4 resultados para Brasil. [Código civil (2002)]


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There is an undeniable link between child support and scholarship, under article 1880 of the portuguese Civil Code. Of course, by being within family relationships, such link could not be out of controversy. At a time when the continuation of studies is more and more urgent, this link between the two, is often subject of disputes, especially resultant from the interpretation of the law, due to the wide extension that it is entitle to; and many times is also insufficient to the most interested people – the youngsters that want to study. Regardless of the imprecision that rules under article 1880 of the portuguese Civil Code, this article reveals a huge importance by enabling young adults and students to continue their studies, with the financial help from their parents - the responsibility of the parents with the support of their children should have ended by the time they have become legal adults, but it is extended by this article, once the criteria is filled, especially related to the reasonableness of what is required to the parents and the temporal duration of the education chosen. That is, considering that reaching adulthood does not cease the duty of support from the parents, it is important to know how much can parents provide to their children, bearing in mind their income and the child’s and his/her needs, behavior and the intellectual capacity of the child as a student and also the parent-child relationship; and, until when is such support due, taking in to account several circumstances of life and the difficulties inherent to the degree chosen and even the extension of the studies to a master or to a PhD degree that justifies the extension of the parent’s duty. Anyway, the application of article 1880 of the portuguese Civil Code is always based on a case by case analysis and on the economic insufficient of the youngsters to suffice themselves and the simultaneous desire to continue their studies.


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The scope of the present work is to study the legal protection conferred upon the consumer in Angola, especially as regards electronic communication agreements. Its purpose is to promote consumers’ rights and contribute to its defence given the relatively privileged position of professionals in their relationship with consumers. With this in mind, we have made a description of the Consumer Law in Angola based on the Angolan Constitution (as the law that establishes the fundamental rights and guarantees of citizens) and on the Consumer’s Defence Law, which, as the basic law regarding consumers’ rights, provides the framework for this dissertation. We have analysed several aspects relating to consumer relationships, starting from its concept and rights of consumers and covering the legal and contractual mechanisms put in place for their protection. We have also analysed the Advertising Law with a view to better understand consumer’s rights before advertising campaigns carried out by professionals whilst promoting their goods and services and, additionally, to understand the duties and principles that shall be complied with in such campaigns with the purpose to protect the rights and interests of consumers. From a criminal point of view, we have briefly covered the crimes against consumers provided for in the Penal Code and the Law of Infractions against the Economy. In the second part of this work, we have summarised the institutions that protect the rights and interests of consumers, which include the Public Prosecutor Office, the National Institute for the Defence of the Consumers and the Consumers’ Associations. The third and last part of this work covers electronic communications agreements. Given the fact that there is no specific legislation in this matter, our analysis was based on the Civil Code – specifically the part relating to contracts – the Law on General Contractual Terms and Conditions and the Consumer’s Defence Law. We have analysed the formation of contracts, compliance and consumers’ rights resulting from contract breach. We further have appealed to the Angolan legislator to legislate certain aspects of consumer relationships, especially those where breach of consumers’ rights are blatant and facilitated by the lack of specific laws addressing such cases.


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Na presente dissertao abordaremos o mecanismo do aumento de capital realizado com recurso a crditos sobre a sociedade, nomeadamente, resultantes de prestaes suplementares. Este tema afigura-se-nos de particular interesse e considervel relevncia no s teoricamente, como face ao momento histrico que vivemos. De facto, o modelo comummente adoptado pelas sociedades comerciais passava pelo recurso a elevados nveis de endividamento, sendo utilizados capitais externos como modo preferencial de financiamento. Dadas as recentes e generalizadas dificuldades de tesouraria e acesso a crdito, as estruturas financeiras das sociedades tiveram de ser repensadas, sendo os mecanismos de autofinanciamento cada vez mais bem vistos. A questo ora em anlise afigura-se ainda como merecedora do nosso interesse e anlise pelo facto de cruzar vrios institutos jurdicos, uns regulados pelo direito civil (extino e transmisso de obrigaes) e outros pelo direito societrio (aumento de capital e prestaes suplementares), e versar tambm sobre outras reas do saber como a contabilidade empresarial. Cumprindo a funo de autofinanciamento da sociedade temos os aumentos de capital e as prestaes suplementares. Mediante o aumento de capital social realizado com crditos sobre a prpria sociedade, sejam estes crditos de terceiros, sejam crditos de scios decorrentes da realizao de prestaes suplementares, realiza-se um financiamento com recurso a capitais prprios da sociedade que, desonerando-a de uma dvida, contribui para a sanidade financeira da mesma. Este , pois, um mecanismo jurdico de grande relevncia prtica com evidentes vantagens tanto para os scios – na medida em que fortalece a possibilidade de realizao do objecto social - como para os credores – pois confere maior certeza de satisfao dos seus direitos de crdito. Assim, ao longo deste estudo, procuraremos demonstrar as vantagens e benefcios deste mecanismo que justificam amplamente, em nosso entender, que lhe seja dado o devido tratamento legislativo. Iniciaremos o nosso percurso com uma breve anlise do conceito estruturante de todo o nosso direito societrio, o capital social. Sendo este nuclear ao pensamento jus-societrio portugus e ao tema que ora nos propomos tratar, afigura-se-nos como imperativa a sua devida definio e caracterizao para posterior discusso das questes parcelares e particulares que encerra. Feita a sua anlise, estaremos em condies de gizar os principais traos de dois dos modos de financiamento das sociedades, abordando primeiramente o elemento central da nossa exposio, o aumento de capital. No gozando as prestaes suplementares do mesmo regime que o capital social e no o integrando ou modificando, pelas suas caractersticas intrnsecas, cumprem funes similares a este e so, consequentemente, afins do aumento de capital social. Da a sua insero sistemtica na presente no mbito das “vicissitudes da vida das sociedades – modos de financiamento”. A abordagem e tratamento pormenorizado das prestaes suplementares tem aqui lugar por fora no s da sua funo de autofinanciamento das sociedades, paralela dos aumentos de capital, mas tambm e essencialmente por fora do facto de da sua realizao resultarem crditos sobre a sua sociedade que podero ser objecto de entradas em futuros aumentos de capital. . Sendo a particularidade do mecanismo em causa o tipo de entrada com que realizadoos crditos – mltiplas questes se levantam e merecem anlise e reflexo. Seguir-se-, ento, o estudo da obrigao central e fundacional da posio jurdica de scio e, consequentemente, da vida das sociedades comerciais, a obrigao de entrada. Aqui, demonstraremos a admissibilidade da realizao de aumentos de capital com entradas constitudas por crditos, o que despoleta a questo central da nossa problemtica – como se extingue a obrigao de entrada nos aumentos de capital realizados com crditos quando a lei societria probe determinante e expressamente a sua extino por compensao? Aqui chegados, far-se- uma incurso pelos principais ordenamentos jurdicos europeus, num breve estudo de direito comparado que nos permita iluminar a questo, que entre ns tem sido negligenciada pela doutrina, jurisprudncia e, principalmente, pelo legislador. De facto, so poucas as vozes que entre ns versam sobre a incongruncia entre a praxis recorrente de realizao de aumentos de capital mediante converso de crdito em capital e a proibio do 27.º n.º 5 do Cdigo das Sociedades Comerciais. No sendo admitida a compensao, cumpre analisar as vrias causas de extino das obrigaes previstas no Cdigo Civil que, partida, podero operar a extino da obrigao de entrada.


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This thesis is about arbitration, a form of alternative dispute resolution, as a solution for the slowness of the Brazilian Judiciary. The paper starts with an approach of the fundamental rights, highlighting their positivation, important to distinguish them from human rights, the four dimensions of the fundamental rights and, lastly, the analysis of their features, emphasizing their characters of complementarity and universality. After, it starts to discourse about the “access to Justice”, an important fundamental right, and, to delimitate the role of the Judiciary and the problems related to solve cases in a reasonable amount of time. Next, it exposes other alternative forms of dispute resolutions that, like the arbitration, can help to the concretization of a faster and more effective Justice. Then, it discusses the historical evolution of the arbitration in Brazil, highlighting the contemporary features of the institute, which were more visible with the ratification of the New York Convention and the promulgation of Law nº 9.307/1996. In addition, it analyses the possible changes that will come with the New Brazilian Procedure Law Code and the PL 7.108/2014, intended to change the current Arbitration Law. It also explains the main arbitration attributes, describing the peculiarities of the arbitral convention, the arbitrator role, and the arbitral award aspects. At least, it lists the main reasons someone should choose arbitration instead the Judiciary, considering the Brazilian Courts reality.