9 resultados para Radner, Hilary: "Pretty is as pretty does : free enterprise and the marriage plot"


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Etnográfica, 15 (2): 313-336


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African elections often reveal low levels of political accountability. We assess different forms of voter education during an election in Mozambique. Three interventions providing information to voters and calling for their electoral participation were randomized; an SMS-based information campaign, an SMS hotline for electoral misconduct, and the distribution of a free newspaper. To measure impact, we look at official electoral results, reports by electoral observers, behavioral and survey data. We find positive effects of all treatments on voter turnout. We observe that the distribution of the newspaper led to more accountability-based participation and to a decrease in electoral problems.


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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In this paper, we investigate whether being part of the euro area influences the conditional probability of going through a sudden stop or a bonanza of capital flows. Our sample period is from 1995 until 2014. We identify these two phenomena and we evaluate which push and pull factors help predict the conditional probability of experiencing one of them. We find that most countries had significant capital inflows until 2008 and that there were more sudden stops during the recent financial crisis than in any other moment in our sample. The factors that better help forecast the conditional probability of a sudden stop are global uncertainty (represented by the push factor “Volatility Index”), and the domestic economic activity (pull factors “GDP growth” and “consumer confidence”). An indicator of country risk (pull factor “change in credit rating”) is the most significant one for predicting bonanzas. Ultimately, we find no evidence that being part of the euro area influences the conditional probability of going through a sudden stop or a bonanza.


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A synthetic essay about portuguese Late Cretaceous (Upper Campanian-Maastrichtian) and Paleogene is presented. This does include most of the so far known data, a critical approach to the problems of such formations, and to previous works on them. Our viewpoints (party original) are exposed in a shorter text in French where most of the discussion was suppressed (see reference in Resumo).


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RESUMO: O envelhecimento da população tende a aumentar em todo o mundo, trazendo consequências a níveis sociais, económicos, e de saúde. As hospitalizações e a necessidade de cuidados de enfermagem à população idosa tendencialmente aumentam pela maior fragilidade, derivada do aumento das situações de doença crónica e dependência. Os cuidados de enfermagem podem ser influenciados pelas representações sociais acerca do envelhecimento, estando associados mitos e estereótipos, e levar à desvalorização da individualidade e autonomia da pessoa idosa. Neste sentido, preconiza-se a realização de cuidados em parceria com a pessoa idosa, que promovam a sua autonomia e empowerment. Este estudo tem como objectivo compreender o modo como as representações sociais dos enfermeiros acerca do envelhecimento influenciam os cuidados de enfermagem na promoção da autonomia do idoso hospitalizado. Realizámos um estudo qualitativo, com recurso à entrevista e a técnica por associação livre de ideias, sendo entrevistados 17 enfermeiros de um serviço de internamento de medicina. Da análise dos resultados, constatámos que para os enfermeiros do estudo a representação social negativa acerca do envelhecimento foi a mais evidenciada, associada a situações como: dependência, doença, solidão, isolamento, necessidades, tristeza, peso na sociedade/problemas/dificuldades; levando à desvalorização das capacidades físicas, mentais, psicológicas, e da autonomia da pessoa idosa. Como factores dificultadores da promoção do respeito e autonomia da pessoa idosa referiram a motivação, características do enfermeiro e da pessoa idosa e os constrangimentos institucionais. Contudo alguns enfermeiros utilizam estratégias facilitadoras da promoção da autonomia como a: apresentação, proximidade, disponibilidade, promoção da esperança, avaliação da situação, e capacitação física e mental. Concluímos que as representações sociais negativas acerca do envelhecimento condicionam os cuidados de enfermagem na promoção da participação da pessoa idosa nos cuidados e nas decisões relativas a si. Os cuidados realizados em parceria, influenciados por uma visão positiva da pessoa idosa, valorizam a sua individualidade e toda a sua história de vida fomentando a sua autonomia.---------- ABSTRACT: Population aging is a global phenomenon, felt particularly in developed countries, with consequences at the social, economic and health-related levels. Hospitalization rates and nursing care needs among the elderly are on the rise in part due to the increased fragility of this population which experience greater levels of dependency and chronic disease. The quality of nursing care may be influenced by social representations of aging, associated with myths and stereotypes, that may lead to the devaluation of the individuality and autonomy of elderly persons. To this end, advocates for care in partnership with the elderly person, that promote their empowerment and autonomy. The present study aims to understand the manner in which social representations held by nurses with regards to the phenomenon of aging influence nursing care, with particular emphasis on the promotion of autonomy among hospitalized elderly patients. This study is a qualitative study, utilizing interviews and the free association of ideas technique, with a total of 17 interviews conducted on nurses working in a hospital ward. According to our results, nurses harbour negative social representations concerning the aging process, associating the latter with dependency, disease, loneliness, needs, sadness, burden on society/problems/difficulties, all of which may lead to the devaluation of the physical, mental, and psychological capacities of the elderly, negatively impacting upon their autonomy. Among those factors found to hinder the promotion of respect and autonomy of the elderly in this study, are personal motivation, characteristics of the nurse and the elderly person and institutional barriers. However, some nurses made use of a number of strategies that promoted patient autonomy, namely: presentation, proximity, availability, the promotion of hope, situation evaluation and physical and mental capacitation. In conclusion, negative social representations concerning aging condition the quality of nursing care, particularly, in what concerns the promotion of patient participation in care and self determination. Nursing interventions carried out in collaboration with the patient, influenced by a positive view of the elderly, value the individuality and life history of these individuals, thereby fomenting their autonomy


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Comexposium continues to exhibit strong growth through global acquisition of key events. However, the company identified the need to increase the renewal rate of its exhibitors. In order to do so, Comexposium determined marketing automation software could have enormous value. However, the company currently does not have the appropriate data to determine to specific returns the software could provide. Thus, this report focused on assessing the impact of marketing automation on the business performance of a B2B enterprise and the best methods to implement and measure it. The main findings were that the software could be of immense value to Comexposium, if the company is ready to invest in internal resources and take the time to adapt to the changes the tool will incur.