6 resultados para Testemunha


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Study of the problems involved in the application of the right of refusal to testify (Article 134. º CPP) to criminal charges of domestic violence, namely in situations of violence between spouses. Drawing attention, to some of the contingencies of the exercise of the right of refusal in such proceedings, a matter never before examined under Portuguese law, and also to the need to reconsider, based on the North American experience, the application of the law in these cases.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Informação e da Documentação


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Sem pretender, já que não é esse o objecto do nosso estudo, sistematizar razões para que tal asserção seja uma realidade geralmente indiscutida, duas constatações parecem perfilar-se quando avaliamos o conjunto da produção cultural então realizada. Em primeiro lugar, e numa perspectiva comparada, a chamada “cultura dos príncipes de Avis” representa um dos raros momentos em que a criação cultural parece escapar à “fatalidade” da periferia, que condiciona a cultura portuguesa ao longo dos séculos, numa sintonia com o que se fazia noutras terras e noutros lugares que ainda hoje em certos aspectos surpreende. Em segundo lugar, ao situar-se decisivamente num meio social bem definido –a corte régia– pela primeira vez se desenha de forma nítida em Portugal o papel da corte na produção de modelos culturais, facto que testemunha a profunda mutação então em marcha relativamente ao quase absoluto predomínio, no quadro medieval, de uma cultura clerical produzida em meio monástico, e anuncia o lugar da corte na criação e na vida cultural ao longo da Época Moderna. Aliás, o lugar que o livro e a cultura letrada iam ganhando na corte de Avis com o exemplo dos próprios príncipes exprimia, de modo mais amplo, a forma como a aristocracia progressivamente integrava, a par das armas, o interesse pelas letras, num processo que deve ser visto num âmbito peninsular, dado o relevo das relações culturais na primeira metade do século XV, depois de alcançada a paz, entre a corte de Avis e a corte castelhana (Freitas de Carvalho 77-82; Monteiro 89-103; Santos 243-74; Salazar 215-26).


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No termo das comemorações dos duzentos anos da Guerra Peninsular (1808-1814), este trabalho propõe-se trazer uma reflexão sobre a ocupação de Lisboa pelo exército francês, comandado pelo general Jean-Andoche Junot, e a luta do povo da cidade contra as forças napoleónicas, durante um período de nove meses, entre 30 de Novembro de 1807 e 30 de Agosto de 1808. A cidade de Lisboa foi personagem principal e testemunha dos acontecimentos que marcaram a ocupação militar francesa, cujos participantes foram, em primeiro lugar a população de Lisboa, com maior relevo para o povo simples, mas também outros estratos da população que, em menor ou maior grau, sofreram igualmente as difíceis condições criadas pela presença militar estrangeira. A importância do papel que Lisboa viria a desempenhar nestas difíceis circunstâncias, justifica o relevo que foi dado ao período da sua ocupação pelo exército francês, através das diversas formas de que se revestia a vida na cidade, nos seus aspectos sociais e culturais, incluindo, além da sua morfologia urbana, a vida social e cultural, os hábitos e tradições, as condições de vida, os entretenimentos e as instituições que identificavam a cidade. Em seguida, estabelecemos as circunstâncias em que a cidade se encontrava nesse último mês de Dezembro de 1807, com a retirada para o Brasil do Príncipe Regente D. João, acompanhado pela família real, a corte e a maioria da primeira nobreza do país, coincidindo com a entrada das tropas francesas em Lisboa. Finalmente, abordámos as consequências destes acontecimentos para a população, cuja manifestação se evidenciou no sentimento de perda e na fraqueza de ânimo por ela sentidos. Por último, sublinha-se o papel desempenhado pela imprensa portuguesa da época que, embora pouco representativa em número, conseguiu um efeito mobilizador junto de largas camadas da população, transformando-se num dos principais veículos da sustentação da luta contra o ocupante francês, através não apenas da imprensa periódica mas, igualmente, dos panfletos anti-napoleónicos que se imprimiram e distribuíram às centenas.


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Currently, Portugal assumes itself as a democratic rule of substantive law State, sustained by a legal system seeking the right balance between the guarantee of fundamental rights and freedoms constitutional foreseen in Portugal’s Fundamental Law and criminal persecution. The architecture of the penal code lies with, roughly speaking, a accusatory basic structure, “deliberately attached to one of the most remarkable achievements of the civilizational democratic progress, and by obedience to the constitutional commandment”, in balance with the official investigation principle, valid both for the purpose of prosecution and trial. Regarding the principle of non self-incrimination - nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare, briefly defined as the defendant’s right of not being obliged to contribute to the self-incrimination, it should be stressed that there isn’t an explicit consecration in the Portuguese Constitution, being commonly accepted in an implicit constitutional prediction and deriving from other constitutional rights and principles, first and foremost, the meaning and scope of the concept of democratic rule of Law State, embedded in the Fundamental Law, and in the guidelines of the constitutional principles of human person dignity, freedom of action and the presumption of innocence. In any case, about the (in) applicability of the principle of the prohibition of self-incrimination to the Criminal Police Bodies in the trial hearing in Court, and sharing an idea of Guedes Valente, the truth is that the exercise of criminal action must tread a transparent path and non-compliant with methods to obtain evidence that violate the law, the public order or in violation of democratic principles and loyalty (Guedes Valente, 2013, p. 484). Within the framework of the penal process relating to the trial, which is assumed as the true phase of the process, the witness represents a relevant figure for the administration of criminal justice, for the testimonial proof is, in the idea of Othmar Jauernig, the worst proof of evidence, but also being the most frequent (Jauernig, 1998, p. 289). As coadjutant of the Public Prosecutor and, in specific cases, the investigating judge, the Criminal Police Bodies are invested with high responsibility, being "the arms and eyes of Judicial Authorities in pursuing the criminal investigation..." which has as ultimate goal the fulfillment of the Law pursuing the defense of society" (Guedes Valente, 2013, p. 485). It is in this context and as a witness that, throughout operational career, the Criminal Police Bodies are required to be at the trial hearing and clarify the Court with its view about the facts relating to occurrences of criminal context, thus contributing very significantly and, in some cases, decisively for the proper administration of the portuguese criminal justice. With regards to the intervention of Criminal Police Bodies in the trial hearing in Court, it’s important that they pay attention to a set of standards concerning the preparation of the testimony, the very provision of the testimony and, also, to its conclusion. Be emphasized that these guidelines may become crucial for the quality of the police testimony at the trial hearing, thus leading to an improvement of the enforcement of justice system. In this vein, while preparing the testimony, the Criminal Police Bodies must present itself in court with proper clothing, to read before and carefully the case files, to debate the facts being judged with other Criminal Police Bodies and prepare potential questions. Later, while giving his testimony during the trial, the Criminal Police Bodies must, summing up, to take the oath in a convincing manner, to feel comfortable, to start well by convincingly answering the first question, keep an attitude of serenity, to adopt an attitude of collaboration, to avoid the reading of documents, to demonstrate deference and seriousness before the judicial operators, to use simple and objective language, to adopt a fluent speech, to use nonverbal language correctly, to avoid spontaneity responding only to what is asked, to report only the truth, to avoid hesitations and contradictions, to be impartial and to maintain eye contact with the judge. Finally, at the conclusion of the testimony, the Criminal Police Bodies should rise in a smooth manner, avoiding to show relief, resentment or satisfaction, leaving a credible and professional image and, without much formality, requesting the judge permission to leave the courtroom. As final note, it’s important to stress that "The intervention of the Police Criminal Bodies in the trial hearing in Court” encloses itself on a theme of crucial importance not only for members of the Police and Security Forces, who must welcome this subject with the utmost seriousness and professionalism, but also for the proper administration of the criminal justice system in Portugal.


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The global and increasingly technological society requires the States to adopt security measures that can maintain the balance between the freedom, on the one hand, and the security and the respect for fundamental rights of a democratic state, on the other. A State can only achieve this aim if it has an effective judicial system and in particular a criminal procedure adequate to the new criminogenic realities. In this context, the national legislator has adopted, following other international legal systems, special means of obtaining proof more stringent of rights. Within those special means are included the covert actions, that, being a means to use sparingly, is a key element to fight against violent and highly organized crime. Therefore, the undercover agent, voluntary by nature, develops a set of activities that enables the investigation to use other means of taking evidence and/or probationary diligences itself, with the purpose of providing sufficient proof to the case file. In this milieu, given the high risks involved during the investigation, as well as after its completion, the undercover agent can act upon fictitious identity. This measure can be maintained during the evidentiary phase of the trial. Similarly, given the latent threat that the undercover agent suffers by its inclusion in criminal organizations, as well as the need for his inclusion in future covert actions it is crucial that his participation as a witness in the trial is properly shielded. Thus, when the undercover agent provides, exceptionally, statements in the trial, he shall do so always through videoconference with voice and image distortion. This measure can guarantee the anonymity of the undercover agent and concomitantly, that the adversarial principle and the right of the accused to a fair trial is not prejudiced since, in those circumstances, the diligence will be supervised in its entirety (in the audience and with the undercover agent) by a judge.