel Maria Lourenço Affonso. The choices made and problems encountered are described. - The production of a replacement for the missing strip of paint and canvas. The practical solution developed to overcome such an unusual challenge is described along with the creative and flexible thinking required. Because not all traditional infill materials cope well on a mechanical level with thin layers over a very large surface (many are too brittle), strict criteria had to be employed to choose the appropriate material. The primary goal was to find a fill which would remain flexible and be capable of accepting surface texture, such that there would be a good visual match with the painting. Analysis and testing was carried out to evaluate the physical properties of the fill material chosen, BEVA® Gesso-P. The successful creation of the replacement strip has resulted in two publications and one presentation: Publication pending in The Picture Restorer, Leslie Carlyle, Raquel Marques, Isabel Pombo Cardoso and Sara Babo, “Creating a Textured Replacement Strip for the Missing Lower Portion of an Oil Portrait: Problem Solving and Practical Solutions”. Abstract accepted for presentation and publication, International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage (2RECH), Raquel Marques, Leslie Carlyle and Isabel Pombo Cardoso, “Textured Replacement Strip for a Missing Portion of a Portrait: Problem Solving and Practical Solutions”.