28 resultados para International Study


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Last decades economic development induced massive international and regional migration flows directed to the urban spaces. The magnitude and swiftness of these processes determined that several cities’ authorities would fail to respond to the increasing demands of many social services. The right to an “adequate housing” emerged as a political concern, leading governments and institutions to develop housing programmes directed to improve the lives of slum dwellers. This paper presents a diachronic evolution of these specific housing policies in the paradigmatic case-study of Brazil, critically analysing the evolving roles played by the multiple levels of decision (from international institutions to local communities) in the development and implementation of such measures.


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This work presents the results of the experimental study of proton induced nuclear reactions in lithium, namely the 7Li(p,α) 4He, 6Li(p,α) 3He and 7Li(p,p)7Li reactions. The amount of 7Li and 6Li identified as primordial and observed in very old stars of the Milky Way galactic halo strongly deviates from the predictions of primordial nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution models which depend, among other factors, on the cross sections of reactions like 7Li(p,α) 4He and 6Li(p,α) 3He. These discrepancies have triggered a large amount of research in the fields of stellar evolution, cosmology, pre-galactic evolution and low energy nuclear reactions. Focusing on nuclear reactions, this work has measured the 7Li(p,α) 4He and 6Li(p,α) 3He reactions cross sections (expressed in terms of the astrophysical S -factor) with higher accuracy, and the electron screening effects in these reactions for different environments (insulators and metallic targets). The 7Li(p,α) 4He angular distributions were also measured. These measurementstook place in two laboratory facilities, in the framework of the LUNA (Laboratory for Undergroud Nuclear Astrophysics) international collaboration, namely the Laboratorio ´ de Feixe de Ioes ˜ in ITN (Instituto Tecnologico ´ e Nuclear) Sacavem, ´ Portugal, and the Dynamitron-TandemLaboratorium in Ruhr-Universitat¨ Bochum, Germany. The ITN target chamber was modified to measure these nuclear reactions, with the design and construction of new components, the addition of one turbomolecular pump and a cold finger. The 7Li(p,α) 4He and 6Li(p,α) 3He reactions were measured concurrently with seven and four targets, respectively. These targets were produced in order to obtain adequate and stable lithium depth profiles. In metallic environments, the measured electron screening potential energies are much higher than the predictions of atomic-physics models. The Debye screening model applied to the metallic conduction electrons is able to explain these high values. It is a simple model, but also very robust. Concerning primordial nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution models, these results are very important as they show that laboratory measurements are well controlled, and the model inputs from these cross sections are therefore correct. In this work the 7Li(p,p)7Li differential cross section was also measured, which is useful to describe the 7Li(p,α) 4He entrance channel.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro, especialidade Teoria, História e Técnicas, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Masters Thesis – Academic Year 2007/2008 - European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization (E.MA) - European Inter-university Centre for Human Rights and Democratization (EIUC) -Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL)


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International Journal of Engineering and Industrial Management, nº 1, p. 195-208


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ABSTRACT – Background: According to the Report on Carcinogens, formaldehyde ranks 25th in the overall U.S. chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Given its economic importance and widespread use, many people are exposed to formaldehyde environmentally and/or occupationally. Presently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies formaldehyde as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence in humans and in experimental animals. Manyfold in vitro studies clearly indicated that formaldehyde can induce genotoxic effects in proliferating cultured mammalian cells. Furthermore, some in vivo studies have found changes in epithelial cells and in peripheral blood lymphocytes related to formaldehyde exposure. Methods: A study was carried out in Portugal, using 80 workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde vapours: 30 workers from formaldehyde and formaldehyde-based resins production factory and 50 from 10 pathology and anatomy laboratories. A control group of 85 non-exposed subjects was considered. Exposure assessment was performed by applying simultaneously two techniques of air monitoring: NIOSH Method 2541 and Photo Ionization Detection equipment with simultaneously video recording. Evaluation of genotoxic effects was performed by application of micronucleus test in exfoliated epithelial cells from buccal mucosa and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Results: Time-weighted average concentrations not exceeded the reference value (0.75 ppm) in the two occupational settings studied. Ceiling concentrations, on the other hand, were higher than reference value (0.3 ppm) in both. The frequency of micronucleus in peripheral blood lymphocytes and in epithelial cells was significantly higher in both exposed groups than in the control group (p < 0.001). Moreover, the frequency of micronucleus in peripheral blood lymphocytes was significantly higher in the laboratories group than in the factory workers (p < 0.05). A moderate positive correlation was found between duration of occupational exposure to formaldehyde (years of exposure) and micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes (r = 0.401; p < 0.001) and in epithelial cells (r = 0.209; p < 0.01). Conclusions: The population studied is exposed to high peak concentrations of formaldehyde with a long-term exposure. These two aspects, cumulatively, can be the cause of the observed genotoxic endpoint effects. The association of these cytogenetic effects with formaldehyde exposure gives important information to risk assessment process and may also be used to assess health risks for exposed worker


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Thesis presented to satisfy the necessary requirements for obtaining a PhD degree in International Relation with specialization in Globalization and the Environment,


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Business History, Vol, 51 Issue 1, p45-58


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Paper presented at the 5th European Conference Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, Vilamoura, Algarve. Apr. 14-17, 2009, 11p. URL: http:// www.cenertec.pt/ecemei/


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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International Conference Durable Structures: from construction to rehabilitation. Lisbon, LNEC, 31 May-1 June 2012


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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21th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC 21), July 2013, Fortaleza, Brazil