5 resultados para Sanções coativas
Versão online da Revista Brasileira de Estudos Políticos, Belo Horizonte, nº 107, pp. 149-200, jul./dez.2013
O risco de ocorrência de desvios significativos dos custos orçamentados e de incumprimento dos prazos de execução constituem duas das principais preocupações da gestão de projetos. A derrapa-gem de prazos de projetos é um dos motivos apontados para a falta de competitividade da indústria portuguesa (Tenera, 2012). Estes atrasos, para além de falta de competitividade, podem resultar ainda, por exemplo, em sanções financeiras e perda de confiança dos clientes. Goldratt, em 1997, alertou que as limitações das técnicas clássicas de planeamento e controlo pode-riam estar na origem do não cumprimento dos prazos dos projetos, propondo a aplicação da Teoria das Restrições à gestão de projetos, a Gestão de Projetos pela Cadeia Critica (Critical Chain Project Management - CCPM). A CCPM tem os seus princípios vocacionados para a gestão do tempo e introduz mudanças signifi-cativas na forma como os projetos são geridos, preconizando uma redução nas durações programadas das atividades, para contrariar tendências comportamentais humanas de atrasar a execução das tare-fas, introduzindo ainda estrategicamente reservas temporais agregadas, que procuram proteger o pro-jeto de derrapagens temporais. Um dos principais fatores de diferenciação da CCPM é precisamente a forma de monitorizar os projetos, sendo a Gestão das Reservas (Buffer Management - BM) o prin-cipal mecanismo de gestão do tempo de execução dos mesmos. No presente trabalho foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica dos conceitos associados à gestão de riscos em geral e em particular à gestão de tempo em projetos, através da CCPM. Estudou-se ainda, a metodologia geral de implementação das cartas de controlo, com o objetivo de se desenvolver um modelo adaptado ao controlo de reservas temporais em projetos. Assim, e de acordo com o estudo realizado, foi proposto, desenvolvido e implementado um modelo, que complementa a gestão clássica de reservas temporais da CCPM com a utilização de cartas de controlo. O modelo proposto foi testado numa empreitada de reabilitação de edifícios, na Marinha Portuguesa, com o objetivo de se avaliar a sua aplicabilidade, as suas vantagens e limitações. No presente trabalho procurou-se propor e implementar um modelo robusto de gestão de reservas na CCPM, com aplicabilidade efetiva à gestão de riscos de derrapagem de prazos de projetos, não só na indústria da construção civil como em projetos de outras áreas. Com a aplicação do modelo proposto num caso de estudo, foi possível concluir o projeto dentro do prazo contratualizado, tendo-se verificado que a implementação de cartas de controlo na BM permi-tiu antecipar a deteção de consumos excessivos das reservas temporais do projeto.
Ne bis in idem, understood as a procedural guarantee in the EU assumes different features in the AFSJ and in european competition law. Despite having a common origin (being, in both sectors the result of the case law of the same jurisdictional organ) its components are quite distintic in each area of the integration. In the AFSJ, the content of bis and idem are broader and addressed at a larger protection of individuals. Its axiological ground is based on the freedom of movements and human dignity, whereas in european competition law its closely linked to defence rights of legal persons and the concept of criminal punishment of anticompetitive sanctions as interpreted by the ECHR´s jurisprudence. In european competition law, ne bis in idem is limited by the systemic framework of competition law and the need to ensure parallel application of both european and national laws. Nonetheless, the absence of a compulsory mechanism to allocate jurisdiction in the EU (both in the AFSJ and in the field of anti-trust law) demands a common axiological framework. In this context, ne bis in idem must be understood as a defence right based on equity and proportionality. As far as its international dimension is concerned, ne bis in idem also lacks an erga omnes effect and it is not considered to be a rule of ius cogens. Consequently, the model which the ECJ has built regarding the application of the ne bis in idem in transnational and supranational contexts should be replicated by other courts through cross fertilization, in order to internationalize that procedural guarantee and broaden its scope of application.
A permanently changing occidental society framework, simultaneously, to a world Globalization and a market liberalization, requires to know how important and which role the agents plays, in Estates representation, to guarantee their own intern security. Portugal is an example of that since has been integrated in European and world politics that allowed the borders opening, with all the negative consequences of that kind of measures. In way to struggle with those debilities emerge, in our Juridical Order, several security forces such as Prison Guards Corporation, whose contribute to intern security seems undefined and confuse, being urgent legislation in way to describe and clearly define their goals and functions. We begin with a brief history view to understand the evolution, focusing on the present moment, correlate several laws in way to clarify their juridical situation. Using a own critical sense, it draws attention to legislation lack problem in opposition to the conclusion that, Prison Guards Corporation is a security force with specialized expertise in matter and territory fields. Their activity occurs, generally, in penitentiaries where people see themselves without their freedom, legally determinated and confined to places as other individuals with deviant behaviors that deserve society refutation, establishing a separation period having rehabilitation as a goal – it is called general and special prevention. Penitentiaries specificities requires specially police force because penitentiaries are places where tensions are often, both between inmates and against employees, above all prison guards, the first to struggle inmates daily frustrations. In way that institutions achieve their purpose, it is necessary that citizens respect all the rules, although, to their efficacy is necessary to inflict punishment to those who did not respect the rules. Furthermore, it will be indispensable to act immediately in situations as impeding runaway helping, illegally standing in jail and to avoid violent acts against personal and patrimonial belongings. Juridical Order has a few security tools that are available to administration, in which is included coercive methods, that as damaging to citizens in whom they are use, are restricted, unavoidably, to inflexible control rules. Concluding, Prison Guards and Penitentiaries General Direction last goal is to give back recovered inmates to society, in a way to conduct their lives responsibly, without committing crimes.
The United Nations is an international organization that was created after World War II, whose main objective is to promote cooperation, social and economic development, as well as to ensure international peace and security. The Member States are key actors in the international political system. For that reason they have strategic interests in what regards taking part in the international organizations. They see it as an opportunity to achieve those goals. The United Nations Security Council has a very important role in preserving international peace and security. It is the organ of the United Nations in which fifteen member states are represented: five permanently and ten non-permanently, being that the latter are elected for two years. Participating in the Security Council is a unique opportunity for middle powers like Portugal to promote their national interests and to increase their international visibility. In addition, they can contribute to the world’s destiny during their mandate period. Portugal has exercised his third term as a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2011-2012 biennium, defeating Canada after a successful campaign carried out by the Portuguese diplomacy. This study analyses the participation of Portugal in the Security Council´s 2011-2012 biennium. It will focus the application process and election and the role of Portugal in the Security Council, especially in its the presidency and its intervention in the presidency of the Sanctions Committee on Libya. Its aim is to show the impact of Portuguese participation in the Security Council for international peace and security, as well as the geopolitical importance for the country of being part of the Security Council.