8 resultados para REST POSITION
According to an ancient folkloric legend, Our Lady, stepping down from the sea, would have rided on a mule to the platform above the cliffs named Pedra da Mua at Lagosteiros'bay, near Espichel cape. Mule's footprints, regarded by fishermen as evidence, would be clearly recognizable on exposed surfaces of the rocks. Indeed there are footprints but from Dinosaurs of latest Jurassic, Portlandian age, this spectacular locality being specially rich in giant Sauropod tracks (that have seldom been found elsewhere in Europe). As we proceeded to its study, another locality with Dinosaur footprints, Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian) in age, was found on the northern cliffs at Lagosteiros. It is probably the richest one in european Lower Cretaceous and the only of this age known in Portugal, so we decided to give priority to its study. Dinosaur tracks have been printed on calciclastic sands in a lagoonal environment protected by fringing coral reefs. There have been emersion episodes; beaches were frequented by Dinosaurs. Later on, the marine barremian ingression restablished a gulf and such animals could not come here any more. Under a paleogeographical viewpoint, the evidence of a marine regression near the end of Hauterivian is to be remarked. Five types of tracks and footprints have been recognized: - Neosauropus lagosteirensis, new morphogenus and species, tracks from a giant Sauropod, perhaps from Camarasaurus; with its proportions the total length of the author would be about 15,5 m. These are the only Sauropod tracks known till now in Europe's Lower Cretaceous. - tracks from a not so big quadruped, maybe a Sauropod (young individual?); however it is not impossible that they were produced by Stegosaurians or Ankylosaurians. -Megalosauropus (?Eutynichnium) gomesi new morphospecies, four Theropod tracks most probably produced by megalosaurs. - Iguanodon sp., represented by some footprints and specially by a set corresponding to the feet and tail from an individual standing in a rest position. - problematical, quite small-sized biped (maybe an Ornithopod related to Camptosaurus). Evidence points to a richer fauna than that known in barremian "Dinosaur sandstones" from a nearby locality, Boca do Chapim. Lagosteiros' association clearly indicates the predominance of herbivores, which required large amounts of vegetable food in the neighbourhood. This is an indirect evidence of the vegetal wealth, also suggested by associations of plant macrofossils, polen and spores found in early Cretaceous sediments at the same region. The relatively high proportion of Theropoda is related to the wealth of the whole fauna, which comprised a lot of the prey needed by such powerful flesh-eaters. The evidence, as a whole, points out to a warm and moist climate. All the tracks whose direction could be measured are directed to the southern quadrants, this being confirmed by the approximative direction of other footprints. Massive displacements (migration?) could take place during a brief emersion episode. This may result from the ingression of barremian seas, flooding the region and restablishing here a small gulf. Even if the arrival of the waters damaged certain footprints it has not destroyed them completely, thus allowing the preservation of such evidence from a remote past.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
A PhD Dissertation, presented as part of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the NOVA - School of Business and Economics
Nowadays, several sensors and mechanisms are available to estimate a mobile robot trajectory and location with respect to its surroundings. Usually absolute positioning mechanisms are the most accurate, but they also are the most expensive ones, and require pre installed equipment in the environment. Therefore, a system capable of measuring its motion and location within the environment (relative positioning) has been a research goal since the beginning of autonomous vehicles. With the increasing of the computational performance, computer vision has become faster and, therefore, became possible to incorporate it in a mobile robot. In visual odometry feature based approaches, the model estimation requires absence of feature association outliers for an accurate motion. Outliers rejection is a delicate process considering there is always a trade-off between speed and reliability of the system. This dissertation proposes an indoor 2D position system using Visual Odometry. The mobile robot has a camera pointed to the ceiling, for image analysis. As requirements, the ceiling and the oor (where the robot moves) must be planes. In the literature, RANSAC is a widely used method for outlier rejection. However, it might be slow in critical circumstances. Therefore, it is proposed a new algorithm that accelerates RANSAC, maintaining its reliability. The algorithm, called FMBF, consists on comparing image texture patterns between pictures, preserving the most similar ones. There are several types of comparisons, with different computational cost and reliability. FMBF manages those comparisons in order to optimize the trade-off between speed and reliability.
Companhia das Quintas, Limited Company wishes to conquer the Chinese market with its wines. For that, it decided to enter in a partnership with a local importer and distributor. This project analyses the macroeconomic factors of the country, the local market and the consumer behavior, using on-site research that included interviews with professionals of the industry, unstructured observation of the consumer and existing statistical data analysis. Finally, the project presents a marketing plan to make this partnership a success.
Case Study
The purpose of this work is to understand the internal and external structure in which the company operates to provide an idea of the strategic actions needed to accomplish their organizational objectives. A strategic software was employed to build up phase one and phase two, phase one involved analysing internal and external factors that influence the company, comprehending their core competences, factors that influence the market and identification of strengths and weaknesses. Phase two consisted on providing an idea of their real competitive position and the suggestion of a development strategy, given the possible limitations in the external factors, the company should carefully analyse some of the opportunities present in the industry overseas to continue to develop their business and increase its profitability. Furthermore, a source of competitive advantage was found in their outbound logistics which could serve a differentiator between their competitors.