4 resultados para Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form
RESUMO - O sistema de saúde é constantemente sujeito a pressões sendo as mais relevantes a pressão para o aumento da qualidade e a necessidade de contenção de custos. Os Eventos Adversos (EAs) ocorridos em meio hospitalar constituem um sério problema de qualidade na prestação de cuidados de saúde, com consequências clinicas, sociais, económicas e de imagem, que afectam pacientes, profissionais, organizações e o próprio sistema de saúde. Os custos associados à ocorrência de EAs em meio hospitalar, incrementam significativamente os custos hospitalares, representando cerca de um em cada sete dólares gastos no atendimento dos doentes. Só na última década surgiram estudos com o objectivo principal de avaliar esse impacto em meio hospitalar, subsistindo ainda uma grande indefinição quanto às variáveis e métodos a utilizar. O objectivo principal deste trabalho de projecto foi conhecer e caracterizar as diferentes metodologias utilizadas para avaliação dos custos económicos, nomeadamente dos custos directos, relacionados com a ocorrência de eventos adversos em meio hospitalar. Tendo em atenção as dificuldades referidas, utilizou-se como metodologia a revisão narrativa da literatura, complementada com a realização de uma técnica de grupo nominal. Os resultados obtidos foram os seguintes: i) a metodologia utilizada na maioria dos estudos para determinar a frequência, natureza e consequências dos EAs ocorridos em meio hospitalar, utiliza matrizes de base observacional, analítica, com base em estudos de coorte retrospectivo recorrendo aos critérios definidos pelo Harvard Medical Practice Study; ii) a generalidade dos estudos realizados avaliam os custos directos dos EAs em meio hospitalar, iii) verificou-se a existência de uma grande diversidade de métodos para a determinação dos custos associados aos EAs. A generalidade dos estudos determina esse valor com base na contabilização do número de dias adicionais de internamento, resultantes do EA, valorizados com base em custos médios; iv) o grupo de peritos, propôs como metodologia para a determinação do custo associado a cada EA, a utilização de sistemas de custeio por doente; v) propõe-se o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma informática, que permita o cruzamento da informação disponível no registo clinico electrónico do doente com um sistema automático de identificação de EAs, a desenvolver, e com sistemas de custeio por doente, de modo a valorizar os custos por doente e por tipo de EA. A avaliação dos custos directos associados à ocorrência de EAs em contexto hospitalar, pelo impacto económico e social que tem nos doentes e organizações, será seguramente uma das áreas de estudo e investigação futuras, no sentido de melhorar a eficiência do sistema de saúde e a qualidade e segurança dos cuidados prestados aos doentes.
The purpose of this study is to explore whether the use of edutainment is able to positively influence children towards healthier eating habits. Using in-depth interview children’s food choices were compared pre and post exposure to educational action cartoon. The study focused on children form the age 5 to 10 in Israel, and was trying to assess at what age groups the message conveyed in the video was correctly retained. Parents were interviewed as well to validate the children’s answers about their food habits, as well as the children’s general media consumption. Results suggest that from age 7 children find the exposure engaging and the message is correctly retained in most cases, especially with the older children. We also noticed that most children were already doing healthy food choices before the exposure to the stimuli.
If an opening to the argument of this dissertation is of imperative necessity, one might tentatively begin with Herbert Quain, born in Roscommon, Ireland, author of the novels The God of the Labyrinth (1933) and April March (1936), the short-story collection Statements (1939), and the play The Secret Mirror (undated). To a certain extent, this idiosyncratic Irish author, who hailed from the ancient province of Connacht, may be regarded as a forerunner of the type of novels which will be considered in this dissertation. Quain was, after all, the unconscious creator of one of the first structurally disintegrated novels in the history of western literature, April March. His first novel, The God of the Labyrinth, also exhibits elements which are characteristic of structurally disintegrated fiction, for it provides the reader with two possible solutions to a mysterious crime. As a matter of fact, one might suggest that Quain’s debut novel offers the reader the possibility to ignore the solution to the crime and carry on living his or her readerly life, turning a blind eye to the novel itself. It may hence be argued that Quain’s first novel is in fact a compound of three different novels. It is self-evident that the structure of Quain’s oeuvre is of an experimental nature, combining geometrical precision with authorial innovation, and one finds in it a higher consideration for formal defiance than for the text itself. In other words, the means of expression are the concern of the author and not, interestingly, the textual content. April March, for example, is a novel which regresses back into itself, its first chapter focussing on an evening which is preceded by three possible evenings which, in turn, are each preceded by three other, dissimilar, possible evenings. It is a novel of backward-movement, and it is due to this process of branching regression that April March contains within itself at least nine possible novels. Structure, therefore, paradoxically controls the text, for it allows the text to expand or contract under its formal limitations. In other words, the formal aspects of the novel, usually associated with the restrictive device of a superior design, contribute to a liberation of the novel’s discourse. It is paradoxical only in the sense that the idea of structure necessarily entails the fixation of a narrative skeleton that determines how plot and discourse interact, something which Quain flouts for the purposes of innovation. In this sense, April March’s convoluted structure allows for multiple readings and interpretations of the same text, consciously germinating narratives within itself, producing different texts from a single, unique source. Thus, text and means of expression are bonded by a structural design that, rather than limiting, liberates the text of the novel.
Evidence in the literature suggests a negative relationship between volume of medical procedures and mortality rates in the health care sector. In general, high-volume hospitals appear to achieve lower mortality rates, although considerable variation exists. However, most studies focus on US hospitals, which face different incentives than hospitals in a National Health Service (NHS). In order to add to the literature, this study aims to understand what happens in a NHS. Results reveal a statistically significant correlation between volume of procedures and better outcomes for the following medical procedures: cerebral infarction, respiratory infections, circulatory disorders with AMI, bowel procedures, cirrhosis, and hip and femur procedures. The effect is explained with the practice-makes-perfect hypothesis through static effects of scale with little evidence of learning-by-doing. The centralization of those medical procedures is recommended given that this policy would save a considerable number of lives (reduction of 12% in deaths for cerebral infarction).