57 resultados para Literary project


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This article argues that the study of literary representations of landscapes can be aided and enriched by the application of digital geographic technologies. As an example, the article focuses on the methods and preliminary findings of LITESCAPE.PT—Atlas of Literary Landscapes of Mainland Portugal, an on-going project that aims to study literary representations of mainland Portugal and to explore their connections with social and environmental realities both in the past and in the present. LITESCAPE.PT integrates traditional reading practices and ‘distant reading’ approaches, along with collaborative work, relational databases, and geographic information systems (GIS) in order to classify and analyse excerpts from 350 works of Portuguese literature according to a set of ecological, socioeconomic, temporal and cultural themes. As we argue herein this combination of qualitative and quantitative methods—itself a response to the difficulty of obtaining external funding—can lead to (a) increased productivity, (b) the pursuit of new research goals, and (c) the creation of new knowledge about natural and cultural history. As proof of concept, the article presents two initial outcomes of the LITESCAPE.PT project: a case study documenting the evolving literary geography of Lisbon and a case study exploring the representation of wolves in Portuguese literature.


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To show with the case of Applied Optics (AO), the adequacy of blended learning to the teaching/learning process in experimental Science and technology (S&T).


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The work agenda includes the production of a report on different doctoral programmes on “Technology Assessment” in Europe, the US and Japan, in order to analyse collaborative post-graduation activities. Finally, the proposals on collaborative post-graduation programme between FCTUNL and ITAS-FZK will be organised by an ongoing discussion process with colleagues from ITAS.


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Poster presented at the Sixth Annual International Conference on Open Repositories (OR11) held on 6-11th June, Austin, Texas


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação


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The project started in 2009 with the support of DAAD in Germany and CRUP in Portugal under the “Collaborative German-Portuguese University Actions” programme. One central goal is the further development of a theory of technology assessment applied to robotics and autonomous systems in general that reflects in its methodology the changing conditions of knowledge production in modern societies and the emergence of new robotic technologies and of associated disruptive changes. Relevant topics here are handling broadened future horizons and new clusters of science and technology (medicine, engineering, interfaces, industrial automation, micro-devices, security and safety), as well as new governance structures in policy decision making concerning research and development (R


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ABSTRACT – Background: Primary Health Care (PHC) is usually the first contact with the health system, and health professionals are key mediators for enabling citizens to take care of their health. In Portugal, great improvements have been achieved in the biometric indicators of maternal and child health during the last decades. Nevertheless, scant attention has been paid to the mental health dimension, in spite of the recognition of its importance, being pregnancy and early childhood crucial opportunities in the lifecycle for mental health promotion, especially in the early years of life, with a strong impact in the health of the child. The impact of early attachment between mother and baby on maternal and child health has long been recognized. This attachment can be influenced by some factors, as the mother’s emotional adjustment. Attention to these factors may facilitate implementation of both positive conditions and preventative measures. Family support during the transition to parenthood has been highlighted as an effective measure and PHC professionals are in a privileged position as information sources as well as mediators. Aims: The project we present describes an action-research process developed together among academic researchers and health professionals to embrace these issues. We intend to enable health professionals to support families in the transition to parenthood thereby promoting children’s mental health. Approach: The project is driven by a participatory approach intended to lead to reorganization of health care during pregnancy and early childhood. Effective change happens when those involved are interested and motivated, what makes their participation so important. Reflection about current practices and needs, and knowledge about evidence-based interventions have been guiding the selection of changes to introduce in clinical practice for family support and development of parenthood skills and self-confidence. Development: We summarize the main steps in development: the initial assessment and the picture taken from the community under study; the decision making process; the training programme of PHC professionals in action; the review of the protocols of maternal consultation, home visits and antenatal education; the implementation planning; the plan for evaluation the effectiveness of the changes introduced in the delivery of maternal and child health care units. The already developed work has shown that motivation, leadership and organizational issues are decisive for process development.-------------------------- RESUMO - Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários são habitualmente o primeiro contacto com o sistema de saúde e os profissionais de saúde são mediadores chave na capacitação dos cidadãos para cuidarem da sua saúde. Em Portugal, nas últimas décadas, têm-se alcançado grandes melhorias nos indicadores biométricos de saúde materno-infantil. Contudo, tem-se dedicado pouca atenção à dimensão de saúde mental, apesar do reconhecimento da sua importância. A gravidez e primeira infância têm sido apontadas como uma oportunidade crucial no ciclo de vida para a promoção da saúde mental. É dado especial enfoque aos primeiros tempos de vida, dado o forte impacto na saúde da criança. O impacte da vinculação precoce entre a mãe e o bebé na saúde da mãe e da criança há muito que é reconhecido. Esta vinculação pode ser influenciada por vários factores, nomeadamente pelo ajustamento emocional da mãe. A focalização nestes aspectos pode facilitar a criação de condições favoráveis e a implementação de medidas preventivas. O suporte familiar durante o período de transição para a parentalidade tem sido enfatizado como uma medida eficaz e os Cuidados de Saúde Primários estão numa posição privilegiada como fontes de informação e como mediadores. O projecto que apresentamos descreve um processo de investigação- acção desenvolvido em parceria entre investigadores académicos e profissionais de saúde para abordar os aspectos referidos. Pretende-se capacitar os profissionais de saúde para apoiarem as famílias na transição para a parentalidade, promovendo assim a saúde mental das crianças. O projecto baseia-se numa abordagem participativa, direccionada para a reorganização dos cuidados durante a gravidez e primeiros tempos de vida. A mudança efectiva acontece quando os envolvidos estão interessados e motivados, o que torna a sua participação tão importante. A reflexão acerca das práticas e necessidades actuais e o conhecimento acerca de intervenções baseadas na evidência têm guiado a selecção das alterações a introduzir na prática clínica, no sentido de promover o suporte familiar e o desenvolvimento de competências parentais e auto-confiança. Neste artigo, apresentamos as etapas principais do desenvolvimento do projecto: avaliação inicial da comunidade em estudo; processo de tomada de decisão; programa de formação dos profissionais dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários; revisão dos protocolos da consulta de saúde materna, visita domiciliária e educação pré-natal; planeamento da implementação; plano de avaliação da efectividade das alterações introduzidas na prestação de cuidados. O trabalho já desenvolvido tem mostrado que a motivação, liderança e aspectos


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Inglês


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Project work presented as a partial requirement to obtain a Master Degree in Information Management


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ABSTRACT: Tobacco use remains the most significant modifiable cause of disability, death and illness1. In Portugal, 19,6% of the population aged ten years or more smoke3. A Cochrane review of 20087 concluded that a brief advice intervention (compared to usual care) can increase the likelihood of a smoker to quit and remain nonsmoker 12 months later by a further 1 to 3 %. Several studies have shown that Primary Care Physicians can play a key role in these interventions8,9,10. However we did not find studies about the effectiveness of brief interventions in routine consultations of Family Doctors in Portugal. For this reason we designed a Cohort Study to make an exploratory study about the effectiveness of brief interventions of less than three minutes in comparison with usual care in routine consultations. The study will be implemented in a Family Healthcare Unit in Beja, during six months. Family Doctors of the intervention group should be submitted for an educational and training program before the study begin. Quit smoking sustained rates will be estimated one year after the first intervention in each smoker. If, as we expect, quit smoking rates will be higher in the intervention group than in the control group, this may change Portuguese Family Doctors attitudes and increase the provision of brief interventions in routine consultations in Primary Healthcare Centers.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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RESUMO: A doença de Alzheimer (AD) é a forma mais comum de demência em todo o mundo e sua prevalência deverá duplicar até 2050. Os mecanismos precisos responsáveis pela AD são desconhecidas mas as características histopatológicas estão bem caracterizadas. A hipótese mais importante para a perda neuronal e declínio cognitivo na AD é a cascata amilóide que indica que AD é o resultado da sobreprodução de beta amilóide (Aβ) e / ou remoção ineficaz; a acumulação do BA no cérebro seria o passo crítico na patogénese da AD. Actualmente, a identificação de proteínas que se ligam ao Aβ e modulam a sua agregação e neurotoxicidade pode proporcionar a base para novas abordagens terapêuticas. A apolipoproteína AI (ApoA-I), o principal componente das HDL humanas, interage com o domínio extracelular da proteína precursora de amilóide (APP), bem como com o Aβ. Estudos epidemiológicos têm mostrado uma diminuição acentuada da ApoA-I plasmática em doentes com AD, com uma correlação inversa entre o nível de ApoA-I e o risco de AD. Este trabalho pretende apresentar um projecto que tem como objectivo investigar se os anticorpos anti-apo AI podem impedir a formação de complexos Aβ / ApoA-I, bloqueando o efeito protector da ApoA-I. A hipótese baseia-se na possibilidade dos doentes com AD terem anticorpos anti-ApoA-I plasmáticos e de estes poderem interferir com a formação do complexo no LCR.------- ABSTRACT:Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia world-wide and its prevalence is expected to double by the year 2050. The precise mechanisms responsible for AD are unknown but the histopathologic features are well-characterised. The most compelling hypothesis for neuronal loss and cognitive decline in AD is the amyloid cascade hypothesis which states that AD is the result of amyloid beta (Aβ) overproduction and/or ineffective clearance and its accumulation in the brain would be the critical step in AD pathogenesis. Currently, identification of proteins that bind Aβ and modulate its aggregation and neurotoxicity could provide the basis for novel treatment approaches. Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I), the main constituent of human HDL, ApoA-I interacts with the extracellular domain of amyloid precursor protein (APP), as well as with Aβ itself. Epidemiological studies have shown a marked decrease of plasma ApoA-I levels in AD patients, with an inverse correlation between the ApoA-I level and the risk of AD. This work intends to present a project that aims to investigate if anti-ApoA-I antibodies may prevent the formation of the Aβ /ApoA-I complex and by doing so blocking the protective effect of ApoA-I in AD. We base the hypothesis on the possibility that patients with AD might have anti-ApoA-I antibodies in plasma and that these can interfere with the complex formation in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics