28 resultados para Pragmatic truth


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Dissertation submitted to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa for the achievement of Integrated Master´s degree in Industrial Management Engineering


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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Sandpit exploitation near Lisbon allowed collecting of many Miocene, non marine fossils. These sands are part of the mostly marine Miocene series in the Lower Tagus basin. The particularly favourable situation led several researchers to deal with marine-continental correlations. Difficulties often concern methodologic aspects. Some poorly based interpretations exerced a lasting influence. A critical approach is presented. Analysis requires data. Methods based upon models often lead to the temptation of fitting data in order to confirm a priori conclusions, or of mixing up data as if of equal statistic value while they have not at all the same weight. Erroneous interpretations' uncritical repetition for many years "upgraded" them into absolute truth. Another point is endemism vs. europeism. Miocene mammals from Lisbon compared well with corresponding French, contemporaneous taxa, while this was apparently not true for Spanish ones. Too much accent had been put on the endemic character of Spanish, or even regional, mammalian faunas. Nationalist bias and sensationalism also weigh, albeit negatively. Meanwhile nearly all the more evident examples as the rhinoceros Hispanotherium are discredited as Iberian endemisms. Taxa may appear as endemic just because they have not yet been found elsewhere. At least for the medium to large-sized mammals, with their huge geographic distribution, faunal differences depend much more on ecology, climate and environmental conditions. Emphasis on differences may also result from researchers that are often in a precarious situation and need very much to achieve short-term, preferably sensational results. Overvalued differences may mask real similarities. Unethic and not scientific behaviour are further enhanced by "nomina nuda" tricks that may simply be a way to circunvent or cheat the Priority Rule. On the other hand, access to communication networks may present as sensational novelties items that are not new at all, misleading the audience. A new class of "science people" arose, created by the media and not by the value of their real achievements. Discussion is presented on sedimentation processes and discontinuities that are often regarded as absolute precision dating tools, as well as on some geochemical and paleomagnetic interpretations. A very good chronologie frame has been obtained for the basin under study on the basis of an impressive set of data, providing a rather detailed and accurate frame for Miocene marine-continental correlations.


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Dissertação para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial (MEGI)


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Dissertation presented to obtain the PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores


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RESUMO: O Cell Fusing Agent Vírus (CFAV), considerado como o primeiro “flavivírus específicos de insectos” (ISF), parece estar exclusivamente adaptado aos seus hospedeiros, não replicando em células de vertebrados. Apesar de ter sido identificado há mais de três décadas (1975), a verdade é que muito pouco se conhece sobre a sua biologia. Dado o seu parentesco filogenético com alguns outros flavivírus encontrados naturalmente em mosquitos de diferentes géneros colhidos em diferentes regiões do globo, este vírus poderá ser usado como modelo para o estudo de ISF. No entanto, necessitam do desenvolvimento de ferramentas básicas, tais como clones moleculares ou baterias de soros contendo anticorpos que reconheçam uma ou mais proteínas codificadas pelo genoma viral, produzidas, por exemplo, a partir de antigénios virais produzidos de forma recombinante. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se a optimização de protocolos que permitiram a expressão e purificação parcial de quatro proteínas [duas proteínas estruturais (C e E) e duas não estruturais (NS3hel e NS5B)] do CFAV em E. coli, todas elas produzidas como proteínas de fusão com “caudas” (tags) de hexahistidina nos seus extremos carboxilo. Para a expansão do CFAV foram utilizadas células Aedes albopictus (C6/36). Após a realização da extracção do RNA viral e a obtenção de cDNA, procedeu-se amplificação, por RT-PCR, das regiões codificantes das proteínas C, E, NS3hel e NS5B, utilizando primers específicos. Os quatro fragmentos de DNA foram independentemente inseridos no vector pJTE1.2/blunt usando E. coli NovaBlue como hospedeira de clonagem e, posteriormente, inseridos em vectores de expressão pET-28b e pET-29b usando E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS e Rosetta(DE3)pLysS como hospedeiras de expressão. Após da indução, expressão e purificação das proteínas recombinantes C, E, NS3hel e NS5B, foi confirmada a autenticidade destas proteínas produzidas através do método Western Blot com um anticorpo anti-histidina. --------- ABSTRACT: The Cell Fusing Agent virus (CFAV) considered as the first "insect- specific flavivirus" (ISF) and seems to be uniquely adapted to their hosts, not replicating in vertebrate cells. Although it has been known for more than three decades (1975), the truth is very little is known about its biology. Given its close phylogenetic relationship with other flavivirus naturally circulating in various genera of mosquitoes collected from different regions of the globe, this virus could be used as a model for the study of ISF. However, such studies require the development of experimental basic tools, such as molecular clones or serum batteries containing antibodies that recognize one or more proteins encoded by the viral genome, produced, for example, from viral antigens recombinant produced. In this work, we carried out the optimization of protocols that allowed the expression and partial purification of four proteins [two structural proteins (C and E) and two nonstructural proteins (NS3hel and NS5B)] CFAV in E. coli as fusion protein for c-terminal hexahistidine tags. For the expansion of the CFAV we used Aedes albopictus (C6/36) cells. After completion of the viral RNA extraction and cDNA obtained, amplification of the coding regions of the C, E, NS5B and NS3hel proteins was carried out by RT-PCR using specific primers. The four DNA fragments were independently inserted into the vector pJTE1.2/blunt using E. coli NovaBlue as cloning host and then inserted into expression vectors pET-28b and pET-29b using E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS and Rosetta(DE3)pLysS as expression host. After induction, expression and purification of recombinant C, E, NS3hel and NS5B proteins Western Blot analyses with an anti-histidine antibody confirmed the authenticity of these proteins produced.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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ABSTRACT - The problem of how to support “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC) and “behaviour changes” (BC) in smoking cessation when there is a scarcity of resources is a pressing issue in public health terms. The present research focuses on the use of information and communications technologies and their role in smoking cessation. It is developed in Portugal after the ratification of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (on 8 November 2005). The prevalence of smokers over fifteen years of age within the population stood at 20.9% (30.9% for men and 11.8% for women). While the strategy of helping people to quit smoking has been emphasised at National Health Service (NHS) level, the uptake of cessation assistance has exceeded the capacity of the service. This induced the search of new theoretical and practical venues to offer alternative options to people willing to stop smoking. Among these, the National Health Plan (NHP) of Portugal (2004-2010), identifies the use of information technologies in smoking cessation. eHealth and the importance of health literacy as a means of empowering people to make behavioural changes is recurrently considered an option worth investigating. The overall objective of this research is to understand, in the Portuguese context, the use of the Internet to help people to stop smoking. Research questions consider factors that may contribute to “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC) and “behavioural changes” (BC) while using a Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP). Also consideration is given to the trade-off on the use of the Web as a tool for smoking cessation: can it reach a vast number of people for a small cost (efficiency) demonstrating to work in the domain of smoking cessation (efficacy)”? In addition to the introduction, there is a second chapter in which the use of tobacco is discussed as a public health menace. The health gains achieved by stopping smoking and the means of quitting are also examined, as is the use of the Internet in smoking cessation. Then, several research issues are introduced. These include background theory and the theoretical framework for the Sense of Coherence. The research model is also discussed. A presentation of the methods, materials and of the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) follows. In chapter four the results of the use of the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) are presented. This study is divided into two sections. The first describes results related to quality control in relation to the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) and gives an overview of its users. Of these, 3,150 answered initial eligibility questions. In the end, 1,463 met all eligibility requirements, completed intake, decided on a day to quit smoking (Dday) and declared their “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC) while a second targeted group of 650 did not decide on a Dday. With two quit attempts made before joining the platform, most of the participants had experienced past failures while wanting to stop. The smoking rate averaged 21 cigarettes per day. With a mean age of 35, of the participants 55% were males. Among several other considerations, gender and the Sense of Coherence (SOC) influenced the success of participants in their IBC and endeavour to set quit dates. The results of comparing males and females showed that, for current smokers, establishing a Dday was related to gender differences, not favouring males (OR=0.76, p<0.005). Belonging to higher Socio-economic strata (SES) was associated with the intention to consider IBC (when compared to lower SES condition) (OR=1.57, p<0.001) and higher number of school years (OR=0.70, p<0.005) favoured the decision to smoking cessation. Those who demonstrated higher confidence in their likelihood of success in stopping in the shortest time had a higher rate of setting a Dday (OR=0.51, p<0.001). There were differences between groups in IBC reflecting the high and low levels of the SOC score (OR=1.43, p=0.006), as those who considered setting a Dday had higher levels of SOC. After adjusting for all variables, stages of readiness to change and SOC were kept in the model. This is the first Arm of this research where the focus is a discussion of the system’s implications for the participants’ “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC). Moreover, a second section of this study (second Arm) offers input collected from 77 in-depth interviews with the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) users. Here, “Behaviour Change” (BC) and the usability of the platform are explored a year after IBC was declared. A percentage of 32.9% of self-reported, 12-month quitters in continuous abstinence from smoking from Dday to the 12-month follow- up point of the use of the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) has been assessed. Comparing the Sense of Coherence (SOC) scores of participants by their respective means, according to the two groups, there was a significant difference in these scores of non smokers (BC) (M=144,66, SD=22,52) and Sense of Coherence (SOC) of smokers (noBC) (M=131,51, SD=21,43) p=0.014. This WATIP strategy and its contents benefit from the strengthening of the smoker’s sense of coherence (SOC), so that the person’s progress towards a life without tobacco may be experienced as comprehensible, manageable and meaningful. In this sample the sense of coherence (SOC) effect is moderate although it is associated with the day to quit smoking (Dday). Some of the limitations of this research have to do with self-selection bias, sample size (power) and self-reporting (no biochemical validation). The enrolment of participants was therefore not representative of the smoking population. It is not possible to verify the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) evaluation of external validity; consequently, the results obtained cannot be applied generalized. No participation bias is provided. Another limitation of this study is the associated limitations of interviews. Interviewees’ perception that fabricating answers could benefit them more than telling the simple truth in response to questions is a risk that is not evaluated (with no external validation like measuring participants’ carbon monoxide levels). What emerges in this analysis is the relevance of the process that leads to the establishment of the quit day (Dday) to stop using tobacco. In addition, technological issues, when tailoring is the focus, are key elements for scrutiny. The high number of dropouts of users of the web platform mandates future research that should concentrate on the matters of the user-centred design of portals. The focus on gains in health through patient-centred care needs more research, so that technology usability be considered within the context of best practices in smoking cessation.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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RESUMO: As Análises Clínicas são um precioso elemento entre os meios complementares de diagnóstico e terapêutica permitindo uma enorme panóplia de informações sobre o estado de saúde de determinado utente. O objetivo do laboratório é fornecer informação analítica sobre as amostras biológicas, sendo esta caracterizada pela sua fiabilidade, relevância e facultada em tempo útil. Assim, tratando-se de saúde, e mediante o propósito do laboratório, é notória a sua importância, bem como, a dos fatores associados para o cumprimento do mesmo. O bom desenrolar do ciclo laboratorial, compreendido pelas fases pré-analítica, analítica e pós-analítica é crucial para que o objetivo do laboratório seja cumprido com rigor e rapidez. O presente trabalho “O Erro na Fase Pré-Analítica: Amostras Não Conformes versus Procedimentos”, enquadrado no mestrado de Qualidade e Organização no Laboratório de Análises Clínicas, pretendeu enfatizar a importância da fase pré- analítica, sendo ela apontada como a primordial em erros que acabam por atrasar a saída de resultados ou por permitir que os mesmos não sejam fidedignos como se deseja, podendo acarretar falsos diagnósticos e decisões clínicas erradas. Esta fase, iniciada no pedido médico e finalizada com a chegada das amostras biológicas ao laboratório está entregue a uma diversidade de procedimentos que acarretam, por si só, uma grande diversidade de intervenientes, para além de uma variabilidade de factores que influenciam a amostra e seus resultados. Estes fatores, que podem alterar de algum modo a “veracidade” dos resultados analíticos, devem ser identificados e tidos em consideração para que estejamos convitos que os resultados auxiliam diagnósticos precisos e uma avaliação correta do estado do utente. As colheitas que por quaisquer divergências não originam amostras que cumpram o objectivo da sua recolha, não estando por isso em conformidade com o pretendido, constituem uma importante fonte de erro para esta fase pré-analítica. Neste estudo foram consultados os dados relativos a amostras de sangue e urina não conformes detetadas no laboratório, em estudo, durante o 1º trimestre de 2012, para permitir conhecer o tipo de falhas que acontecem e a sua frequência. Aos Técnicos de Análises Clínicas, colaboradores do laboratório, foi-lhes pedido que respondessem a um questionário sobre os seus procedimentos quotidianos e constituíssem, assim, a população desta 2ª parte do projeto. Preenchido e devolvido de forma anónima, este questionário pretendeu conhecer os procedimentos na tarefa de executar colheitas e, hipoteticamente, confrontá-los com as amostras não conformes verificadas. No 1ºsemestre de 2012 e num total de 25319 utentes registaram-se 146 colheitas que necessitaram de repetição por se verificarem não conformes. A “amostra não colhida” foi a não conformidade mais frequente (50%) versus a “má identificação” que registou somente 1 acontecimento. Houve ainda não conformidades que não se registaram como “preparação inadequada” e “amostra mal acondicionada”. Os técnicos revelaram-se profissionais competentes, conhecedores das tarefas a desempenhar e preocupados em executá-las com qualidade. Eliminar o erro não estará, seguramente, ao nosso alcance porém admitir a sua presença, detetá-lo e avaliar a sua frequência fará com que possamos diminuir a sua existência e melhorar a qualidade na fase pré-analítica, atribuindo-lhe a relevância que desempenha no processo laboratorial.-----------ABSTRACT:Clinical analyses are a precious element among diagnostic and therapeutic tests as they allow an enormous variety of information on the state of health of a user. The aim of the laboratory is to supply reliable, relevant and timely analytical information on biological samples. In health-related matters, in accordance with the objective of the laboratory, their importance is vital, as is the assurance that all the tools are in place for the fulfillment of its purpose. A good laboratory cycle, which includes the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases, is crucial in fulfilling the laboratory’s mission rapidly and efficiently. The present work - "Error in the pre-analytical phase: non-compliant samples versus procedures”, as part of the Master’s in Quality and Organization in the Clinical Analyses Laboratory, wishes to emphasize the importance of the pre-analytical phase, as the phase containing most errors which eventually lead to delays in the issue of results, or the one which enables those results not to be as reliable as desired, which can lead to false diagnosis and wrong clinical decisions. This phase, which starts with the medical request and ends with the arrival of the biological samples to the laboratory, entails a variety of procedures, which require the intervention of different players, not to mention a great number of factors, which influence the sample and the results. These factors, capable of somehow altering the “truth” of the analytical results, must be identified and taken into consideration so that we may ensure that the results help to make precise diagnoses and a correct evaluation of the user’s condition. Those collections which, due to any type of differences, do not originate samples capable of fulfilling their purpose, and are therefore not compliant with the objective, constitute an important source of error in this pre-analytical phase. In the present study, we consulted data from non-compliant blood and urine samples, detected at the laboratory during the 1st quarter of 2012, to find out the type of faults that happen and their frequency. The clinical analysis technicians working at the laboratory were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their daily procedures, forming in this way the population for this second part of the project. Completed and returned anonymously, this questionnaire intended to investigate the procedures for collections and, hypothetically, confront them with the verified non-compliant samples. In the first semester of 2012, and out of a total of 25319 users, 146 collections had to be repeated due to non-compliance. The “uncollected sample” was the most frequent non-compliance (>50%) versus “incorrect identification” which had only one occurrence. There were also unregistered non-compliance issues such as “inadequate preparation” and “inappropriately packaged sample”. The technicians proved to be competent professionals, with knowledge of the tasks they have to perform and eager to carry them out efficiently. We will certainly not be able to eliminate error, but recognizing its presence, detecting it and evaluating its frequency will help to decrease its occurrence and improve quality in the pre-analytical phase, giving it the relevance it has within the laboratory process.


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Tomando como referência o texto A Origem da Obra de Arte de Heidegger, o objectivo desta dissertação é a análise da questão da obra de arte como verdade poética. Considerando a experiência do conhecimento como a origem da criação, por via do que o mundo revela, e considerando tanto a produção artística como outras formas de produção pela mão do homem enquanto atitudes de apresentação da verdade encontrada, ela reflecte acerca daquilo que a obra de arte tem e que a distingue das demais criações do homem