380 resultados para MariaI, Rainha de Portugal, 1734-1816
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História, na área de especialidade de História Medieval
O contributo da rainha D. Amélia para a evolução da saúde e da assistência em Portugal; XVIII Jornadas de História Militar, 2008 - 717-720
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Fundação Millennium bcp, Direcção Geral do Livro e das Bibliotecas/MC, Instituto de Estudos Medievais – FCSH/UNL
This paper is concerned with Hipparion from Ribatejo, Portugal, and with the stratigraphy of the Neogene series of this region. The first two chapters are an introduction and an historical review. Paleontological study includes both a revision of the specimens accounted by ROMAN (1907) and the description of new material. Two forms were recognized, an early H. cf. primigenium, lower Vallesian in age, NM 9 mammal unit (from Archino, Vila Nova da Rainha, Aveiras de Cima), and a more advanced H. primigenium cf. melendezi. Upper Vallesian, NM 10 (possibly lowermost Turolian, NM 11) (at Azambujeira and Marmeleira). A synthesis of Middle and Upper Miocene from Ribatejo is also presented. Levels with H. p. cf. melendezi are somewhat older than «Upper Pontian», as it was previously acknowledged, they attain at the best the lowermost Turolian (approximately corresponding to «Upper Pontian»). Even higher levels may be Turolian in age, though they are not yet accurately dated. Almost all the localities are shown (tableau 11) according to its stratigraphical position; age, correspondance to mammal units from NM 5 to NM 10 (and may be also from NM 11 to NM 12), and correlation with marine formations near Lisbon are also taken in account. The stratigraphical position of localities such as Póvoa de Santarém, Quinta do Marmelal, Pero Filho, Azambujeira (lower levels), and Fonte do Pinheiro was revised; the stratigraphical position of Marmeleira was ascertained. The localities so far known correspond to NM 5 (?), NM 6, NM 8, NM 9, NM 10 and possibly to NM II and NM 12. A new interpretation (M. T. ANTUNES) of localities with oysters from Ribatejo allows a better correlation with vertebrate localities. Relationships with Serravallian transgression seem well established. Only two localities, Vila Nova da Rainha and Foz do Alviela, may possibly be correlated to V-b division of Lisbon (Langhian) with «Hispanotherium fauna». All the other localities are younger than Serravallian oyster beds. Undirect correlation shows that NM 6 localities are somewhat younger than the apogee ef Serravallian transgression (corresponding approximately to Blow's N 11 to N 13 zones based on planctonic foraminifera).
This paper is concerned with Hipparion from Ribatejo, Portugal, and with the stratigraphy of the Neogene series of this region. The first two chapters are an introduction and an historical review. Paleontological study includes both a revision of the specimens accounted by ROMAN (1907) and the description of new material. Two forms were recognized, an early H. cf. primigenium, lower Vallesian in age, NM 9 mammal unit (from Archino, Vila Nova da Rainha, Aveiras de Cima), and a more advanced H. primigenium cf. melendezi. Upper Vallesian, NM 10 (possibly lowermost Turolian, NM 11) (at Azambujeira and Marmeleira). A synthesis of Middle and Upper Miocene from Ribatejo is also presented. Levels with H. p. cf. melendezi are somewhat older than «Upper Pontian», as it was previously acknowledged, they attain at the best the lowermost Turolian (approximately corresponding to «Upper Pontian»). Even higher levels may be Turolian in age, though they are not yet accurately dated. Almost all the localities are shown (tableau 11) according to its stratigraphical position; age, correspondance to mammal units from NM 5 to NM 10 (and may be also from NM 11 to NM 12), and correlation with marine formations near Lisbon are also taken in account. The stratigraphical position of localities such as Póvoa de Santarém, Quinta do Marmelal, Pero Filho, Azambujeira (lower levels), and Fonte do Pinheiro was revised; the stratigraphical position of Marmeleira was ascertained. The localities so far known correspond to NM 5 (?), NM 6, NM 8, NM 9, NM 10 and possibly to NM II and NM 12. A new interpretation (M. T. ANTUNES) of localities with oysters from Ribatejo allows a better correlation with vertebrate localities. Relationships with Serravallian transgression seem well established. Only two localities, Vila Nova da Rainha and Foz do Alviela, may possibly be correlated to V-b division of Lisbon (Langhian) with «Hispanotherium fauna». All the other localities are younger than Serravallian oyster beds. Undirect correlation shows that NM 6 localities are somewhat younger than the apogee ef Serravallian transgression (corresponding approximately to Blow's N 11 to N 13 zones based on planctonic foraminifera).
The present work follows a stratigraphic model for the marine Neogene of Portugal based on the definition of three main marine sedimentary cycles. Conceptually the I, II and III Neogene Cycles can be defined as 2nd order sedimentary sequences with duration ranging from 5 to 8 Ma. The I Neogene Cycle is fully represented only in the Lower Tagus Basin. Ranging from the Early Aquitanian to the Late Burdigalian the I Neogene Cycle testify a transgressive episode in the region of Lisbon and Setúbal Peninsula. Rapid lateral facies variations suggest a shallowmarine basin. This cycle ends with an important Late Burdigalian tectonic compressive event expressed by uplift of the surrounding areas and deformation affecting the Early Miocene deposits of the Arrábida Chain. The II Neogene Cycle includes thick sedimentary sequences covering Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations in the Algarve and Alvalade-Melides regions and it extends as far north as Santarém in the Lower Tagus Basin. Mainly controlled by global eustasy, it was generated by the important positive eustatic trend that characterized the Middle Miocene worldwide to which the Portuguese continental margin acted more or less passively. This cycle ended with a second and the most important compression event starting after the end of the Serravallian affecting the entire Portuguese onshore and shelf areas. This led to an important depositional hiatus of marine sediments for more than 2.5 Ma. During the Early and the Middle Tortonian occurred the clockwise rotation of the Guadalquivir Basin. The thickmarine units deposited afterwards in this basin produced a litostatic load, which seems to have induced subsidence farther west resuming the Neogene marine sedimentation in the Cacela region (Eastern Algarve), during the Late Tortonian. This marks the beginning of the III Neogene Cycle. To the north, in the Sado Basin (Alvalade-Melides region), a similar depositional sequence starts its sedimentation during the Messinian. Further north, in the Pombal-Caldas da Rainha region, marine sedimentation started during the Late Pliocene (Piacenzian). The migration in time, from south to north for the beginning of the marine sedimentation of this cycle is interpreted as reflecting a visco-elastic propagation of the deformation from the Betic chain northwards.
Dissertação de Mestrado em História Moderna e dos Descobrimentos.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História, área de especialização em História Medieval
Les travaux faits sur le terrain et les interprétations cartographiques de ces dernières années, montrant la pertinence des observations de Paul Choffat au siècle dernier, permettent de préciser l'échelle stratigraphique et de mieux distinguer les phases de l'histoire tectonique de la structure de Serra de EI-Rei. En attendant la publication d'une cartographie très détaillée mettant en évidence le détail des déformations tectoniques, il faut souligner la dissymétrie des deux flancs de cette structure ainsi que le rôle de certaines failles transverses. Sur son flanc nord, la série liasique, allant des dolomies du Lias inférieur au Toarcien inférieur ou moyen, est recouverte stratigraphiquement et en légère discordance par le "Lusitanien" qui remanie à sa base des éléments du Toarcien inférieur ou moyen. Sur son flanc sud, dans la partie centrale, la série stratigraphique liasique est comparable à celle de l'autre flanc, mais les dépôts du Toarcien, plus complets, sont affectés au cours de la zone à Meneghinii par des perturbations synsédimentaires avec fossiles brisés et/ou remaniés et des réductions d'épaisseur. Plus à l'Est, le Toarcien est très réduit et (tectoniquement?) en contact avec le Dogger. Au Sud-Ouest en revanche, prés de Bolhos, la série toarcienne est plus complète et couronnée par l'Aalénien inférieur, mais tronquée par un contact oblique N-S, repris par la tectonique récente. Sur ce flanc, le Bajocien inférieur est représenté mais peu épais; il est suivi par le Bajocien supérieur, le Bathonien et le Callovien très développés qui sont recouverts par un "Lusitanien" épais, très différent de celui du flanc nord. Cette série du Jurassique moyen et supérieur a été décrite dans la thèse de Christiane Ruget (1963). La structure de Serra de EI-Rei constitue une sorte de raccord E-W entre les importantes structures (diapiriques ?) méridiennes de Caldas da Rainha au NE et de Bolhos au SW. II s'agit d'une structure de tectonique distensive, en demi-graben, d'âge jurassique, qui est responsable de la dissymétrie des séries lithostratigraphiques sur ses deux flancs; au Miocène, pendant la compression bétique, cette structure a subi une inversion en constriction. Un modèle de l'évolution sédimentaire du secteur est présenté.
Os Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (P.A.L.O.P.'s), tal como a grande maioria de todo o continente africano, apresentam graves deficiências quanto a alfabetização das suas populações, tomando-se, assim, o ensino primário uma prioridade absoluta. De entre todas as limitações que existem ao nível dos respectivos sistemas educativos, talvez, a mais grave seja a fraca preparação científica e pedagógica que a maioria dos professores apresenta, para além, evidentemente, do seu reduzido número. Assim, a formação de professores tornou-se numa das apostas mais fortes dos P.A.L.O.P.'s, no campo da educação. Portugal, na área da cooperação com estes países, participa num Projecto de Consolidação dos Sistemas Educativos, no âmbito do qual desenvolve um programa de Acções de Formação de Formadores.
Tese de doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, área de Educação e Desenvolvimento
A presente dissertação tem como objectivo o estudo da primeira fase da institucionalização da investigação geológica em Portugal. São analisados os primeiros organismos responsáveis pelo levantamento geológico do território de Portugal continental, ou seja, a Comissão Geológica e Mineralógica, criada em 1848 no contexto da Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa e chefiada pelo Engenheiro francês Charles Bonnet (1816-1867), e a Comissão Geológica do Reino, fundada em 1857 como secção dos Serviços Geodésicos, no quadro do Ministério das Obras Públicas Comércio e Indústria, liderada por Carlos Ribeiro (1813-1882) e Pereira da Costa (1809-1888). Sem ser efectuada uma análise exaustiva, são ainda abordadas as reformas implementadas depois da cessação de funções da Comissão Geológica do Reino, por se considerar a sua menção indispensável para a compreensão das consequências dos acontecimentos que conduziram à suspensão desta instituição. Neste estudo deu-se particular relevo aos objectivos, estrutura, organização e enquadramento institucional das Comissões Geológicas, analisando-se as relações estabelecidas com os organismos que as tutelavam e os factores que condicionaram o seu funcionamento, em especial aqueles que levaram à suspensão da Comissão Geológica e Mineralógica, em 1858, e à extinção da Comissão Geológica do Reino, dez anos depois. No que se refere à investigação da estrutura institucional das Comissões Geológicas, foi utilizada uma abordagem proposta por Bruno Latour no quadro dos “science studies”, por parecer a mais adequada à compreensão da estrutura e organização das duas Comissões, e do seu enquadramento na administração do Estado. Estas linhas orientadoras foram ainda complementadas com uma análise das intenções e motivações individuais dos protagonistas envolvidos, por terem sido consideradas determinantes no esclarecimento das razões que conduziram à dissolução da Comissão Geológica do Reino. No que se refere às actividades desenvolvidas por ambas as Comissões, serão analisados os respectivos planos e métodos de trabalho, os resultados da sua acção, as relações internacionais dos seus membros, bem como as suas contribuições científicas tendo em conta os padrões internacionais de prática geológica da época. Neste âmbito, demonstra-se que a Comissão Geológica do Reino produziu mais e melhores resultados, que se constituíram num “ciclo de acumulação”. Para este processo, foi determinante a criação de uma rede de apoio, sobretudo no estrangeiro, que garantiu não só a aquisição de colecções, mapas, periódicos e livros, mas também a circulação de conhecimento e o intercâmbio com instituições congéneres estrangeiras, o que permitiu aos geólogos da CGR ver o seu trabalho reconhecido na comunidade científica internacional.
In the present work, we studied a common outbreaking Lepidoptera species in Portuguese pine stands – Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) - and one of its potential predators – Parus major (L.). The population dynamics of the immature stages of the Lepidoptera was studied in several types of Pinus pinaster (Aiton) plantations in three different areas: Setúbal Peninsula, Abrantes and National Pine Forest of Leiria. Location and plantation structure was the most important factors determining population density of T. pityocampa. Setubal and Abrantes was highly susceptible to attacks by the Lepidoptera, whereas Leiria had lower densities. Young and homogeneous pine stands was more susceptible to attacks than older and more heterogeneous pines stands. However, a desynchronized population of T. pityocampa, in which the larvae develops during summer instead of during winter, reached high densities also in Leiria. The impact of several mortality factors and climatic conditions on the immature stages of the insect (eggs and larvae), in normal and desynchronized populations are discussed, as well as possible evolutionary implications of the sudden appearance of the new version of T. pityocampa. The break of the pupa diapause and adult emergence times the annual life cycle of this insect. Adults from the desynchronized population emerged earlier than adults from the normal population, which in turn determined the change in the larvae development period. Different factors, potentially affecting the timing of adult emergence in both normal and abnormal populations are also discussed. To study P. Major, nest-boxes were placed in the areas of Setúbal and Leiria and they were monitored during three seasons. The nest-boxes increased the density of breeding and wintering birds in the studied pine plantations, indicating that a lack of natural holes are in fact a limiting factor for this populations. The earliest breeding start for this species was recorded in my study area, indicating that Portuguese coastal pines provide good breeding conditions earlier than in other areas of Europe and North Africa. This leads to an overlap between the end of the larvae stage of T. pityocampa and the beginning of the breeding season of P. major. Key-words: Thaumetopoea pityocampa, Parus major, Pinus pinaster, population dynamics, Portugal.
The occurrence of a copiapite in the Paleogenic (?) formations of Vale Furado (South of S. Pedro de Muel, Portugal) is described, X-ray, DTA and TGA data and a chemical analysis of this mineral are presented.
A three-week paleontological prospection in Triassic beds of the Algarve (southern province of Portugal) has revealed the presence of fossil vertebrates (stegocephalians for the most part, but also fishes and reptiles) in several localities and in at least 5 stratigraphical levels.