13 resultados para Quantum Games
European Master in Multimedia and Audiovisual Administration
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
This article is a short introduction on how to use Modellus (a computer package that is freely available on the Internet and used in the IOP Advancing Physics course) to build physics games using Newton’s laws, expressed as differential equations. Solving systems of differential equations is beyond most secondary-school or first-year college students. However, with Modellus, the solution is simply the output of the usual physical reasoning: define the force law, compute its magnitude and components, use it to obtain the acceleration components, then the velocity components and, finally, use the velocity components to find the coordinates.
Abstract Background: Nanotechnology has the potential to provide agriculture with new tools that may be used in the rapid detection and molecular treatment of diseases and enhancement of plant ability to absorb nutrients, among others. Data on nanoparticle toxicity in plants is largely heterogeneous with a diversity of physicochemical parameters reported, which difficult generalizations. Here a cell biology approach was used to evaluate the impact of Quantum Dots (QDs) nanocrystals on plant cells, including their effect on cell growth, cell viability, oxidative stress and ROS accumulation, besides their cytomobility. Results: A plant cell suspension culture of Medicago sativa was settled for the assessment of the impact of the addition of mercaptopropanoic acid coated CdSe/ZnS QDs. Cell growth was significantly reduced when 100 mM of mercaptopropanoic acid -QDs was added during the exponential growth phase, with less than 50% of the cells viable 72 hours after mercaptopropanoic acid -QDs addition. They were up taken by Medicago sativa cells and accumulated in the cytoplasm and nucleus as revealed by optical thin confocal imaging. As part of the cellular response to internalization, Medicago sativa cells were found to increase the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in a dose and time dependent manner. Using the fluorescent dye H2DCFDA it was observable that mercaptopropanoic acid-QDs concentrations between 5-180 nM led to a progressive and linear increase of ROS accumulation. Conclusions: Our results showed that the extent of mercaptopropanoic acid coated CdSe/ZnS QDs cytotoxicity in plant cells is dependent upon a number of factors including QDs properties, dose and the environmental conditions of administration and that, for Medicago sativa cells, a safe range of 1-5 nM should not be exceeded for biological applications.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Engineering Sciences and Technology
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
We introduce a notion of upper semicontinuity, weak upper semicontinuity, and show that it, together with a weak form of payoff security, is enough to guarantee the existence of Nash equilibria in compact, quasiconcave normal form games. We show that our result generalizes the pure strategy existence theorem of Dasgupta and Maskin (1986) and that it is neither implied nor does it imply the existence theorems of Baye, Tian, and Zhou (1993) and Reny (1999). Furthermore, we show that an equilibrium may fail to exist when, while maintaining weak payoff security, weak upper semicontinuity is weakened to reciprocal upper semicontinuity.
Over the years, several formalizations and existence results for games with a continuum of players have been given. These include those of Schmeidler (1973), Rashid (1983), Mas-Colell (1984), Khan and Sun (1999) and Podczeck (2007a). The level of generality of each of these existence results is typically regarded as a criterion to evaluate how appropriate is the corresponding formalization of large games. In contrast, we argue that such evaluation is pointless. In fact, we show that, in a precise sense, all the above existence results are equivalent. Thus, all of them are equally strong and therefore cannot rank the different formalizations of large games.
This paper extends the standard industrial organization models of repeated interaction between firms by incorporating preferences for reciprocity. A reciprocal firm responds to unkind behavior of rivals with unkind actions (destructive reciprocity), while at the same time, it responds to kind behavior of rivals with kind actions (constructive reciprocity). The main finding of the paper is that, for plausible perceptions of fairness, preferences for reciprocity facilitate collusion in infinitely repeated market games, that is, the critical discount rate at wish collusion can be sustained tends to be lower when firms have preferences for reciprocity than when firms are selfish. The paper also finds that the best collusive outcome that can be sustained in the infinitely repeated Cournot game with reciprocal firms is worse for consumers than the best collusive outcome that can be sustained in the infinitely repeated Cournot game with selfish firms.
The aim of this paper is to address some theoretical issues concerning the narrative practice in cyberspace. From a narratological perspective it intends to clarify the functioning of time and space in storytelling. For that purpose it traces the concept(s) of memory inherited from rhetoric; the use of memory as a narrative device in traditional accounts; the adaptations imposed by hyperfiction. Using practical examples (including two Portuguese case studies - InStory 2006, and Noon 2007) it will show how narrative memory strategies can be helpful in game literacy. The main purpose is to contribute to serious game research and (trans)literary studies.
Sign language is the form of communication used by Deaf people, which, in most cases have been learned since childhood. The problem arises when a non-Deaf tries to contact with a Deaf. For example, when non-Deaf parents try to communicate with their Deaf child. In most cases, this situation tends to happen when the parents did not have time to properly learn sign language. This dissertation proposes the teaching of sign language through the usage of serious games. Currently, similar solutions to this proposal do exist, however, those solutions are scarce and limited. For this reason, the proposed solution is composed of a natural user interface that is intended to create a new concept on this field. The validation of this work, consisted on the implementation of a serious game prototype, which can be used as a source for learning (Portuguese) sign language. On this validation, it was first implemented a module responsible for recognizing sign language. This first stage, allowed the increase of interaction and the construction of an algorithm capable of accurately recognizing sign language. On a second stage of the validation, the proposal was studied so that the pros and cons can be determined and considered on future works.
The mobile IT era is here, it is still growing and expanding at a steady rate and, most of all, it is entertaining. Mobile devices are used for entertainment, whether social through the so-called social networks, or private through web browsing, video watching or gaming. Youngsters make heavy use of these devices, and even small children show impressive adaptability and skill. However not much attention is directed towards education, especially in the case of young children. Too much time is usually spent in games which only purpose is to keep children entertained, time that could be put to better use such as developing elementary geometric notions. Taking advantage of this pocket computer scenario, it is proposed an application geared towards small children in the 6 – 9 age group that allows them to consolidate knowledge regarding geometric shapes, forming a stepping stone that leads to some fundamental mathematical knowledge to be exercised later on. To achieve this goal, the application will detect simple geometric shapes like squares, circles and triangles using the device’s camera. The novelty of this application will be a core real-time detection system designed and developed from the ground up for mobile devices, taking into account their characteristic limitations such as reduced processing power, memory and battery. User feedback was be gathered, aggregated and studied to assess the educational factor of the application.
To find sustainable solutions for the production of energy, it is necessary to create photovoltaic technologies that make every photon count. To pursue this necessity, in the present work photodetectors of zinc oxide embedded with nano-structured materials, that significantly raise the conversion of solar energy to electric energy, were developed. The novelty of this work is on the development of processing methodologies in which all steps are in solution: quantum dots synthesis, passivation of their surface and sol-gel deposition. The quantum dot solutions with different capping agents were characterized by UVvisible absorption spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. The obtained quantum dots have dimensions between 2 and 3nm. These particles were suspended in zinc acetate solutions and used to produce doped zinc oxide films with embedded quantum dots, whose electric response was tested. The produced nano-structured zinc oxide materials have a superior performance than the bulk, in terms of the produced photo-current. This indicates that an intermediate band material should have been produced that acts as a photovoltaic medium for solar cells. The results are currently being compiled in a scientific article, that is being prepared for possible submission to Energy and Environmental Science or Nanoscale journals.