12 resultados para Library service quality
This study assess the quality of Cybersecurity as a service provided by IT department in corporate network and provides analysis about the service quality impact on the user, seen as a consumer of the service, and on the organization as well. In order to evaluate the quality of this service, multi-item instrument “SERVQUAL” was used for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality. To provide insights about Cybersecurity service quality impact, DeLone and McLean information systems success model was used. To test this approach, data was collected from over one hundred users from different industries and partial least square (PLS) was used to estimate the research model. This study found that SERVQUAL is adequate to assess Cybersecurity service quality and also found that Cybersecurity service quality positively influences the Cybersecurity use and individual impact in Cybersecurity.
Dissertation presented to obtain a Masters degree in Computer Science
SERVQUAL is the most popular instrument to ascertain service quality. However, some debate exists about its ability to characterize different service environments. Furthermore, there is not a consensus about the inclusion of customer expectations in the model. The research presented in this paper intends to discuss the applicability of SERVQUAL to restaurant services and to analyze the inclusion of customer expectations in such environment. The research was developed in a Portuguese resort and more than 300 customers, from two different restaurants, were invited to participate in the study.
RESUMO - Os programas de acreditação revelam-se essenciais para monitorizar e garantir a qualidade dos serviços de imagiologia. Face à inexistência de um documento nacional de acreditação que responda às necessidades específicas de um serviço de imagiologia e perante a existência de diferentes estratégias de implementação da qualidade a nível internacional, definiu-se como principal objectivo deste trabalho contribuir para a criação de um documento de acreditação específico para serviços de imagiologia adaptado à realidade portuguesa. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho pretende, através da aplicação de um questionário, desenvolvido para o efeito, a um grupo de peritos (painel Delphi) representante de organizações da área da imagiologia e da qualidade, analisar o consenso entre os elementos relevantes na acreditação de um serviço de imagiologia, nomeadamente ao nível da estrutura, processo e resultado. Como resultados esperados destacam-se a estruturação de um documento de consenso para a acreditação nos serviços de imagiologia em Portugal. Por certo, a aplicação de um quadro normativo emanado deste trabalho, na implementação da qualidade em imagiologia, permitirá que os serviços melhorem a sua prestação, que sejam avaliados e comparados com os congéneres, nacional ou internacionalmente, permitindo aos utentes ter mais e melhor informação que lhes permita optar por serviços com qualidade. -------------------------ABSTRACT - Accreditation programs are essential to monitor and ensure the quality of Imaging Services. Due to the lack of a national accreditation document that meets the specific needs of an imaging service and due to the existence of different international quality implementation strategies, the main purpose of this work is to contribute to the creation of a Portuguese imaging services accreditation document. Therefore, the present study aims to apply a inquiry to a group of experts (Delphi panel), that represents the structures and organizations that should integrate the development of the imaging services accreditation document, to analyze the consensus among experts about characteristics of accreditation, particularly the structure, process and outcome of imaging services. The expected results are the increased interest of decision-makers in promoting structural changes in the area of accreditation in Imaging and the creation of a document that evidences the consensus among experts. Finally, it is hoped that the same group of experts meets for accreditation document. The expected results include designing a consensus document for accreditation in imaging services in Portugal. Certainly, the implementation of a regulatory framework emerging from this work, in the implementation of quality imaging, will allow services to improve their performance, which are evaluated and compared with national or international counterparts. Consequently, patients will have better information that will enable them to opt for quality services.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Journal of Business, Vol. 78 Issue 3, p1049-1072
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
RESUMO: Nos últimos anos assistiu-se a um reposicionamento das pessoas portadoras de doença mental na sociedade, no sentido de viverem em pleno os seus direitos, sem restrições. Esta tendência acompanhou as transformações que se têm vivido na forma como os utentes dos serviços de saúde interagem com os mesmos e com os profissionais de saúde, de forma a permitir uma maior autonomização e responsabilização no que concerne ao tratamento da sua doença, a relação que estabelecem com o seu médico, e a participação na avaliação e monitorização da qualidade dos serviços. Mais recentemente, também no mundo científico, esta afirmação se fez sentir, com o surgimento de investigação liderada por utentes, no sentido de estudar de forma adequada questões que partem do seu ponto de vista, e que possibilitem a produção de conhecimento significativa no contexto das suas experiências. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se contribuir para a validação da versão portuguesa do VOICE (Service Users’ Perceptions of Inpatient Care, Views on Inpatient Care) (Evans et al., 2012), instrumento para a avaliação dos serviços de internamento de agudos em psiquiatria, construído a partir de um investigação liderado por utentes e partindo das suas perspectiva. O VOICE é constituído por 19 questões, agrupadas em sete domínios: admissão; cuidados e tratamento; medicação; equipa de técnicos do internamento; terapia e atividades; ambiente e diferenças. O presente estudo envolveu uma amostra de 85 utentes de um serviço de internamento de agudos de uma instituição psiquiátrica do Norte de Portugal. A versão portuguesa do VOICE apresentou boa aceitação por parte dos utentes e boas características psicométricas - a consistência interna foi alta (α = 0,87) e todos, exceto um item (item 6), apresentam elevadas correlações item-total (variando de 0,18 - item 6 a 0,71 - item 11; M = 0,54, DP = 0,15), sugerindo ser um instrumento útil na avaliação dos serviços de internamento de agudos. No futuro torna-se necessário alargar o estudo a outros contextos de internamento e envolvendo amostras mais alargadas.-------------- ABSTRACT: In recent years there has been a gradual process to help people with the experience of mental illness regaining their full rights. Following the advances in the understanding of mental health problems, and the use of medication to help patients overcome symptoms, service-users have become more autonomous and responsible in the way they deal with health professionals, and are now called to participate in assessing and monitoring mental health services and policies. In the context of these transformations we have assisted to the emergence of research led by service-users (in this case of psychiatric and mental health services) in order to emphasize their point of view, and to enable the production of significant knowledge resulting from their experiences, and perceptions. The present study aims to contribute to the dissemination of service-user led research, based on the adaptation and validation of the Portuguese version of the VOICE - Service Users' Perceptions Questionnaire, Views on Inpatient Care. (Evans et al., 2012). The VOICE is composed of 19 questions, grouped in seven domains: admissions, care and treatment, medication, team of technicians during hospitalization, therapy and activities, environment and diversity. The present study involved a sample of 85 inpatient of a psychiatric institution in Northern Portugal. The Portuguese version of the VOICE showed good psychometric properties and was well accepted by patients [high internal consistency (α = 0,87); and high correlation of each item, except item 6, with the total score (ranging from 0.18 on item 6 to 0.71 on item 11; average=0,54; SD=0,15), suggesting it to be a useful tool for assessing inpatient services. In the future there is a need to extend the study to other contexts and include larger samples.
This project aims to prepare Worten Empresas (WE) fulfilling the increasing market demand through process changings, focusing on the Portuguese market, particularly on internal B2B clients1. Several methods were used to measure the current service level provided - process mapping, resources assessment, benchmark and a survey. The results were then used to compare against service level actually desired by WE’s customer, and then to identify the performance gaps in response times and quality of the follow-up during the sales process. To bridge the identified gaps, both a set of recommendations and an implementation plan were suggested to improve and monitor customer experience. This study concluded that it is possible to fulfill the increasing level of demand and at the same time improve customer satisfaction by implementing changes at the operations level.
Retail services are a main contributor to municipal budget and are an activity that affects perceived quality-of-life, especially for those with mobility difficulties (e.g. the elderly, low income citizens). However, there is evidence of a decline in some of the services market towns provide to their citizens. In market towns, this decline has been reported all over the western world, from North America to Australia. The aim of this research was to understand retail decline and enlighten on some ways of addressing this decline, using a case study, Thornbury, a small town in the Southwest of England. Data collected came from two participatory approaches: photo-surveys and multicriteria mapping. The interpretation of data came from using participants as analysts, but also, using systems thinking (systems diagramming and social trap theory) for theory building. This research moves away from mainstream economic and town planning perspectives by making use of different methods and concepts used in anthropology and visual sociology (photo-surveys), decision-making and ecological economics (multicriteria mapping and social trap theory). In sum, this research has experimented with different methods, out of their context, to analyse retail decline in a small town. This research developed a conceptual model for retail decline and identified the existence of conflicting goals and interests and their implications for retail decline, as well as causes for these. Most of the potential causes have had little attention in the literature. This research also identified that some of the measures commonly used for dealing with retail decline may be contributing to the causes of retail decline itself. Additionally, this research reviewed some of the measures that can be used to deal with retail decline, implications for policy-making and reflected on the use of the data collection and analysis methods in the context of small to medium towns.
RESUMO: Objetivo Avaliar a qualidade dos serviços de saúde mental e a situação dos direitos humanos no Hospital de Saúde Mental de Kabul (KMHH) e fornecer recomendações para o desenvolvimento de um plano de melhoria, actualização e revisão da Política, Estratégia e Plano Nacionais de Saúde Mental,. Métodos A avaliação foi realizada em Janeiro de 2015 no KMHH e na Burn Ward do Hospital Terciário de Isteqlal por uma equipa multidisciplinar usando Qualidade Direitos Tool Kit da OMS. Antes da avaliação, o protocolo foi aprovado pelo Institutional Review Board e obtido o consentimento informado de cada entrevistado. Realizaram-se entrevistas com 16 utentes do serviço, 17 funcionários do hospital e 7 familiares, além da revisão de documentos e da observação das unidades de internamento do KMHH e das interações interpessoais entre funcionários do hospital e utentes do serviço. A comissão de avaliação reviu também a documentação e observou a Unidade de Queimados do Hospital Terciário de Isteqlal, a fim de avaliar e comparar a paridade entre as duas instalações. Após a avaliação, todos os membros da comissão se reuniram e puseram em conjunto todas as conclusões num relatório final. Resultados Encontrámos algumas lacunas graves no nível de prestação de serviços e no respeito pelos direitos humanos dos utentes dos serviços e dos seus familiares. Uma série de políticas, diretrizes e procedimentos relacionados com os direitos humanos dos pacientes estavam ausentes. O ambiente terapêutico e o padrão de vida eram inadequados, existia má qualidade do atendimento e dos serviços prestados, os utilizadores enfrentavam violações do direito ao exercício da capacidade legal e da liberdade pessoal, eram quimica e fisicamente (uso de correntes) contidos e expostos a abusos verbais, físicos e emocionais, e havia grande ênfase no tratamento institucional. Todos estes aspectos foram considerados como extensa violação dos direitos humanos dos utentes de serviço do KMHH. Conclusão Os serviços disponíveis para utentes dos serviços de saúde mental apresentam alguns problemas devido à desconfiança e falta de consciencialização sobre os direitos das pessoas com doença mental e precisam ser alterados de forma positiva. A Lei de Saúde Mental existente difere muito das recomendações da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Incapacidades (CRPD) e requer revisão e adaptação de acordo com esta Convenção. -------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Objective To assess the quality of mental health services and human rights condition in the Kabul Mental Health Hospital (KMHH) and provide recommendations for development of an improvement plan and to update and revise the National Mental Health Policy, Strategy and Plan. Methods The assessment was conducted in January 2015 in the KMHH and the Burn Ward of Isteqlal Tertiary Hospital by a multidisciplinary team using WHO Quality Rights Tool Kit. Before the assessment, Institutional Review Board approval and informed consent from each interviewee were obtained. Interviews were conducted with 16 service users, 17 hospital staffs and 7 family members in addition to documents review and observation of inpatient units of KMHH plus interpersonal interactions between hospital staff and service users. The assessment committee reviewed the documentation and observed the Burn Ward of Isteqlal Tertiary hospital in order to measure and compare parity between the two facilities. After the assessment, all committee members gathered and synchronized all findings into a final report. Results There were some serious gaps on service provision level and respecting human rights of service users and their family members. A series of policies, guidelines and procedures related to patients’ human rights were absent. Inadequate treatment environment and standard of living, poor quality of care and services, violations of the right to exercise legal capacity and personal liberty, being chemically and physically (e.g. chain) restrained, being exposed to verbal, physical and emotional abuse, and emphasis on institutional treatment were all extensive human rights violation that service users were experiencing in KMHH. Conclusion The available services for mental health service users are questionable due to mistrust and lack of awareness about rights of people with disabilities and need to be positively changed. Existing Mental Health Act has a large number of disparities with the CRPD and requires revision and adaptation in accordance to CRPD.