12 resultados para cracking.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
Journal of Human Evolution, V. 55, pp. 148-163
No presente trabalho foram realizadas análises à degradação térmica e catalítica do polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD), de resíduos plásticos de cabos eléctricos e do hidrocarboneto n-C50. Analisou-se, ainda, a influência do n-C50 na degradação catalítica dos resíduos de cabos eléctricos, variando as proporções da mistura cabos/C50. Para isso, usaram-se simultaneamente as técnicas de Termogravimetria (TGA) e Calorimetria Diferencial de Varrimento (DSC), sob atmosfera inerte. No estudo em causa utilizou-se o zeólito ZSM-5 como catalisador de partida. Posteriormente submeteu-se o zeólito a tratamentos de dessilicação, variando a concentração da solução básica empregue durante o tratamento alcalino. Procedeu-se à caracterização textural dos zeólitos através da adsorção de azoto, e à caracterização da acidez pela técnica de termodessorção a temperatura programada. Averiguou-se o efeito da dessilicação dos zeólitos na pirólise catalítica do PEAD, resíduos de cabos eléctricos e C50. Verificou-se que a dessilicação conduziu a um aumento da mesoporosidade e da área de superfície externa, sem ocorrerem alterações significativas na microporosidade. O tratamento de dessilicação dos zeólitos conduziu a um aumento da sua actividade durante a pirólise catalítica dos resíduos de cabos eléctricos e do n-C50, diminuindo a temperatura de degradação catalítica dos mesmos. Constatou-se que a presença de hidrocarboneto baixou a temperatura de degradação catalítica dos resíduos de cabos eléctricos, melhorando a actividade do zeólito. Analogamente os resíduos de cabos eléctricos também aceleraram a degradação catalítica do n-C50, isto é, o hidrocarboneto, na presença dos resíduos, inicia a sua degradação catalítica a uma temperatura inferior comparativamente a quando se encontra isolado.
Cultural innovation and transmission of tool use in wild chimpanzees:evidence from field experiments
Animal Cognition, V.6, pp. 213-223
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 1-17
This work is a contribution to the definition and assessment of structural robustness. Special emphasis is given to reliability of reinforced concrete structures under corrosion of longitudinal reinforcement. On this communication several authors’ proposals in order to define and measure structural robustness are analyzed and discussed. The probabilistic based robustness index is defined, considering the reliability index decreasing for all possible damage levels. Damage is considered as the corrosion level of the longitudinal reinforcement in terms of rebar weight loss. Damage produces changes in both cross sectional area of rebar and bond strength. The proposed methodology is illustrated by means of an application example. In order to consider the impact of reinforcement corrosion on failure probability growth, an advanced methodology based on the strong discontinuities approach and an isotropic continuum damage model for concrete is adopted. The methodology consist on a two-step analysis: on the first step an analysis of the cross section is performed in order to capture phenomena such as expansion of the reinforcement due to the corrosion products accumulation and damage and cracking in the reinforcement surrounding concrete; on the second step a 2D deteriorated structural model is built with the results obtained on the first step of the analysis. The referred methodology combined with a Monte Carlo simulation is then used to compute the failure probability and the reliability index of the structure for different corrosion levels. Finally, structural robustness is assessed using the proposed probabilistic index.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de Estruturas
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energia e Bioenergia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energia e Bioenergia
The main purpose of the present dissertation is the simulation of the response of fibre grout strengthened RC panels when subjected to blast effects using the Applied Element Method, in order to validate and verify its applicability. Therefore, four experimental models, three of which were strengthened with a cement-based grout, each reinforced by one type of steel reinforcement, were tested against blast effects. After the calibration of the experimental set-up, it was possible to obtain and compare the response to the blast effects of the model without strengthening (reference model), and a fibre grout strengthened RC panel (strengthened model). Afterwards, a numerical model of the reference model was created in the commercial software Extreme Loading for Structures, which is based on the Applied Element Method, and calibrated to the obtained experimental results, namely to the residual displacement obtained by the experimental monitoring system. With the calibration verified, it is possible to assume that the numerical model correctly predicts the response of fibre grout RC panels when subjected to blast effects. In order to verify this assumption, the strengthened model was modelled and subjected to the blast effects of the corresponding experimental set-up. The comparison between the residual and maximum displacements and the bottom surface’s cracking obtained in the experimental and the numerical tests yields a difference of 4 % for the maximum displacements of the reference model, and a difference of 4 and 10 % for the residual and maximum displacements of the strengthened model, respectively. Additionally, the cracking on the bottom surface of the models was similar in both methods. Therefore, one can conclude that the Applied ElementMethod can correctly predict and simulate the response of fibre grout strengthened RC panels when subjected to blast effects.