19 resultados para First orders
The relationship between the changes of the global economy and individual working conditions formed the background of the first WORKS conference “The transformation of work in a global knowledge economy: towards a conceptual framework”, held in Chania, Greece from 21st – 22nd September, 2006 and attended by around 50 European researchers. Experts from academia and trade unions from all over the world were invited to give insights into their field of research, contributing to one of the main topics of the conference: (i) globalisation and organisational restructuring, (ii) workers’ organisation, the quality of working life and the gender dimension and (iii) global experiences and recommendations.
Signal Processing, Vol. 86, nº 10
Portuguese version:
Eukaryotic Cell, Vol.7, Nº6
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau em Mestre em Engenharia Física
An exceptionally favourable stratigraphic and chronologic context concerning the Miocene series in Lisbon allows us to stress that there are two successive data as far as the Proboscideans' immigration into western Europe is concerned: firstly, that of Gomphotheres, and later that of Deinotheres. The study of a Langhian (in age) tusk has shown that Deinotherinm havaricum was still present then. The time span of this species could be accurately recognized. A discussion on the genus Deinotherium is presented, as well as its occurrence in Portugal and on its ecologic meaning.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Línguas, Culturas e Literaturas Modernas
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Metropolização, Planeamento Estratégico e Sustentabilidade.
J Biol Inorg Chem (2006) 11: 548–558 DOI 10.1007/s00775-006-0104-y
This paper summarises the results of the first systematic, detailed prosopographic study of the MPs – the deputados of the Lower Chamber - of the First Portuguese Republic (1910-1926). Data are presented both by legislature and for the overall period. Two kinds of background variables are explored: sociodemographic (birthplace, age, education and profession) and political (previous experience in other elite positions). Regime change in 1910 resulted in the replacement of the former political elite by homines novi. Most MPs of the Republican regime were born in small towns and communities, had carried out higher educational studies (with prevalence for law training), were mainly drawn from the professions (practising lawyers and doctors) and the Army, and were elected for the first-time at relatively young ages. Parliamentary turnover was high (two-thirds of the representatives held just one mandate) and a large proportion of MPs had a consistent connection (birth, family ties, occupation) to the constituencies to which they had been elected.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
RESUMO: A Medicina Transfusional está a mudar rapidamente em resposta a um número de diferentes catástrofes, patologias e novas técnicas da ciência. Por detrás de uma transfusão de sangue existe todo um conjunto de procedimentos, técnicas e atuações que salvaguardam o rigor e segurança científicas resultando numa maior eficiência na diminuição da morbilidade/mortalidade humana. Todo o processo de colheita, análise, processamento e distribuição de concentrados de eritrócitos comporta um capital elevado em termos da economia para a saúde e os requisitos básicos de uma gestão de qualidade, na área da saúde em geral e da hemoterapia em particular, tem de compreender, com rigor, estas condições de gestão parceria de forma a evitar um aumento nos custos da saúde. Para identificar as discrepâncias nos pedidos efetuados pelos Hospitais Públicos e Privados ao Centro de Sangue e Transplantação de Lisboa, no que diz respeito ao Sistema AB0 dos concentrados de Eritrócitos, foi feito um estudo quantitativo, com fins descritivos simples, aos 95 984 concentrados de eritrócitos enviados às 32 Instituições de Saúde da abrangência do CST de Lisboa. Tendo em conta o Sistema AB0 RhD, confirma-se que o grupo sanguíneo prevalente, tanto na população portuguesa como nos dadores de sangue que efetuaram a sua dádiva de sangue em 2011, é o grupo A Rh+. Observou-se no entanto que o grupo sanguíneo mais pedido e enviado pertence ao grupo 0 Rh positivo. Assim, apurou-se que existe uma disparidade, mesmo que pouco acentuada, nos pedidos efetuados pelos Hospitais Públicos e Privados ao Centro de Sangue e Transplantação de Lisboa no que configura ao Sistema AB0 dos concentrados de eritrócitos. Os Hospitais Públicos Sem Serviço de Colheita de Sangue e os Hospitais Privados são responsáveis por este desencontro de valores. No que se refere às inutilizações por prazo de validade ressalva-se que os desaproveitamentos de CE’s não são tão acentuados como se esperaria numa primeira fase de estudo. No entanto, e em termos económicos, se existem inutilizações por prazo de validade, existe igualmente despojo financeiro. Por detrás de cada unidade inutilizada existe um alto investimento que será desperdiçado por carência de solicitação. De forma a minimizar gastos e a salvaguardar um Banco de Sangue capaz de suportar qualquer eventualidade de rutura de stock estão patentes propostas de estratégias capazes de impedir constrangimentos diários e futuros no que diz respeito à disponibilidade de sangue e componentes sanguíneos.--------------ABSTRACT: The Transfusion Medicine it is changing fast in response to a number of different catastrophes, disease and new techniques of science. From behind a blood transfusion there is a whole set of procedures, techniques and actions that safeguard the safety and scientific rigor resulting in greater efficiency in reducing morbidity / mortality human. The entire process of procurement, testing, processing and distribution of concentrated erythrocytes involves a high capital in terms of the economy to health and the basic requirements of a quality management in healthcare in general and hemotherapy in particular has to understand with rigor, this partnership in order to avoid an increase in health costs. In order to identify discrepancies in the orders placed by the Government and Private Hospitals Center Blood and Transplant Lisbon regarding the AB0 system of concentrated erythrocytes was made a quantitative study with simple descriptive purposes to 95,984 erythrocytes concentrates sent to 32 Health Institutions of the scope of CST Lisbon. Having regard to the system AB0 blood group RhD prevalent both in the Portuguese population as blood donors, who made his blood donation in 2011, confirms that belong to group A Rh +. It was found that blood group most requested and sent belongs to group 0 Rh positive. Thus, it was found that there is a disparity, even a little sharp, requests made by the Government and Private Hospitals Blood Center and Transplantation in Lisbon that configures the system AB0 erythrocyte concentrates. The Public Hospitals without Blood Harvest and Private Hospitals are responsible for this clash of values. With regard the expiry date by disables proviso that the wastes of CE's are not as sharp as one would expect in a first phase of the study. However, in economic terms, if there is disables by expiry date, there is also financial squandering. Behind every unused unit is a high investment to be wasted by shortage of request. To minimize costs and safeguarding a Blood Bank can support any event of rupture of stock patents are proposed strategies to prevent future and diaries constraints with regard to the availability of blood and blood components.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics